ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Oasis del Este
Eastern Oasis (Scorched Earth)

El Oasis del Este (Eastern Oasis en la versión original del juego) es una de las regiones disponibles en la expansión "Scorched Earth" de ARK: Survival Evolved.




  • Cactus Sap Cactus Sap
  • Flint Flint
  • Metal Metal
  • Sand (Scorched Earth) Sand Scorched Earth Icon
  • Stone Stone
  • Thatch Thatch
  • Wood Wood

From local creatures[]

  • Hide Hide
  • Keratin Keratin
  • Pelt Pelt
  • Raw Mutton Raw Mutton
  • Silk Silk


It's an overall decent base spot, with access to the materials you neeed to survive, such as metal and cacti, has a source of water, and some good starter tames such as Lymantria, or Morellatops. If you venture north, there is a Thylacoleo spawn so you can tame those.

