ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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ARK Icon

ARKs are space stations posing as artificial, self-sustainable environments in ARK: Survival Evolved.


Currently, there are 6 official ARKs, 3 of which are canon and 3 of which are non-canon:

Extinction is not an ARK but rather, an area on the corrupted earth, that does house Proto-ARKs.


ARKs are space stations intended to house living organisms such as Human Humans, Creatures, and Plants. These ARKs were sent up prior to a global-level extinction event in which Element Element wiped out the Humans.

ARKs are powered by the Obelisk Obelisks, and each ARK contains at least one Guardian.

When a certain signal is given from the Earth through a strange Tek machine via a Specimen Implant Specimen Implant, this causes all ARK to slowly descend onto earth, forming a giant seed that blooms over the Earth's wasteland, turning it into a blooming environment that once was before the global-level extinction event, and eventually rid the raw, corrupt Element that had overgrown over it.

Homo Deus[]

Homo Deus are beings created to watch over the ARKs. These beings can rarely resurrect Human Humans. A noteable one, The One Who Waits, guides the survivor through The Island, Scorched Earth, and Aberration to Extinction.


Proto-ARKs can be found on Extinction and are prototype ARKs. Unlike the environments that were sent up into space, Human Humans and Creatures can freely enter and leave the Proto-ARKs. When entering or leaving, a de-materialization effect will occur.

3 Proto-ARKs can be found throughout Extinction, two of which are operational:

  • Desert Dome
  • Snow Dome
  • Crater Forest

The Crater Forest was a failed experiment. This underground forest was formerly an operational, forest-themed Proto-ARK but sunk into the ground.



  • The name "ARK" is a reference to Noah's Ark, a vessel that preserves life, according to theologists.

