ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Aberration DLC Dieser Artikel behandelt ein Feature welches exklusiv ist für das DLC: Aberration
Artefakt der Tiefe
Artifact Of The Depths (Aberration)
Found within the depths of Aberration.
Only one of these may be carried at a time by an organism.
eingeführt in
Patch 275.0
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Artifacts/PrimalItemArtifactAB.PrimalItemArtifactAB'" 1 0 0
  • Artifact Of The Depths (Aberration)
    der Tiefe
  • Artifact Of The Shadows (Aberration)
    der Schatten
  • Artifact Of The Stalker (Aberration)
    des Pirschens


Das Artefakt der Tiefe ist eines von drei Artefakten in ARK: Survival Evolved welche man nur auf Aberration, in der Old Railway Cave finden kann.

Retrieving the Artifact

The Artifact is located at lat 51.2 lon 23.8

The cave entrance is located at lat 48.3 lon 27.2, on the West side of a small lake and there is enough room in the entrance to park several Rock Drakes. Further progress into the cave is through a narrow tunnel through which you must crouch - this prevents you from taking most tame creatures into the main cave.

There is a drop between cliff edges that you will need to traverse to get to the artifact, which can be overcome with Climbing Pick Climbing Pick and/or Zip-Line Anchor Zip-Line Anchor (don't forget Zip-Line Motor Attachment Zip-Line Motor Attachment to get back out).

The cave consists of Titanoboa, Pulmonoscorpius, Arthropluera, Seeker, Ravager, Raptor, Carnotaurus, Karkinos, and rarely Alpha Karkinos.

It is suggested that you bring decent armor, guns and plenty of ammo.

It is possible in PVP to place structures in many places throughout the cave (clipping disabled), leading to interesting strategies such as placing an Auto Turret Auto Turret powered with a Charge Battery Charge Battery.

It is also the only known place on the map for Glowtail to spawn!

Karten Positionen

Aberration Map
rot: Das Artefakt beiTt 51.2, lon 23.8
weiß: Höhleneingang bei lat 48.3, lon 27.2

Position Command


cheat setplayerpos -210000 11100 36000
