ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Disambig 関連項目: Rock DrakeRock Drake, ManagarmrManagarmr, MagmasaurMagmasaur and DragonDragon

Disambig この記事はregular Wyvernsについてです。the crystal variations in Crystal Islesについては、Crystal Wyvernを参照してください。
Disambig この記事はワイバーンに関するものであり、DragonDragonと混同しないでください。

admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Base_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Base.Wyvern_Character_BP_Base'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Fire Wyvern
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Lightning Wyvern
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning.Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Poison Wyvern
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison.Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Ice Wyvern
admincheat summon Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Custom_Assets/Dinos/Wyvern/Ice_Wyvern/Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice.Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Forest Wyvern
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Minion_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/ForestKaiju/Minion/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Minion.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Minion'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Corrupted Wyvern
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Corrupt_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Corrupt.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Corrupt'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Fire Wyvern (Gauntlet)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Gauntlet_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Volcanic/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Gauntlet.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Lightning Wyvern (Gauntlet)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_Gauntlet_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Lunar/Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_Gauntlet.Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Poison Wyvern (Gauntlet)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_Gauntlet_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Bog/Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_Gauntlet.Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_Gauntlet'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Ice Wyvern (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_STA.Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Fire Wyvern (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_STA.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Forest Wyvern (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Forest_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Wyvern_Character_BP_Forest_STA.Wyvern_Character_BP_Forest_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Lightning Wyvern (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_STA.Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Poison Wyvern (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_STA.Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Check mark できる1
Check mark できる
Check mark できる

1 成体はテイムすることができませんが、Wyvern Egg野生の卵を孵化させることができます。

X mark なし
Check mark サドルは必要ありません
X mark できない
  • Wyvern Egg (Fire) (Scorched Earth) Wyvern Egg (Fire) Scorched Earth Icon
  • Wyvern Egg (Lightning) (Scorched Earth) Wyvern Egg (Lightning) Scorched Earth Icon
  • Wyvern Egg (Poison) (Scorched Earth) Wyvern Egg (Poison) Scorched Earth Icon
  • Wyvern Egg (Ice) (Ragnarok) Wyvern Egg (Ice) Ragnarok Icon
80 - 90 °C / 176 - 194 °F
4時間 59分 58.561秒
9時間 15分 33.331秒
1日 13時間 2分 13.325秒
1日 22時間 17分 46.656秒
3日 20時間 35分 33.313秒
18時間 - 2日

ワイバーン(WAI-vrn)は、ARK: Survival Evolved生物の一種です。この生物は、Scorched EarthThe World ScarRagnarokDragonmalte TrenchWyvern CaveValgueroThe Great Trenchに生息しています。ワイバーンには、Poison WyvernポイズンFire WyvernファイアLightning WyvernライトニングIce WyvernアイスRagnarokValgueroのみ)、Forest WyvernフォレストExtinctionのみ)の5つのバリエーションがあります。


基本情報[ | ]

調査書[ | ]



Draconis vipera








ドラゴントレンチというその名にふさわしい場所に住んでいるワイバーンも、島にいる他の親戚と同じように、ヨーロッパの伝説からそのまま飛び出してきた生物です。 ワイバーンとさらに巨大な親戚たちの主な違いは、大きさを除けば、前者が鳥類のように足を2本しか持っていないという点にあります。それ以外はほとんど同じで、固い鱗と皮のような翼を持っており、口の中にある一対の腺から投射物を吐き出すことができます。 この投射物はワイバーンの鱗の色に直接関係しています。炎を吹く者もいれば、酸性の毒を吐き出したり電気を炸裂させたりする者もいます。


ワイバーンほど危険な騎乗動物はいないでしょう。力や体力があるだけでなく、敵を頭上から攻撃できるため、戦いでは他に類を見ないほど強力です。彼らに機動力で劣る生物は、ほとんどの場合一瞬でやられてしまいます その背中は鞍を使わなくても座れる形状をしているため、鞍を使わずにハゲワシに乗ることを好むライダーも少なくありません。好奇心は間違いなく強いほうです。ただし、いったん成長してしまうと、飼い慣らすのは非常に難しくなります。忠実に命令に従わせたければ、卵から育てなければなりません。

行動[ | ]

Extremely aggressive, often found flying around mountainous areas, or the dragon trenches looking for a fight. The only exception is Forest Wyvern, which does not attack at all.

With no rivalry from the Rock Elemental and no natural predators, the Wyverns are considered to be the apex predators of Scorched Earth for their surprising speed and devastating elemental attacks.

外観[ | ]

Wyvern Comparison

From left to right: Poison, Lightning, and Fire Wyverns.

Wyverns appear very similar to what one would assume to be a stereotypical dragon. There are five different types of wyverns, each with small but distinguishable variations in size, shape and color.

Poison Wyverns generally appear in some hue of green or green-grey, while some cases have them appear in black or purple shades and hues. They have frills on the sides of their face, much like a Dilophosaur. Their head is flatter and wider than the other Wyverns, seeming more Serpent-like. A ragged strip of webbed spines runs down their back. They also possess a snake-like tongue.

Fire Wyverns usually appear in shades of reddish-brown, red, orange, orange-brown, or even just brown. Their wing membrane can often sport a burnished gold color. Their head is probably the most stereo typically dragon-like of all the Wyverns. A row of sharp spines run down their back. A ridge of spikes protrudes like an eyebrow above their eyes. A frill of horns adorn their skull, and they have a cluster of small spikes by their jaw muscle. The tip of their snout hooks like a bird of prey, and they are the only Wyvern that has an Alpha, Forest, and Corrupted form.

Lightning Wyverns can appear in almost any shade of blue or purple. Their wing membrane is either a dark grey/black with paler lightning-shaped streaks or blinding white. They have a very narrow, triangular face and large eyes. Its eyes are set back and it has three pairs of small fins on the side of its face behind the eyes. It also has a central fin rising from the top of its head giving it an Aquatic look. A ragged ribbon of flesh runs down its back.

Ice Wyverns can be light blue/white with the rare possibility of being green and/or black/grey. Their wing membrane is either the same color as the body/its highlights. They somewhat resemble Fire Wyverns but they have a more triangular, beak-like upper jaw and a slightly wider, spiked lower jaw. They are the most birdlike of the Wyverns, possessing a thin snout akin to a beak. They have a pronounced brow with a spike akin to eyebrows over each beady eye along with additional spikes on their heads akin to hair. Ice Wyverns' bodies are covered with spikes, which start on their shoulders, run down the spine, and end at the tail. Ice Wyvern eggs can only be found on Ragnarok and Valguero.

Forest Wyverns appears only in one color: bright red. Much of their appearance evolves from the Fire Wyvern, but are uncharacteristic in that they are both smaller and sport yellow, striking veins which protrude from their yellowish gradient wing membranes.

配色と領域[ | ]

The Forest Wyvern spawned from Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions unlike its predecessor, making it impossible to make alterations to its natural spawn color.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ワイバーンのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はワイバーンの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Fire Wyvern PaintRegion0
Region 0:
X mark

Region 1はこの生物には

Fire Wyvern PaintRegion2
Region 2:
Belly and Foot Scales
X mark

Region 3はこの生物には

Fire Wyvern PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Fins and Wings
Fire Wyvern PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Belly Detail

The Forest Wyvern spawned from Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions unlike its predecessor, making it impossible to make alterations to its natural spawn color.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ワイバーンのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はワイバーンの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Lightning Wyvern PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Lightning Wyvern PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Fins and Frills
Lightning Wyvern PaintRegion2
Region 2:
X mark

Region 3はこの生物には

Lightning Wyvern PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Lightning Wyvern PaintRegion5
Region 5:

The Forest Wyvern spawned from Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions unlike its predecessor, making it impossible to make alterations to its natural spawn color.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ワイバーンのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はワイバーンの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Poison Wyvern PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Poison Wyvern PaintRegion1
Region 1:
Fins and Wings
Poison Wyvern PaintRegion2
Region 2:
Poison Wyvern PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Wing Detail and Fins
Poison Wyvern PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Poison Wyvern PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Body Detail

The Forest Wyvern spawned from Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions unlike its predecessor, making it impossible to make alterations to its natural spawn color.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ワイバーンのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はワイバーンの"main body"がmagenta色になります。

Ice Wyvern PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Main Body
X mark

Region 1はこの生物には

X mark

Region 2はこの生物には

X mark

Region 3はこの生物には

Ice Wyvern PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Belly Scales
Ice Wyvern PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Top and Fin Scales

The Forest Wyvern spawned from Forest Titan always spawns with the same color scheme and has no color regions unlike its predecessor, making it impossible to make alterations to its natural spawn color.



この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、ワイバーンのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はワイバーンの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Corrupted Wyvern PaintRegion0
Region 0:
X mark

Region 1はこの生物には

Corrupted Wyvern PaintRegion2
Region 2:
Belly and Foot Scales
X mark

Region 3はこの生物には

Corrupted Wyvern PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Fins and Wings
Corrupted Wyvern PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Belly Detail

ドロップ[ | ]

  • Wyvern Talon (Scorched Earth):
    • Fire Talon (Scorched Earth)Fire Talon Scorched Earth Icon - ファイアワイバーンと汚染されたワイバーンがドロップ
    • Lightning Talon (Scorched Earth)Lightning Talon Scorched Earth Icon - ライトニングワイバーンがドロップ
    • Poison Talon (Scorched Earth)Poison Talon Scorched Earth Icon - ポイズンワイバーンがドロップ
  • Wyvern Milk (Scorched Earth)Wyvern Milk Scorched Earth Icon - Dropped by unconscious female Wyverns (or found in its inventory after rendering unconscious for first time)1 or dead Alpha Wyverns only
1 Milk will vanish from its inventory if not picked up in time before it wakes up, either from inventory or killing it.

Guaranteed Special Loot
Random Special Loot

基本ステータスと成長[ | ]

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ テイムボーナス
野性生物 テイム生物 Additive Multiplicative
体力体力 1295 +194.25 +4.05% -785
スタミナスタミナ 315 +15.75 +5%
酸素量酸素量 150 +15 +10%
食料食料 1800 +180 +10%
重量重量 400 +8 +4%
近接攻撃力近接攻撃力 80 +4 +1.7% -25% 17.6%
移動速度移動速度 100% N/A +0%
気絶値気絶値 725 +43.5 該当なし 0.5
移動 基本速度 全力疾走の速度 スタミナ
野生生物 テイム生物 野生生物 テイム生物
歩行 690 690 796.9 796.9 -6
水泳 3000 3000 N/A N/A -0.275
飛行 3000 3000 2310 2310 -0.275
  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。
噛む スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Left Mousebutton (PC)、R2 Button (PS)、RT Button (Xbox One)を使用すると、ワイバーンがターゲットに噛みつきます。
10 1200 0 1400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 80
Breathe Fire スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using the Right Mousebutton (PC), L2 Button (PS), LT Button (Xbox One) with a Fire Wyvern, it will set the target on fire, burning away 20% of the target's maximum health (excluding fire resistance modifiers) over 10 seconds.
125 4000 0 5000
Breathe Lightning スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using the Right Mousebutton (PC), L2 Button (PS), LT Button (Xbox One) with a Lightning Wyvern, it will shoot a concentrated beam of lightning at the target for impact damage.
125 3700 2000 4400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
発射物 衝撃力 20 4.3 100
Breathe Poison スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using the Right Mousebutton (PC), L2 Button (PS), LT Button (Xbox One) with a Poison Wyvern, it will shoot a single projectile of poison gas at the target that will explode on impact.
65 5000 0 6000
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
発射物 衝撃力 100 5
爆発 80 5 500
Breathe Ice スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using the Right Mousebutton (PC), L2 Button (PS), LT Button (Xbox One) with an Ice Wyvern, it will significantly slow the target's movement speed over a period of time.
160 4000 0 5000
Grab スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using C (PC), R3 Button (PS), R Button (Xbox One) while in the air, the Wyvern can pick up another creature. Despite a coded melee damage value, this attack does no damage.
40 500 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 18
Taunt スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using C (PC), R3 Button (PS), R Button (Xbox One) while on the ground, the Wyvern flaps its wings and taunts the target. This pushes creatures in front of the Wyvern away.
2 0 0 0
噛む (AI) スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation The Wyvern bites the target. This attack's values are only used by a wild or an unridden tamed creature only.
10 1400 0 1700
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 80

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ
体力体力 1295 +194.25
スタミナスタミナ 315 +15.75
酸素量酸素量 150 +15
食料食料 1800 +180
重量重量 400 +8
近接攻撃力近接攻撃力 80 +4
移動速度移動速度 100% N/A
気絶値気絶値 725 +43.5
移動 基本速度 全力疾走の速度
歩行 690 796.9
水泳 3000 N/A
飛行 3000 2310
  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。
噛む スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
10 1200 0 1400
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 80
Flame スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
160 4000 0 5000
Grab スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
40 500 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 18
発射物 衝撃力 20 4.3 100
Taunt スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
2 0 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
発射物 衝撃力 100 5
爆発 80 5 500
噛む (AI) スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
10 1400 0 1700
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 80
Grab スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using C (PC), R3 Button (PS), R Button (Xbox One) while in the air, the Wyvern can pick up another creature. Despite a coded melee damage value, this attack does no damage.
40 500 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 18
Taunt スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using C (PC), R3 Button (PS), R Button (Xbox One) while on the ground, the Wyvern flaps its wings and taunts the target. This pushes creatures in front of the Wyvern away.
2 0 0 0
噛む (AI) スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation The Wyvern bites the target. This attack's values are only used by a wild or an unridden tamed creature only.
10 1400 0 1700
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 80



Fire Wyvern

stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps


戦闘[ | ]

全般[ | ]

The Wyvern, for all intents and purposes, is the quintessential flying dragon. Wyverns have massive wings with the same design mechanisms as bats but the grace and strength of the Condor. However, they also have a very long tail with a nob or fin depending on the Wyvern type; on all the tail acts as ballast and makes them highly maneuverable. The Wyvern in the wild is highly territorial and fierce in defending its perceived territory and its nest. It also has a notably powerful bite; combat with a Wyvern is, quite possibly, the most dangerous challenge you can face short of a boss-level creature. Fighting one is definitely not for the faint of heart and flying a Wyvern is a thrill beyond comparison.

戦略[ | ]

Wyverns are extremely difficult to fight due to their mobility and devastating attacks.

Nape of Neck Strategy: You will need a flying mount with decent health and pumped stamina, and melee damage. Focus on the nape of the Wyvern's neck and attack there. When it tries to turn, you turn as well, so it cannot turn around enough to attack you. This is very dangerous due to the high damage output of the Wyvern, but when executed correctly, it is surprisingly effective. A variation of this strategy is to attack its feet from below. This strategy should only be attempted against a single Wyvern at a time!

Chain Bola: Get a ParaceratheriumParaceratherium with a Platform Saddle and build a Ballista on top, bait a Wyvern with any flying mount to the ParaceratheriumParaceratherium and chain it down with the chain bola. Then you can attack it with any Dino so it is easy to kill.

Grappling Hook: Using a grappling hook to latch onto a Wyvern can make a difficult fight much simpler. Once attached, one can either melee the Wyvern with a sword or club/boomerang depending on whether your aim is to kill or knock out or shoot at it with any firearm. A word of warning, though, depending on where you attach, the Wyvern may still be able to attack you with its melee. Also note that other Wyverns can attack you with relative ease, so never adopt this tactic when fighting groups.

Wyverns can also be baited over turrets set to attack wild dinos. This is quite effective as Wyverns are susceptible to same ranged damage modifiers as all other flying dinos.

Wyverns are often be outmatched by their tame counterparts, so fighting fire with fire is never a bad idea, even though two Wyverns of the same type can't damage each other with their special 'breath' attacks.*

*While a Poison Wyvern cannot kill another Poison Wyvern with its poison projectile, it CAN still kill another Poison Wyvern's rider.

武器[ | ]

The homing missile can lock on to both normal Wyverns and Alpha Wyverns. Also, a Paraceratherium with Chain Bolas and a Ballista can get it on the ground for you to use your firearms, using a guided or normal rocket launcher can be sufficient when you chain bola it.

危険[ | ]

All Wyverns have a different breath attack as follows:

Fire Wyverns use a short-range fire breath which does the most overall damage per attack due to it leaving a DoT effect on whatever the attack hits. This fire has a rather large spread, making it harder to avoid.

Lightning Wyverns have a lightning breath that travels instantly, does an incredible amount of DPS, and hits at a decent range and makes melee attacks nearly impossible as the entire body is affected by this attack (tested by dismounting during the breath attack), making them quite dangerous to fight however in exchange for power it has the smallest spread of the 4 wyverns. Dismounting your lightning wyvern while it is still shooting out its lightning breath can easily kill you.

Poison Wyverns shoot a projectile that leaves a toxic gas cloud which ignores armor (tested on Flak Armor), while extremely dangerous it does not move unlike the other 4 Wyverns but instead could be used as a area control attack limiting safe zones. If the poison projectile explodes too close to the rider, the splash damage can easily kill the rider if the wyvern has most of its points into melee. This is prevented if the rider is wearing an Gas MaskGas Mask.

Ice Wyverns uses a short-range ice breath attack which deals some damage and also slows whatever it hits. The slowed status effect will last a few seconds - this gives the Ice Wyvern enough time to use the attack again, though Pteranodons might escape by barrel-rolling away. Like that of the Fire Wyvern, the Ice Wyvern's breath has a large spread making it difficult to avoid.

弱点[ | ]

Using a Ballista TurretBallista Turret, a Wyvern can be immobilized by hitting it with a Chain BolaChain Bola. Wyverns are also susceptible to the x2.2 Auto Turret damage to dinos modifier, so placing turrets is an effective way to kill groups of Wyverns. When using tamed creatures in combat, one can use the Wyvern's large turn radius as an advantage to avoid its attacks while targeting its wings and lower body. A Wyvern can also be easily killed by a Rock ElementalRock Elemental, as they're immune to breath attacks and take reduced damage from physical attacks.

テイムと育成方法[ | ]

NOTE - Knockout data is given only for milk gathering reasons.

Adult Fire, Lightning, Poison and Ice Wyverns cannot be tamed. To acquire a tamed Wyvern, the player must hatch a Fertilized Wyvern Egg. These eggs can be acquired by breeding tamed Wyverns of the same type, or stolen from the nests of wild Wyverns. Unlike most eggs, Wyvern eggs require a lot of heat to incubate properly. Placing down any heat-emitting object such as Standing TorchStanding Torch or CampfireCampfire will work, or you could use 12-14 Air ConditionerAir Conditioner.

There are four Wyvern Egg variants, Wyvern Egg (Fire) (Scorched Earth)Fire Egg, Wyvern Egg (Lightning) (Scorched Earth)Lightning Egg, Wyvern Egg (Poison) (Scorched Earth)Poison Egg, and Wyvern Egg (Ice) (Ragnarok)Ice Egg.

A Wyvern Egg has a five hour incubation period. An additional 93 hours are needed for the baby to become fully grown.

Baby/Juvenile wyverns cannot be fed Raw MeatRaw Meat like most other carnivores. Though their food drops slowly, they will only consume Wyvern MilkWyvern Milk and may ask for it when imprinting. Wyvern Milk gives 1200 food to the baby Wyvern. A growing baby Wyvern will consume approximately 1 unit of food every 10 seconds, or 360 units of food an hour. This means that one feeding of Wyvern Milk will sustain a baby Wyvern for about 3 hours and 20 minutes.

Note that with modified rates such as Single-Player Settings, Wyvern Milk will only be necessary for imprinting as the food a Wyvern starts with is significant enough to last through the growth process.

Wyvern Milk is obtained by knocking out a female Wyvern - you can take the milk from the Wyvern's inventory. Each female Wyvern will have exactly 5 milk in its inventory, and 50 Wyvern Milk can also be obtained by killing an Alpha Wyvern, regardless of its gender.

It's possible to build cages in which to trap female Wyverns to make milking them easier. Be aware that re-knocking out a trapped female Wyvern does not give any more milk immediately. Female Wyverns regenerate five Wyvern Milk every hour.

An important detail about newly hatched Wyverns (especially at lower levels) is that even though the maximum food stated in the creature's statistics might be several thousand, the maximum food the baby can actually hold might be less than 1200 (the amount of food one Wyvern MilkWyvern Milk delivers). This means that lower level baby Wyverns will never eat milk on their own, and will have to be force fed Wyvern MilkWyvern Milk until they can actually hold more than 1200 food. It is advisable to get the highest possible level for an egg which is 190 on official servers. Wyvern eggs are NOT spawned randomly: the Wyverns will actually place the eggs as the egg level always corresponds to one of the Wyverns nearby. However, it is still uncertain if the eggs spawn together with the Wyvern or if it is the Wyvern that places the egg sometime later.

Strategy without Wyvern Milk[ | ]

It's actually possible to raise a baby Wyvern without providing Wyvern Milk unless you want to imprint a baby wyvern. Let the Food value drop to zero. At this time, the value for Health will fall and the Torpor will raise. To lower the Torpor, force-feed StimulantStimulant or StimberryStimberries. Place a DaeodonDaeodon nearby and set it to Passive Healing. This keeps the Health of the baby Wyvern up (or restores it) at the cost of providing the Daeodon with food, as healing makes it very hungry. As an alternative to feeding the Daeodon tons of Raw MeatRaw Meat or Prime Meat that will spoil over time, you can produce a lot of cheap Kibble, such as Basic KibbleBasic Kibble made of Dodo eggs, which will provide 90 food and only spoils after 3 days. Kibble (Iguanodon Egg)Kibble (Iguanodon Egg) provides 120. This strategy is more effective when used with high-level Wyverns and Daeodons because they have higher starting values for Food and Health, thus more reserves before they run out.

Another strategy is to use a Snow Owl’s healing ability. This won’t require gathering meat for a Daeodon.

Extinction[ | ]

The Forest WyvernForest Wyvern spawns during the Forest TitanForest Titan fight. Occasionally they land, which allows survivors to ride on them as if it is their own Wyvern with near unlimited stamina. However, these will constantly take damage even when they are not attacking it and too far from where it was spawned from and will either eventually die, or despawn.

Also, unlike the regular Fire WyvernFire Wyvern, the Forest WyvernForest Wyvern have a limited flame breath, as located in the middle of the Hotbar UI. Once used completely, that Wyvern cannot breathe fire again and will automatically attempt to land or make a landing animation, forcing the survivor to dismount and the Forest Wyvern disappears on its own.

実用性[ | ]

役割[ | ]

Wood/Thatch/Cactus Sap Collector: They can collect wood, thatch, and cactus sap when landed by pressing C. They will collect thatch and cactus sap much more efficiently than wood.

War Mount: They are fast, with low stamina-drain comparable to that of an ArgentavisArgentavis. They are moderately maneuverable, but their breath weapons are devastating. They can also use all their attacks on the ground, as well as being able to sprint while landed. Pressing C while landed performs a knockback that can provide an escape from enemies. For a strong Wyvern with powerful bites and ranged go for Stamina, Melee Damage, Health.

Travel: Wyverns are faster than other Scorched Earth flyers and can go farther on their stamina. Beware their large turn radius, however, as they can be difficult to steer until you've had some practice. Also note that a Wyvern on follow and flying does not come low enough to mount, and does not land even when whistled not to follow, so it can be difficult to get one back under control.

Hunting Tool: With a bite as strong as a Plesiosaur, powerful special attacks, high meat gathering efficiency and the ability to fly at speeds unmatched by any other flying creature, Wyverns are among the best ways to quickly gather large amounts of Raw MeatRaw Meat, Raw Prime MeatRaw Prime Meat and a wide variety of Tributes; Wyverns are also the only flying creatures treated as large carnivores, meaning that most of the small and medium-sized aggressive wildlife is prone to ignore them and their riders unless provoked, greatly reducing the nuisance while traveling.

Giga counter: While fighting a giga with one wyvern is dangerous, you can bring friends and lots of wyverns (lightning is recommended but poison can work just not fire and ice) to enrage the giga with the breath attacks.

Titan Hunter- Because of their speed and damage, a wyvern can quickly dodge a titan's attacks. Lightning and Poison Wyverns are best used against the Desert titan since it uses only flocks for damage and its lightning is only used against surfaces. The wyvern can make bombing runs across the titan in any direction.

Damage: Wyverns deal large amounts of damage with their bite and breath attacks; they're some of the most powerful flying creatures in the game. While they may not match a RexRex for sheer damage output, a Wyvern can be flown across the map and is extremely maneuverable.

Transport: Wyverns can carry a decent amount of weight and are quite quick. Using a Wyvern, one might safely and quickly transport people or materials across an Ark.




Aerial Attack: Level mainly melee some health and stamina. They are usually are stronger and deal more damage than other flying mounts. Watch out for people on tapajars or holding people on argents with homing rocket launchers. They are great for destroying convoys of quetzals due to the debuffing of minigun turrets. All you need to do is get out of the range of auto turrets if they have them and start blasting. You should usually use a lightning wyvern.

収集可能なアイテム[ | ]

Three elemental claws are harvest-able from the Wyvern: the Fire Talon (Scorched Earth)Fire Talon, Lightning Talon (Scorched Earth)Lightning Talon, and the Poison Talon (Scorched Earth)Poison Talon, from their respective counterparts. Several of each talon plus the three Artifacts of Scorched Earth are used at an obelisk or beacon to summon the Manticore. You'll need 2 for Easy (Gamma), 10 for Medium (Beta), and 20 for Hard (Alpha).

資源 効率
Cactus Sap (Scorched Earth) Cactus Sap Scorched Earth Icon ★★★★★
Thatch Thatch ★★★★☆
Wood Wood ★☆☆☆☆

Flight[ | ]

Flying a Wyvern uses similar controls to movement on ground level with a few exceptions. Quirks :

  1. Will only move forward upon command. With no forward command issued they will eventually stall to a halt and hover in mid-air. Even while not moving Wyvern lose a small bit of stamina just to stay aloft.
  2. Feeding StimberryStimberry or StimulantStimulant to a Wyvern in-flight can allow you to fly for longer periods, but the stamina gain is minor at best and very inefficient. However, if you have a good berry collecting dino you can collect Stimberries in bulk then feed it a lot at a time. You can also use a Custom Consumable recipe made with a high crafting effectiveness to make a Stimberry cake that will prove much more effective.
  3. Landing is accomplished by pressing the jump-key (Space, A, Cross), causing the mount to move to the ground and land, where your Wyvern folds its wings. Now you can dismount by pressing use (E, Y, Triangle) as with any other mount or walk on the ground. To start off again, press the jump-key (Space, A, Cross).
  4. Since v256.0, Wyvern's stamina does not recharge in flight while in midair, even when dismounted.

Note: Tamed and unridden Wyverns do not lose stamina while sprinting to keep up with a player running or riding another creature. You can use this quirk to carry large amounts of weight quickly with a Wyvern set to follow. See the above warning about difficulties getting a following Wyvern to land.

Carrying[ | ]

A Wyvern is capable of carrying smaller creatures. This is done by using the crouch button (C, Right Stick, Right Stick) while flying or hovering over the creature. The Wyvern will swing its legs forward. If the grab was successful, you will be able to see the creature being pulled behind the Wyvern. The creature being carried usually cannot attack the Wyvern while it is being carried, but can land a hit when it is picked up or dropped.

The Wyvern cannot use its grab or any of its other attacks while it is using a breath attack.

Currently, on official, and most unofficial, PVE servers, wild animals may not be picked up to prevent griefing.

Carry-able Creatures[ | ]

The Wyvern is capable of carrying the following creatures:

スポットライト[ | ]

備考[ | ]


  • Lore and design choices in ARK: Survival Evolved seem to be inspired by the notion that Wyverns are a species of Dragon notable for only having 2 legs and wings, as opposed to 'prototypical' Dragons like the specimen constituting a Boss on The Island, which has 4 legs and wings. It is likewise applied to the Rock DrakeRock Drakes, as this same particular system of classification notes Drakes as having 4 legs and no separate set of wings.
    • This inspiration is explicitly stated in the Wyvern Dossier by Helena which says "Aside from size, the main difference between Draconis vipera and its larger cousin is that the former possesses only two legs".
  • The Latin name of the Wyvern, "Draconis vipera", translates to "Dragon's Viper".
    • This seems especially fitting for the Poison Wyvern who has a distinctly serpentine appearance.
    • Wyverns, the DragonDragon (said to be their "larger cousin"), Rock DrakeRock Drakes (Draconis obscurum) and ManagarmrManagarmr (Draconis auragelus) are all noted by Helena Walker to be related. This could also be a reference to the fact that in mythology all three are actually types of dragons.
    • Wyverns are sometimes referred to as Waverunners.
  • Ridden Wyvern are a lot faster then unridden ones.
  • Wyverns are one of the few creatures who do not need a saddle to ride.
  • As of Crystal Isles release, Wyverns have the highest number of variants.
    • Prior to that release it was the ReaperReaper that held this title (if event-exclusive variants of Wyverns were not taken into account).
  • Corrupted WyvernCorrupted Wyverns in Extinction spit out purple flames (due to the Element corruption), but much like the Fire WyvernFire Wyvern, it still inflicts the same Enflamed debuff effect.
  • Wyverns can be used against the ManticoreManticore or the Crystal Wyvern QueenCrystal Wyvern Queen, though cannot be used against other BossesBosses.
  • The Wyvern follows at such a long distance that you often need to set their attack range on highest or they will fly over you and just watch you die.
  • Compared to Rock DrakeRock Drakes in size, baby Wyverns are smaller, but as adults, they are larger.
    • Both Wyverns and Rock DrakeRock Drakes have a maximum level and egg level of 190 (Difficulty 5)
  • The Fire WyvernFire Wyvern in the trailer for Scorched Earth can be seen climbing upside-down like the Rock DrakeRock Drake before attacking the survivor, however in the game they can not do so.
  • Wyverns can be effectively used to kill TitanosaurTitanosaurs.
  • The color schemes of the three original Wyverns (Fire, Poison, and Lightning) seem to coincide with the 3 colors of the ARK logo.
  • Each Wyvern has their own unique usefulness in combat due to their varied breath attacks, which all deal varied amounts of instant damage with other lingering effects:
    • Fire WyvernFire Wyvern's breath does damage to a target. Targets who are hit receive the EnflamedEnflamed, which continues to burn the target after the initial hit. Its breath covers the largest area of effect of the Wyverns and is effective even through walls.
    • Lightning WyvernLightning Wyvern's breath rapidly deals heavy raw damage (and highest out of all Wyverns) and applies torpor. However, it has a smaller spread but the farthest reach, making it more concentrated and requiring a more precise aim to maximize the damage the breath attack deals.
    • Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern's breath fires a single projectile poison ball. Upon impact it damages the target and creates a toxin cloud. The cloud deals armor-ignoring damage over time to anything standing in it, and is capable of damaging both mounts and riders simultaneously. While it can't be controlled as easily as the other Wyverns, it is the most useful at zone controlling due to the toxin clouds limiting enemy safe zones. Reaper pregnancy is aborted if the player gets hit by this Wyvern's breath.
    • Ice WyvernIce Wyvern's breath slows the target down, making them far more vulnerable to Wyvern's bite attacks. Essentially, the breath of the Ice Wyvern is superficially the same as Fire Wyvern's, except it slows targets instead of burning them. The damage of this breath is the weakest of all Wyverns, but makes up for it by crippling target's mobility.
    • Note that every Wyvern variant is immune to its own breath attack type.
    • Other than their breath attacks and appearance they are identical in every way, stat and ability wise.
    • Elemental breath can harm allies, including tribe-mates and tamed dinos in PVE. The owner may also die this way if they dismount during the attack.
  • Wild Wyverns, once unconscious, cannot be force-fed narcotics. You can keep one unconscious a little while using more Tranq Arrows or darts, but eventually this will kill the Wyvern.
  • Low-level Wyverns hatched from eggs can have stats under 100%. One level 12 fire Wyvern was hatched with health under 1000 and melee damage under 100%. This is due to negative additive multipliers similar to what GiganotosaurusGiganotosaurus have. A level 1 Wyvern always will have 1725-1050=675 health, and (100-25)×1.176=88.2% damage. However, imprinting still works in the player's favor. That is, it first multiplies base stats, and only afterwards, adds taming multipliers. Thus, a level 1 Wyvern with 100% imprinting quality will have 1725×1.2(100% imprinting quality bonus)-1050=1020 health, which is effectively 51% higher compared to a 0% imprinting stat. Its damage with 100% imprinting will be ((100×1.2)-25)×1.176=111.76%.
  • Due to their difficulty with maneuvering, Wyverns do a poor job of guarding player-tamed creatures on the ground. This is worsened by their tendency to take flight; they immediately fly far away and have a hard time coming back. Not only does this give them a tendency to vanish when their support is most needed.
  • An easy way have a wyvern land is to use the "all move to" whistle, the wyvern will take a short flight and eventually land where you whistled it to. Sometimes it does not land, but it still gets close enough to the ground to be mounted.
  • The Lightning, Poison, and Fire Wyverns have massive wings that can occasionally pick up the player, who will stay on that wing until it gets close enough to the ground to slide them off. This is a great way to transport a wyvern and many players at once, or knock out a wild wyvern while on it's back, as it cannot attack you.
  • The Fire Wyvern is the third creature that can breathe fire (the first being the DragonDragon and second DodoRexDodoRex), the Poison Wyvern is the third that can spit venom (the first being the DilophosaurDilophosaur, the second being the ArthroplueraArthropluera, and the fourth being BasiliskBasilisk), the Lightning Wyvern is the first that can breathe lightning (the second being ElectrophorusElectrophorus), and the Ice Wyvern is the first creature that can shoot ice (the second being the ManagarmrManagarmr and the third being the Ice TitanIce Titan).
  • TLC 3 made Wyverns breedable and changed their stats to be identical to Crystal WyvernCrystal Wyvern's.
  • While Ally Looking is toggled on for a baby/juvenile Lightning Wyvern, they'll look at the ground as if they are above the player, a bug that has been persisting since the release of Scorched Earth.
  • The Forest WyvernForest Wyvern is tamed temporarily. It can be ridden permanently as long as it still has its flame.
  • The WyvernWyvern is one of the five species that cannot be tamed, but still can be acquired by the survivor through other means, with the others being Rock DrakeRock Drake, ReaperReaper, DeinonychusDeinonychus and MagmasaurMagmasaur.

豆知識[ | ]

Spoiled Meat このページには、ARK:Survival Evolvedの背景ストーリーに関連したネタバレが含まれている可能性があります。
  • Interestingly enough, in one of his explorer notes, Dahkeya reports that the Wyverns just seemed to appear out of nowhere.
    • From his account and what Helena had discovered about the ARKs on Extinction, one can come to the conclusion that the Wyverns are not a natural species and were originally not even meant to be on the ARKs. As Helena stated, the Overseers of the ARK try to "punish" or "reset" the survivors - considered 'subjects' by Overseers - if they did not do as expected, which is most likely: defeat the Guardian(s) (and challenge the Overseer if necessary), thereby progressing to the next ARK. If this is not done (or if the survivors act out of line like they did on Aberration), the Overseers seem to enact a sort of reset or punishment protocol to wipe out the existing survivors.
    • From what can be gathered, Mantis are likely to have been this original protocol to wipe the city of Nosti and its inhabitants due to how much of a problem their idle behavior was, but when Dahkeya killed all the Mantis by detonating a bomb in their sulfur-filled den, the Overseer likely enforced a stronger protocol or judgement. It was shortly after the Mantis were killed that the very first Wyvern was sighted - a Fire Wyvern. Soon after, the Lightning and Poison varieties also appeared and started leading coordinated attacks on Nosti's citizens. When the Overseer then used its control of the ARK to quite literally swallow the entire city whole in the sand, Wyverns were sent after the only two survivors - Dahkeya and Raia - hounding them consistently and never letting up until Dahkeya sacrificed himself for a distraction so Raia could flee.
    • Strangely, despite being made to kill or punish humans, the Overseer also made them an ideal mount. Perhaps it viewed any survivors who could tame these creatures designed to kill them as 'worthy subjects', but one can only guess.
      • In the Extinction DLC, the reason the ARK either punishes or resets survivors is to preserve its resources when the ARK comes down from orbit. But when Element was at a toxicity level that the ARK can't handle, the ARK remains in orbit and destroys settlements to further preserve its resources for an extended amount of time. The wyverns, and the other fantasy creatures such as the Rock Elementals and Reapers, act as a heavy duty deterrent to prevent any survivor or groups of survivors from consuming too much of the ARK's resources.
      • Strangely, Raia was the first survivor on Scorched Earth to tame and raise wyverns. Based on Helena's and her explorer notes, she raised and tamed 3 wyverns, one of each elemental breath attack (lightning, fire, and poison).
      • Raia notes of it with her own experience when after the destruction of the mantis nest, and when she and the village of Nosti were celebrating so much due to the surplus oil and other materials that the obelisks began to act strange as they were shining abnormally.
  • The wyvern's elemental breath don't do any damage to a Rock Elemental even though Helena's Scorched Earth note #8 describes Raia's lightning wyvern easily tearing through a golem.
  • Using the wyvern's elemental attack along with making a strafe run has devastating effects, but it is difficult to use.
    • In Helena Scorched Earth Explorer Note #16, Helena described how Wali al Aswad (Raia) and her wyverns made a single strafe run that decimated an entire swarm of mantis.

変更履歴[ | ]

Patch 変更点
246.0 Scorched Earth Expansion Release The Fire WyvernFire Wyvern, Lightning WyvernLightning Wyvern, Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern, and the Alpha Fire WyvernAlpha Fire Wyvern are added to the game
246.1 The Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern tertiary C attack now preforms wing flap and not a snarl
246.3 Wyvern MilkWyvern Milk can no longer be placed in RefrigeratorRefrigerators
246.6 The lightning beam attack from the Lightning WyvernLightning Wyvern no longer damages structures
247.9991 The Lightning Wyvern beam attack now properly hits and damages smaller creatures, such as the RaptorRaptor that it was previously missing
249.0 Added the Dodo WyvernDodo Wyvern, DodoWyvern Mask SkinDodoWyvern Mask Skin, Zombie WyvernZombie Wyvern, Bone Fire WyvernBone Fire Wyvern, and the Wyvern Bone CostumeWyvern Bone Costume for the ARK: Fear Evolved 2 event
249.1 Various fixes to Zombie Wyverns
250.0 Added Alpha Wyvern TrophyAlpha Wyvern Trophy
250.2 Fixed Wyverns and other creatures from having infinite StaminaStamina with special attacks when carrying a creature
253.4 TitanoboaTitanoboa can now be carried by flyers again
253.8 Tamed flyers can no longer carry survivors and creatures into the mesh/terrain fix. Will now be uncarried
253.95 Can no longer carry characters with C4 ChargeC4 Charge attached to them
  • Flyers carrying C4 Charge can now fly, but at a significantly reduced Movement SpeedMovement Speed
  • Fixed a bug where flyer-carried C4's would disappear on clients after a certain distance
255.0 Fyers carrying creatures equipped with C4 ChargeC4 Charge now move at a fixed slow speed
256.0 Added the flyer nerf.
  • Flyers can no longer gain StaminaStamina mid-air, and must eventually land. This can be changed in the server settings with ?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=true
  • Flyers can no longer allocate levels to Movement SpeedMovement Speed, nor gain Movement Speed from imprinting
  • Mounted flyer Movement SpeedSpeed reduced for all flyers, ranging from a 10%-30% reduction depending on the flyer
  • 50% decrease to all base Stamina in flyers, excluding the LymantriaLymantria
  • Stamina in flyers now regenerate much slower, around 10 seconds across the board
  • Passenger carry WeightWeight now increased to 100% from the previous 30%
  • Increased StaminaStamina used from Wyvern breath and special attacks
  • Various other modifications to various stats
258.0 Wyverns now support an AI turret mode with their breath attacks
258.8 Ragnarok Expansion Release Added the Ice WyvernIce Wyvern
  • Improved landing AI for Wyverns
  • Fixed an issue where flyers out of stamina would not auto-land and become stuck mid-air
261.0 Fixed improper baby Wyvern FoodFood values
  • Wyverns should now be able to teleport to the Manticore Arena
  • Baby Wyverns no longer consume too much Wyvern MilkWyvern Milk
263.0 Increased the ride distance for flyers to help players in the water to remount
267.0 Remodeled the Ice WyvernIce Wyvern and made them uploadable
267.2 Ice Wyvern is now properly transferable Cross-Ark
278.0 Fixed a bug which caused Fertilized Wyvern EggWyvern Eggs to sink below their nests over time
  • Fixed a bug where the Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern could loot bodies with its breath attack if it directly hit and killed
  • Fixed a bug which would cause flyers to flee from players when attacking water
  • Improved flyer AI so they no longer circle each other when attacking each other so much
285.104 Extinction Expansion Release Added the Corrupted WyvernCorrupted Wyvern and the Forest WyvernForest Wyvern
287.110 Forest WyvernForest Wyverns now can be damaged from the Forest TitanForest Titan
  • Fix for invisible Fertilized Wyvern EggWyvern Eggs
  • Improved flyer following when in water
  • Added Whistle Flyer Land command
293.100 Fixed creature icon being blank for the Ice WyvernIce Wyvern
303.1 Modified the drag weights of KaprosuchusKaprosuchus, GallimimusGallimimus, ProcoptodonProcoptodon, and MegalosaurusMegalosaurus so they can no longer be carried by Wyverns
310.41 Switched the Valguero Ice WyvernIce Wyvern class to the Ragnarok Ice WyvernIce Wyvern class in order to fix transfer issues
310.47 Retroactive fix for Valguero Ice WyvernIce Wyverns which were stuck as "Raptors" in CryopodCryopods
  • The Tek HelmetTek Helmet now provides protection from Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern spit attacks
  • Flying creatures will now prioritize picking up friendly creatures rather than dismounting friendly riders
  • Mounting a flyer will no longer instantly cause it to take off
316.18 Tender Loving Care 3 Undocumented: Base stats of the Fire WyvernFire Wyvern, Ice WyvernIce Wyvern, Lightning WyvernLightning Wyvern and Poison WyvernPoison Wyvern have been changed.
  • HealthHealth has been lowered to 1295 from 1725.
  • StaminaStamina has been increased to 315 from 275.
  • FoodFood has been lowered to 1800 from 2000.

Note: For the changelog exclusive to Crystal Wyverns, go to Crystal WyvernCrystal Wyvern

ギャラリー[ | ]

参照資料[ | ]
