ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Steam 252.0
11月 24, 2016
Xbox One 748.2
12月 16, 2016
PS 502.0
12月 19, 2016
Logo Mobile 1.0
5月 24, 2018
Nintendo Switch 599.0
11月 30, 2018
Epic Games 311.74
6月 11, 2020
admincheat summon Achatina_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP.Achatina_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Aberrant Achatina
admincheat summon Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant.Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Achatina (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Achatina_Character_BP_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Achatina_Character_BP_STA.Achatina_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark できる
X mark できない
Check mark できる
X mark なし
好きな食べ物 Primitive Plus Icon
Lettuce (Primitive Plus)Lettuce Primitive Plus Icon
Check mark できる
7時間 56分 11.429秒
9時間 15分 33.333秒
1日 13時間 2分 13.333秒
1日 22時間 17分 46.667秒
3日 20時間 35分 33.333秒
18時間 - 2日

アフリカマイマイ(ah-kah-tee-na)は、ARK: Survival Evolvedに登場する無脊椎動物、より具体的には陸生腹足類の軟体動物の一種です。

基本情報[ | ]

調査書[ | ]



主にジャングルや湿地で見られるアフリカマイマイの動きは非常に遅く、ほとんど危険のない陸生の軟体動物です。この島で最も安全に狩れますが、得られるものは少量の肉とキチンだけです。ですが、この島で簡単に食料が得られるというのはありがたいことです。 他の生物とは違い、アフリカマイマイは排便をしません。そのかわり、濃密で粘着性の物質を分泌します。アフリカマイマイはこのスライム状の痕跡を残していきますが、その痕跡はかなり薄いため、すぐに埃のようになってしまいます。


アフリカマイマイには大変に気持ち悪いが、役に立つ要素があり、それがトライブにとって彼らをテイムする理由となっています。それは、彼らの分泌する粘着性の物質が化学的に「セメント」や「有機ポリマー」と似ており、建築材に使えるということです。テイムすることで定期的にその物質を入手できることが、テイムするメリットとなっています。 アフリカマイマイに収穫した野菜や資源で作った特製の「ケーキ」を与えるとテイムできるという言い伝えがあります。

行動[ | ]

The Achatina spends its days slowly moving on its large muscular foot, leaving a slime trail; and it pays little attention to everything around it as it grazes on small plants and mosses. Achatina is one of the few truly docile creatures on The Island and other maps as it will flee, though albeit at a very slow pace, until it is hurt so much that it will hide in its shell. Its behavior of hiding in its shell is also shared by the DoedicurusDoedicurus. Inside this shell, it cannot be hurt unless a survivor tirelessly tries to break through with a weapon or tame. Using stone arrows and firing at the bottom of the shell will do damage, though you may need a lot of arrows depending on your weapon.

This massive snail can be commonly found in moist, damp biomes such as redwood and conifer forests, swamps, the Sanctuary city on Extinction and the Blue Zone on Aberration. Scorched Earth caves have a high level untameable variant of the Achatina. The Achatina is noticeably absent from the Genesis: Part 1 simulation. Oddly enough and very unlike snails of modern-day earth, the Achatina of the Arks can occasionally be found submerged in water without drowning.

It is not particularly intelligent in the slightest, though it seems that its gastronomic pleasure of sweet foods like Sweet Vegetable CakeSweet Vegetable Cakes can be exploited to claim it as a tame.

外観[ | ]

Achatina has all of the features typical of any other genus of snail with the notable exception of its remarkable size, being barely small enough to be picked up and held. The shells are very ornate with streaks of bright color and sharp ridges that provide protection from predators and house the majority of its body and organs; the rest of its soft body is also typically characterized by vibrant or earthy coloration. The head region sports 4 retractable tentacles that serve as tactile and olfactory organs, meaning to feel and smell. The top pair house the eyes, whilst the bottom pair are more adapted for sensing its environment. Its chubby and cute mouth has a specialized rasping tongue-like organ called the radula to feed.

配色と領域[ | ]


この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、アフリカマイマイのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はアフリカマイマイの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Achatina PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Achatina PaintRegion1
Region 1:
X mark

Region 2はこの生物には

Achatina PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Shell Highlights
Achatina PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Achatina PaintRegion5
Region 5:

ドロップ[ | ]

採取[ | ]

In ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile:

生産 (テイムされたインベントリ)[ | ]

基本ステータスと成長[ | ]

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ テイムボーナス
野性生物 テイム生物 Additive Multiplicative
体力体力 75 +15 +5.4% 0.07
スタミナスタミナ 100 +10 +10%
酸素量酸素量 N/A N/A N/A
食料食料 450 +45 +10%
重量重量 150 +3 +4%
近接攻撃力近接攻撃力 0 +0 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
移動速度移動速度 100% N/A +1%
気絶値気絶値 50 +3 該当なし 0.5
移動 基本速度 全力疾走の速度 スタミナ
野生生物 テイム生物 野生生物 テイム生物
歩行 50 ? ? ? ?
水泳 300 ? ? ? ?
  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。




stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps


テイム[ | ]


気絶テイムの戦略[ | ]

Since damage is significantly reduced by the shell, it is best to hit it on the soft, fleshy parts instead. If it takes enough damage, it will retreat into its shell, making it very easy to kill it before the torpor from tranquillizers can knock it out. Be mindful of how bloody the Achatina gets, and use Shocking Tranquilizer DartShocking Tranquilizer Darts or normal Tranquilizer DartTranquilizer Darts to minimize this risk.

テイム食料[ | ]

Achatina Level 1 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 3 9 2 1 0:06:31
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 5, パチンコ × 3, 弓で麻酔矢 × 1, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 1, 麻酔弾 × 1, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.3 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:02:46
Achatina Level 30 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 6 29 6 3 0:13:01
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 14, パチンコ × 6, 弓で麻酔矢 × 2, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 1, 麻酔弾 × 1, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.5 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:04:34
Achatina Level 60 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 9 57 12 6 0:19:31
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 23, パチンコ × 10, 弓で麻酔矢 × 3, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 2, 麻酔弾 × 2, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.66 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:05:49
Achatina Level 90 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 11 83 18 9 0:23:51
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 32, パチンコ × 13, 弓で麻酔矢 × 4, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 3, 麻酔弾 × 2, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.79 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:06:42
Achatina Level 120 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 14 123 27 14 0:30:21
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 41, パチンコ × 17, 弓で麻酔矢 × 5, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 3, 麻酔弾 × 2, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.92 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:07:25
Achatina Level 150 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 17 169 38 19 0:36:51
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 50, パチンコ × 21, 弓で麻酔矢 × 6, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 4, 麻酔弾 × 3, 強力麻酔弾 × 2
気絶値の減少値: 1.04 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:08:00

Soothing Balm Achatina Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 3 9 2 1 0:06:31
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 5; Slingshot Hits × 3; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 1; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 1; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 1; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 1; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:02:46
Soothing Balm Achatina Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 7 36 8 4 0:15:11
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 3 7 2 1 0:06:31
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 14; Slingshot Hits × 6; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 2; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 1; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 1; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 1; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.5 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:04:34
Soothing Balm Achatina Level 75 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 11 79 17 9 0:23:51
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 4 11 3 2 0:08:41
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 28; Slingshot Hits × 12; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 4; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 2; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.72 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:06:17
Soothing Balm Achatina Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 19 195 43 22 0:41:11
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 7 43 10 5 0:15:11
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 50; Slingshot Hits × 21; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 6; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 4; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 3; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 3; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 1.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:08:00
Soothing Balm Achatina Level 300 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 35 512 119 60 1:15:51
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 12 125 29 15 0:26:01
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 2 0 0 0 0:04:21
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 95; Slingshot Hits × 39; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 11; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 7; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 6; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 4; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3
Torpidity-depletion: 1.59 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:09:57
Soothing Balm Achatina Level 450 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 52 922 224 112 1:52:41
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 18 253 62 31 0:39:01
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 2 0 0 0 0:04:21
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) スイートベジタブルケーキ スイートベジタブルケーキ 1 0 0 0 0:02:11
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 140; Slingshot Hits × 58; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 16; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 9; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 8; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 6; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 7; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4
Torpidity-depletion: 2.08 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:11:12

レベルに応じて必要な資源を計算するには、外部のTaming calculatorをご利用ください。

推奨の食料[ | ]

テイムした後の食料[ | ]

A tamed Achatina will only eat Sweet Vegetable CakeSweet Vegetable Cake, so it is advised to not tame an Achatina unless one has a steady supply of SapSap, Giant Bee HoneyGiant Bee Honey, and Crops such as SavorootSavoroot for making cakes.

Note that all Stacks of Cake will go onto a 30-second cooldown after consumption during which the game will cause the snail to temporarily think there is no food in inventory.

出会う方法[ | ]

This section describes how to react to an encounter with the Achatina.

全般[ | ]

If engaged and damaged, the Achatina will retreat into its shell and will neither flee nor fight back. Damage dealt to the Achatina will be heavily reduced for as long as it is inside of its shell. Achatinas do however drop a considerable amount of chitin when harvested, so they are a worthy kill for those looking to collect it, at the expense of the time and effort needed to kill one.

戦略[ | ]

Although the Achatina itself is not dangerous, its surroundings are usually filled with dangerous predators. Clear the area of hostile creatures before attempting to tame Achatinas, or pick them up with a flying mount. An ArgentavisArgentavis can carry two Achatina at once when using its claws and beak.

武器[ | ]

Any weapon or creature will be able to sufficiently kill an Achatina given a little time, though one should shoot the achatina with tranquilizer darts to knock it out for taming, as there is little benefit from exterminating them.

弱点[ | ]

Wild Achatina sometimes take damage over time randomly as a result of being knocked out by titanoboas, waking up, and having their food lowered to 0 in the process.

Achatina - wild and domesticated - do not and cannot fight back when attacked.

実用性[ | ]

役割[ | ]

有機ポリマーと汚染された小瘤の保管[ | ]

Provides a Spoil Multiplier of 3x for Organic PolymerOrganic Polymer and Corrupted Nodule (Extinction)Corrupted Nodule Extinction Icon within its inventory (90 minutes). Also provides an increase to the spoil time of Bio-toxin. As they can be carried, similar to a DodoDodo, Achatina can be carried while hunting creatures such as the KairukuKairuku, MantisMantis, KarkinosKarkinos, or Corrupted CreaturesCorrupted Creatures to extend the lifespan of the Organic Polymer or Corrupted Nodules harvested.

セメントと有機ポリマーの供給[ | ]

While Wander is enabled, the Achatina will passively produce both Organic PolymerOrganic Polymer and Achatina PasteAchatina Paste, a Cementing PasteCementing Paste substitute, in its inventory.

Achatina Paste Production

Rate of production

    • Passively produces 1 Achatina Paste per minute within its inventory, up to 100.
      • This can be paired with a GachaGacha picking up their feces (the Achatina Paste it leaves on the ground) to farm more than 100 and at more than double the rate; its feces accumulate faster than the cementing paste being created within its inventory. Fill the Gacha's inventory with another resource to lower the chance of the gathered paste being eaten.
    • Passively produces 1 Organic Polymer every 60 minutes, up to 100.
      • Due to the spoil timer, the first in a chain of three will spoil as the third is produced, making the effective rate 2 Organic Polymer every 90 minutes. Likewise, due to multiple stacks spoiling concurrently, an Achatina will obtain 12 Organic Polymer after 1080 minutes and then alternate between 11 and 12 thereafter.
    • Wild and Tamed Achatina will also passively produce Achatina Paste on the ground instead of feces. Paste dropped this way has a short despawn timer and must be manually collected unless a GachaGacha is available. Tamed Achatina do not need to be on wander for this, but the paste will spawn underneath them if they aren't, so the player must pick up the Achatina or use a WhipWhip to collect it.

ペット[ | ]

Though rather unintelligent and too large to place on the shoulder, the Achatina can make a wonderful addition for Ark pet collectors. They can make a great companion to survivors lonely or loony enough to sympathize with a snail, as their stupidity, slimy nature, and strange but goofy face can come off as almost cute. Like most other small creatures that are sometimes collectively known as, 'pets', the Achatina can wear hats/helmets such as a Chitin HelmetChitin Helmet, which appear either on its shell or on the head of the creature when equipped.

飼い方のコツ[ | ]

The Achatina is unable to climb over a railing, but can still glitch through it whilst wandering. If it is filled with stone, it does not adversely affect resource production but does prevent them from moving and thus escaping their pens. It's best to simply put them into a Wooden CageWooden Cage (just like what can be done with the Dung BeetleDung Beetle) and have them on wander or stationary if a GachaGacha is used to pick up the paste; they can not phase through the cage and the cage is easily movable to your preferred location for the Achatina.

スポットライト[ | ]

備考[ | ]


  • The Dino Dossier for Achatina was revealed on July 15, 2015 in the ARK Digest #10 [2]
  • The Achatina takes greatly reduced Melee DamageDamage, with 4 damage reduction multipliers in regards to projectiles, 1 damage reduction multiplier regarding tames, and 1 damage reduction multiplier regarding melee weapons; in total, 5 different damage reduction multipliers if headgear is not taken into effect. The head takes damage as normal when hit. The "tail" or area at the back of the Achatina's foot has a 50% reduction when hit. The snail's shell takes a 90% reduction when hit.
    • Its damage reduction goes even further when it hides in its shell, though damage reduction slightly varies depending on what projectile hits them, it generally takes anywhere between and/or around 96%-99% damage reduction to the shell when hit. When the Achatina hides, it also has another area with damage reduction, the opening of the shell where the Achatina hides. This exposed spot also has varied damage reduction depending on the projectile, ranging around from 85%-92%.
    • Using melee weapons or fists will do full damage to the Achatina as normal until it hides in its shell, to which no damage can be applied, effectively giving the Achatina a 100% damage reduction to melee weapons when it hides.
    • Also like melee weapons, damage done by tamed, ridden creatures also at first do full damage to the Achatina as normal. When it hides in its shell, a damage reduction of 70% is applied against tames. Note that creatures that are not ridden cannot hurt the Achatina when it hides in its shell.
  • The Achatina is able to wear headgear. Usually the headgear will be placed on its shell but occasionally will be placed on the Achatina's head depending on the piece of headgear. (See gallery) Headgear added onto the Achatina will give it increased armor and thus more overall damage reduction.
  • The Achatina can be picked up by the player and transported manually. If you are trying to get a tamed Achatina from one place to another, it is best to pick it up and run it there yourself. (Players are still able to ride mounts while carrying Achatina.)
  • Achatina is part of a genus of snails that still exists to this day, although none have ever been as big as the dossier shows. It is part of a genus of air-breathing, tropical land snails, terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks in the family Achatinidae.
  • Unsurprisingly, the Achatina is one of the slowest creatures in the entire game, even being beat by creatures such as the TrilobiteTrilobite and the LeechLeech in a race.
  • When damaged to a full enough extent, the Achatina will curl into its shell to protect itself. Wild Achatinas cannot be attacked by wild creatures after balling up in their shells but can be attacked by a survivor or his/her tame for about 1/3x damage in this state, similar to the DoedicurusDoedicurus.
    • The Ark Achatina has no OxygenOxygen stat and thus can survive in the water and air. This is very unlike other members of the terrestrial snail groups as these members lack gills that some other gastropods have; they instead have a pallial lung and would asphyxiate if submerged in water for a prolonged period of time. However, all snails and other gastropods at least need water moisture to function and survive.
  • With the addition of the GachaGacha to Ark, Achatina farms have become that much more efficient, as the Gacha has the ability to take any nearby dropped item, including Achatina PasteAchatina Paste, and store it in its inventory. Keep in mind that it will eat the paste, so having a large variety of items in its inventory will decrese the chance of the paste being eaten and thus allow the Gacha to store much more than the 100 max that the Achatina can hold when producing it.
  • Real Achatina lay eggs, however Ark's Achatina do not. As a matter of fact, the Ark Achatina can't reproduce at all, at least when domesticated.
  • Although Achatina can't lay eggs or reproduce, they still some how manage to spawn into the Ark worlds. This either means their reproduction hasn't been documented, or they are spawned by the ARK itself, specifically the OverseerOverseer.
  • The Achatina is the largest creature in the game that can be picked up by a HumanHuman.
  • On Mobile, there is a glitch which upon leaving and entering the game, the Achatina spawns with max Achatina Paste and Organic Polymer. (Tested on Single Player, on Sat Feb 27, 2021)

変更履歴[ | ]

Patch 変更点
252.0 The AchatinaAchatina is added to the game
252.8 Achatina is now the only creature that can auto-consume Sweet Vegetable CakeSweet Vegetable Cakes for FoodFood
275.0 Aberration Expansion Release Added the Aberrant AchatinaAberrant Achatina
278.0 Increased the amount of FoodFood Achatina receives from Sweet Vegetable CakeSweet Vegetable Cake to 500

ギャラリー[ | ]

参照資料[ | ]
