ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Disambig Este artículo trata sobre Archivo:Megalosaurio.png Megalosaurio, y no debe confundirse con Meganeura Meganeura, Megaloceros Megaloceros, Megalania Megalania, o Megatherium Megatherium

Agresivo de noche
Steam Plantilla:PlatformIndicator252.0
nov 24, 2016
Xbox One

Epic Games
Comando de generación
cheat summon Megalosaurus_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalosaurus/Megalosaurus_Character_BP.Megalosaurus_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Megalosaurus (Tek Cave)
cheat summon Megalosaurus_Character_BP_TekCave_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalosaurus/Megalosaurus_Character_BP_TekCave.Megalosaurus_Character_BP_TekCave'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Aberrant Megalosaurus
cheat summon Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalosaurus/Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant.Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Megalosaurus (Gauntlet)
cheat summon Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Gauntlet_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Volcanic/Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Gauntlet.Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Check mark Yes
Rider Weaponry
X mark No
XP for kill
100 XP

no MAP available

no MAP available

Común             Rara
  No domesticable   Cueva

El Megalosaurio Plantilla:Criaturas original.



Esta sección pretende ser una copia exacta de lo que ha escrito el superviviente Helena Walker, autor(a) de los dossiers. Puede haber algunas discrepancias entre este texto y la criatura del juego.creature.



Megalosaurus is a fierce predator at night, actively hunting many types of animals. However, during the day it lies down and falls asleep. While a sleeping Megalosaurus can be approached safely, if touched or attacked it will awaken suddenly. If awakened, it will pursue the player for a short distance, although it will move sluggishly and its attacks will be weaker.

On Aberration, be wary, for the Aberrant Megalosaurus will never be in a weaker state, as the twilight of the map never causes it to fall asleep or incur any Sleep Debt.


The Megalosaurus is a nocturnal theropod resembling something akin to a smaller version of the Allosaurus. It avoids competition with its fellow large theropods by hunting at night, striking at herbivores or survivors when they are at their most vulnerable. Uniquely among ARK's large carnivorous dinosaurs, it is feathered on the back and top of the head.

Esquema de colores y regiones[]

This section displays the Megalosaurio's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Megalosaurio. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Megalosaurio will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Megalosaurio's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Megalosaurio's "face, appendages, and sides" magenta.

Megalosaurus PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Face, Appendages, and Sides
X mark

La región 1 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark

La región 2 no se usa
en esta criatura.

X mark

La región 3 no se usa
en esta criatura.

Megalosaurus PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Feathers, Osteoderms, & Patterning
Megalosaurus PaintRegion5
Region 5:

Objetos obtenidos tras abatirlo[]

Estadísticas base y crecimiento[]

Ten en cuenta, que las estadísticas podrán variar en ARK:Survival of the fittest, y en ARK:Mobile

Estadísticas básicas
Atributos Cantidad a nivel 1 Aumento por cada punto Bonif. por domesticación
Salvaje Domesticado1 Add Mult
Health Salud 1025 +205 +5.4% 0.07
Stamina Energía 300 +30 +10%
Oxygen Oxígeno 150 +15 +10%
Food Comida 2000 +200 +10% 15%
Peso Peso 300 +6 +4%
Melee Damage Daño cuerpo a cuerpo 75 / 12 +3.75 / +0.05 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Movement Speed Velocidad de Movimiento 100% N/A3 +1%
Torpidity Inconsciencia 775 +46.5 N/A4 0.5

1Los porcentajes se basan en el valor de la estadística al momento de ser domesticada (es decir, después de aplicarse la efectividad de tameo.)
2Aquí, se muestra el Daño base en bruto, en lugar de mediante porcentajes.
3Las criaturas salvajes no incrementan su velocidad de movimiento al subir de nivel.
4La Inconsciencia aumenta con los niveles, pero no puede ser subida manualmente una vez ha sido domesticada.

  • Para ver una comparación de todas las estadísticas de las criaturas, consulta Estadísticas de criatura base.
  • Para una explicación de cómo se calcula la subida de nivel, comprueba los cálculos de estadísticas para criaturas.
Velocidad de movimiento
Tipo de movimiento Velocidad base Corriendo Energía usada
Salvaje Domesticado
Caminando 600 1092 1260 15
Nadando 300 N/A N/A N/A
  • Estas son las velocidades base con un 100 % de velocidad de movimiento
  • Para una comparación de todas las velocidades de movimiento, consulta Velocidad base de criaturas

Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation

Aumento de estadísticas al subir nivel en estado salvaje

Escribe los valores de la criatura salvaje para revisar en que estadísticas sobresale más. Los valores marcados con verde en una criatura de alto nivel son muy buenos para la crianza/reproducción. Si ya has domesticado una criatura, puedes intentar recuperar la información que tenía cuando era salvaje con la siguiente herramienta: ARK Stats Extractor.


Nota: después de que la criatura sea domesticada, conseguirá algunas bonificaciones a sus estadísticas dependiendo de la efectividad del domesticado. Esto dificulta el obtener los niveles precisos de una criatura domesticada, por lo que esta calculadora te ayudará mucho, ya que está pensada para dinosaurios salvajes únicamente. Con ella, podrás tener una idea sobre la distribución de las estadísticas de una criatura.


Be careful when taming a Megalosaurus as it will be unable to leave many of the caves where it spawns. With the addition of Cryo tech to all maps, this is less of a problem - make sure to have an empty one with you!

Megalosaurus derive 135 food from their favorite kibble (compared to the standard 80), but still gain the standard amount of progress per kibble eaten (Taming Affinity). This means it takes 40% longer to kibble tame a megalosaurus versus other food types when compared to other tames, at 2.96x the taming speed of raw meat (compared to 5x for other kibble tames). This makes taming with prime meat slightly more time efficient (3x), but kibble is still more effective for bonus levels (Taming Effectiveness).

Error: No taming-data for "Megalosaurio" found. If the current page is not a creature-page, write the wanted creature as first parameter. Use only the common name, found on the creature's dossier.

Tenga en cuenta que los valores son para los casos óptimos, siempre llevar suministros adicionales!
Para obtener un valor más aproximado de los recursos necesarios, prueba Calculadoras externas de doma.

No hay resultados

Preferred Food[]

Superior Kibble Superior Kibble

KO Strategy[]

Megalosaurus will wake up at the start of each night (approximately 20:30), regardless of its current torpidity. At approximately 52 minutes per day, even a level 1 megalosaurus will wake up at least once without Taming Speed modifiers. As such, the following strategy assumes that the megalosaurus will wake up at least once:

  • The rate of torpor decay makes it unlikely that any narcotics will be required for this tame as, except for low levels, it will wake up at night before its torpor fully depletes and its torpor will be re-filled when the creature is knocked out again.
  • Starve taming is highly recommended for taming the megalosaurus i.e. allowing the creature's hunger to deplete until it is below the target value, and then inserting all the food at once.
    • As of v252.2, the megalosaurus will retain any Taming Affinity (Taming Progress) when it wakes up - however, the contents of its inventory is still lost. Due to Taming Affinity regressing while no food is in an unconscious creature's inventory, you would lose some progress in the brief window after knocking out the creature each time, and you would need to keep at least one piece of food in its inventory for when it wakes up (as removing all food would cause it to start regressing).
  • Due to the need of knocking out a megalosaurus multiple times in combination with being starved (i.e. no health recovery from food), using the longneck rifle and tranquilizer darts is almost mandatory. Any other method will almost certainly kill the creature. Even then, it's exceptionally risky.
    • A megalosaurus that is active during the day will generate "Sleep Deprivation" that, once full, will cause the creature to rapidly generate torpidity. The Sleep Deprivation meter of a wild/enemy megalosaurus can be seen through a magnifying glass. It is possible to "knock out" a megalosaurus simply by keeping it awake during the day until it passes out - allowing non-dart tranquilizing methods, but increasing the tame time due to the creature being awake at night (starving is paused while the creature is awake).
    • An alternative is to use Narcotic Tripwires. After first knocking out the megalosaurus, you can use its maximum torpor to calculate how many trip wires are required to almost knock-it-out the next evening (and even set-up the tripwires while it is asleep). Be sure not to completely knock it out with tripwires, though, as a creature knocked out by the tripwire itself will not starve and is inaccessible.
    • You can also use Enduro Stew to regenerate Megalosaurus health. Be aware though to use it only during starve taming, as force feeding Enduro Stew during normal taming (after it starts eating, and gaining taming affinity) will drastically drop Megalosaurus' taming efficiency. Otherwise, during starve taming each portion of Enduro Stew will restore 1080 hp in total over a 15 minutes, and will not cause taming efficiency drop. That way you can keep knocking out Megalosaus with tranq arrows, rather than tranq darts.
    • There is another possible method to retain health on a Megalosaurus during taming but this is assuming that you are feeding it as you tame it as opposed to starve taming; upon knockout you can remote use a lot of raw meat into the Megalosaurus while its food is full (a stack of 20 raw meat restores 100 health.) This will allow you to restore the Megalosaurus's health in a cheap fashion but as mentioned this is an option only for taming along the way. Remember that remote using prime meat does NOT restore any health, only regular raw meat.
  • There's two arguments for "when is the best time to knock out a megalosaurus":
    1. During the day as the megalosaurus is so slow that a player can walk backwards while shooting without being at risk. If knocked out just after dawn, this provides the longest period to begin starving before the first time the megalosaurus wakes up. However, if going the day method, you may as well utilise the Sleep Deprivation mechanic mentioned above.
    2. Immediately after night begins, as this provides the longest window to be idle or perform other activities (all night and all day). This method has more risk as the megalosaurus is a swift predator at night.
    3. At night, except during the previous day, a trap is constructed around the sleeping megalosaurus with stone door frames, provides a safe way to knock it out and the longest available time period for taming.
  • However, short of leaving it awake all night before knocking it out again in the morning, you will likely be knocking the creature out each night regardless. Short of building a bunker or getting the megalosaurus stuck, one method is to use creatures that permit mounted weaponry, such as a sabertooth or carno, to tank the megalosaurus while you tranquillise it from the mount's back. Make sure your tame is appropriately durable for the level of the megalosaurus, although you have plenty of time during the day to recover.
    • The sabertooth will be subject to the megalosaurus' pick-up attack and, depending on the angle, you may need to dismount to begin shooting. While it has your tame in its mouth, it will not pay any attention to you, but will not let it go until it dies or is knocked out.
  • A waking (i.e. not curled-up) megalosaurus can be picked up by a quetzal. It is possible to lure a megalosaurus out of the cave, and relatively easy (safe) to do so during the day, and from there you can carry the megalosaurus to a taming enclosure or other suitable location.
    • However, be wary of Sleep Deprivation. If the megalosaurus passes out while being held, it will be dropped.


If one is having trouble taming a Megalosaurus, it may be a good idea to use a trap; however, traps can be expensive if they are not built correctly, be sure you are confident with trapping before attempting to trap a Megalosaurus, as a mistake can lead to a very swift and painful death.

  • If you’re struggling on resources, or if you're simply a low level, you can trap a Megalosaurus using wooden structures by placing Doorways on Fence Foundations, one can also use stone or metal if it can be afforded. Be sure to build the trap in a relatively open area as building near a wall or slope can allow the Megalosaurus to climb out of the trap, this can be prevented however by placing 1-2 more doorways ontop of the pre-existing ones.
  • If one can afford to learn it, the Giant Stone Hatchframe can also be used, however this is more difficult then the previous trap. To setup this trap, you will first need to place a Pillar followed by a Ceiling on top, you then need to lure the Megalosaurus to the structure. As the Megalosaurus approaches the structure, you will need to prepare to place the hatchframe as the Megalosaurus passes through, when the Megalosaurus is in the center of the frame, you’ll need to quickly place it. If preformed correctly the Megalosaurus will be unable to escape. It is not recommended to try this near a slope as it can aid the Megalosaurus in escaping the trap
  • By far the easiest way to trap a Megalosaurus is to make an enclosure out of Pillars with a Dinosaur Gate serving as the dino entrance. Place a Bear Trap in the enclosure and then lure the Megalosaurus into the trap and close the gates. Before attempting this trap, make sure there is enough space for you to squeeze through the pillars without allowing the Megalosaurus to get out as well.
  • Note this only works on aberration. If you want to get more then one Megalosaurus then you should make a enclosure by placing one dinosaur gate and gateway down and make a 2 by 2 square out of fence foundations and doorways with a ramp on 2 of the sides. Totaling to one dinosaur gate and 6 fences with 12 doorways and 4 ramps. All you have to do at that point is use something like a ravager to jump across the 2 by 2 with the megalosaurus following it. Then when it falls in all you have to do is tame it then simply walk it out.


While sleeping, a young megalosaurus' food depletes at a rate faster than it autonomously eats to recover the food. Thus, there is a strategy to raising a baby megalosaurus when playing on any of the maps other than aberration:

  • Do NOT hatch a megalosaurus egg during the day, particularly at low levels or poor health/food stats. It may perish before you can claim and open the creature's inventory.
  • Once hatched, set the megalosaurus to Stay Awake. It will inevitably fall unconscious - this is planned. While the unconscious megalosaurus does consume food faster than the awake creature, it is still a fraction of the amount that a sleeping megalosaurus will consume.
    • The creature falling unconscious will not remove you from its inventory. However, the creature regaining consciousness will remove its currently Stay Awake setting.
  • If you do hatch it during the day, you may observe its food constantly being 0. This is due to the speed its food decreases. Due to the intermittent starving, it's health will appear to stagnate (i.e. not mature). This will cause the rapid food consumption to continue even into the night as it recovers the missing values, and it will recover its maximum food faster than its maximum health. Do not be concerned if your megalosaurus wakes up and still appears to be consuming at a fast rate - you can force feed it meat to assist in health recovery.

While awake, the megalosaurus is otherwise a normal baby.

  • Oviraptor Kibble provides 135 Food, making it the best food by weight.
  • Using the stasis method (raising the baby in isolation and making sure the location is not rendered) can be employed. Torpor gain due to sleep deprivation appears to be halted while not rendered, meaning there is little risk of increased food consumption versus other babies.

On Aberration, Aberrant Megalosaurus Aberrant Megalosaurus can be raised without regard to day/night as this mechanic does not apply (as your megalosaurus will not fall asleep).

In an unknown update or perhaps unique to Valguero where Megalosaurus do not naturally spawn, it appears that Baby Megalosaurus will stay awake during the day and eat food at a seemingly normal rate without the regular debuffs of being forced to stay awake.


This section describes how to fight against the Megalosaurus.


Megalosaurus can be found inside some of the caves on The Island, The Center, and Scorched Earth. In Ragnarok it can be found above ground in Viking Bay and on slosher slope. On the Aberration map they are found in the lower levels and do not have a sleep/wake cycle. When taming, it is recommended to clear out any other animals inside the cave. Currently only four wild Megalosaurus are on an individual map/server at a time, excluding Aberration. On Aberration the Elemental Vault is a great place to find high level Megalosaurs, just keep in mind that it will be stuck within the caves as there is no land route that connects to the outside. However, you can produce eggs and hatch them outside. During the day, it is a peaceful sleeper, but by night, it is a carrying, mangling, ultimate destroyer, killing machine.

It can also be found on Extinction, in the swamp, in great numbers.


If you want to tame a Megalosaurus it’s best to tame them during the day when they are sluggish and a much lesser threat. However, you will need to make sure to KO it again when it is night. No matter what the torpor, the Megalosaurus will wake up once it hits night time.


Bows, Crossbows and Rifles will work against the Megalosaurus. Especially during the day since once their stamina runs dry from Sleep Deprivation they will begin to gain Torpor.


By nature the Megalosaurus is an extremely dangerous creature and should not be underestimated. At night, the Megalosaurus has a higher base damage than a Tyrannosaurus Rex, is extremely fast, and can make short work of even the toughest creatures. Even in the wild, the Megalosaurus can pick up players and chomp them to death with ease. While it is weaker during the day, it is not recommended to enter close combat with a Megalosaurus and instead keep a distance and use ranged weapons. The Aberrant Megalosaurus Aberrant Megalosaurus's lack of a sleep cycle means that at all times, it is in its strongest, most fearsome form, and additional caution should always be taken when confronting the Aberrant form.



The Megalosaurus sleeps in the day which makes it easy to knock out or kill it. It also is very slow in day so it is easy to get some distance from it.


You can outrun a rider on a Megalosaurus with a decent mount unless its stamina or speed has been greatly improved. Even since the Megalosaurus is quite fast its stamina drains rather quickly but it can still outrun most low-mid tier creatures. Hard to ambush unwary players as the eyes glow so most people can see it coming unless covered in dense foliage, or unwary players.



1) Montura de batalla nocturna: The Megalosaurus is weak and very slow during the day and tires out quickly, but at night its stamina and attack levels raise significantly and makes the Megalosaurus a very powerful mount for night raids. Its lock jaw attack will snatch and incapacitate individual enemies, allowing the rider to finish them off with ease.

  • Aberrant Cave-rambler and Rex-substitute Aberration Icon: The Aberrant Megalosaurus Aberrant Megalosaurus does not utilize sleep deprivation when on the Aberration map, and so can remain active indefinitely. Without this handicap, players can enjoy what is otherwise a superior creature to the Rex. Because a Megalosaurus can be raised and imprinted upon, their combat effectiveness rivals Basilisks, Rock Drakes, and Reaper Kings. Note that when transferred to another map, they will continue to sleep as normal.
    • Note: As an Aberrant creature, the Megalosaurus is also immune to radiation damage. Combining this with their Rex-like base stats, small size and maneuverability, the Megalosaurus is an excellent choice of mount for exploring the depths of Aberration.

3) Asistente para domesticado: Because of its ability to clamp onto various animals, it is a great dino to use in cases where you don't have a bola or against creatures that bolas won't work. Warning, as grabbing and holding a wild dino will not prevent it from attacking your mount, and should you dismount to try and shoot tranquilizers at it, your Megalosaurus will begin to attack unless you put it in passive (Not tested). Having a tribe member shoot it while you continue to hold it will lead to a easy tame (It will automatically drop from the Megalosaurus' mouth when it falls unconscious). If solo, you can use it as a transport and capture a potential tame and move to a more secure location before dropping the animal in a taming pen or trap.

  • Drake Egg gatherer: The Aberrant Megalosaurus Aberrant Megalosaurus is one of the most effective mounts for gathering your first Rock Drake Egg (Aberration) Rock Drake Egg Aberration Icon. However, you should NEVER, under ANY circumstances bring a Megalosaurus down into the actual trench without a cryopod available, as once it's down there, there's no route up. Instead, use it to kill the drakes within the trench before going down, getting the egg, and heading out.
  • Combatant: The Megalosaurus has very high damage, health, stamina, and decent weight making it a valuable warrior, plus just putting 15 or more points into speed will make it very quick. The only weakness is that its stamina regeneration speed is very slow.

Objetos coleccionables[]

Recurso Eficiencia
Raw Meat Raw Meat ★★★☆☆


  • The Megalosaurus can carry any creature with a Drag Weight of 150 or less. This does a small amount of damage, and will draw agro from the creature grabbed.
  • As with the Kaprosuchus (but unlike all flying carriers that set the precedent), the Megalosaurus has the ability to pick up aquatic and flying creatures.
Aquatic Creatures
  • Note that moving "aquatic" creatures out of water will instantly kill them.
Terrestrial Creatures
Flying Creatures
  • This can be used to hold a creature still while it is tranquilized, to carry a desired tame to a safer location, or to indefinitely stun hostile birds in PVP.
  • This list appears to be substantially reduced during the day, with the exclusion of larger flying creatures in particular.



  • In Aberration, despite always being awake, a wild Megalosaurus will never move until being aggroed for the first time. This often leads to them standing in strange locations such as on the side of the cave walls and sometimes even floating in midair! This is assumed to happen because the game thinks the Megalosaurus is sleeping when it is really awake. This bug happens very often in Singleplayer and it could be related with the Stasis mechanic.
  • Buffing it's base melee damage doesn't increase it's unmounted damage, as it will always try to pick up any wild or enemy dinos and use the bite attack, which only does 75-80 damage at any point. To get the full use of the Megalosaurus' damage, use only as a mounted dino, and use the main attack.
  • Some animals will be picked up but will not be in the megalosaurus’s mouth for example the pulmonoscorpius

Notas / Información adicional[]

Para más información sobre esta criatura en el mundo real, consulta el artículo de Wikipedia asociado

  • El nombre del dinosaurio se pronuncia MEG-uh-lo-SAWR-us[1].
  • The dossier was revealed on January 12, 2016 [2]
  • Megalosaurus means "Great Lizard" in Latin, and its species name "noctedominus" refer to their role as a nocturnal predator. So, the full translation is "Great Lizard Night Lord"
  • Megalosaurus is the second nocturnal dinosaur confirmed for Ark, with the first being the Troodon.
  • Megalosaurus is the first dinosaur to be described in scientific literature.
  • Megalosaurus are carryable by Quetzals, but Kaprosuchus, another Megalosaurus, and Tusoteuthis can't carry them.
    • They used to be able to be carried by the Quetzal, that has been changed so that it is only carried by the Tusoteuthis changed in patch 303.1.
  • While only spawning in Caves on The Island, The Center and Scorched Earth, wild Megalosaurus can and will spawn in the jungle west of Viking Bay on the map Ragnarok, posing a serious threat to new players. They also spawn freely around Aberration, in both Bioluminescent and Element Region, with no need for sleep in such map. Aberrant Megalosaurus are always in a full state of alertness, but at the same time an easier relief of taming and breeding the babies.
  • Oddly enough, Megalosaurus shares a large amount of it's animations with the Dilophosaurus: its running animation and bite attack being the most noticeable.
  • Curiously, the Megalosaurus cannot pick up a Glowbug, yet it can pickup larger creatures. This may be a bug.
  • Ones spawned in the Tek Cave DO NOT have a Sleep Timer
  • Despite being smaller, they're strong enough to kill a Rex Rex at night time.
  • El Megalosaurio no es usado normalmente por los jugadores; sin embargo, pueden enfrentarse a un Espinosaurio Espinosaurio o a un Yutirano Yutirano con posibilidad de victoria, incluso con el debuff de miedo. Un Megalosaurio de nivel 1 puede matar a un Rex Rex de nivel 50.

Registro de cambios[]

Versión Cambios
252.0 Megalosaurus Megalosaurus is added to the game
252.2 Fixed Megalosaurus losing taming affinity due to waking up at night time
253.2 Fixed Megalosaurus carrying on PVE servers
253.3 Fixed Kibble (Megalosaurus Egg) Megalosaurus Kibble being preferred by Therizinosaurus Therizinosaurus
253.71 Fixed Megalosaurus spawns so they now occur in all appropriate The Island caves and fixed them getting stuck in certain caves
253.8 Flyer grabbed by Megalosaurus falling through the world client fix
  • Fixed issue with Megalosaurus where when attacking was able to force a target under the world geometry, rendering the victim creature or player unable to be moved or ridden
  • Fixed Megalosaurus babies and prevented them from needing to sleep
260.0 Fixed an issue with not dismounting passengers properly
265.284 Fixed a visual issue where the Megalosaurus would appear to be sleeping instead of unconscious
275.0 Aberration Expansion Release Added Aberrant Megalosaurus Aberrant Megalosaurus
276.0 Aberrant Megalosaurus' now lay the proper Aberrant Megalosaurus Egg Megalosaurus Egg
303.1 Modified the drag weight of the Megalosaurus so that it can no longer be picked up or grabbed by any creature except the Tusoteuthis Tusoteuthis


