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Dossier Managarmr.pngDossier EmptyDossier Managarmr
Dossier EmptyDossier Managarmr
Fantasy Creatures
Steam Plantilla:PlatformIndicator285.104
nov 6, 2018
Xbox One Plantilla:PlatformIndicator779.29
nov 6, 2018
PS Plantilla:PlatformIndicator528.23
nov 6, 2018

Epic Games Plantilla:PlatformIndicator311.74
jun 11, 2020
Extinction, Genesis: Part 1, Genesis: Part 2
Comando de generación
cheat summon IceJumper_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/IceJumper/IceJumper_Character_BP.IceJumper_Character_BP" 500 0 0 35
Variant Managarmr (Gauntlet)
cheat summon IceJumper_Character_BP_Gauntlet_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Arctic/IceJumper_Character_BP_Gauntlet.IceJumper_Character_BP_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Torpor Immune
X mark No
Taming Method
Knockedout Knockout
Preferred Kibble
Exceptional Kibble Exceptional Kibble
Preferred Food
Raw Mutton Raw Mutton
Managarmr Saddle (Extinction) Managarmr Saddle Extinction Icon (Level ?)
Rider Weaponry
X mark No
XP for kill
72 XP
Special Loot Chance
Feces Size
Medium Animal Feces Medium
Drag Weight
Radiation Immune
X mark No
Immobilized By
  • Chain Bola Chain Bola
  • Large Bear Trap Large Bear Trap
  • Plant Species Y Plant Species Y
Can Damage
Thatch Wall Thatch
Greenhouse Wall Greenhouse
Wooden Wall Wood
Adobe Wall (Scorched Earth) Adobe
Stone Wall Stone
Gestation Time
3h 58m 5.714s
Baby Time
9h 15m 33.331s
Juvenile Time
1d 13h 2m 13.325s
Adolescent Time
1d 22h 17m 46.656s
Total Maturation Time
3d 20h 35m 33.313s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

Común             Rara
  No domesticable   Cueva

El Managarmr (Managarmr en la versión original del juego) es una de las criaturas disponibles en la expansión "Extinction" de ARK: Survival Evolved



Esta sección pretende ser una copia exacta de lo que ha escrito el superviviente Helena Walker, autor(a) de los dossiers. Puede haber algunas discrepancias entre este texto y la criatura del juego.creature.



El Managarmr tiende a bombardear sin descanso a cualquier criatura que vea, haciendo un uso efectivo de sus habilidades. Sus ataques son muy peligrosos, pero también le llevan a situaciones donde muere fácilmente, como al atacar a una manada de Mamuts. Es un animal increíblemente agresivo, ágil y con grandes capacidades para volar/planear, y es muy difícil de golpear debido a todos estos factores. Probablemente se pueda considerar de los mayores peligros de la Cúpula de Nieve. Sus ataques son de tipo emboscada, como los del Microrraptor, ya que planearán hasta descubrir un objetivo, lanzándose inmediatamente a bombardearlo.


The Managarmr appears to be a long, winged,almost Wyvern-like creature with an iridescent scaly hide. It has what appears to be a furry, light-colored face that looks a little like a feline or canine with bone on top that starts from the top of the nose going up over the forehead splitting into a V just above the eyes into ears making them look like horns. Its forelegs are like a bat's, ending with a claw and having wings starting from the claw going up to its elbow. The hind legs end in clawed paws. The wings are always a luminescent blue, a color repeated in the pads of the hind paws which appear to be its method of propulsion. The underside of its body and long, skinny neck is overrun with tendrils of black element, with luminescent blue in between the tendrils. Its long, skinny tail is capped off with a bundle of insulating fur. If you look closely it's a mix between a Wyvern and a Thylacoleo. Babys are very very small for manas with very small ear/horns. Juvenile manas when around 45% are very tall with small ear/horns and short tail. Adolescents are tall long and long eared/horned and have a long tail. Care must be taken to avoid losing newborn babies as they have a tendency of jetting out and away instead of dropping from the mother like other babies.

Baby "Training"

Managarmrs are a bit special regarding their behaviour as a baby. By nature, they are hyperactive and jump around like crazy if you want to go on a walk with them, however, while they are a baby, there is a "Training" option in their radial menu. Using this the baby, juvenile or adolescent Managarmrs seem to be calmer and just walk after you if you take them on a walk or move them around in your base. Training also seems to reduce the imprint timer by a random amount of time. Managarmr babys if on aggressive will jump around like crazy weird making it hard to click a imprint so keep them on passive.

Esquema de colores y regiones

This section displays the Managarmr's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Managarmr. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Managarmr will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Managarmr's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Managarmr's "body main" magenta.

Managarmr PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Body Main
Managarmr PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Side Highlights
Managarmr PaintRegion2
Region 2:
Facial Highlights
Managarmr PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Wings Main
Managarmr PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Body Main
Managarmr PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Wing Highlights

Objetos obtenidos tras cazarlo

Estadísticas base y crecimiento

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Health Salud 825 +165 +5.4% 0.07
Stamina Energía 300 +30 +6%
Oxygen Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Food Comida 2000 +200 +10% 15%
Peso Peso 300 +6 +4%
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 352 +1.75 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 150% N/A3 +0.35% 8.5%
Torpidity Inconsciencia 800 +48 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 1250 2500 2500 15
Nadando 1050 N/A N/A N/A
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


En esta sección se describe cómo enfrentarte a un Managarmr.


A player with fur or flak armor and decent health can tank a low level Managarmr. Favor the Sword Sword to the Pike Pike as it does not matter to keep your distance with the Managarmr, it will always hit you due to its speed. For mid and high level Managarmr, it’s recommended to use an assault rifle or a tek rifle as with its erratic behaviour, you’ll have a hard time aiming at it. The auto shotgun can be a plus if you fight it on the ground, as for your creatures, since low and mid level Managarmr won’t deal too much damage. Favor a fast flyer like a Tapejara Tapejara or the Pteranodon Pteranodon (the first is more advised for its 6 directions of movements), as stronger but slower creatures would have a hard time fighting it.


A fight with the Managarmr can be easily done without much damage with a simple technique: running in a circle alongside the Managarmr. The Managarmr seems to not be able to hit sideways. Once in the air, it will try to slow you with its Ice Beam attack so it can more easily hit you with it's diving attack, so keep moving for it to have a harder time aiming at you or your creatures. A fast mount can avoid the dive attack if you aren't slowed by the ice. Since its dive attack is its weakest attack in term of damage dealing, it may be faster to simply tank the hit in favor of dealing out more damage.


Se recomienda encarecidamente atacar a un Managarmr a distancia. Si eliges el combate cuerpo a cuerpo, usa una Archivo:Espada de metal.png espada de metal y una armadura de metal para protegerse. Si prefieres atacarlo a distancia, usa un Rifle de asalto rifle de asalto o una Escopeta corredera escopeta corredera


Managarmr has a very versatile form of aggressiveness. Not only does it swipe with its claw-joints, it will often jump out far and high to blast concentrated frost breath, potentially freezing you solid and making unable to move for a long period of time, allowing it's quick aerial dives to connect, which can kill a survivor right off their mount if a direct hit is made. Its frost breath can also damage you even when mounted. A Managarmr also has a very high aggro range when provoked, which can make it hard to flee from one, especially on foot.


El Managarmr lo tendrá difícil para golpearse si le atacas por un lateral, ya que se gira y mueve muy rápido como para poder encararte en espacios cortos. Gira a su alrededor y ponte en un lado para evitar sus ataques.

Como esta criatura recibe daños similares a otras criaturas voladoras, será susceptible al daño de proyectiles del Archivo:Segador.png Segador o del Archivo:Velonasaurio.png Velonasaurio.



KO Strategy

Managarmr is among the most tricky creature to knock out and tame, and note solely due to its erratic behavior. While it has low torpidity, its agile and unpredictable aerial movement makes it tricky to even land a shot. Its extremely high damaging attacks for its size make getting hit by it irritating while attempting it on foot without proper armor and decent character health.

However, careful placement of Large Bear Trap Large Bear Trap or Stone Dinosaur Gateway Stone Dinosaur Gateway can trap even the most dexterous Managarmr. Just be mindful of other predators lying around in ambush, and keep an eye out for any corrupted creature that happens to wander nearby. While in combat with a Managarmr, constant motion is key, as you'll only increase the accuracy of a Managarmr's ice beam attack by standing still, and getting frozen will get you into serious trouble. However, there is a way to tame it in single player. As mentioned above, Managarmr have a hard time hitting you on its side while on the ground. You’ll have to turn in a circle with it while its on the ground. The only remaining problem is the dive attack, but a player with a decent set of armor (fur or flak) can easily tank it. Once it lands, continue to circle with the Managarmr. When the Managarmr starts to flee due to its torpor, take a fast flyer and continue to follow the Managarmr.

Another good singleplayer strategy consists of taking a female Megaloceros (high level ones are better) and to turn in a circle as stated above. Because of the Megaloceros's extreme jump speed, especially with a female, you can still follow and shoot the Managarmr after it starts running. Finally you won't accidently hit the Managarmr with something that can attack. Be careful or have a Velonasaur/Rex with you in case of emergency.

An alternative strategy is to take a Rock Drake, preferably with some health, and have the Managarmr dive into it. After a few tries, the Managarmr will get stuck on top of the Rock Drake's head. You can then knock the Managarmr out from the back of your Rock Drake.[1] You cannot move the Rock Drake or dismount from it as doing so will get the Managarmr unstuck, so having some defense is a good idea. However, Rock Drakes are not present in Extinction by default, requiring players to either transfer the Rock Drake from Aberration or use mods.

Frozen Strategy:

Using either a Snow Owl or another Managarmr freeze the Managarmr you are attempting to tame and place multiple behemoth gates around it with doors on either end and then shoot it through the cracks to knock it out. The gateways that form your tunnel should be relatively close as the Managarmr is rather thin, but make sure there is at least a small bit of space for you to shoot through.

Instead of Behemoth Gates you can also use 3-4 Dinosaur Gateways. For this, the Managarmr has to face your way or away from you while being frozen. You then can place one gate just behind it's back legs, one or two at it's chest and one just in front of the front legs over the neck. You won't need any gates as the Managarmr can't pass the normal dinosaur gateways. This method requires two to three tries to get used to it usually but is very effective and less resource heavy than the Behemoth variant after that.

Starving the Managarmr

When a Managarmr is trapped in dinosaur gateways, it will attempt to boost out. For a quick and low-risk tame, stand just outside the Managarmr's attack range and let it jump in the cage for a few minutes. The wild Managarmr will quickly burn through its food and, when it's eventually knocked out, it will be ready to eat immediately. You can avoid the wait and much of the danger of the tame this way, but beware - if the Managarmr is given more kibble than necessary, it will continue to eat after the tame is completed.

Taming Food

Managarmr Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 11 0 0 0 0:24:44
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 35 0 0 0 0:40:28
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 42 7 2 1 0:47:16
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 53 33 7 4 0:59:38
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 80; Slingshot Hits × 33; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 9; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 6; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 0.3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:44:26
Managarmr Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 25 0 0 0 0:56:12
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 84 80 17 9 1:37:06
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 100 131 27 14 1:52:31
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 125 224 46 23 2:20:38
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 220; Slingshot Hits × 90; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 25; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 14; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 10; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5
Torpidity-depletion: 0.5 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:13:18
Managarmr Level 60 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 40 0 0 0 1:29:55
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 134 256 54 27 2:34:54
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 160 359 76 38 3:00:01
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 200 545 114 57 3:45:01
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 364; Slingshot Hits × 149; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 41; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 24; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 17; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 9
Torpidity-depletion: 0.66 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:33:05
Managarmr Level 90 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 55 78 17 9 2:03:37
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 184 504 108 54 3:32:41
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 220 671 143 72 4:07:31
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 275 967 206 103 5:09:23
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 508; Slingshot Hits × 208; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 57; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 33; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 23; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 12
Torpidity-depletion: 0.79 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:47:27
Managarmr Level 120 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 70 207 45 23 2:37:20
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 234 813 176 88 4:30:29
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 280 1052 228 114 5:15:01
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 350 1473 319 160 6:33:46
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 652; Slingshot Hits × 266; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 73; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 42; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 30; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 15
Torpidity-depletion: 0.92 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 01:58:44
Managarmr Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Cooked Lamb Chop Cooked Lamb Chop 84 356 79 40 3:08:48
Cooked Prime Fish Meat Cooked Prime Fish Meat 284 1173 258 129 5:28:17
Cooked Meat Cooked Meat 340 1491 328 164 6:22:31
Raw Fish Meat Raw Fish Meat 425 2051 451 226 7:58:08
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 796; Slingshot Hits × 325; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 89; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 51; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 36; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 18
Torpidity-depletion: 1.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 02:08:02

Tenga en cuenta que los valores son para los casos óptimos, siempre llevar suministros adicionales!
Para obtener un valor más aproximado de los recursos necesarios, prueba Calculadoras externas de doma.

No hay resultados



  • Tactical Support Mount: Despite being a Draconis apex species, Managarmr is quite poor in close-quarters combat compared to other "apexes", especially its kin. Presumably Managarmr is best suited as support, as its ice breath can be shot from a hefty distance, including from a high hovering altitude. Considering wild Managarmr do this a lot, Managarmr could be used to create an opportunity for more tanky brawlers in its tribe to score more damage by freezing foes from a safe distance. Furthermore, Managarmr can also do this attack while boosting and dodging, allowing it to become an agile, irritating support. However, keep in mind that at a far distance this laser is incredibly hard to aim, and it becomes more inaccurate by dodging and firing at smaller targets. Furthermore the stamina drain from the laser is a bit costly, and with the high cost of boosting, while the aerial method is effective at dodging enemy fire, it is also only a short-term maneuver and can also be extremely ineffective. (Level Health and Stamina)
  • Travel Mount/Pursuit Mount: Managarmr's boosting ability is indeed quite useful, however the cost of launching itself via jump, boosts, or "aerial lunge" (left clicking in the air) can make bursts of travel ineffective through sheer stamina cost. However, Managarmr is capable of walking at speeds faster than most creatures can run, and when running its stamina drain is not that fast, and it can run at blistering speeds capable of chasing down Gallimimus. It might be more effective to run and walk for travel with a Managarmr and only using its boosting ability when crossing gaps or scaling vertical obstacles such as cliffs or mountains. This same blistering speed makes Managarmr excellent at pursuit, as it can easily keep up with even the fastest creatures, able to run them down with little effort. Managarmr are very skilled swimmers as well as land runners and can be used effectively in the sunken forest lakes. (Level Stamina and Weight)
    • As of patch 287.100 some of these values have changed: The first vertical jump for a Managarmr costs 100 Stamina, with each progressive jump requiring that much plus an additional 100 for the number of jump you are on, without touching the ground. For example, if you jump straight up and keep jumping the first jump costs 100 stam, the second costs 200 stam, the third costs 300 stam, etc. Once you hit the ground the counter is reset and the next jump will cost 100 again. This system also applies to the air dashes (the forward and strafe dashes). The amount of stamina the dash will cost is based on which jump you are on just like before, the cost stays the same until you jump again or land. For the first jump it is 120, the next is 180, the next is 240 etc, adding another 60 to the cost each time. The stamina cost increase system does not apply to the aerial primary attack (the lunge) which always uses 45 stamina.
  • Ambush Mount: With its ability to perform sudden lunges in the air with the direction you're looking and left-clicking, Managarmr could make an excellent ambush fighter. Setting up a position from a high or obscure vantage point, then blasting forth and engaging an unsuspecting enemy. It has good health to do so and its size alone could make it dangerous towards smaller mounts, while being a perfect irritant against larger foes. (Level Health and Damage)
  • Transport:

Objetos recolectables

Recurso Eficiencia
Carne cruda Carne cruda N/A



  • Managarmr has two references or meanings:
    • Its name is a reference to Norse Mythology, meaning "Moon-Hound", and is the anglicized name of Hati Hróðvitnisson, who is possibly a son of Fenrir and is said to be the one that will swallow the moon and gorge on the dead.
    • Its species name, "Draconis auragelus roughly means "Dragon with the icy wind" or "Frost breathing dragon” in Latin.
  • Creatures frozen by its ice breath take more damage from the forward dash.
  • Manas do not take fall damage, see Fall Damage for more info.
  • There is some debate as to whether the Mana is a mammal or reptile. Its genus, scales, and fact that the dossier directly states they are related to Rock Drakes and Wyverns, all reptiles. However they share many features with mammals (listed in “appearance” above) which are not found in any reptiles, real or anywhere else in ARK. Most telling, however is the fact that they do not lay eggs, but give birth. This does not necessarily mean they are mammals however, some otherwise egg laying real world species (such as great white sharks) also have live births, storing the eggs inside their bodies.
  • The Ice Wyvern, which is exclusive to the non-canon DLC Ragnarok and DLC Valgeuro, is mentioned in the Managarmr's dossier. This is the first time a non-canon feature is mentioned in the main story line.
    • Although it mentions that the Ice Wyvern lives in the desert, when it spawns in Murdersnow. This might either be a shortsightedness from the dossier, or the fact that Ice Wyvern often flies across the Desert near Murdersnow. But Murdersnow can be considered a snowy desert, if that is what the dossier is referring to.
  • Unlike the other Draconis species Wyvern Wyvern and Rock Drake Rock Drake, Managarmr can be tamed directly through knockout, can be bred (gestates), and does not require specialized food for the baby. This along with its fur suggests, unlike the reptilian Wyvern or Rock Drake, the Managarmr is actually mammalian.
    • Unfortunately, the Managarmr is the weakest of the Draconis species. It is outdamaged by Rock Drakes (base 60), and Wyverns (base 80), also it has lesser HP than other Draconis species, Rock Drake (base 1950) and Wyvern (base 1725), Base damage is same as the Carnotaurus, but it has faster attacking speed, almost as fast as the Dire Wolf and Raptor, making it slightly better than it, but inferior to other larger carnivores.
    • The one advantage it has over the former two was by its very long range of ice breath, which can potentially freeze targets it hits at, and its ability to jet between directions in air faster than the two, at the cost of stamina.
    • Because of the above reason, it has always been a controversial situation, balance wise, to deal with the issue in PvP situation, making it the most targeted for nerf or buff of its effect since the start of Extinction.
  • If you attempt to perform a stamina consuming maneuver while out of stamina, the Managarmr will shake its head disapprovingly. This makes it the first creature to react at any attempt to use stamina-consuming movement.
  • As of v286.103, chained boosts will begin to consume more and more stamina, making long distance flight difficult.
  • Managarmr have the fastest walking speed, 1250 at base, and while domesticated Managarmr's base movement speed is 158%, this will make Managarmr outpace most creatures just by walking, most notably Gallimimus Gallimimus, female Megaloceros Megaloceros and Reaper King Reaper King.
  • Managarmr's stamina regenerates faster dismounted.
  • Managarmr are 2.5 wide by 8.5 foundations long, so you will need a minimum 8x9 building if you want to walk them straight in (behemoth doors) and keep all their bits away from prying eyes. 4 walls high is enough to navigate them inside a structure but only in third person view.
  • Prior to 287.100, Baby Managarmr would jet up into the sky once the gestation ends, making it annoying to claim.
    • One of the safest ways is to completely wall off the building around the gestating Managarmr with a ceiling, which will prevent the baby from escaping into an obscure location.
    • After the patch, they simply drop down like any other babies from gestating mammal creatures. However, like the parents, they will move very fast, which could result in starvation if not found quickly.
  • The length of the Managarmr's dash ability appears to scale with the Managarmr's movement speed, roughly every 50% in movement speed adds an extra second to the dash.
  • Managarmrs are not considered fliers or climbers, and considering that they can be transferred to any map means that they can access any arena.
  • Occasionally, Managarmr will stuck in mid air. making tranquilizing it a lot easier, but at same time, it will become much harder to tame if you don't have a Quetzal with platform saddle, even you accessed to tame it, it will still levitate and even begin to fly away(not even Snow Owl's ice drop would work), if you don't have a Quetzal or Cryopod, it's almost impossible to "rescue" it.
  • Oddly enough, Managarmr are the only Draconis species that are considered to be small/medium carnivores, similar to Basilisks.
  • Like other draconis species, Managarmr prioritize attacking players and tamed creatures over other wild creatures.
  • If you're frozen by Managarmr while you're riding a flier in the mid air, you will suspended in the air instead of falling down
  • Oddly, Managarmr can't access Stone Dinosaur Gateway, but can access Metal one.
  • While not well known, Managarmr will jet boost longer with higher movement speed. The fastest Managarmr possible can jump 160%-200% of the distance of a normal one.
  • A level 1 managarmr was tested its speed by running into a mission dispatcher 1 km away it took 22.6 seconds which means it can go at >160 km/ph a cheetah can run only 120.7 km/ph.
  • Managarmr is the only non aquatic and non-alpha tier creature that cant be carried by anything. Not even quetzals, tusoteuthis, or genesis’s tek hover skiff which can carry all flyers with its tractor beam.
  • Managarmr is the only non-flying creature that cannot be mounted in Genesis due to its jet boosting maneuver capabilities.
    • Ironically, it is permitted and mountable in Aberration despite it disallowing all kinds of flying creatures.
    • Even more ironically, Gasbags Gasbags are mountable despite the capabilities of gliding.
  • As of a recent patch the Managarmr is only capable of doing one boost before it lands even if you jump while in the air this makes it less viable as a travel creature.
  • The name managarmr may owe its roots to “Garmr,” the bloodied wolf guard of Hel’s gate. In Norse mythology Garmr devoured the God Tyr during Ragnarok.


Patch Changes
285.104 Extinction Expansion Release Managarmr Managarmr is added to the game
  • Now requires half a second pause before allowing another forward dash after jumping
  • Adjusted ice breath to not usable directly behind the Managarmr on the ground
  • Fixed Managarmr laying Carno Egg Carnotaurus Eggs
  • Fixed issue with Melee Damage Damage calculation
  • Fixed issue with Managermr FOV calculating incorrectly when user has a non-default FOV setting
  • Baby Managarmr now only does its moves when following
  • Fixed issue with the Baby Managarmr jumping around like crazy
  • Increased Stamina Stamina usage when chain jumping
  • Fixed Managarmr being able to dash, jump, and dive while Encumbered Encumbered
  • Fixed exhale VFX appearing for dead Managarmrs
  • Attempts to fix issues with the Managarmr's ice beam being inaccurate on servers, as well as added debugging on it
  • Reduced IK interpolation speed in hopes of fixing the issue with Managarmr leaning over edges too quickly
  • Added hat sockets for Managarmr
  • Improved ice breath accuracy
  • Buffed Stamina Stamina regeneration slightly
  • Managarmr babies now can be trained to behave better and will no longer lose patience and attention all the time when following
  • Fixed animation bug related to ice breath
  • Fixes for several orientation desyncs including when Managarmr is moving on low FPS servers
  • Minor buff to dive-bomb landing Melee Damage Damage
  • Further improvements to ice breath targeting
  • Added message when Managarmr is unable to dive
  • Slowed down Baby Managarmrs
  • Structures now block dive Melee Damage Damage
  • Fixed issue with dive damage not being reduced by armor
  • Ice breath should no longer go through the Managarmr when aiming backwards and then aiming to the opposite side
  • Ice breath Melee Damage Damage is now scaled by distance
  • Improvements to situations where Managarmrs would float away
  • Whistle Follow or Whistle Stop will now stop whatever active ability the Managarmr is performing and return it to the ground
  • Reduced ice breath freeze amount
  • Increased the time Freeze Immunity Freeze Immunity is applied after being Hypothermia Frozen Solid
  • Fixed bug causing Managarmr to die randomly
  • Potential fix for Managarmr client crash
  • Ice breath is now longer stopped by Dino Leash Dino Leash
  • Potential fix for Managarmrs floating away
  • Whistle Folllow or Whistle Stop now interrupts Managarmr's current ability
  • Further increased Freeze Immunity Freeze Immunity time
  • Ice breath freeze amount is now more significantly reduced by distance
  • Clamped forward dash movement to the horizontal plane
  • Fixed issue with Managarmr ice breath causing flyers to teleport
  • Fixed Managarmr's forward dash not triggering consistently when spamming it
  • When ice breath freezes a mounted creature, the rider will no longer be dismounted but instead frozen for 1 second
  • Human character frozen visual effect should now change more smoothly
  • A player standing, crouching, or prone can no longer change that stance when frozen
  • Duration of the Hypothermia Frozen Solid debuff on players is significantly reduced overall and is now a function of how much Health Health and armor that player has
  • Cheat spawning a creature should no longer cause you to get stuck on that creature if it dies while being Hypothermia Frozen Solid by Managarmr
  • Reduced Managarmr ice breath Melee Damage Damage overall by approximately 25%
  • Added new Freeze Immunity Freeze Immunity icon
  • Managarmr now takes increased Melee Damage Damage done, equivalent to flyers
  • Fixed forward dashing when walking off ledges
  • Se ha corregido un error fatal relacionado con el Managarmr
295.102 Drastically reduced Managarmr ice breath range. Melee Damage Damage stops at around half turret range and freezing stops at around full turret range
295.106 Fixed movement bugs related to stacked impulses changing which affected overall movement for Managarmr and a few other creatures
  • Fixed a bug which allowed Managarmr to use its ice breath whilst swimming underwater
  • Fixed damage miscalculation bugs with dive bomb/pounce
  • Managarmr aerial capabilities and time are now greatly diminished, with a total limit of 3 air-jumps, 6 strafes, and 1 dash before having to land
  • Reduced ice breath exponential Melee Damage Damage scaling approximately by 20%
304.4 Fixed a bug with Managarmr pounce damage
310.90 Managarmr can no longer be ridden on regular Genesis servers unless mounted flying is enabled


