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cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Saddles/PrimalItemCostume_AnimeRaptor.PrimalItemCostume_AnimeRaptor'" 1 0 0
Function_ CargoSQLQuery__run Query_ SELECT CONCAT(_pageName) AS `CONCAT( pageName)` FROM `cargo__Purchasables` WHERE purchasePrerequisites = "Raptor de "ARK_ The Animated Series" (aspecto)" GROUP BY CONCAT(_pageName) ORDER BY CONCAT(_pageName) LIMIT 100
<_div>.png|20x20px|class=itemlink|alt=|link=Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT(_pageName) AS `CONCAT( pageName)` FROM `cargo__Purchasables` WHERE purchasePrerequisites = "Raptor de "ARK: The Animated Series" (aspecto)" GROUP BY CONCAT(_pageName) ORDER BY CONCAT(_pageName) LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT(_pageName) AS `CONCAT( pageName)` FROM `cargo__Purchasables` WHERE purchasePrerequisites = "Raptor de "ARK: The Animated Series" (aspecto)" GROUP BY CONCAT(_pageName) ORDER BY CONCAT(_pageName) LIMIT 100
Function: CargoSQLQuery::run Query: SELECT CONCAT(_pageName) AS `CONCAT( pageName)` FROM `cargo__Purchasables` WHERE purchasePrerequisites = "Raptor de "ARK: The Animated Series" (aspecto)" GROUP BY CONCAT(_pageName) ORDER BY CONCAT(_pageName) LIMIT 100
El aspecto de Raptor "ARK: The Animated Series" (Raptor 'ARK The Animated Series' Costume en la versión original del juego) es uno de los aspectos disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved
Este aspecto puede equiparse en cualquier Raptor que hayas domesticado, y se puede conseguir haciendo clic en la notificación especial sobre "ARK: Animated Series" disponible en el menú principal del juego.