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ARK- Extinction

Extinción es el tercer DLC de expansión para ARK: Survival Evolved.

Visión General

Extinción situa a los superivientes en un mundo infestado de Elemento Elemento, devastado lleno de criaturas fantásticas tanto orgánicas como tecnológicas. La Tierra guarda los secretos del pasado y las claves de su salvación.

Características Ambientales Únicas

  • Las ondas electromagnéticas están presentes en ciertos lugares, el uso de elementos tales como GPS GPS es inútil.
  • Lluvia de meteoritos.
  • Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops que, cuando se activa, inicia un evento de estilo de la Horda PvE.

El mapa

Visión General

El mapa parece ser cargado del futuro,cubierto de ciencia ficción y naturaleza. Una luna destrozada flota sobre el cielo rojo e hinchado de la Tierra. Una variedad de plantas extrañas y mutadas, la mayoría de color rojo o naranja, crecen entre las rocas del desierto estéril. Capiteles derruidos hechos de Elemento Elemento corrupto parece ser la fuente de las Criaturas Corruptas que vagan por la tierra. Un Obelisco azul flota sobre una región de nieve, rodeándola en un campo de fuerza protectora. La Ciudad Descuidada se encuentra cerca del área de nieve, aparentemente hecha de TEK pero no funciona correctamente. Una serie de Technological creatures Rodean la ciudad, pero los orgánicos también se pueden encontrar allí. Esta no es la tierra que conocemos. A diferencia de genesis, Extinction no es una simulación.

Nuevos Recursos


Nuevas Características

La Tierra corrupta contiene varias estructuras inactivas conocidas como Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops. Esta nueva característica requiere de todas las Criaturas de los jugadores para defenderse de las oleadas de Criaturas corruptas para obtener los objetos hallados en su interior, en forma de incursión de estilo PvE.[1]

Nuevas Criaturas

La tierra corrupta contiene nuevas criauras. La corrupcion deElemento Elemento ha llevado a la tierra a convertir la mayor parte de las Criaturas en una variante conocida como "Corruptas" que deambulan por la tierra. Debido a la sobreexposición de la Elemento Elemento,sus mentes y cuerpos se han vuelto demasiado Corrupted ser domesticados como sus contrapartes originales, y deben ser asesinados a simple vista ya que no solo destruirán todo lo que no sea corrupto a su manera, sus mentes se mueven en un estado de "mentalidad de colmena" que hace que cualquier Temperament eran conocidos por redundantes. Estos incluyen criaturas como la Corrupted Wyvern Corrupted Wyvern deScorched Earth y el Corrupted Rock Drake Corrupted Rock Drake de Aberration.

Además, esas Corrupted Creatures reaccionan a la activación de los Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drop, causing them to amass against the tribes who activated them in waves and will attack not only them, but mainly the activated drop as well.

However, not all creatures mutated by the Element Element submit to its "hive-mentality". Some creatures, such as Gasbags Gasbags still retain its normal temperament, thus allowing survivors to tame them despite their state of appearance.

Several giant minibosses, known as "Titans" roam across sections of the map accessible through dungeons/caves once their following prototype Obelisks are activated. They are extremely aggressive, but survivors who managed to knock it down will be able to tame the savage beast temporarily.

Within Earth lies technologies like the Enforcer Enforcer and the Scout Scout. While these new Mechanical Creatures cannot be tamed like organic beings, they can be crafted by survivors with parts from destroyed Creatures and blueprints from Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drops to build them as part of their tribe


  • Extinction3
    Great City
  • Extinction6
    No Man's Land

Approximate Spawn Locations

Data Maps

  • Preview Resources Map (Scorched Earth)
    Strategic Resources
  • Level 55
    Exploring the map
  • SpawnMapIcon
    Creature Spawns


Criaturas únicas

Some of the creatures here can only be "tamed" through crafting from remains of said creature's part.

  • Enforcer Enforcer
  • Gacha Gacha
  • Gasbags Gasbags
  • Managarmr Managarmr
  • Scout Scout
  • Snow Owl Snow Owl
  • Velonasaur Velonasaur


Los titanes, son unas colosales criaturas, variantes de los Titanosaurios, los cuáles son extramademente poderosos y agresivos. Pueden ser invocados desde diferentes cuevas y mazmorras, con ciertos objetos, después de ello, porán ser domesticados, derrotados para conseguir botín.

Otras apariciones

Corrupted variants can be found wandering around Earth, most notably in No Man's Land. These dino/creatures have been infected by Element Element to the point where their minds are under a "hive-mentality", rendering them untameable, and must be killed as they are extremely aggressive (even naturally skittish creatures).

  • Argentavis Argentavis
  • Arthropluera Arthropluera
  • Corrupted Arthropluera Corrupted Arthropluera
  • Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus
  • Attack Drone Attack Drone
  • Brontosaurus Brontosaurus
  • Carnotaurus Carnotaurus
  • Alpha Carnotaurus Alpha Carnotaurus
  • Corrupted Carnotaurus Corrupted Carnotaurus
  • Castoroides Castoroides
  • Chalicotherium Chalicotherium
  • Corrupted Chalicotherium Corrupted Chalicotherium
  • Daeodon Daeodon
  • Defense Unit Defense Unit
  • Deathworm Deathworm
  • Alpha Deathworm Alpha Deathworm
  • Archivo:Corrupted Deathworm.png Corrupted Deathworm
  • Dilophosaur Dilophosaur
  • Corrupted Dilophosaur Corrupted Dilophosaur
  • Diplodocus Diplodocus
  • Dimetrodon Dimetrodon
  • Dimorphodon Dimorphodon
  • Corrupted Dimorphodon Corrupted Dimorphodon
  • Direbear Direbear
  • Direwolf Direwolf
  • Dodo Dodo
  • Gallimimus Gallimimus
  • Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus
  • Corrupted Giganotosaurus Corrupted Giganotosaurus
  • Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus
  • Mammoth Mammoth
  • Megaloceros Megaloceros
  • Megatherium Megatherium
  • Paraceratherium Paraceratherium
  • Corrupted Paraceratherium Corrupted Paraceratherium
  • Parasaur Parasaur
  • Tek Parasaur Tek Parasaur
  • Pteranodon Pteranodon
  • Corrupted Pteranodon Corrupted Pteranodon
  • Quetzal Quetzal
  • Tek Quetzal Tek Quetzal
  • Raptor Raptor
  • Tek Raptor Tek Raptor
  • Alpha Raptor Alpha Raptor
  • Corrupted Raptor Corrupted Raptor
  • Rex Rex
  • Tek Rex Tek Rex
  • Alpha Rex Alpha Rex
  • Corrupted Rex Corrupted Rex
  • Rock Drake Rock Drake
  • Corrupted Rock Drake Corrupted Rock Drake
  • Sabertooth Sabertooth
  • Sabertooth Salmon Sabertooth Salmon
  • Sarco Sarco
  • Spinosaur Spinosaur
  • Corrupted Spino Corrupted Spino
  • Stegosaurus Stegosaurus
  • Tek Stegosaurus Tek Stegosaurus
  • Corrupted Stegosaurus Corrupted Stegosaurus
  • Tapejara Tapejara
  • Therizinosaur Therizinosaur
  • Archivo:Corrupted Therizinosaur.png Corrupted Therizinosaur
  • Titanosaur Titanosaur
  • Triceratops Triceratops
  • Corrupted Triceratops Corrupted Triceratops
  • Enraged Triceratops Enraged Triceratops
  • Woolly Rhino Woolly Rhino
  • Wyvern Wyvern
  • Alpha Fire Wyvern Alpha Fire Wyvern
  • Corrupted Wyvern Corrupted Wyvern


All items from the base game and some items from Scorched Earth and Aberration are available on Extinction in addition to the items below.


Extinction adds the following Resources:

  • Corrupted Nodule (Extinction) Corrupted Nodule Extinction Icon
  • Dermis (Extinction) Dermis Extinction Icon
  • Element Dust (Extinction) Element Dust Extinction Icon
  • Unstable Element (Extinction) Unstable Element Extinction Icon
  • Unstable Element Shard (Extinction) Unstable Element Shard Extinction Icon


Extinction adds the following Consumables:

Trofeos y tributos

Extinction adds the following Trophies and Tributes:

  • Corrupt Heart (Extinction) Corrupt Heart Extinction Icon

Armaduras, herramientas y armas

Extinción, añade las siguientes armas,herramientas y armaduras

  • Cannon Shell (Extinction) Cannon Shell Extinction Icon
  • Cryopod (Extinction) Cryopod Extinction Icon
  • Dino Leash (Extinction) Dino Leash Extinction Icon
  • Empty Cryopod (Extinction) Empty Cryopod Extinction Icon
  • Item Balloon (Extinction) Item Balloon Extinction Icon
  • M.D.S.M. (Extinction) M.D.S.M. Extinction Icon
  • M.R.L.M. (Extinction) M.R.L.M. Extinction Icon
  • M.S.C.M. (Extinction) M.S.C.M. Extinction Icon
  • Rocket Pod (Extinction) Rocket Pod Extinction Icon
  • Taxidermy Tool (Extinction) Taxidermy Tool Extinction Icon
  • Unassembled Mek (Extinction) Unassembled Mek Extinction Icon


Extinction adds the following Structures:

  • City Terminal (Extinction) City Terminal Extinction Icon
  • Cryofridge (Extinction) Cryofridge Extinction Icon
  • Large Taxidermy Base (Extinction) Large Taxidermy Base Extinction Icon
  • Medium Taxidermy Base (Extinction) Medium Taxidermy Base Extinction Icon
  • Orbital Supply Drop (Extinction) Orbital Supply Drop Extinction Icon
  • Small Taxidermy Base (Extinction) Small Taxidermy Base Extinction Icon
  • Tek Bridge (Extinction) Tek Bridge Extinction Icon


Extinction adds the following Saddles:


Extinction adds the following Skins & Costumes:




  • The dystopic earth, which is the setting for this DLC, is visible after the final boss fight of Aberration and after you are sent through portal frames in the Element Falls shaft.
    • It is also visible during the Overseer battle and during the Island's Ascension cut-scene, though it can only be seen from space and appears as a desert planet.
  • On the Steam page for the Season Pass, the first targeted release date was spring 2018 which was changed in December, 2017 to a general 2018 release date.
  • One to two hours after the ARKaeology event started, the banner time was replaced by another banner, hinting a new creature and one of the tainted areas within the map.
  • On the third day, the countdown was brought over to the Twitch channel, with an updated banner that constantly changed over time.
    • In the 4 hour mark, a dinosaur could be seen in the same banner during the countdown in twitch channel, showing a Rex within the red mist.
    • In the 3 hour mark, a small object (Possibly Scout) could be seen above the said creature's head.
    • The trailer was released on June 19th, 2018, along with the mention of the prolonged event "Extinction Chronicles" lasting through November.
  • A variant of possible bosses known as Titans could be seen at the end of the trailer.
  • From the start of trailer, the survivor is seen with an Alpha Ascension Implant Alpha Ascension Implant, when compared to previous DLC trailers where they have not ascended. This might imply you will need to ascended to access this map.
  • In the trailer a creature that seemed to be made of Element Element (known as the Enforcer Enforcer) teleported to and attacked a Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus. Based on its appearance, they may appear to be linked to Attack Drone Attack Drone and Defense Unit Defense Unit.
  • The release date for Extinction is November 6th, 2018.
  • During an interview with Wildcard, they stated that they are unsure if Mechanical Creatures such as Enforcer Enforcers found in Extinction will be normally tamed like other Creatures, or if they will be "crafted".[2]
    • It is however confirmed that Scout Scout will be a craft-only tame Creature.[1] This means there may be more Creatures that are only "tameable" from crafting.
  • This is the first Expansion Pack to have the logo with only one glowing edge and a sharp top end. Every other Expansion, including the base game, has had three glowing edges and a blunt top end.
    • The pointed-top light on the Extinction logo also looks similar to the Specimen Implant Specimen Implant, implying that it could be a new Specimen Implant implant style obtained by doing some sort of Ascension on Extinction, as better implants have been gained in the past by ascending.
    • This is also the first (and only) expansion pack to have an event following its upcoming release (Extinction Chronicles).
  • In each of the Titan areas, an Obelisk Obelisk is shown implying that there could be more than three Obelisk Obelisk on the map.
  • A mysterious teaser video was tweeted out by Wildcard Chris, showcasing some sort of mysterious robot or mech.[3]
  • One of the new Extinction Chronicles notes, ??? #13 stated that the Obelisk Obelisks in Extinction are a “prototype”.
  • There will be no large body of water in Extinction due to the fact that water has dried up on the surface of the Earth.
  • This is the first and only DLC that features creatures exclusive to a previous map in ARK
  • In Extinction, Proto-ARKs dot the map. These Proto-ARKs are surrounded by a bubble and contain an Obelisk Obelisk.


Lincks Externos


Plantilla:Nav Locations Extinction Plantilla:Nav structures Extinction Plantilla:Nav resources Extinction Plantilla:Nav clothing Extinction Plantilla:Nav Gameplay Mechanics
