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Fecha de lanzamiento: 7 de noviembre de 2020
Cambios y correcciones:
- Mammoth TLC
- Stego TLC
- Taming HUD
- Se han ajustados las opciones de radio de ataque para torretas
- Ahora los insectos podrán criarse
- Wyverns are now breedable (except Zombie Wyvern)
- Reduced Giganotosaurus maturation time by approximately 15% (Total growth is around 10~ days)
- Increased Diplocaulus base health by 33% (from 190 to 250.3)
- Increased Diplocaulus movement speed when ridden by 25%
- Added a (slow draining) bleed to Thylacoleo basic attack
- Reduced depth requirement for Megachelon breeding so that it can be bred on other maps
- Reduced Megalodon gestation/aging times to match Megaloceros
- Added a Pack Bonus to Megalodon: Damage Reduction and Damage Increase per pack member within range
- Se ha añadido un ataque que provoca sangradoAdded a bleed to Megalodon basic attack
- Increased Jerboa base weight capacity from 55 to 120 (Matches Bulbdog)
- Increase Ankylosaurus metal weight reduction by 10% (from total reduction of 75% to 85%)
- You can now turn when rolling with a Doedicurus (similarly to the Genesis Race Mission)
- Ahora los Basiliscos tienen ojos
- Element reward from The Island bosses has been increased by 100%
- Element reward from The Center bosses has been increased by 100%
- Element reward from Scorched Earth has been increased by 50%
- Fixed a bug where HLN-A would jitter a lot at low client fps
- Fixed a bug which allowed you to blow up 2 pieces of C4 without consuming them
- Se ha corregido un error por el que el Onyx no tenía el icono correcto
- Se han corregido múltiples errores de ortografía
- Fixed a shoulder pet offset issue with the Ferox on the Gigantopithecus
- Fixed a bug on localized/translated Cryopods which prevented it from displaying the correct information
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc.
- Fixed a bug which prevented you from placing Cliff Platform structures in the Genesis Part 1 Ocean Biome
- Fixed a bug which broke biome specific overrides
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to fly across the map with certain creatures and grappling hooks
- Completely disabled the option to set teleporters as Public on Official PvP (including using them).
- New Dynamic Ini options: HexagonRewardMultiplier (multiplies hex rewards for missions), BabyImprintAmountMultiplier, and BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier
- Hotkey for GCM demolished has changed to "G" when using keyboard and mouse
- Se ha cerrado el evento "ARK: Fear Evolved" y se ha eliminado el contenido de Halloween del juego