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Dossier Deinonychus.pngDossier Deinonychus
Dossier Deinonychus

X mark No1
X mark No
X mark No

1 Adults cannot be tamed, but Deinonychus Egg (Valguero) Wild Eggs can be hatched.

no MAP available

El Deinonico (Deinonychus en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved.



Esta sección pretende ser una copia exacta de lo que ha escrito el superviviente Helena Walker, autor(a) de los dossiers. Puede haber algunas discrepancias entre este texto y la criatura del juego.creature.



The Deinonychus is fiercely territorial in the wild. They will protect their nests against any who dare to trespass.


El Deinonico tiene un aspecto similar al de un Raptor Raptor, pero con un plumaje más parecido al del Dragón de Roca Dragón de Roca. El Deinonico tiene garras afiladas con las que puede escalar y atacar a sus presas.

Esquema de colores y regiones[]

The fifth region is barely visible in the game from most angles, and its photo has been adjusted for better visibility.


This section displays the Deinonico's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Deinonico. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Deinonico will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Deinonico's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Deinonico's "base color" magenta.

Deinonychus PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Base Color
Deinonychus PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Feathers Accents
X mark

La región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Deinonychus PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Feathers Main
Deinonychus PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Deinonychus PaintRegion5
Region 5:

Objetos obtenidos tras cazarlo[]

Estadísticas base y crecimiento[]

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Health Salud 200 +40 +5.4% 0.07
Stamina Energía 150 +15 +10%
Oxygen Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Food Comida 1200 +120 +10%
Peso Peso 140 +2.8 +4%
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 30 / 302 +1.5 / +1.5 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +1.5% 20%
Torpidity Inconsciencia 180 +10.8 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 480 1296 1440 6
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


Esta sección describe cómo enfrentarte a un Deinonico.



La mejor manera de tumbar a un Deinonico es usando un arma de larga distancia, como una Ballesta ballesta o un Rifle rifle. Si usas una montura de gran tamaño, ten cuidado ya que se pueden pegar a ellas y hacer imposible atacarles (por eso intenta evitar monturas como un Brontosaurio Brontosaurio, un Rex Rex, un Espinosaurio Espinosaurio o un Mamut Mamut). Si no tienes armas a distancia y se pegan a tu montura, tendrás que usar un arma cuerpo a cuerpo para quitárselos, en cuyo caso deberás tener cuidado de no dañar a tu montura demasiado. También puedes esperar a que el Deinonico se quede sin energía, algo lejos de ser una solución ideal pero que puede salvarte en ciertas condiciones. If you are stealing eggs, then you definitely need to be prepared with a good mount because there is most likely going to be a pack of Deinonychus. It’s suggested to use a flyer so you’ll be safe. Make sure to steal the egg and then QUICKLY escape because the Deinonychus can pounce on you which can pose a great threat as it gives time for the rest of the pack to arrive. Also, do remember they have a bleed effect on whatever they leap onto because they can cause you to lose up to 1.6-1.7% of your health every second, but that is not very accurate because the damage margin depends on the amount of bites it hits you with, and how long it stays on you. So if it has high Stamina stamina, chances are it will hit you a lot of times causing the bleeding effect to be extremely effective and brutal. They also have the ability to climb, but its not nearly as good as the Thylacoleo Thylacoleo or the Rock Drake Rock Drake so if you have a decent climber like those two then you shouldn't worry about it. But a decent flyer is your best bet when it comes to escaping.



It is able to latch onto large creatures such as a Rex Rex or Brontosaurus Brontosaurus, making them hard to hit via conventional means. To make it even more dangerous, they are able to glide upwards to latch onto a nearby ledge similar to the Rock Drake Rock Drake, and pounce and attack much like the Raptor Raptor (It can't dismount you though). They also cause a bleed effect that stacks and makes them even more dangerous. They tend to be found in groups of at least 2 or more which can make killing/getting away much harder.


Mientras esté pegado a una criatura, solo podrá atacar a dicha criatura a menos que se suelte, lo que la volverá muy vulnerable a cualquier ataque de jugadores o dinosaurios cercanos. El Deinonico es vulnerable a los derribos, como el de los Raptor Raptores. Si usas un Triceratops Triceratops con una cantidad decente de Salud Salud, podrás matar a una manada o dos de Deinonicos fácilmente. Mientras estén pegados a ti, podrás seguir dañándoles.


Similar to the Wyvern Wyvern,Rock Drake Rock Drake, and Magmasaur Magmasaur, wild Deinonychus cannot be tamed, but a fertilized Deinonychus Egg Deinonychus Egg can be stolen from a nest and hatched to obtain a tamed Deinonychus. Likewise similar to the Wyvern, Rock Drake, and Magmasaur, a typical player would need to be cautious, as these theropods react very aggressively to anything stealing their eggs. Unlike the Wyvern, Rock Drake, and Magmasaur however, Deinonychus are not initially aggressive to large-class predators such as Rexes or Spinos, and these tames may be walked directly up to the nests without conflict until an egg is stolen, making them excellent options for egg theft. Deinonychus nests can be found almost everywhere the dinosaurs spawn, but perhaps the most reliable place to find and farm eggs is the small canyon region in the White Cliffs called The Paradise, which is located in the flat plains area of the cliffs, near to The Lake region. Once an egg has been acquired, the incubation temperature is between 176 and 194 degrees Fahrenheit, or 80 to 90 degrees Celsius, which can be reached through the use of various fires (14 Campfires for example), Air Conditioners, or a Dimetrodon. Once you've hatched your first Deinonychus, unlike the Wyvern, Rock Drake, and Magmasaur, the hatchlings do not require any special food source, and can be fed a standard carnivore diet straight out of the egg. Finally, only similar to the newly added Magmasaur, successive generations can be bred from tamed individuals, and mutations for higher stats may be acquired.

Stealing An Egg[]

The nests spawn all around The Paradise in The White Cliffs, and stealing an Deinonychus Egg (Valguero) egg won't be very hard with some these tames:

  • A Lymantria Lymantria is very recommended, with its ability to fly and its moth poison you can run away easily. They are easy to tame and spawn all around The Paradise near the Deinonychus Nest (Valguero) Nests. Their Lymantria Saddle Lymantria Saddle also has a low level requirement (35).
  • A high level Pteranodon Pteranodon is recommended because of its ability to fly: you can take the egg and fly away easily.
  • A Parasaur Parasaur with good Health Health may be enough to steal an egg. Since they spawn around The Paradise and are easy to tame, you should not have to go far to get one.
  • A Roll Rat Saddle (Aberration) saddled Roll Rat Roll Rat can easily outrun the Deinonychus Deinonychus, making it highly recommended for the quest as well.
  • A Raptor Raptor can be a good choice as well, but it needs to be very fast!
  • A fast Sabertooth Sabertooth can be a good choice as well, since they can be tamed easily and their spawn area isn't very far from the Chalk Hills.
  • You, a Human Human, can also do the job. Place a Hide Sleeping Bag Hide Sleeping Bag/Bed Bed near the nesting area, steal the egg and run away. If you happen to die, respawn at the bed and get your stuff back along with the egg. Watch out for the Allosaurus Allosaurus.


El Deinonico puede pegarse a las siguientes criaturas:

  • Allosaurus Allosaurus
  • Alpha T-Rex Alpha T-Rex
  • Argentavis Argentavis
  • Carnotaurus Carnotaurus
  • Baryonyx Baryonyx
  • Brontosaurus Brontosaurus
  • Diplodocus Diplodocus
  • Dragon Dragon
  • Enraged Corrupted Rex Enraged Corrupted Rex
  • Enraged Triceratops Enraged Triceratops
  • Forest Titan Forest Titan
  • Ice Titan Ice Titan
  • Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus
  • Gasbag Gasbag
  • Karkinos Karkinos
  • Mammoth Mammoth
  • Manticore Manticore
  • Megalosaurus Megalosaurus
  • Morellatops Morellatops
  • Paraceratherium Paraceratherium
  • Quetzal Quetzal
  • Reaper Reaper
  • Rex Rex
  • Rock Elemental Rock Elemental
  • Roll Rat Roll Rat
  • Tek Rex Tek Rex
  • Tek Stegosaurus Tek Stegosaurus
  • Tek Triceratops Tek Triceratops
  • Therizinosaurus Therizinosaurus
  • Triceratops Triceratops
  • Spino Spino
  • Stegosaurus Stegosaurus
  • Woolly Rhino Woolly Rhino
  • X-Allosaurus X-Allosaurus
  • X-Argentavis X-Argentavis
  • X-Paraceratherium X-Paraceratherium
  • X-Rex X-Rex
  • X-Rock Elemental X-Rock Elemental
  • X-Spino X-Spino
  • X-Triceratops X-Triceratops
  • X-Woolly Rhino X-Woolly Rhino

They can be seen with the Gnashed icon near them.

The following creatures can get pinned down by Deinonychus:


  • Traversal: Possessing speed, stamina, jumping prowess, climbing capabilities, and a unique immunity to fall damage; the Deinonychus makes for a useful, and entertaining, means of travel. Compared to the other climbing mounts; the leaping Thylacoleo, the crawling Megalania, and the gliding Rock Drake, the Deinonychus has its own unique method for navigating steep terrains. Best described as a 'jumper', the Deinonychus is not capable of climbing stably and smoothly in one direction once latched onto a surface. Rather, the Deinonychus shimmies using the jump button, in whichever direction the camera is facing; be it up, down, left, or right. As it climbs, the jump button can be pressed slowly or rapidly; allowing the rider to control the speed at which their mount moves across the climbable surface. In terms of travel versatility, the Deinonychus can be categorized as something of a cross between the Thylacoleo and the Megalania; able to move with speed and jump like the Thylacoleo, and move in any direction while climbing like the Megalania; functioning, perhaps, more akin to a tamed and mounted version of Climbing Picks. Unlike the Drake, Megalania, and Climbing Picks, however, the Deinonychus is unable to go 'upside down' and climb across ceilings; limited in that regard to a similar manner as the Thylacoleo. As impressive as the Deinonychus is, in terms of traversal, the Rock Drake remains the undisputed king; as the Deinonychus, while it can jump an impressive distance, is not capable of sustained glides, nor can it launch itself across large gaps to latch onto opposing, unconnected surfaces once it is climbing. Furthermore, once more falling short of the Rock Drake; the Deinonychus handles water very poorly, with a considerably slow swim speed. However, unlike any other climber in the game, the Deinonychus is able to climb on harvestable nodes; such as trees that can be chopped down for wood. This in turn increases the hiding and ambush potential of the Deinonychus, compared to the other climbers.
    • Raider: It is not inaccurate to regard the Deinonychus as something of a 'super' raptor, which was long held as a favored raiding mount against weaker tribes. With its climbing ability, decent all-around stats, and pack bonuses, the Deinonychus can be an excellent means of pillaging easy targets that have started working on at least some minor defenses.
    • Caver: With a size and hardiness somewhat comparable to a Baryonyx, the Deinonychus has the added benefit of its jumping and climbing skills; making it a prime candidate for tackling artifact caves. Caverns that require traversal through water, however, are best left to stronger swimmers than the Deinonychus.
  • Harrier: With its ability to cause stacking bleed damage that slows their victim to a crawl, latch itself on to larger targets, and pin smaller targets; the Deinonychus was born for harassment. Coupled with its mobility, the Deinonychus makes for an excellent choice for guerilla warfare tactics, such as ambush and hit-and-run on both opponents great or small. Not counting Titans Titans, a group of Deinonychus can easily latch onto most giant creatures; dealing swift and lingering bleed damage, then swiftly darting away from their larger opponents, either unharmed or lightly wounded, should things not go in their favor.
    • Banditry: Hit-and-run tactics can potentially allow Deinonychus to kill more dangerous targets, such as an enemy tribe's caravan guardians, with persistent bug-bites. With enough persistence, such annoying attacks might even be enough to harass enemy players into giving up some of their resources, without actually having to kill them or their tames. If the death of such targets is your aim, however, continued attacks and taunts might be enough to bait some opponents into breaking formation and chasing after your Deinonychus; allowing your pack to swarm, kill, and pick off enemies one at a time.
    • Pursuit: Whether employed on enemies large or small, the bleeding damage or pinning tactics are capable of slowing down nearly anything to a crawl. Even if the Deinonychus is unable to kill their opponents, it is often fast enough to chase down fleeing raiders and hinder them to a bleeding crawl until stronger reinforcements arrive to finish the job.
  • Taming Aid: With its ability to pounce onto creatures large or small, while still allowing the rider to wield a weapon, the Deinonychus makes for an effective taming partner. Simply pounce onto your target with the Deinonychus, then draw out your weapon and start shooting, with tranquilizing ammunition loaded. With most mounts during the tranquilizing process; time is needed to either flee from an aggressive target or chase a running one while lining up a shot. The Deinonychus removes this hassle; keeping you clung to your desired tame-in-progress and allowing you a continuous stream of easy shots. This does not come without risk, however; as caution should still be taken into account with aggressive creatures. The Deinonychus has a chance to be damaged easily by the attempted tame while clinging onto them, so be sure your feathered friend has a good supply of health and, depending on the target, a high-quality saddle for the added armor. The Deinonychus' health and armor only have to hold long enough for the target to enter the 'fleeing' stage of the tranquilizing process, however, when their torpor gets too high, the animal will attempt to run. No longer attacking, the Deinonychus can safely stay clung on while you continue tranquilizing, without fear of continued damage.
  • Pack Animal: Whether it involves simple hunting, traveling, or intensive combat; a pack of three or more Deinonychus comes with benefits. The highest level Deinonychus will be designated the alpha and receive a constant bonus typical of other alpha group-tames, and can temporarily vocalize to trigger a 45-second pack buff for all other Deinonychus in its vicinity, which boosts their movement speed and damage potential (level Melee Damage Melee Damage and Health Health to all Deinonychus, and Stamina Stamina, Weight Weight, Melee Damage Melee Damage, and Health Health to the ones ridden). With all the members of the pack possessing a swift attack speed, and the ability to stack bleeding damage on their targets that cannot be negated by armor, there are few combat situations that a group of Deinonychus should fear, but there are limits to their strengths. Longer and harder combat scenarios such as Boss Battles, Orbital supply drops, Titanosaurs, and Giganotosaurus are best avoided and handled by tames designed to tackle those threats. The strengths of the Deinonychus revolve around its mobility, bleed damage, and fast attack speeds; be careful not to get your pack into a fight they can't get out of. Another thing to note is that non-ridden Deinonychus will not climb, even if they are following their pack leader; they require a rider to command those precise movements.
    • When fighting against creatures with over 6 digit health such as bosses, deinonychus, with their bleed debuff working on bosses, can deal more damage than even a Rex. Don't bring them to a Titan fight as Giganotosaurus can handle the fight better.
  • Genesis Brute Hunter: With its ability to stack bleeding damage with each strike on an opponent, latched or not, a sizeable group of Deinonychus can shred alpha brute creatures with minimal risk.


Recurso Eficiencia
Raw Meat Raw Meat ★★★★☆


Notas / Información adicional[]

Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • During the first introduction of the creature's dossier, it was hinted that Deinonychus would be breedable by this sentence: "This makes breeding successive generations a hazardous process."
    • This was eventually proven true in the recent community crunch, making Deinonychus the first raise-only tame to be breedable, unlike the Rock Drake Rock Drake, Wyvern Wyvern, and Reaper Reaper, but followed by the Magmasaur Magmasaur and the Crystal Wyvern Crystal Wyvern.[1]
  • Deinonychus magna pede roughly translates to "great footed terrible claw".
  • Contrary to popular belief, the Deinonychus is an original Creature and does not come from the Mod ARK Additions, as confirmed by Zen Rowe.[2]
  • Both the Jerboa Jerboa and Deinonychus are the only creatures with more than one idle animation.
  • Unlike the Rock Drake Rock Drake and Wyvern Wyvern, the Deinonychus will never spawn above a Level increment of 30 (150 is their max Level on official).
  • Baby Deinonychus may sometimes hatch from within the nest, and they can then be claimed by anyone, but be wary of nearby wild Deinonychus, for they will treat claimed babies as targets. It may be wise to carry a Cryopod Cryopod in case this happens. Although this got fixed within a couple of patches after the Valguero release, hatching temperatures need to be so high, hatching-in-the-wild will no longer occur.
  • Sometimes when aggro'd, Baby Deinonychus may pin down survivors and then run off.
  • Rock Drake Rock Drake, Deinonychus and Ice Titan Ice Titan are the only creature that possess an icon different from their dossier/hologram.
  • Deinonychus, Griffin Griffin and Tropeognathus are the only creatures whose dossiers couldn't be obtained.
  • The Deinonychus is the very first Creature in ARK: Survival Evolved to be classified as a subspecies
  • El daño por sangrado es máximo al llegar al 600 % en cuerpo a cuerpo, y se ve reducido por las monturas
  • the Deinonychus is the first true dinosaur creature to come into the game post launch. Followed by the Tropeognathus Tropeognathus .
  • Unlike Allosaurus Allosaurus, its bleed cannot slow down target.


  • (Fixed) An extremely common bug often happened when the Deinonychus was climbing; rather than properly latching on to the surface it leaps to, it would do a 90-180 degree turn mid-jump, causing it to face away from the climbable surface, and it could not turn while falling to re-latch. Often resulting in the complete loss of all climbing progress as the Deinonychus once more hits the ground, forcing you to start all over. Bug appeared sporadically, but was consistent with certain climbable surfaces; happening more frequently with uneven or jagged walls rather than smooth ones. Now, after a bit of patching, the Deinonychus handles far more smoothly and is much more responsive in its climbing; the sharp, random turns of jumping largely eliminated, while the dinosaur is now more capable of correcting itself if such a turn is to happen.
  • Rarely afflicted with a bug in which it is unable to latch onto latch-able dinosaurs, climb, call, leap onto smaller dinos, or is unable to jump completely. There is no current fix to this.
  • Has occasional spawn issues on Primitive Plus.
  • For some reason It can drop Raptor Eggs.
  • It can actually latch onto resources, trees, stones etc, if it destroy the resource that it latched on, it will remain latched, but on nothing.
  • Yutyrannus Yutyrannus's courage roar can affect Deinonychus, however the effect doesn't show up so its impossible to know whether it is encouraged or not unless you ride it.


Patch Changes
297.14 Valguero Expansion Release Deinonychus Deinonychus is added to the game
  • Increased temperature at which a Deinonychus Egg Deinonychus Egg will incubate
  • Fixed case where the Deinonychus AI would land upside down when dismounting while latched on a wall
  • Fixed several cases of the Deinonychus rotating backwards when jumping while latched onto a wall
  • Fixed an exploit with Deinonychus
  • Improved ledge detection when leaping up walls
  • Deinonychus bleed now works on Bosses Bosses
  • Improved First Person View on Deinonychus
  • Improved leaping up walls in laggy scenarios
  • Deinonychus bleed now scales with its Melee Damage Melee Damage
  • Fixed issue with its bleed damage not always scaling every time
  • Can no longer attach to babies
307.2 Added Deinonychus Saddle Deinonychus Saddle to engram list
313.10 Fixed an exploit with the Deinonychus


