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Tierras Altas
Highlands (Ragnarok)-1
Land of the Scottish. Great for Sheep.
Ragnarok Topographic Map

Las Tierras Altas (Highlands en la versión original del juego) es una de las regiones disponibles en la expansión "Ragnarok" de ARK: Survival Evolved.


Esta zona es una meseta alta al este, bordeada por acantilados rocosos. The Abandoned Lighthouse is found in the northeast corner of this biome. Nataziel Spires Cave and Nessie's Cave are also present in this area, along with many other ruins and points of interest.


Very Common[]



  • Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus
  • Titanosaur Titanosaur


  • Unicorn Unicorn


  • Berries Berries
  • Crystal Crystal
  • Fiber Fiber
  • Flint Flint
  • Metal Metal
  • Obsidian Obsidian
  • Rockarrot Rockarrot
  • Savoroot Savoroot
  • Silk Silk
  • Stone Stone
  • Thatch Thatch
  • Wood Wood


Wild crops of Savoroot Savoroot and Rockarrot Rockarrot and their seeds can be easily found and harvested here. There is a farm of both of these at 20.1 / 82.8.

Be careful when building in the Highlands because Giganotosaurus and Allosaurus are somewhat common. However, the easy access to Metal Metal, Raw Mutton Raw Mutton (from the large amount of sheep), and it's close proximity to the Wyvern Trench can allow any aspiring alpha tribe to quickly prosper.

Though they are threats, the Allosaurus and Giganotosaurus could be easily spotted on open terrain before they come to players. Mutton for local Ovis is an exceptional feed for those creature in later game.

The highlands is a reference to Scotland as they used to have more sheep than humans


Plantilla:Nav Locations Ragnarok

es:Tierras Altas (Ragnarok)
