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Fecha de lanzamiento: 24 de noviembre de 2020
Cambios y correcciones:
- Turkey Trial is now live until December 8th! Launch your server with -ActiveEvent=Turkeytrial to enjoy the festivities!
- Fixed a bug which caused players to be disconnected from Player Dedicated and Non Dedicated servers every 20 - 30 minutes.
- Fixed a bug where Tamed Megalodons were accidentally applying the Gashed debuff, causing a slow and a bleed, rather than the Gnashed debuff which would only cause a bleed. Additionally, Wild Megalodons will no longer apply the bleed effect (Gnashed) to their targets.
- Se ha corregido un error por el que el debuff de daño del mamut (sonido de trompa) no funcionaba correctamente en dinosaurios salvajes o domesticados
- Fixed multiple level-design related bugs such as holes, floating foliage, incorrect volumes, etc. This includes the floating water volumes around the Crystal Isles floating islands which would cause players to dismount in midair.
- Fixed a bug which caused the Taming HUD to clear itself after a server restart or relog
- Se ha corregido un error que impedía al Dragón de Roca planear correctamente
- Fixed a bug which allowed players to place ocean platforms inside other player structures
- Se ha corregido un error por el que el HLNA no podía colorearse correctamente
- Fixed a bug which caused some foliage on Aberration to be missing collision
- Fixed a bug which prevented Arthropleuras, Spiders, and Onyc that were in Cryopods from being deployed
- Fixed a bug which caused Wild Stegos to have colour plating in Single Player
- Fixed a bug which caused Mantis that was grown from the baby stage to be larger than tamed ones
- Fixed a bug which made the Chibi Bone Rex smaller than intended
- Fixed a bug with the Hockey Mask which would cause it to stall players upon selection
- Fixed a bug which made it so that the Shoulder Cannon icon was not colourised
- Se ha corregido un error aprovechable (exploit) que impedía que las torretas te disparasen
- Fixed an exploit that allowed Cannons and Turrets to be healed using the tent