ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Steam 258.0
5月 30, 2017
Xbox One 755.0
6月 19, 2017
PS 509.0
6月 14, 2017
Logo Mobile
Nintendo Switch 599.0
11月 30, 2018
Epic Games 311.74
6月 11, 2020
admincheat summon Hesperornis_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Hesperornis/Hesperornis_Character_BP.Hesperornis_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Hesperornis (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Hesperornis_Character_BP_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Hesperornis_Character_BP_STA.Hesperornis_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark できる
X mark できない
Check mark できる
X mark なし
Dead FishDead Fish
Check mark Shoulder-Mounted
22 - 30 °C / 72 - 86 °F
1時間 30分 54.109秒
2時間 48分 21.01秒
11時間 13分 24.041秒
14時間 1分 45.051秒
1日 4時間 3分 30.102秒
18時間 - 2日

ヘスペロルニス(hess-per-or-niss)または単にDuckまたはgooseARK: Survival Evolved生物の一種です。

基本情報[ | ]

調査書[ | ]



Hesperornis avenatantes


Late Cretaceous






鴨と恐竜が合わさったような容姿をしているヘスペロルニスは、魚食性の中型の鳥で、川や湖でよく見られます。立ち上がると人間の3分の2程度になりますが、立ち上がることはほとんどありません。彼らはよく水面をすいすいと泳ぎまわっています。 ヘスペロルニスの足は歩くには短すぎるので、陸上の生物にとってはほとんど脅威ではありません。しかし水中では驚くほど速く泳ぐことができます。そして魚やその他の水棲生物を、簡単に捕らえてしまいます。


狩猟用や愛玩用としては特に有用ではありません。しかし魚肉を一定量食すると産む卵は、大変に有用です。その卵は2種類の物質に分解することができます。 一つは高カロリーのタンパク質、もう一つは海洋で採れる原油と同質の、油性の液体です。

行動[ | ]

Hesperornis is quite content to ignore animals and survivor, unless if they get too close for comfort. They will bite any player that touches them before fleeing. They devour fish such as Coelacanths and are in turn hunted by predators and survivors who seek their organic polymer.

外観[ | ]

The Hesperornis is a strange bird resembling a dinosaur mixed with a loon. Like a loon, it has a long neck, waterproof feathers, and strong webbed feet that propel it through the water at the cost of being rather helpless on dry land. Unlike a loon, it has vestigial wings that prevent it from flying, as well as small needle-like teeth to snatch fish - its favourite meal.

配色と領域[ | ]


この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ヘスペロルニスのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はヘスペロルニスの"main body"がmagenta色になります。

Hesperornis PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Main Body
X mark

Region 1はこの生物には

Hesperornis PaintRegion2
Region 2:
X mark

Region 3はこの生物には

Hesperornis PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Hesperornis PaintRegion5
Region 5:

ドロップ[ | ]

基本ステータスと成長[ | ]

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ テイムボーナス
野性生物 テイム生物 Additive Multiplicative
体力体力 95 +19 +5.4% 0.07
スタミナスタミナ 200 +20 +10%
酸素量酸素量 N/A N/A N/A
食料食料 900 +90 +10% 15%
重量重量 70 +1.4 +4%
近接攻撃力近接攻撃力 1 / 25 +0.05 / +1.25 +1.7% 14% 17.6%
移動速度移動速度 100% N/A +1%
気絶値気絶値 300 +18 該当なし 0.5
移動 基本速度 全力疾走の速度 スタミナ
野生生物 テイム生物 野生生物 テイム生物
歩行 125 ? ? ? 4
水泳 210 ? 315 315 3
  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。
Bite (Land) スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
0 110 0 400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 1
Dive スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
0 1000 0 1500
Dive Bite スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
0 150 0 400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 25
Bite (On Water Surface) スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
0 200 0 400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 10




stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps


テイム方法[ | ]

This bird uses an odd version of passive taming. You must kill fish and then bring it to the Hesperornis to tame it. It appears type of fish and, most importantly, size affects how quickly it's tamed. A small fish might give 2-3% taming progress, while a large one can give 9-10% or more. There is a 30-second cooldown between feedings.

A good strategy to use is to put a fish in a foundation with a ramp and three railings, with one open side towards the birds. Then, they'll walk into it without any effort. Another method is to use a Grappling HookGrappling Hook to drag them to your pen.

Salmon seems to be more effective in taming than Coel. Taming it with fish obtained by an Ichthyornis gives more taming percentage.

The Hesperornis deals barely any damage with its attack, unless in water, so getting it to attack you on land which prevents it from running away is a good idea. Luring it into a pen by walking near and gaining its attention is the best way to prevent you from losing it while finding more fish.

Using an Ichthyornis to kill fish will drastically improve taming effectiveness (roughly 5 to 10 times greater effectiveness per fish) due to the "prime buff" given by fish it kills.

Although the Hesperornis is tamed by the player dragging a dead fish up to the bird. Once it is tamed Hesperornis only eats raw fish meat just like other aquatic carnivores.

レベルに依存する必要な時間とリソースの数については、external taming calculatorを試してください。ただしそれらの数も非公式であることに注意してください。

戦闘[ | ]

This section describes how to fight against the Hesperornis.

全般[ | ]

It is quite easy to kill a Hesperornis due to their low amount of health. It is best to keep it out of the water, as it does more damage while swimming.

戦略[ | ]

The Hesperornis is very slow and poses very little threat, so using a pike should easily do the trick.

武器[ | ]

Only low-end weapons are needed, such as a spear, bow or pike.

危険[ | ]

The Hesperornis poses essentially no dangers to even a low-level survivor. Care should be taken while hunting or taming them however, as their preferred hunting areas are rivers, often teeming with other dangerous creatures. Most notably, the piranha, which will occasionally try to grab them from the surface of the water.

弱点[ | ]

They are slow runners, meaning you can easily out run it, or hit it with a weapon and run before you get hit yourself, they also have low health.

実用性[ | ]

役割[ | ]

  • Egg farm: Female Hesperornis can lay Golden Hesperornis EggGolden Hesperornis Egg and Hesperornis EggHesperornis Egg when brought out of water after killing and eating 5 fish. This process can be somewhat sped up by killing fish as the player and then commanding Hesperornis to attack fish corpses in the water. Note that there is about 10 seconds delay between Hesperornis reaching the shore and laying an egg. The Golden eggs give a temporary 500% experience boost to smaller creatures such as DilophosaurDilophosaur, TroodonTroodon and CompyCompies or a 10% boost to larger creatures when consumed. They are also an ingredient in Extraordinary Kibble which is the only kibble that's effective at taming YutyrannusYutyrannus, Thylacoleo, Megalania, Griffin, and Rock Elemental (Technically, extraordinary kibble can effectively tame any creature that normally has a preferred kibble.) The normal Hesperornis EggHesperornis Egg can also be placed in a cooking pot to produce OilOil. Extraordinary Kibble is better obtained from eggs of very low-level Yutyrannus or Deinonychus, and Golden Eggs are currently too much of time-wasters to invest in. However, if you are looking to rush a Thylacoleo, and have the proper saddle for it, this could very well be the method you obtain one with, in addition to a trap.
  • Polymer: Hunting Hesperornis is a great way to obtain Organic PolymerOrganic Polymer for people who do not have Fur Armor or who are far from the snow biome where the more numerous KairukuKairuku are found. The Wooden ClubWooden Club is the most efficient tool to harvest the polymer.
  • Fisher: The Hesperornis will insta-kill a small fish (e.g. coelacanth, sabertooth salmon, etc...). This makes it an excellent fisher, which is good because it only eats fish.

収集可能なアイテム[ | ]

備考/トリビア[ | ]


  • The dossier was revealed on 08/21/15 [2]
  • The ability of Hesperornis to lay golden eggs is likely in reference to the fairy tale trope of a magical goose that lays golden eggs, appearing in stories such as the Aesop fable The Goose that Laid the Golden Eggs and the English tale Jack and the Beanstalk. Hesperornis is not closely related to geese, but does superficially resemble a goose.
  • Hesperornis in real life was rather different from its Ark counterpart: it could not walk upright and instead probably hauled itself on the ground clumsily, a bit like a seal, due to its legs being on the sides, unlike in Ark where they are located underneath. Its legs and feet were a lot larger and the webbing on them was more like that of a moorhen or coot rather than a duck or seagull.
    • The real Hesperornis was native to the shores of shallow shelf seas like the Western Interior Seaway and acted as an easy prey for ocean predators like Xiphactinus, Tylosaurus, and Mosasaurus.
    • Like Archaeopteryx, Hesperornis was a proto-bird, meaning it still retained some Dinosaurian features, such as teeth and visible fingers, which most modern birds lack.
    • Real Hesperornis were a social animal that lived in flocks, Ark's Hesperornis is mostly seen alone but occasionally can be found together.
  • The diving attack Hesperornis uses against prey fish deals 100,000,000 damage to them. (Tested with floating damage numbers.)
  • Hesperornis does not have an OxygenOxygen stat unlike other air-breathing swimmers such as OtterOtters.
  • On PC and PS4 it is almost impossible to feed hesperornis with fish that are too big, since the player character will always be inside the collider of the fish causing the "[E]:Release Body" prompt to take priority over the "[E] : Feed Fish" for taming the hesperornis. Your best bet is to strafe along side it while aiming directly at the head. If the fish is spinning, drop it and quickly pick it up before the hesperornis eats it. (Have not confirmed on XB1 yet)

変更履歴[ | ]

Patch 変更点
258.0 HesperornisHesperornis is added to the game
258.2 Fixed Hesperornis not getting beyond 50% taming affinity
258.3 Fixed Hesperornis playing tamed animation when swimming
259.0 Increased SFX distance for Hesperornis
260.0 Fixed spelling of Hesperornis EggHesperornis Egg
262.0 No longer teleports back up to the surface after diving
294.101 Added Hesperornis to Extinction in the snow and desert biomes

スポットライト[ | ]

ギャラリー[ | ]

参照資料[ | ]
