cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_JellyVenom.PrimalItemConsumable_JellyVenom'" 1 0 0
La biotoxina es un recurso disponible en ARK: Survival Evolved. Puede recolectarse de las Cnidaria y las Spore-inducing Mushrooms (solo en la expansión "Aberration")
La biotoxina es bastante difícil de conseguir. En el nivel 96, Bio Toxin se puede utilizar para crear Shocking Tranquilizer Dart y Toxicant Arrows (Mobile only), que son dos veces más potentes que los dardos tranquilizantes normales.
También se puede alimentar a la fuerza a criaturas inconscientes en lugar de Narcoberries/Narcotics. It applies 80 torpor over 16 seconds, making them significantly more effective per item for any situation, except for its quicker spoil time.
Can also be used to passively tame Electrophorus.
La unica forma posible de conseguir estas biotoxinas es a partir de las medusas (Cnidarias), el problema es que las medusas son atraidas hacia otros seres vivos (sobretodo los humanos y animales domesticados por estos), si estas te atacan a ti o a tus animales, las posibilidades de que sobrevivas son bastantes minimas ya que estas te paralizan y te matan lentamente. La mejor forma de matarlas es a distancia con un simple arco de flechas, puedes acabar con ellas cuando las hayas matado recolecta las biotoxinas con una hacha. PERO RECUERDA, Las biotoxinas no son mortales, pero si un potente narcotico que es capaz de dormir hasta la bestia mas resistente.
No hay resultados
- If eaten by a player, damages health in addition to the narcotic effect.
- Can be harvested with Beelzebufo in small amounts for early game usage.
- Can be harvested effectively with Spinosaurus.
- Can be harvested effectively with Basilosaurus, because of the immunity on shocks/stun.
- Can be harvested most effectively with a Tusoteuthis, because of the tentacle strike area of effect and minimal effect of shocks.
- Can be harvested from jellyfish by using a safe raft and shooting them from a distance.
- Can be harvested with an Iguanodon in its attack stance from the Spore-inducing Mushrooms on the Aberration map.
- There are no naturally-spawning resources for bio toxin on Scorched Earth.
- Another great way to collect this is to lure them as close to the waters surface as possible and use a Pelagornis or other flying mount to kill and eat them without touching the waters surface. Other mounts are risky for fear of being knocked off, where as Pelagornis can be used as a makeshift raft and pulled out of the jellies by making it follow you if you accidentally get too close.
- If the jellies are near shore you can aggro them, then swim back to shore and kill them with a pike or spear.