admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP.Gigant_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Tek Giganotosaurus
admincheat summon BionicGigant_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/BionicGigant_Character_BP.BionicGigant_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Malfunctioned Tek Giganotosaurus
admincheat summon BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Malfunctioned Tek Giganotosaurus (Gauntlet)
admincheat summon BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Gauntlet_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Lunar/BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Gauntlet.BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Corrupted Dinotar
admincheat summon VRGigant_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRGigant_Character_BP.VRGigant_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Corrupted Giganotosaurus
admincheat summon Gigant_Character_BP_Corrupt_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP_Corrupt.Gigant_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 500 0 0 35
Variant R-Giganotosaurus
admincheat summon Gigant_Character_BP_Rockwell_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Gigant_Character_BP_Rockwell.Gigant_Character_BP_Rockwell'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Giganotosaurus (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Gigant_Character_BP_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Gigant_Character_BP_STA.Gigant_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Experimental Giganotosaurus
admincheat summon Gigant_Character_BP_ExpG_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Mashup/ExperimentG/DinosAndStructures/Gigant_Character_BP_ExpG.Gigant_Character_BP_ExpG'" 500 0 0 35
「Giant Southern lizard」を意味するギガノトサウルス(jai-GA-nuh-tuh-saw-ruhs)は、ARK: Survival Evolvedの恐竜の1つです。それは単にGigant、あるいはもっと簡単にGigaとも呼ばれています。
基本情報[ | ]
調査書[ | ]
Giganotosaurus furiosa
- 野生
ギガノトサウルスは大型の捕食者で、ティラノサウルスやスピノサウルスよりも大きな体をしています。もし彼らに追い詰められたり気絶させられるようなことがあれば、どの恐竜にとっても、それは死を意味するでしょう。 ギガノトサウルスと直接戦うというのは、良いアイデアではありません。彼らに攻撃が当たるたび怒りがたまっていき、彼らの鋼鉄の顎による噛みつき力が、そしてスタミナが増大します。 またその巨体はダメージ耐性が高いので、正面切って戦うよりも、裏をかいたりする方が良いでしょう。
- 飼い方
ギガノトサウルスをテイムするには、危険が伴うでしょう。テイム後ですら、彼らの怒りが自身のトライブのメンバーに向けられることがあります。どうしようもなく怒り狂った彼らは、騎手を振り落とすことすらあるのです! しかし、彼らの巨体と尋常でない力は主力戦闘獣にぴったりなので、危険を承知でテイムする甲斐があるでしょう。
行動[ | ]
ギガノトサウルスは、The Islandの中を「気軽に」歩き回り、邪魔なものは何でも殺してしまいます。そのため、The Islandのどこにでも出没することができます。天敵や脅威がいないため、The Island内を安全に移動することができるのです。天敵のいないギガノトサウルスは、その強さと大きさからThe Islandの頂点の捕食者と見なされています。
歩幅が大きく、ほとんどの障害物を乗り越えられる上、移動速度も速いため、The Islandにあるあらゆるものを追い越すことができます。アクティブになる範囲が非常に広いことも相まって、高速で危険な捕食者であることを意味します。
TEKギガノトサウルス (異種)[ | ]
TEKギガノトサウルスは、DLC Genesis Part 1のリリース時にゲームに追加された未使用の生物で、ミッションの生物のテンプレートとなっています。オリジナルのギガノトサウルスの代替となるユニークな生物で、純粋にTEKでできています。野生ではスポーンしませんが、セーブファイルからの再開時にはロードされないことがありますが、機能しています。この異種はアップロードやクローン化ができません。
Experimental Giganotosaurus (Code Redボス)[ | ]
Experimental Giganotosaurusは、ファイル:Code Red (Genesis Part 2).pngCode Red ミッションに登場するボスで、一般的なギガノトサウルスよりもはるかに強力で低速であり、さまざまなVR生物、タレット、ドローンによって守られています。頭部からは様々な触手が出ており、体は分解されたようになっています。
外観[ | ]
ギガノトサウルスは現在、ゲーム内で6番目に大きな陸上生物であり、最大のものはKing Titan、2番目はRockwell、3番目と4番目はIce TitanとForest Titan、5番目はTitanosaurです。しかし、肉食の陸上恐竜としては最大です。
配色と領域[ | ]
この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>
と入力することにより、ギガノトサウルスのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6
この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>
と入力することにより、ギガノトサウルスのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6
はギガノトサウルスの"main color"がmagenta色になります。
ドロップ[ | ]
- 採取
- 保証された特別戦利品
- ランダムな特別戦利品
基本ステータスと成長[ | ]
能力値 | 基準値 | レベルアップ | テイムボーナス | ||
野性生物 | テイム生物 | Additive | Multiplicative | ||
体力 | 80000 | +40 | +0.04% | -63000 | |
スタミナ | 400 | +0.2 | +1% | ||
酸素量 | 150 | +0.375 | +2.5% | ||
食料 | 4000 | +10 | +2.5% | ||
重量 | 700 | +7 | +1% | ||
近接攻撃力 | 500 | +25 | +0.85% | -80% | (ETDM: 80%) |
移動速度 | 100% | N/A | +0.31% | ||
気絶値 | 10000 | +600 | 該当なし |
- すべての生物のステータスを比較するには、生物の基本ステータスを参照してください。
- レベルアップの計算がどのように機能するかについての正確な説明については、生物のステータス計算を参照してください。
移動 | 基本速度 | 全力疾走の速度 | スタミナ | ||
野生生物 | テイム生物 | 野生生物 | テイム生物 | ||
歩行 | 1050 | 1050 | 1681.7 | 1681.7 | -29 |
攻撃タイプ | 効果 | 説明 |
Main Attack | Gnashed | ターゲットは5秒間、 1秒ごとに最大体力の1%を失う。 |
咆哮 | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | Using the (PC), (PS), (Xbox One), the Giganotosaurus unleashes a menacing roar to frighten opposing survivors. | ||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Gnash | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
0 | 2400 | 0 | 2700 | ||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 500 |
能力値 | 基準値 | レベルアップ |
野性生物 | ||
体力 | 35000 | +17.5 |
スタミナ | 400 | +0.2 |
酸素量 | 150 | +0.375 |
食料 | 4000 | +10 |
重量 | 700 | +7 |
近接攻撃力 | 250 | +12.5 |
移動速度 | 100% | N/A |
気絶値 | 10000 | +600 |
- すべての生物のステータスを比較するには、生物の基本ステータスを参照してください。
- レベルアップの計算がどのように機能するかについての正確な説明については、生物のステータス計算を参照してください。
噛む | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
0 | 2400 | 0 | 2700 | ||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 500 |
None | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Gnash | スタミナ消費量 | 攻撃範囲 | 説明 | ||||||||||
基本 | 最小 | Activation | |||||||||||
0 | 2400 | 0 | 2700 | ||||||||||
攻撃タイプ | ダメージ | 発射物の値 | 気絶値の数値 | 状態効果: スタミナ | 状態効果: 気絶値 | ||||||||
寿命 | Impulse | 半径 | 基本 | Mult | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | 持続時間 | Damage Mult | 量 | |||
Melee | 500 |
テイム[ | ]
気絶テイムの戦略[ | ]
ギガノトサウルスをテイムする最も簡単な方法は、Metal Dinosaur Gateway(ゲートは必要ありません)で部屋を作り、片側を空けて、真ん中にLarge Bear Trapを設置することです。スナップポイントは使わないでください。部屋が狭くなって第4の壁を配置できず、ギガノトサウルスが逃げてしまいます。代わりに、各ゲートの枠の間に少し隙間を作ります。そしてギガノトサウルスをおびき寄せてトラバサミ(大)にはまるようにし、残った壁に金属の恐竜用ゲートの枠を埋めます。ギガノトサウルスは囲いから出られなくなるので、倒れるまで撃ちまくればいい(罠の中にディプロドクスを置いておけば、ギガノトサウルスにゲートを閉じるまでの数秒を稼ぐことができるかもしれません。)。慣れるまで時間がかかるかもしれません。飛行生物を使った方法は非常に難しく、非常に厄介なので、この方法を使うことをお勧めします。特にケツァルコアトルスを使った方法は飛行生物のナーフにより非常に危である可能性があります。
テイム食料[ | ]
Level 1 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 4 | 161 | 60 | 30 | 0:09:36 |
羊肉 | 7 | 282 | 104 | 52 | 0:15:46 |
ラムチョップ | 13 | 546 | 201 | 101 | 0:29:14 |
霜降り肉 | 9 | 370 | 136 | 68 | 0:20:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 18 | 766 | 282 | 141 | 0:40:28 |
大トロ | 22 | 459 | 169 | 85 | 0:24:46 |
生肉 | 26 | 1120 | 412 | 206 | 0:58:31 |
こんがり大トロ | 43 | 947 | 348 | 174 | 0:49:43 |
こんがり肉 | 52 | 1120 | 412 | 206 | 0:58:31 |
魚肉 | 65 | 1406 | 517 | 259 | 1:13:08 |
こんがり魚 | 129 | 1395 | 513 | 257 | 1:12:34 |
気絶するまで: × 1000, × 409, × 112, × 64, × 46, × 23 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 120.01 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:01:23 |
Level 30 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 7 | 287 | 107 | 54 | 0:16:47 |
羊肉 | 14 | 578 | 214 | 107 | 0:31:31 |
ラムチョップ | 25 | 1065 | 395 | 198 | 0:56:12 |
霜降り肉 | 17 | 711 | 264 | 132 | 0:38:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 33 | 1421 | 527 | 264 | 1:14:11 |
大トロ | 41 | 866 | 321 | 161 | 0:46:08 |
生肉 | 49 | 2133 | 791 | 396 | 1:50:16 |
こんがり大トロ | 82 | 1827 | 677 | 339 | 1:34:47 |
こんがり肉 | 98 | 2133 | 791 | 396 | 1:50:16 |
魚肉 | 123 | 2689 | 996 | 498 | 2:18:23 |
こんがり魚 | 245 | 2677 | 992 | 496 | 2:17:49 |
気絶するまで: × 2740, × 1119, × 305, × 174, × 124, × 62 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 199.35 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:02:17 |
Level 60 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 10 | 418 | 156 | 78 | 0:23:59 |
羊肉 | 20 | 835 | 310 | 155 | 0:45:01 |
ラムチョップ | 37 | 1590 | 591 | 296 | 1:23:10 |
霜降り肉 | 25 | 1057 | 393 | 197 | 0:56:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 49 | 2125 | 790 | 395 | 1:50:08 |
大トロ | 61 | 1302 | 484 | 242 | 1:08:38 |
生肉 | 73 | 3197 | 1188 | 594 | 2:44:16 |
こんがり大トロ | 122 | 2736 | 1017 | 509 | 2:21:01 |
こんがり肉 | 146 | 3197 | 1188 | 594 | 2:44:16 |
魚肉 | 183 | 4021 | 1494 | 747 | 3:25:53 |
こんがり魚 | 365 | 4010 | 1490 | 745 | 3:25:19 |
気絶するまで: × 4540, × 1854, × 505, × 289, × 206, × 103 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 260.09 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:02:54 |
Level 90 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 13 | 553 | 206 | 103 | 0:31:11 |
羊肉 | 26 | 1095 | 408 | 204 | 0:58:31 |
ラムチョップ | 48 | 2075 | 772 | 386 | 1:47:53 |
霜降り肉 | 33 | 1407 | 524 | 262 | 1:14:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 65 | 2833 | 1054 | 527 | 2:26:06 |
大トロ | 81 | 1742 | 649 | 325 | 1:31:08 |
生肉 | 97 | 4265 | 1587 | 794 | 3:38:16 |
こんがり大トロ | 162 | 3650 | 1358 | 679 | 3:07:16 |
こんがり肉 | 194 | 4265 | 1587 | 794 | 3:38:16 |
魚肉 | 243 | 5358 | 1994 | 997 | 4:33:23 |
こんがり魚 | 485 | 5347 | 1990 | 995 | 4:32:49 |
気絶するまで: × 6340, × 2588, × 705, × 403, × 287, × 144 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 314.67 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:03:21 |
Level 120 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 16 | 689 | 257 | 129 | 0:38:22 |
羊肉 | 33 | 1402 | 523 | 262 | 1:14:16 |
ラムチョップ | 60 | 2606 | 971 | 486 | 2:14:52 |
霜降り肉 | 41 | 1760 | 656 | 328 | 1:32:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 81 | 3543 | 1320 | 660 | 3:02:03 |
大トロ | 101 | 2184 | 814 | 407 | 1:53:38 |
生肉 | 121 | 5335 | 1987 | 994 | 4:32:16 |
こんがり大トロ | 202 | 4565 | 1701 | 851 | 3:53:30 |
こんがり肉 | 242 | 5335 | 1987 | 994 | 4:32:16 |
魚肉 | 303 | 6698 | 2495 | 1248 | 5:40:53 |
こんがり魚 | 605 | 6687 | 2491 | 1246 | 5:40:19 |
気絶するまで: × 8140, × 3323, × 905, × 517, × 369, × 185 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 365.63 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:03:42 |
Level 150 | 時間 | ||||
Exceptional Kibble | 19 | 827 | 309 | 155 | 0:45:34 |
羊肉 | 39 | 1666 | 621 | 311 | 1:27:46 |
ラムチョップ | 72 | 3138 | 1170 | 585 | 2:41:50 |
霜降り肉 | 49 | 2113 | 788 | 394 | 1:50:16 |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 97 | 4255 | 1586 | 793 | 3:38:01 |
大トロ | 121 | 2627 | 980 | 490 | 2:16:08 |
生肉 | 145 | 6407 | 2389 | 1195 | 5:26:16 |
こんがり大トロ | 242 | 5482 | 2044 | 1022 | 4:39:44 |
こんがり肉 | 290 | 6407 | 2389 | 1195 | 5:26:16 |
魚肉 | 363 | 8040 | 2997 | 1499 | 6:48:23 |
こんがり魚 | 725 | 8028 | 2993 | 1497 | 6:47:49 |
気絶するまで: × 9940, × 4058, × 1105, × 632, × 450, × 225 | |||||
気絶値の減少値: 414.06 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:04:00 |
Level 1 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 4 | 161 | 60 | 30 | 0:09:36 | |
霜降り肉 | 10 | 414 | 153 | 77 | 0:22:31 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 20 | 854 | 314 | 157 | 0:44:58 | |
大トロ | 25 | 524 | 193 | 97 | 0:28:08 | |
生肉 | 30 | 1296 | 477 | 239 | 1:07:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 50 | 1106 | 407 | 204 | 0:57:48 | |
こんがり肉 | 59 | 1274 | 468 | 234 | 1:06:23 | |
魚肉 | 74 | 1605 | 590 | 295 | 1:23:16 | |
こんがり魚 | 148 | 1605 | 590 | 295 | 1:23:16 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 2 | 67 | 25 | 13 | 0:04:48 | |
霜降り肉 | 4 | 150 | 55 | 28 | 0:09:01 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 7 | 282 | 104 | 52 | 0:15:44 | |
大トロ | 9 | 172 | 63 | 32 | 0:10:08 | |
生肉 | 10 | 414 | 153 | 77 | 0:22:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 17 | 358 | 132 | 66 | 0:19:39 | |
こんがり肉 | 20 | 414 | 153 | 77 | 0:22:31 | |
魚肉 | 25 | 524 | 193 | 97 | 0:28:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 50 | 524 | 193 | 97 | 0:28:08 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 20 | 8 | 4 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 2 | 19 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:19 | |
こんがり肉 | 2 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:16 | |
魚肉 | 3 | 40 | 15 | 8 | 0:03:23 | |
こんがり魚 | 5 | 28 | 11 | 6 | 0:02:49 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 20 | 8 | 4 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 17 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 18 | 7 | 4 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:10 | |
こんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
魚肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:00:34 | |
KO: × 1000; × 409; × 112; × 64; × 56; × 42; × 46; × 23 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 120.01 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:01:23 |
Level 30 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 7 | 287 | 107 | 54 | 0:16:47 | |
霜降り肉 | 19 | 800 | 297 | 149 | 0:42:46 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 38 | 1642 | 609 | 305 | 1:25:25 | |
大トロ | 47 | 1000 | 371 | 186 | 0:52:53 | |
生肉 | 56 | 2444 | 906 | 453 | 2:06:01 | |
こんがり大トロ | 94 | 2102 | 779 | 390 | 1:48:40 | |
こんがり肉 | 112 | 2444 | 906 | 453 | 2:06:01 | |
魚肉 | 140 | 3067 | 1136 | 568 | 2:37:31 | |
こんがり魚 | 280 | 3067 | 1136 | 568 | 2:37:31 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 3 | 97 | 36 | 18 | 0:07:12 | |
霜降り肉 | 7 | 267 | 99 | 50 | 0:15:46 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 13 | 533 | 198 | 99 | 0:29:14 | |
大トロ | 16 | 311 | 116 | 58 | 0:18:01 | |
生肉 | 19 | 800 | 297 | 149 | 0:42:46 | |
こんがり大トロ | 32 | 686 | 254 | 127 | 0:37:00 | |
こんがり肉 | 38 | 800 | 297 | 149 | 0:42:46 | |
魚肉 | 47 | 1000 | 371 | 186 | 0:52:53 | |
こんがり魚 | 94 | 1000 | 371 | 186 | 0:52:53 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 2 | 44 | 17 | 9 | 0:04:30 | |
大トロ | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
生肉 | 2 | 44 | 17 | 9 | 0:04:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 4 | 47 | 18 | 9 | 0:04:38 | |
こんがり肉 | 4 | 44 | 17 | 9 | 0:04:31 | |
魚肉 | 5 | 67 | 25 | 13 | 0:05:38 | |
こんがり魚 | 10 | 67 | 25 | 13 | 0:05:38 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:10 | |
こんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
魚肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:00:34 | |
KO: × 2740; × 1119; × 305; × 174; × 153; × 115; × 124; × 62 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 199.35 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:02:17 |
Level 75 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 13 | 556 | 207 | 104 | 0:31:11 | |
霜降り肉 | 33 | 1411 | 525 | 263 | 1:14:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 65 | 2835 | 1054 | 527 | 2:26:06 | |
大トロ | 81 | 1745 | 649 | 325 | 1:31:08 | |
生肉 | 98 | 4310 | 1603 | 802 | 3:40:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 162 | 3651 | 1358 | 679 | 3:07:16 | |
こんがり肉 | 195 | 4288 | 1595 | 798 | 3:39:23 | |
魚肉 | 243 | 5359 | 1993 | 997 | 4:33:23 | |
こんがり魚 | 486 | 5359 | 1993 | 997 | 4:33:23 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 5 | 176 | 66 | 33 | 0:12:00 | |
霜降り肉 | 11 | 429 | 160 | 80 | 0:24:46 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 22 | 919 | 342 | 171 | 0:49:27 | |
大トロ | 27 | 541 | 201 | 101 | 0:30:23 | |
生肉 | 33 | 1411 | 525 | 263 | 1:14:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 54 | 1176 | 438 | 219 | 1:02:26 | |
こんがり肉 | 65 | 1388 | 516 | 258 | 1:13:08 | |
魚肉 | 81 | 1745 | 649 | 325 | 1:31:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 162 | 1745 | 649 | 325 | 1:31:08 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 2 | 28 | 11 | 6 | 0:04:31 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 3 | 72 | 27 | 14 | 0:06:45 | |
大トロ | 3 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 0:03:23 | |
生肉 | 4 | 117 | 44 | 22 | 0:09:01 | |
こんがり大トロ | 6 | 76 | 29 | 15 | 0:06:57 | |
こんがり肉 | 7 | 94 | 35 | 18 | 0:07:53 | |
魚肉 | 9 | 139 | 52 | 26 | 0:10:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 17 | 128 | 48 | 24 | 0:09:34 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:10 | |
こんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
魚肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
KO: × 5440; × 2221; × 605; × 346; × 303; × 227; × 247; × 124 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 287.94 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:03:08 |
Level 150 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 21 | 922 | 344 | 172 | 0:50:21 | |
霜降り肉 | 56 | 2426 | 905 | 453 | 2:06:01 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 111 | 4881 | 1820 | 910 | 4:09:29 | |
大トロ | 139 | 3030 | 1130 | 565 | 2:36:23 | |
生肉 | 166 | 7346 | 2739 | 1370 | 6:13:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 277 | 6286 | 2344 | 1172 | 5:20:11 | |
こんがり肉 | 332 | 7346 | 2739 | 1370 | 6:13:31 | |
魚肉 | 415 | 9203 | 3431 | 1716 | 7:46:53 | |
こんがり魚 | 829 | 9191 | 3426 | 1713 | 7:46:19 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 7 | 255 | 95 | 48 | 0:16:47 | |
霜降り肉 | 19 | 771 | 288 | 144 | 0:42:46 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 37 | 1574 | 587 | 294 | 1:23:10 | |
大トロ | 47 | 972 | 363 | 182 | 0:52:53 | |
生肉 | 56 | 2426 | 905 | 453 | 2:06:01 | |
こんがり大トロ | 93 | 2058 | 767 | 384 | 1:47:30 | |
こんがり肉 | 111 | 2404 | 896 | 448 | 2:04:53 | |
魚肉 | 139 | 3030 | 1130 | 565 | 2:36:23 | |
こんがり魚 | 277 | 3019 | 1126 | 563 | 2:35:49 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 2 | 11 | 4 | 2 | 0:04:31 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 4 | 100 | 38 | 19 | 0:09:00 | |
大トロ | 5 | 33 | 13 | 7 | 0:05:38 | |
生肉 | 6 | 190 | 71 | 36 | 0:13:31 | |
こんがり大トロ | 10 | 151 | 57 | 29 | 0:11:34 | |
こんがり肉 | 12 | 190 | 71 | 36 | 0:13:31 | |
魚肉 | 14 | 234 | 88 | 44 | 0:15:46 | |
こんがり魚 | 28 | 234 | 88 | 44 | 0:15:46 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:10 | |
こんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
魚肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
こんがり魚 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
KO: × 9940; × 4058; × 1105; × 632; × 553; × 415; × 450; × 225 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 414.06 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:04:00 |
Level 300 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 38 | 1716 | 641 | 321 | 1:31:07 | |
霜降り肉 | 101 | 4429 | 1655 | 828 | 3:47:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 202 | 8946 | 3342 | 1671 | 7:34:01 | |
大トロ | 253 | 5572 | 2081 | 1041 | 4:44:38 | |
生肉 | 303 | 13483 | 5037 | 2519 | 11:21:46 | |
こんがり大トロ | 505 | 11530 | 4307 | 2154 | 9:43:43 | |
こんがり肉 | 606 | 13483 | 5037 | 2519 | 11:21:46 | |
魚肉 | 758 | 16890 | 6309 | 3155 | 14:12:46 | |
こんがり魚 | 1515 | 16878 | 6305 | 3153 | 14:12:12 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 13 | 522 | 195 | 98 | 0:31:11 | |
霜降り肉 | 34 | 1426 | 533 | 267 | 1:16:31 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 68 | 2946 | 1101 | 551 | 2:32:50 | |
大トロ | 85 | 1806 | 675 | 338 | 1:35:38 | |
生肉 | 101 | 4429 | 1655 | 828 | 3:47:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 169 | 3793 | 1417 | 709 | 3:15:21 | |
こんがり肉 | 202 | 4429 | 1655 | 828 | 3:47:16 | |
魚肉 | 253 | 5572 | 2081 | 1041 | 4:44:38 | |
こんがり魚 | 505 | 5560 | 2077 | 1039 | 4:44:04 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:04:48 | |
霜降り肉 | 4 | 81 | 31 | 16 | 0:09:01 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 7 | 215 | 80 | 40 | 0:15:44 | |
大トロ | 9 | 103 | 39 | 20 | 0:10:08 | |
生肉 | 11 | 395 | 148 | 74 | 0:24:46 | |
こんがり大トロ | 17 | 293 | 110 | 55 | 0:19:39 | |
こんがり肉 | 21 | 372 | 139 | 70 | 0:23:38 | |
魚肉 | 26 | 484 | 181 | 91 | 0:29:16 | |
こんがり魚 | 51 | 473 | 177 | 89 | 0:28:42 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:19 | |
こんがり肉 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
魚肉 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり魚 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
KO: × 18940; × 7731; × 2105; × 1203; × 1053; × 790; × 858; × 429 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 633.49 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:04:58 |
Level 450 | Time | |||||
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 55 | 2519 | 942 | 471 | 2:11:53 | |
霜降り肉 | 147 | 6484 | 2425 | 1213 | 5:30:46 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 294 | 13065 | 4885 | 2443 | 11:00:47 | |
大トロ | 367 | 8122 | 3037 | 1519 | 6:52:53 | |
生肉 | 440 | 19630 | 7339 | 3670 | 16:30:01 | |
こんがり大トロ | 734 | 16806 | 6284 | 3142 | 14:08:25 | |
こんがり肉 | 880 | 19630 | 7339 | 3670 | 16:30:01 | |
魚肉 | 1100 | 24565 | 9185 | 4593 | 20:37:31 | |
こんがり魚 | 2200 | 24565 | 9185 | 4593 | 20:37:31 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 19 | 797 | 298 | 149 | 0:45:34 | |
霜降り肉 | 49 | 2087 | 781 | 391 | 1:50:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 98 | 4281 | 1601 | 801 | 3:40:16 | |
大トロ | 123 | 2648 | 990 | 495 | 2:18:23 | |
生肉 | 147 | 6484 | 2425 | 1213 | 5:30:46 | |
こんがり大トロ | 245 | 5536 | 2070 | 1035 | 4:43:12 | |
こんがり肉 | 294 | 6484 | 2425 | 1213 | 5:30:46 | |
魚肉 | 367 | 8122 | 3037 | 1519 | 6:52:53 | |
こんがり魚 | 734 | 8122 | 3037 | 1519 | 6:52:53 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:04:48 | |
霜降り肉 | 5 | 113 | 43 | 22 | 0:11:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 10 | 337 | 126 | 63 | 0:22:29 | |
大トロ | 13 | 181 | 68 | 34 | 0:14:38 | |
生肉 | 15 | 562 | 210 | 105 | 0:33:46 | |
こんがり大トロ | 25 | 465 | 174 | 87 | 0:28:54 | |
こんがり肉 | 30 | 562 | 210 | 105 | 0:33:46 | |
魚肉 | 37 | 719 | 269 | 135 | 0:41:38 | |
こんがり魚 | 74 | 719 | 269 | 135 | 0:41:38 | |
Kibble (Quetzal Egg) | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:24 | |
霜降り肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
霜降りこんがり肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:15 | |
大トロ | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:01:08 | |
生肉 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
こんがり大トロ | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:19 | |
こんがり肉 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:16 | |
魚肉 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:03:23 | |
こんがり魚 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0:02:49 | |
KO: × 27940; × 11405; × 3105; × 1774; × 1553; × 1165; × 1265; × 633 | ||||||
Torpidity-depletion: 830.99 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:05:36 |
レベルに応じて必要な資源を計算するには、外部のTaming calculatorをご利用ください。
キブル(超級)の材料: Extra Large Egg × 1、繊維 × 5、Focal Chili × 1、Mejoberry × 10、レアフラワー × 1、Water × 1
戦闘[ | ]
全般[ | ]
戦略[ | ]
もう1つの可能性は、大量のMinigun Turretを搭載し、弾薬と発電機を十分に蓄えたいかだを作り、ギガノトサウルスを水中に誘い込んでタレットに破壊させることです。タレットが弾切れになる前にギガノトサウルスを殺せなかった場合は、少なくともクリアできるはずだ。ギガは泳ぐのが遅いので、さらに水の中に誘い込み、溺れるか、水棲の捕食者が仕留めることを期待しよう。
Grappling HookとSwordのような近接武器だけでギガノトサウルスを倒すことができます。グラップリングフックをギガノトサウルスの後ろ側、尻尾の近くに撃って、巻き込みます。胴体に近い位置であれば、剣で殴っても、ギガノトサウルスの攻撃を受けるリスクはあまりありません。たまに当たることがあっても大丈夫なように、しっかりとした防具を用意しておきましょう。ギガノトサウルスは、プレイヤーに攻撃が当たらない時間が長くなると、逃げたり、ギガノトサウルスを壊したり、尻尾でプレイヤーから逃げたりする「戦術的撤退」を行います。必ず戻ってきて攻撃してきますので、荒らされないようにしましょう。
The Ocean
武器[ | ]
危険[ | ]
弱点[ | ]
ギガノトサウルスを倒すもう一つの効果的な方法は、Lightning WyvernとPoison Wyvernを使うことです。ギガノトサウルスの上に浮かんで、しばらくの間ブレス攻撃で叩いていれば、どんなギガノトサウルスでも難なく倒すことができます。ワイバーンのヒットボックスは非常に大きく、その場で飛んでいると思わぬところで何度か噛まれてしまうことがあるので、位置取りに注意してください。また、スタミナを気にして、必要に応じて安全な場所に飛んでスタミナを補給することも重要です。
怒りの心臓 (怒りモード)[ | ]
基本情報[ | ]
原因[ | ]
計算式[ | ]
1maximum Health of the Giga
実用性[ | ]
Even though the Giganotosaurus is a big pain in the backside to tame and fight, the Giganotosaurus is a formidable dinosaur once tamed. Note that for all roles it's advised to level melee damage; the Giga gains miniscule boosts in all stats so it's best to utilize what the Giga does best at: mass destruction.
役割[ | ]
- Tank: With inherently high HP and base damage, Giganotosaurus is long lasting. Just as long as you watch its Rage, you will last with it.
The Giga is not made to soak Turrets, but it is capable of tanking a small amount of them if it is imprinted and equipped with a decent saddle.
- Siege Engine: As one of the few tameable land-based Dino capable of destroying Stone structures, it is logical to employ this beast upon your enemies. So long as it is kept calm, The Giganotosaurus can level months of work in mere minutes.
- Meat farmer: The Giga is very arguably the best meat farmer in the game thanks its ability to kill almost everything with ease and high damage meaning it harvests far more meat than most creatures. Walking around slaughtering every wild dino around your base will allow you to fill your troughs and fridges in minutes.
- Guardian: The Giga is a fantastic guardian against natural threats since it easily handles nearly everything that gets in its proximity. If you're likely to come under heavy attack by rival Survivors, however, it may be best to have your Giga guard one of the approaches to your base, some distance from the actual structures; that way, if the enemy induces a rage mode (assuming it's being ridden,) only they are punished if the rider can escape fast enough or even charge into the opposition to bring the Giga their way.
- Taming Support Hunter: Very few creatures gather Raw Prime Meat and get it where it's needed faster. Just remember not to step on your tame, and consider putting your Giga on passive so it doesn't step on or accidentally eat the tame while trying to kill something else.
- Rock Elemental Defence: The Giga is a great defence against a Rock Elemental. The Giga negates the rock Elemental’s 90% damage reduction, making it an effective way to combat them. This strategy could be used as a defense on both PvE and PvP game modes. You could Use the Giga to defend your base against wild or tamed rock elementals. This method is much more effective than attempting to destroy the rock Elementals with explosives as it is a much safer option and is much less costly. Somehow it can bleed the Rock Elemental.
- Alpha Hunting: Considering the strength of a Giganotosaurus, it is no surprise that it can quite easily handle alpha Raptors and alpha Carnos in most cases regardless of the level of your Giganotosaurus and the alpha. However, a common question is whether the Giganotosaurus will fare well against an alpha Rex. In most all cases, a Giganotosaurus will defeat an alpha Rex so long as the alpha Rex level does not greatly exceed that of the Giganotosaurus. If in a fight with a high-level alpha Rex, regardless of your Giganotosaurus level, there is a chance of the Giganotosaurus raging. Should the Giganotosaurus rage, it is best to run as quickly as possible, but even if rage is induced, the Giganotosaurus will most likely proceed to win the fight. A Giganotosaurus with good melee and even just base health of 17,000 can win against most alpha Rexs.
- Titan Killer: A horde of imprinted Gigas can take on the Forest Titan and even the Frost Titan thanks to their large health pool and insane damage output. If your Giga army is small (less than 8) then it's heavily advised to bring additional firepower. Neither of these titans can cause a Giga to auto-enrage. As a rider, make sure you are on something that can dodge their attacks such as a Managarmr.
- Turning on damage multipliers in a server can make a Giganotosaurus deal 3x as much damage to titans.
- Battle Mount: The Giga is the mount with the highest damage output of all tameable creatures (except from the Titans) and therefore is a great weapon especially in PvP. If a player puts all of a Giga's level-up points into melee, the Giga can do astronomical damage, dwarfing the damage of a rex.
- Orbital Supply Drop Defender: Because its damage is one of the highest, a single Giga can guard relatively easy supply drops. It could be problematic since it can damage the supply drop with its own attacks in a PvP server but it won't on a PvE server. On the hard and legendary orbital supply drops, it is recommended to have several players on Gigas to block various routes where corrupted creatures move in to damage the orbital supply drop. A few players closer to the drop should be on velonasaurs to ground the flyers.
- Genesis Brute Hunter: Since Brute creatures of Genesis are similar to Alpha predators and given that the Giga has one of the highest health points and damage values in the game, a Giga can help a survivor track down and kill a brute creature during their respective missions. Imprinted Gigas can do most beta brute hunting missions without too much trouble but it's ill-advised to take them to alpha missions; most brute creatures can deal enough damage to make the Giga enrage with utmost haste and bring ruination to both the allied party and its own life as it gets destroyed by the brute creature.
- Fish Meat Collector; Due to its large size, it can stand in fairly deep water while still being able to walk. Using this you can easily kill groups of Coelacanths and Piranhas.
- Transport:; While not recommended due to low stamina levels and high stamina consumption, in a situation of guarding transports, nothing is better then a Giga. Being able to quickly kill off aggressive wildlife, players(depends on the players), and even destroy road blocks up to stone tier, it’s perfect for supporting a long trip. It can even carry some of your items if you wish.
- Combatant:
- Damage:
収集可能なアイテム[ | ]
note: the giga can harvest fungal wood from only the red capped trees in the bog biome in genesis (tested in single player with a level 348 tek giga)
資源 | 効率 |
Raw Prime Meat | ★★★★★ |
Raw Meat | ★★★★★ |
Raw Fish Meat | ★★★★☆ |
Hide | ★★★★☆ |
Fungal Wood | ★★★★☆ |
Keratin | ★★★☆☆ |
Chitin | ★★★☆☆ |
実績[ | ]
ギガノトサウルス使い ギガノトサウルスの背中に乗った! |
- Riding a Giganotosaurus will award the "Giga Rider" achievement.
スポットライト[ | ]
備考[ | ]
- The dossier was revealed on 08/08/15[3]
- It was set for release on Nov. 3rd, 2015, it was then delayed until Nov. 5th, 2015
- Besides Alpha Predators and the DodoRex, it's one of the only six land-based creatures able to destroy stone structures. The other creatures are the Titanosaur, Rock Elemental, Therizinosaur, Arthropluera, and Chalicotherium.
- Until the Dunkleosteus' release in Patch 238.0, it was the only tameable dino that could demolish stone structures.
- The Giganotosaurus is capable of a roar ability. This makes it the fifth creature with the ability to roar, behind the Tyrannosaurus,Allosaurus,Baryonyx, Spino, Ravager and Direwolf. Unlike some of the others, its roar has no purpose other than feeling ferocious, and does not have any cooldown.
- The Giganotosaurus swims extremely slowly. This combined with its low stamina means it can drown very quickly if attempting to cross a large and deep body of water, its large HP will not save it. Fortunately it is tall enough that most of the time it can simply wade through.
- Note that on level 1, a Giganotosaurus is actually a lot more powerful than even an Alpha T-Rex. The Giga gains little stats aside from melee damage as levels progress while the Alpha Rex gains both health and melee at normal rates.
- Gigas can have trouble with rocks, making areas like snow a pain to travel with them on following. It is much easier to have a friend trail behind and break rocks for you or just simply ride it.
- Taking a Giga egg is an extremely bad idea if you're not prepared. It's best to have an extremely fast flying mount or there will be major consequences.
- The Giga eats constantly while sprinting, and in fact its Food stat will decrease more quickly than it can eat even with its inventory full. The rider needs to ensure that it keeps meat in its inventory when on the move, and in addition to recharging stamina, sometimes make longer stops to eat and recover the Food stat.
- It was supposed to have a tek tier helmet that would allow it to shoot lasers however it has yet to come out.[4]
- The Giganotosaurus is one of the four creatures with the Gnashed effect, with the others being the Allosaurus, the Ravager (Wild only) and the Deinonychus. This could tie in to how the real-life Giga is related to Allosaurus.
- Corrupted Giganotosaurus don't have the Gashed ability.
- Giganotosaurus (including variants) seems to have a bug with its enrage feature; while it will get increased damage as its rage increases, the moment it actually enrages, it loses the bonus damage while its rage mode is active. With this in mind, it's advised to try to supply immediate burst damage to activate rage mode, which in turn, will make dealing with it a lesser hassle.
- Despite the fact that Allosaurus will not aggro on a Spinosaurus they do aggro on tamed gigas, and since Allosaurs deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time it could send your giga into rage mode.
- It is not advised to attack Kentrosaurus with Giganotosaurus, due to the high damage and damage recoil of the Kentrosaurus the Giganotosaurus has a high chance of being enraged .
- Interestingly, fully imprinted Giganotosaurus's health is par with Corrupted Giganotosaurus.
- Based on the distance between a survivor to a mission post in Genesis, a Giga in between the two makes a distance of about 45 meters long and 12 meters tall or about 148 feet long and 39 feet tall.
- For some reason, Gigas can actually harvest fungal wood from the red topped trees in the bog biome of the Genesis Simulation.
- The size and design of the Giga might be based on the European Sci-fi show Primeval, the Giga depicted was cosidrably larger than any real world Gigas, plus the Primeval Giga has horns above its eyes similar to Arks Giga. An oversized giganotosaurus is also present in the video game Dino Crisis as an antagonist and where he killed and probably devoured a t-rex.
- While the Giganotosaurus is the largest and strongest tamable permanent creature, its status in ARK is heavily exaggerated. In reality, Giganotosaurus was slightly longer and taller but lighter. The bite force of Giganotosaurus was also significantly weaker than Tyrannosaurus, as the teeth of Giganotosaurus were extremely sharp, indicating they were designed to grip/tear flesh, while the teeth of Tyrannosaurus were more blunt and built for crushing bone.
- The Giganotosaurus' terrible stamina is actually a real fact as its speed in real life is slow, and its build is specialized in hunting prey much bigger than itself. If its prey is smaller than itself, it resorts to ambush tactics.
- Its scientific name comes from modern Latin, from Greek gigantas ‘giant’ + nótios ‘southern’ + sauros ‘lizard.’.
- The Greek "gigantas" is pronounced with the soft-G (as in "giant"), unlike the Latin "gigas", which is pronounced with the hard-G (as in "grape"), and as such, the correct pronunciation of Giganotosaurus would actually be to pronounce the G as if it was a J (i.e. Jiga-notosaurus).
- Despite its similar shape and size to T. rex, Giganotosaurus isn't closely related, being closer to the Allosaurus than to the coelurosaurian Tyrannosaurus.
- The Giga should NEVER be used in an alpha hunt mission on genesis. The Brute creatures will cause the giga to rage after just a few hits even on easier brutes such as the raptor. No matter the gigas melee do not attempt this
- The real-life Giganotosaurus is thought by some to have been a pack hunter, as it would have helped when hunting large sauropods, a trait that is similar to how a horde of Ark giganotosaurus can easily take down the Titanosaur, Forest and Ice Titan.
- The highest melee stat off of a perfect level 150 Giganotosaurus or a level 225 tamed Giganotosaurus would be at or above 235%.
- Each mutation on the melee stat increases by 10%.
- the giga can't be requested to the closest bed in ark mobile
豆知識[ | ]
このページには、ARK:Survival Evolvedの背景ストーリーに関連したネタバレが含まれている可能性があります。 あなたは物語のゲーム内を体験したい場合は、おそらくこのページの続きを読むべきではありません。 |
- The Giganotosaurus is too heavy to be teleported to Boss Arenas, despite what Mei Yin's Explorer Note #26 says; detailing how she brought a Giganotosaurus named 獸王 ("Beast King")/ Demon King with her to fight against the Megapithecus.
- In lore, the Giganotosaurus may have been a creature that was added to the Island ARK during the events of the lore as Mei-Yin and Nerva have never seen it before and they didn't know its behavior until they fought at the blue obelisk.
- When applying lore from later ARKs, the Giganotosaurus appeared just when the New Legion was starting to become a powerful force on the Island. The Island ARK may have used the Giganotosaurus just like how Scorched Earth and Aberration used wyverns and reapers respectively: preventing survivors from gaining too much power to a point they are controlling their ARK. Specifically, the Giganotosaurus appeared to curb the power and ambitions of the New Legion, which it did. In the long run, Nerva notes that fighting Mei-Yin who had a giga and the red obelisk's dragon was enough to weaken the tribe's authority on the lesser tribes.
- Helena may have wrote her dossier about the Giganotosaurus during the in-lore events as the behaviors she mentioned are those that various survivors saw when witnessing it.
- Its rage mechanic of increasing its bite power as it takes damage was described by Mei Yin during its first appearance in her explorer notes and possibly discussed when they marched to the blue obelisk.
- The dossier text when it mentioned that some factions want to tame it for its overwhelming size and power despite the dangerous risks refers to how Mei Yin took desperate measures to tame one in an effort to resist the New Legion in future battles.
- When domesticated, Helena mentioned it having a rage reaction that can make it turn on its own allies, a characteristic of the dinosaur every lore survivor except Rockwell witnessed at the blue obelisk battle.
変更履歴[ | ]
Patch | 変更点 |
222.0 | Giganotosaurus is added to the game. |
222.3 | Doubled swim Speed and made it properly swim to the waterline to prevent drowning. |
222.5 |
222.6 | Fixed case where it could still stand on Rafts and Platform Saddles. |
222.7 | Gigas in rage mode will no longer target other Gigas of the same team. |
222.8 |
231.1 | Wild Giga now has 50% less Health and 20% less Attack Damage (should not effect tamed Gigas). |
231.4 | Subtracted tamed Giga base Health by 20,000. |
231.7 |
240.5 | Made Giga attacks be able to knock trees down now. |
243.0 | |
246.1 | No longer harvests Wood. |
246.3 | Fixed Narcotics not working on Giga and possibly other creatures. |
247.8 | Fixed Giga not being able to attack trees again. |
249.0 | Added Skeletal Giganotosaurus and Giganotosaurus Bone Costume for the ARK: Fear Evolved 2 event. |
252.0 | Reduced tamed Giga Attack Damage and Health by approximately 15%. |
259.0 |
260.0 | Added new apex drop, the Giganotosaurus Heart. |
262.0 | Can no longer harvest Wood again, specifically from trees in snowy biomes. |
264.52 | Fixed issue where Giga could not properly loot inventories. |
275.4 | Fixed a bug which would cause the Giga to enrage easier than desired . |
278.0 |
285.104 Extinction Expansion Release | Added Corrupted Giganotosaurus. |
293.100 | Increased damage required to enrage a Giga by 55%. |
306.41 Genesis: Part 1 Expansion Release | Added Malfunctioned Tek Giganotosaurus and Corrupted Giganotosaurus Dinotar. |
316.18 | Reduced Giganotosaurus maturation time by approximately 15% (Total growth is around 10~ days). |
ギャラリー[ | ]
Relative Size to a Rex
Size comparison with a Reaper King
参照資料[ | ]
外部リンク[ | ]
生物 | |||||||||||||||||||||