ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

探検家の記録は、The IslandScorched EarthAberrationExtinctionGenesis: Part 1Genesis: Part 2にに散らばっている収集可能なアイテムで、調査書またはARKの背後にあるストーリーを伝えることを目的とした実際のサバイバーの物語の一部です。探検家の記録は、その近くを歩いたり飛んだりするだけで収集されます。

記録を見つけるたびに経験値を100獲得し、経験値の獲得量が2倍になる効果が10分間が持続します(Broth of EnlightenmentBroth of Enlightenmentに似ています)。恐竜が経験値と効果を獲得できるため、恐竜に乗っているときに収集することをお勧めします。つまり、これを見つけたときの報酬は2倍になります。短時間で2つの記録を見つけた場合、効果時間は現在のものに追加されリセットされません。



11個を除く、入手可能なすべての探検家の記録を以下に示します。残りの11個はボスの調査書で、各ボスを倒すと手に入ります。現在、調査書が入手できない生物があり、Ragnarokのグリフィン、Valgueroのデイノニクス、Crystal Islesのトロペオグナトゥスの3体です。



The Island[]

種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
調査書 AchatinaAchatina Helena 75.8 78.2 Southern Islets
調査書 AllosaurusAllosaurus Helena 16.4 10.9 Underwater Cave
調査書 AmmoniteAmmonite Helena 87.5 51.4 Southern Islets
調査書 AnglerfishAnglerfish Helena 24.6 40.1 Northern Plains
調査書 AnkylosaurusAnkylosaurus Helena 15.8 26.7 Whitesky Peak
調査書 AraneoAraneo Helena 39.6 45.8 Central Cave
調査書 ArchaeopteryxArchaeopteryx Helena 18.7 42.8 Winter's Mouth hidden behind a waterfall
調査書 ArgentavisArgentavis Helena 21.6 53.9 Winter's Mouth
調査書 ArthropleuraArthropleura Helena 14.2 69.1 Northern Shores
調査書 BaryonyxBaryonyx Helena 30 78.1 Far's Peak
調査書 BasilosaurusBasilosaurus Helena 52.4 17.7 The Western Approach
調査書 Giant BeeBee Helena 70.7 61.1 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 BeelzebufoBeelzebufo Helena 14.8 81.4 The Dead Island
調査書 BrontosaurusBrontosaurus Helena 31.6 17.1 Whitesky Peak
調査書 CarbonemysCarbonemys Helena 10.9 40.4 Underwater Cave
調査書 CarnotaurusCarnotaurus Helena 33.3 41 The Grand Hills
調査書 CastoroidesCastoroides Helena 25.1 71.8 The Hidden Lake
調査書 ChalicotheriumChalicotherium Helena 31.3 28.9 Whitesky Peak
調査書 CnidariaCnidaria Helena 49.8 81.7 The Caverns of Lost Hope
調査書 CoelacanthCoelacanth Helena 37 49.9 The Maw
調査書 CompyCompy Helena 41.2 49.2 The Grand Hills
調査書 DaeodonDaeodon Helena 88.1 53 Southern Islets
調査書 DilophosaurDilophosaur Helena 84.3 10.2 Underwater Cave
調査書 DimetrodonDimetrodon Helena 28.5 74.2 Far's Peak
調査書 DimorphodonDimorphodon Helena 26.6 70.6 The Hidden Lake
調査書 DiplocaulusDiplocaulus Helena 27.6 82.6 Northern Shores
調査書 DiplodocusDiplodocus Helena 25.1 13.5 Whitesky Peak
調査書 Dire BearDire Bear Helena 40.4 83.8 The Eastern Forest
調査書 DirewolfDirewolf Helena 42.5 20.8 The Western Plains
調査書 DodoDodo Helena 56.7 21.4 The Western Approach
調査書 DoedicurusDoedicurus Helena 47 27.5 The Western Plains
調査書 Dung BeetleDung Beetle Helena 16.5 85 The Dead Island
調査書 DunkleosteusDunkleosteus Helena 44 55.2 The Maw
調査書 ElectrophorusElectrophorus Helena 36.4 81.4 Far's Peak
調査書 EquusEquus Helena 63.6 33.4 The Redwood Forests
調査書 EurypteridEurypterid Helena 44.1 49 The Maw
調査書 GallimimusGallimimus Helena 45.6 62.3 The Maw
調査書 GiganotosaurusGiganotosaurus Helena 44 66.4 Smuggler's Pass
調査書 GigantopithecusGigantopithecus Helena 26.6 23.6 Whitesky Peak
調査書 HesperornisHesperornis Helena 81.7 84.1 South Haven
調査書 HyaenodonHyaenodon Helena 80.9 81.9 Southeastern Shores
調査書 IchthyornisIchthyornis Helena 72.8 64.5 Southern Islets
調査書 IchthyosaurusIchthyosaurus Helena 52.9 79.8 Southeastern Shores
調査書 IguanodonIguanodon Helena 62.4 24.7 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 KairukuKairuku Helena 42.5 79.6 The Eastern Forest
調査書 KaprosuchusKaprosuchus Helena 82.9 51.9 Lower South Cave
調査書 KentrosaurusKentrosaurus Helena 78.3 23.6 Southern Jungle
調査書 LeechLeech Helena 85.3 53.4 Lower South Cave
調査書 LeedsichthysLeedsichthys Helena 83.1 23.5 Cragg's Island
調査書 LiopleurodonLiopleurodon Helena 78.2 24.4 Southern Jungle
調査書 LystrosaurusLystrosaurus Helena 68.6 59.3 Upper South Cave
調査書 MammothMammoth Helena 71.3 59.8 Upper South Cave
調査書 MantaManta Helena 68.9 86.2 Lava Cave
調査書 MegalaniaMegalania Helena 84.4 84.1 South Haven
調査書 MegalocerosMegaloceros Helena 67.5 85.6 Lava Cave
調査書 MegalodonMegalodon Helena 41 47.3 Central Cave
調査書 MegalosaurusMegalosaurus Helena 16.6 84.1 North East Cave
調査書 MeganeuraMeganeura Helena 54.3 41.4 The Redwood Forests
調査書 MegatheriumMegatherium Helena 75 21.4 Southern Jungle
調査書 MesopithecusMesopithecus Helena 16.1 84.4 North East Cave
調査書 MicroraptorMicroraptor Helena 48.5 21.6 The Western Approach
調査書 MosasaurusMosasaurus Helena 16.4 84.5 North East Cave
調査書 MoschopsMoschops Helena 64.3 17.4 Southern Jungle
調査書 OnycOnyc Helena 66.4 19.7 Southern Jungle
調査書 OtterOtter Helena 35.7 59.1 The Frozen Tooth
調査書 OviraptorOviraptor Helena 58.9 23.1 The Western Approach
調査書 OvisOvis Helena 73.3 74.1 Southern Islets
調査書 PachyPachy Helena 65.5 40.8 The Redwood Forests
調査書 PachyrhinosaurusPachyrhinosaurus Helena 77.6 20.7 Southern Jungle
調査書 ParaceratheriumParaceratherium Helena 65.1 31.4 The Redwood Forests
調査書 ParasaurParasaur Helena 71.5 32.1 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 PegomastaxPegomastax Helena 82.2 62.9 Southern Islets
調査書 PelagornisPelagornis Helena 71.3 47.2 Southern Islets
調査書 PhiomiaPhiomia Helena 72.5 53.8 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 PiranhaPiranha Helena 68.1 67.6 Southern Islets
調査書 PlesiosaurPlesiosaur Helena 68.4 59.5 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 ProcoptodonProcoptodon Helena 72.3 78.2 Southern Islets
調査書 PteranodonPteranodon Helena 66.9 76.8 Southern Islets
調査書 PulmonoscorpiusPulmonoscorpius Helena 80.6 61.9 Southern Islets
調査書 PurloviaPurlovia Helena 36.6 34.9 The Grand Hills
調査書 QuetzalQuetzal Helena 87.4 23.3 Cragg's Island
調査書 RaptorRaptor Helena 86.8 25 Cragg's Island
調査書 RexRex Helena 53.1 92.5 Underwater Cave
調査書 SabertoothSabertooth Helena 77.1 26.1 Southern Jungle
調査書 Sabertooth SalmonSabertooth Salmon Helena 87.5 52.5 Southern Islets
調査書 SarcoSarco Helena 77.9 42.9 Southern Islets
調査書 SpinoSpino Helena 75.7 79.8 Southern Islets
調査書 StegosaurusStegosaurus Helena 78.3 79.1 Southeast Shores
調査書 TapejaraTapejara Helena 62.3 40.2 Swamp Cave
調査書 Terror BirdTerror Bird Helena 62.2 40.9 Swamp Cave
調査書 TherizinosaurTherizinosaur Helena 67.6 48.5 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 ThylacoleoThylacoleo Helena 32.4 66.2 The Frozen Tooth
調査書 TitanoboaTitanoboa Helena 36.1 92 Underwater Cave
調査書 TitanomyrmaTitanomyrma Helena 49.3 11.1 Underwater Cave
調査書 TitanosaurTitanosaur Helena 61.8 40.7 Swamp Cave
調査書 TriceratopsTriceratops Helena 87.4 91 Underwater Cave
調査書 TrilobiteTrilobite Helena 11 22.1 Underwater Cave
調査書 TroodonTroodon Helena 75 78.8 Southern Islets
調査書 TusoteuthisTusoteuthis Helena 59.9 21.3 The Caverns of Lost Faith
調査書 Woolly RhinoWoolly Rhino Helena 79.2 32.3 The Footpaw
調査書 YutyrannusYutyrannus Helena 73.9 23.6 Southern Jungle
Note Note #1 Helena 8.5 90.9 Underwater Cave
Note Note #2 Helena 91.8 71.3 Underwater Cave
Note Note #3 Helena 91 36.2 Underwater Cave
Note Note #4 Helena 90.6 13.1 Underwater Cave
Note Note #5 Helena 81.5 44.7 Southern Islets
Note Note #6 Helena 77.2 76.4 Southern Islets
Note Note #7 Helena 78.8 27.7 The Footpaw
Note Note #8 Helena 61.2 81.5 Southern Islets
Note Note #9 Helena 49.4 79.2 The Caverns of Lost Hope
Note Note #10 Helena 52.4 59 The Redwood Forests
Note Note #11 Helena 69.8 61.4 Upper South Cave
Note Note #12 Helena 84.1 52.1 Lower South Cave
Note Note #13 Helena 55.2 27.7 The Western Approach
Note Note #14 Helena 26.3 62.9 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #15 Helena 34.1 56.1 The Frozen Tooth
Note Note #16 Helena 40.7 26.1 The Western Plains
Note Note #17 Helena 76.8 77.3 Southern Islets
Note Note #18 Helena 76.6 70.7 Southern Islets
Note Note #19 Helena 25.1 44.6 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #20 Helena 19.2 49.9 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #21 Helena 12.6 49.3 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #22 Helena 24.9 60.9 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #23 Helena 23.9 65.3 Smuggler's Pass
Note Note #24 Helena 28.9 23.2 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #25 Helena 36.2 22.4 The Western Plains
Note Note #26 Helena 27.7 56.4 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #27 Helena 26 25.6 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #28 Helena 22.3 23.4 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #29 Helena 16.3 81.2 The Dead Island
Note Note #30 Helena 19.2 77.1 Tek Cave ascension area
Record Record #1 Rockwell 25.3 73.1 The Hidden Lake
Record Record #2 Rockwell 83.2 24.8 Cragg's Island
Record Record #3 Rockwell 54.8 13.8 The Western Coast
Record Record #4 Rockwell 14.1 85.9 The Dead Island
Record Record #5 Rockwell 21.3 69.2 The Hidden Lake
Record Record #6 Rockwell 46.4 83.7 The Caverns of Lost Hope
Record Record #7 Rockwell 44.1 81.4 The Eastern Forest
Record Record #8 Rockwell 64.5 34.1 The Redwood Forests
Record Record #9 Rockwell 61.7 16.1 The Caverns of Lost Faith
Record Record #10 Rockwell 75.7 71.5 Southern Islets
Record Record #11 Rockwell 80 67.1 Southern Islets
Record Record #12 Rockwell 82.6 51.3 Southern Islets
Record Record #13 Rockwell 64.1 61.6 The Writhing Swamps
Record Record #14 Rockwell 58.6 49 The Red Peak
Record Record #15 Rockwell 70.2 32 The Writhing Swamps
Record Record #16 Rockwell 69.5 24.8 The Writhing Swamps
Record Record #17 Rockwell 40.8 47.7 Central Cave
Record Record #18 Rockwell 68.7 86.1 Lava Cave
Record Record #19 Rockwell 83.8 27.7 Cragg's Island
Record Record #20 Rockwell 86.4 26.7 Cragg's Island
Record Record #21 Rockwell 77.1 31.6 The Footpaw
Record Record #22 Rockwell 76 46.7 Southern Islets
Record Record #23 Rockwell 75.5 74 Southern Islets
Record Record #24 Rockwell 76.5 68.1 Southern Islets
Record Record #25 Rockwell 75 65.6 Southern Islets
Record Record #26 Rockwell 75.8 75.5 Southern Islets
Record Record #27 Rockwell 20.1 85.9 The Dead Island
Record Record #28 Rockwell 78.3 47.3 Southern Islets
Record Record #29 Rockwell 14.2 75.6 Tek Cave ascension area
Note Note #1 Mei Yin 25 18.9 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #2 Mei Yin 15.2 20.7 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #3 Mei Yin 15.8 52.5 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #4 Mei Yin 19.8 30.1 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #5 Mei Yin 26.6 16.4 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #6 Mei Yin 16.8 29 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #7 Mei Yin 21.3 30 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #8 Mei Yin 32.5 16.1 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #9 Mei Yin 47.2 81.6 The Caverns of Lost Hope
Note Note #10 Mei Yin 27.3 43.9 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #11 Mei Yin 20.5 40.8 Northern Plains
Note Note #12 Mei Yin 12.8 54.5 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #13 Mei Yin 21.3 40.9 Northern Plains
Note Note #14 Mei Yin 15.3 53.2 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #15 Mei Yin 26.8 39.7 Northern Plains
Note Note #16 Mei Yin 34.4 29.4 The Western Plains
Note Note #17 Mei Yin 28 33.9 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #18 Mei Yin 26.6 51.7 Winter's Mouth
Note Note #19 Mei Yin 39 44.1 The Grand Hills
Note Note #20 Mei Yin 39.1 71.1 Northern Shores
Note Note #21 Mei Yin 32.4 73.3 Far's Peak
Note Note #22 Mei Yin 30.1 82.4 Far's Peak
Note Note #23 Mei Yin 40.2 78.8 The Eastern Forest
Note Note #24 Mei Yin 50.5 23.3 The Western Approach
Note Note #25 Mei Yin 42.6 23 The Western Plains
Note Note #26 Mei Yin 52.4 17.3 The Western Approach
Note Note #27 Mei Yin 22.1 9.7 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #28 Mei Yin 23.5 37.8 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #29 Mei Yin 18.2 38 Whitesky Peak
Note Note #30 Mei Yin 39.9 40.6 The Grand Hills
Note Note #31 Mei Yin 13.3 73.9 Tek Cave ascension area
Note Note #1 Nerva 22.4 68.5 The Hidden Lake
Note Note #2 Nerva 35.7 78.1 Far's Peak
Note Note #3 Nerva 39.5 24.5 The Western Plains
Note Note #4 Nerva 41.2 68 The Maw
Note Note #5 Nerva 45.4 31.5 The Grand Hills
Note Note #6 Nerva 49.4 79 The Eastern Forest
Note Note #7 Nerva 47.8 60.9 The Maw
Note Note #8 Nerva 52.5 49.1 The Redwood Forests
Note Note #9 Nerva 58.2 19.8 The Caverns of Lost Faith
Note Note #10 Nerva 51.4 54.6 The Redwood Forests
Note Note #11 Nerva 82.7 27.1 Cragg's Island
Note Note #12 Nerva 77.4 16.4 Southern Jungle
Note Note #13 Nerva 69.6 84.6 Southern Islets
Note Note #14 Nerva 72.3 59.2 The Writhing Swamps
Note Note #15 Nerva 62.1 20.4 Southern Jungle
Note Note #16 Nerva 53.7 77.8 The Writhing Swamps
Note Note #17 Nerva 43.3 69.3 The Eastern Plains
Note Note #18 Nerva 57.9 32.2 The Redwood Forests
Note Note #19 Nerva 43.4 31 The Grand Hills
Note Note #20 Nerva 50.6 38.5 The Grand Hills
Note Note #21 Nerva 54.8 70.8 The Writhing Swamps
Note Note #22 Nerva 43.6 61 The Maw
Note Note #23 Nerva 45.4 68.4 Eastern Plains
Note Note #24 Nerva 44.1 77 The Eastern Forest
Note Note #25 Nerva 55.2 75.9 The Writhing Swamps
Note Note #26 Nerva 73.8 17.6 Southern Jungle
Note Note #27 Nerva 56.2 51.1 The Red Peak
Note Note #28 Nerva 47.9 47.5 The Grand Hills
Note Note #29 Nerva 71.2 58 The Writhing Swamps
Note Note #30 Nerva 43 39.2 Volcanic Maw
Note Note #1 ??? 23.7 78.2 Overseer Arena
Note Note #4 ??? 36.1 79.0 Far's Peak
Note Note #7 ??? 75.6 60.5 Southern Islets
Note Note #10 ??? 44.4 23.7 The Western Plains
Note Note #13 ??? 89.2 24.4 Cragg's Island
Discovery Discovery #1 HLN-A 68.7 85.9 Lava Cave
Discovery Discovery #2 HLN-A 70.4 59.3 Upper South Cave
Discovery Discovery #3 HLN-A 27.9 27.6 Snow Cave
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #1 HLN-A 19.7 19.0 North West Cave
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #2 HLN-A 48.3 80.3 The Caverns of Lost Hope
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #3 HLN-A 83.1 53.8 Lower South Cave
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #4 HLN-A 15.4 85.0 North East Cave
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #5 HLN-A 61.2 21.3 The Caverns of Lost Faith

Scorched Earth[]

種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
調査書 DeathwormDeathworm Helena 18.6 46.3 Northern High Desert
調査書 JerboaJerboa Helena 37 12.3 Northern West Dunes
調査書 Jug BugJug Bug Helena 35.1 59.7 Northern East High Desert
調査書 MantisMantis Helena 18.2 81.9 Northern East Dunes
調査書 MorellatopsMorellatops Helena 85 52.1 Southern Dunes
調査書 MothMoth Helena 65 32.6
調査書 PhoenixPhoenix Helena 84.7 14.6 Southern West Dunes
調査書 Rock ElementalRock Elemental Helena 79.6 32.4 Southern West Dunes
調査書 Thorny DragonThorny Dragon Helena 81.2 14.2 Southern West Dunes
調査書 VultureVulture Helena 18.3 67.3 Northern East Dunes
調査書 WyvernWyvern Helena 12.3 46.8 Northern Dunes
Note Note #1 Helena 43.3 45 Central Canyons
Note Note #2 Helena 48.8 71.1 Eastern Low Desert
Note Note #3 Helena 57 76.1 Eastern Badlands
Note Note #4 Helena 81.6 63.9 Southern High Desert
Note Note #5 Helena 41 54.1
Note Note #6 Helena 50.8 25.1 Western High Desert
Note Note #7 Helena 31.9 29.4 Grave of the Tyrants
Note Note #8 Helena 23.4 53.3 Northern Canyons
Note Note #9 Helena 51 86.7 Eastern Badlands
Note Note #10 Helena 80 75.6 South East Dunes
Note Note #11 Helena 10.6 19.5 Northern West Dunes
Note Note #12 Helena 15.7 21.7 Northern West Mountains
Note Note #13 Helena 23.7 12.6 Northern West Dunes
Note Note #14 Helena 15.8 40.1 Northern West Dunes
Note Note #15 Helena 14.1 35.3
Note Note #16 Helena 16.6 56.6 Northern Dunes
Note Note #17 Helena 23.3 52.2 Northern Canyons
Note Note #18 Helena 10.4 66.6 Northern East Dunes
Note Note #19 Helena 53 26.5 Western High Desert
Note Note #20 Helena 54.8 48.6
Note Note #21 Helena 85.8 13.5 Southern West Dunes
Note Note #22 Helena 84.8 18.9 Southern West Dunes
Note Note #23 Helena 66 39.7
Note Note #24 Helena 60.2 70.7
Note Note #25 Helena 72.4 70.8
Note Note #26 Helena 85.1 37.3
Note Note #27 Helena 54.8 13.1 Oasis Dunes
Note Note #28 Helena 17.5 34.9 Northern West Oasis
Note Note #29 Helena 21.8 43.1
Note Note #30 Helena 23.8 48.9 Northern Canyons
Record Record #1 Rockwell 71.8 10.5 Southern West Dunes
Record Record #2 Rockwell 72 85.8 South East Dunes
Record Record #3 Rockwell 84.3 13.9 Southern West Dunes
Record Record #4 Rockwell 78.8 81.9 Ruins of Nosti
Record Record #5 Rockwell 13.3 77.6
Record Record #6 Rockwell 24.2 39
Record Record #7 Rockwell 58 44.8 Old Tunnels
Record Record #8 Rockwell 23.4 65.1
Record Record #9 Rockwell 54.3 76.4
Record Record #10 Rockwell 86.3 69
Record Record #11 Rockwell 28.3 49.8
Record Record #12 Rockwell 36.2 42.2
Record Record #13 Rockwell 27.6 55.1
Record Record #14 Rockwell 36.2 68.6 Northern East Badlands
Record Record #15 Rockwell 31.7 72.6
Record Record #16 Rockwell 31.3 59.8 Northern East High Desert
Record Record #17 Rockwell 40.5 77.4
Record Record #18 Rockwell 39.9 86.1
Record Record #19 Rockwell 55 56
Record Record #20 Rockwell 44.6 63
Record Record #21 Rockwell 83.2 19 Southern West Dunes
Record Record #22 Rockwell 81.8 17.9 Southern West Dunes
Record Record #23 Rockwell 59.4 86.4
Record Record #24 Rockwell 66 86.6 South East Dunes
Record Record #25 Rockwell 80.4 39.7
Record Record #26 Rockwell 25.7 52.7 Northern Canyons
Record Record #27 Rockwell 31.5 51.8
Record Record #28 Rockwell 37.1 50
Record Record #29 Rockwell 32.2 48.9
Record Record #30 Rockwell 30.6 44.1 Northern Mountains
Tablet Tablet #1 Raia 11.2 40 Northern West Dunes
Tablet Tablet #2 Raia 51.4 49.4 Central Canyons
Tablet Tablet #3 Raia 49.3 50.8 Central Canyons
Tablet Tablet #4 Raia 86.1 68.8
Tablet Tablet #5 Raia 69.9 59.3 Central Dunes
Tablet Tablet #6 Raia 22.2 60.8
Tablet Tablet #7 Raia 78.3 76.1 Ruins Of Nosti
Tablet Tablet #8 Raia 16.8 56.5 Northern Dunes
Tablet Tablet #9 Raia 50.3 80.3
Tablet Tablet #10 Raia 88.7 38.6
Tablet Tablet #11 Raia 76.8 69.2 Southern East High Desert
Tablet Tablet #12 Raia 76.1 60.3
Tablet Tablet #13 Raia 77.4 77.9 South East Dunes
Tablet Tablet #14 Raia 33.1 85.7
Tablet Tablet #15 Raia 27.6 88.6
Tablet Tablet #16 Raia 45.8 9.5 Western Dunes
Tablet Tablet #17 Raia 49.1 20.3 Western Mountains
Tablet Tablet #18 Raia 43.1 37.3
Tablet Tablet #19 Raia 43.7 59.4
Tablet Tablet #20 Raia 54.8 61.5
Tablet Tablet #21 Raia 79.7 15.5
Tablet Tablet #22 Raia 82.2 13.6 Southern West Dunes
Tablet Tablet #23 Raia 62.7 44.3
Tablet Tablet #24 Raia 60.1 59.4
Tablet Tablet #25 Raia 84.6 32.2
Tablet Tablet #26 Raia 75.8 54.1
Tablet Tablet #27 Raia 37.5 40
Tablet Tablet #28 Raia 45.3 30
Tablet Tablet #29 Raia 46.6 22.1 Western Mountains
Tablet Tablet #30 Raia 70.2 39.3 Southern West Oasis
Note Note #1 Dahkeya 17.7 12.3
Note Note #2 Dahkeya 14.8 27.7 Northern West Mountains
Note Note #3 Dahkeya 66.3 14.4 Southern West Dunes
Note Note #4 Dahkeya 71.1 48.1
Note Note #5 Dahkeya 53.3 43.7
Note Note #6 Dahkeya 78.9 49.9
Note Note #7 Dahkeya 30.6 53.8 Northern Canyons
Note Note #8 Dahkeya 22.4 44.2 Northern High Desert
Note Note #9 Dahkeya 42.3 88.4
Note Note #10 Dahkeya 61.2 77.8
Note Note #11 Dahkeya 24.5 77.6
Note Note #12 Dahkeya 17.6 87.5
Note Note #13 Dahkeya 33.6 10.7 Northern West Dunes
Note Note #14 Dahkeya 28.5 12.4 Northern West Dunes
Note Note #15 Dahkeya 39.7 41.1
Note Note #16 Dahkeya 35.8 37.8
Note Note #17 Dahkeya 30.4 39.7
Note Note #18 Dahkeya 28.2 41.7
Note Note #19 Dahkeya 45.6 34.6
Note Note #20 Dahkeya 54.5 31.7
Note Note #21 Dahkeya 48.7 64
Note Note #22 Dahkeya 83.6 15.2
Note Note #23 Dahkeya 63.7 10.4 Southern West Dunes
Note Note #24 Dahkeya 72.8 36.6
Note Note #25 Dahkeya 61.1 46.9
Note Note #26 Dahkeya 65.4 55.5 Southern High Desert
Note Note #27 Dahkeya 78.4 55.5
Note Note #28 Dahkeya 76.5 76.9
Note Note #29 Dahkeya 83.4 71.8
Note Note #30 Dahkeya 86.1 51.1
Note Note #2 ??? 51.5 49.6 Manticore Arena
Note Note #5 ??? 63.3 61.5 Southern East Badlands
Note Note #8 ??? 63.3 29.4
Note Note #11 ??? 30.7 56.2
Note Note #14 ??? 24.4 29.7 Northern West Mountains
Discovery Discovery #4 HLN-A 56.5 44.7 Old Tunnels
Discovery Discovery #5 HLN-A 76.7 79.6 Ruins of Nosti
Discovery Discovery #6 HLN-A 40.3 47.8 Northern Canyons
Discovery Discovery #7 HLN-A 57.0 56.2 Southern East Badlands
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #6 HLN-A 13.7 34.9 Near Blue Obelisk
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #7 HLN-A 76.7 67.9 Near Tablet #11
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #8 HLN-A 51.5 17.1 Bridge across Scar
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #9 HLN-A 68.6 37.2 Near Red Obelisk
Genesis 2 Chronicles Chronicles #10 HLN-A 51.0 74.3 Near Green Obelisk


種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
調査書 BasiliskBasilisk Helena 36.4 56.1 River Valley
調査書 BulbdogBulbdog Helena 51.7 68.3
調査書 FeatherlightFeatherlight Helena 48.3 27.2 Mushroom Forest
調査書 GlowbugGlowbug Helena 48.6 66.7 Luminous Marshlands
調査書 GlowtailGlowtail Helena 46.8 72.2 Luminous Marshlands
調査書 KarkinosKarkinos Helena 46.1 64.2 Luminous Marshlands
調査書 LampreyLamprey Helena 57.1 73.7 Crystalline Swamps
調査書 Roll RatRoll Rat Helena 27.2 63.6 River Valley
調査書 NamelessNameless Helena 43.9 54.9
調査書 RavagerRavager Helena 36 47.3 Mushroom Forest
調査書 ReaperReaper Helena 65 56.2 The Spine
調査書 Rock DrakeRock Drake Helena 52 49.1
調査書 SeekerSeeker Helena 81.4 19.9 The Surface-Southwest
調査書 ShinehornShinehorn Helena 55.1 52.2
Note Note #1 Helena 44.5 20.2 The Ancient Device
Note Note #2 Helena 22.3 49.3 The Fallen Nexus
Note Note #3 Helena 25.8 48.9 The Fallen Nexus
Note Note #4 Helena 26.8 62.6 River Valley
Note Note #5 Helena 28.5 45.2 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #6 Helena 27.5 39.9 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #7 Helena 32.2 40.3 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #8 Helena 27.9 54.4 River Valley
Note Note #9 Helena 31.3 56.3 River Valley
Note Note #10 Helena 34.5 61.3 River Valley
Note Note #11 Helena 55.6 23.5 The Surface-Southwest
Note Note #12 Helena 37 70.2 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #13 Helena 16.6 23.6 The Surface-Northwest
Note Note #14 Helena 18.9 15.3 The Surface-Northwest
Note Note #15 Helena 16.8 19.5
Note Note #16 Helena 50.3 72.2 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #17 Helena 54.4 74.2 Crystalline Swamps
Note Note #18 Helena 57.4 69.5
Note Note #19 Helena 57.9 61.1
Note Note #20 Helena 57.4 51.6 The Overlook
Note Note #21 Helena 63.4 51.9
Note Note #22 Helena 63.7 47.3 The Spine
Note Note #23 Helena 67.3 45.4
Note Note #24 Helena 68 37.2
Note Note #25 Helena 70 31.3
Note Note #26 Helena 69.7 29.2 The Lost Roads
Note Note #27 Helena 76.8 30.8
Note Note #28 Helena 82.2 40.6 Halls of the Reaper
Note Note #29 Helena 81 45.7
Note Note #30 Helena 87.2 46.6 Elemental Vault-Caverns
Record Record #1 Rockwell 44.6 24.1 The Ancient Device
Record Record #2 Rockwell 22.4 52.2 The Fallen Nexus
Record Record #3 Rockwell 29.5 53.5 River Valley
Record Record #4 Rockwell 38.4 44.6 Mushroom Forest
Record Record #5 Rockwell 41.3 33.4 Mushroom Forest
Record Record #6 Rockwell 24.2 51.7 The Fallen Nexus
Record Record #7 Rockwell 29 56.8 River Valley
Record Record #8 Rockwell 34.4 53.9 River Valley
Record Record #9 Rockwell 39.7 46.8
Record Record #10 Rockwell 44.5 33.9 Mushroom Forest
Record Record #11 Rockwell 50.8 40 The Overlook
Record Record #12 Rockwell 49.1 48.9
Record Record #13 Rockwell 44.4 56.9 Luminous Marshlands
Record Record #14 Rockwell 44.6 59.6 Luminous Marshlands
Record Record #15 Rockwell 47.8 56.9 The Overlook
Record Record #16 Rockwell 48.7 63.2 Luminous Marshlands
Record Record #17 Rockwell 52.8 65.2 Crystalline Swamps
Record Record #18 Rockwell 55.7 62.3 Crystalline Swamps
Record Record #19 Rockwell 54.9 56.4 The Overlook
Record Record #20 Rockwell 60.4 55.4
Record Record #21 Rockwell 64 51.1
Record Record #22 Rockwell 61.8 48 The Spine
Record Record #23 Rockwell 61.6 39.6 The Lost Roads
Record Record #24 Rockwell 70.2 39.4 The Lost Roads
Record Record #25 Rockwell 70.2 45.4 Hope's End
Record Record #26 Rockwell 67.6 48.6 Hope's End
Record Record #27 Rockwell 70 53.1 Hope's End
Record Record #28 Rockwell 62.1 52.5 The Spine
Record Record #29 Rockwell 53.5 46 The Overlook
Record Record #30 Rockwell 53.7 53.3 The Grave of the Lost
Note Note #1 Mei Yin 44.3 14.8 The Ancient Device
Note Note #2 Mei Yin 67.9 12.4 The Surface-Southwest
Note Note #3 Mei Yin 32.4 34.4 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #4 Mei Yin 38.3 30.9 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #5 Mei Yin 40.5 19.9 The Ancient Device
Note Note #6 Mei Yin 50 26 Old Railway Cave
Note Note #7 Mei Yin 45.2 31.1 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #8 Mei Yin 44.3 33.3 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #9 Mei Yin 42.1 37.2 Mushroom Forest
Note Note #10 Mei Yin 41.6 49.3 River Valley
Note Note #11 Mei Yin 48.1 38.5 The Overlook
Note Note #12 Mei Yin 53 36.4 The Overlook
Note Note #13 Mei Yin 50.4 42.4 The Overlook
Note Note #14 Mei Yin 43.7 52.4 The Overlook
Note Note #15 Mei Yin 52.2 53.6
Note Note #16 Mei Yin 48.4 58.3 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #17 Mei Yin 48.2 62.7 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #18 Mei Yin 47.6 69.4 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #19 Mei Yin 51.4 61.6 Luminous Marshlands
Note Note #20 Mei Yin 58.4 55.9 The Overlook
Note Note #21 Mei Yin 62.4 53.4
Note Note #22 Mei Yin 64.4 59.9 The Spine
Note Note #23 Mei Yin 64 65.2
Note Note #24 Mei Yin 69.8 66.5
Note Note #25 Mei Yin 73.2 58.7
Note Note #26 Mei Yin 79.4 58.6 Halls of the Reaper Queen
Note Note #27 Mei Yin 83.5 60.2 Halls of the Reaper
Note Note #28 Mei Yin 86.5 63.6 Halls of the Reaper
Note Note #29 Mei Yin 88.6 69.7 Element Falls
Note Note #30 Mei Yin 88.2 74.7 Element Falls
Journal Grad Journal Boris #1 Boris 44.1 25.3 The Ancient Device
Journal Grad Journal Boris #2 Boris 55.7 52.4 The Overlook
Journal Grad Journal Boris #3 Boris 63.8 48.9 The Spine
Journal Grad Journal Boris #4 Boris 55.7 51.4 The Grave of the Lost
Journal Grad Journal Boris #5 Boris 52.7 40.5 The Grave of the Lost
Journal Grad Journal Emilia #1 Emilia 46.2 35.3 Mushroom Forest
Journal Grad Journal Emilia #2 Emilia 39.1 37.4 Mushroom Forest
Journal Grad Journal Emilia #3 Emilia 56.2 38.4 The Overlook
Journal Grad Journal Emilia #4 Emilia 48.7 63.7 Luminous Marshlands
Journal Grad Journal Emilia #5 Emilia 24.3 65.5 The Surface-Northeast
Journal Grad Journal Imamu #1 Imamu 75.3 73.5 Element Falls
Journal Grad Journal Imamu #2 Imamu 68.8 72.6 Element Falls
Journal Grad Journal Imamu #3 Imamu 72.7 62.9 Element Falls
Journal Grad Journal Imamu #4 Imamu 71.9 55.2 Hope's End
Journal Grad Journal Imamu #5 Imamu 46.5 48.7 The Grave of the Lost
Journal Grad Journal Rusty #1 Rusty 38.5 51.6 River Valley
Journal Grad Journal Rusty #2 Rusty 34.1 50.5 River Valley
Journal Grad Journal Rusty #3 Rusty 31 47.9 Mushroom Forest
Journal Grad Journal Rusty #4 Rusty 37 41.2 Mushroom Forest
Journal Grad Journal Rusty #5 Rusty 45.5 38.1 Mushroom Forest
Journal Grad Journal Skye #1 Skye 45.4 40.5 The Overlook
Journal Grad Journal Trent #1 Trent 58.5 43.8 Hope's End
Journal Grad Journal Trent #2 Trent 70.9 49.1 Hope's End
Journal Grad Journal Trent #3 Trent 69.7 55.6 Hope's End
Journal Grad Journal Trent #4 Trent 71.8 61.6
Journal Grad Journal Trent #5 Trent 77.1 68.2 Element Falls
Log Log #1 Diana 47.6 31.9 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #2 Diana 29.7 52.6 River Valley
Log Log #3 Diana 33.8 47.3 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #4 Diana 37.7 46 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #5 Diana 30.5 45.7 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #6 Diana 34 38.9 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #7 Diana 38.3 37 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #8 Diana 38.2 29.7 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #9 Diana 48.3 23.3 Mushroom Forest
Log Log #10 Diana 18.7 69.1 The Surface-Northeast
Log Log #11 Diana 22.3 78.4 The Surface-Northeast
Log Log #12 Diana 58.3 61.4 Crystalline Swamps
Log Log #13 Diana 52.9 68.5
Log Log #14 Diana 47.4 72.4 Luminous Marshlands
Log Log #15 Diana 52.9 76.4 Crystalline Swamps
Log Log #16 Diana 70.4 75.3 Element Falls
Log Log #17 Diana 84.6 77.5 Element Falls
Log Log #18 Diana 70.6 73.7 Element Falls
Log Log #19 Diana 71 58.9 Element Falls
Log Log #20 Diana 60.5 47.6 The Spine
Note Note #3 ??? 82.7 10.7 Rockwell Arena
Note Note #6 ??? 29.4 58.5 River Valley
Note Note #9 ??? 47.6 21.8 The Ancient Device
Note Note #12 ??? 69.1 46.4 Hope's End
Note Note #15 ??? 85.0 69.8 Element Falls
Discovery Discovery #8 HLN-A 37.1 60.3 Luminous Marshlands
Discovery Discovery #9 HLN-A 68.0 66.0 The Spine
Discovery Discovery #10 HLN-A 27.8 46.7 Mushroom Forest
Discovery Discovery #11 HLN-A 28.1 76.2 The Surface - Northeast


種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
調査書 Corrupted CreaturesCorrupted Creatures Helena 56 89.3 Wasteland
調査書 GachaGacha Helena 25.2 14.6
調査書 GasbagsGasbags Helena 22.1 51.2
調査書 ManagarmrManagarmr Helena 22.4 74.3
調査書 Snow OwlSnow Owl Helena 11.9 78
調査書 VelonasaurVelonasaur Helena 87.8 73.6
Manual Scout FM Santiago 57.1 49.1 Camp Omega
Manual Enforcer FM Santiago 52.1 70 The Trench
Manual Mek TM Santiago 52.9 23.4
Manual Mega Mek TM Santiago 1.6 42
Note Note #1 Helena 50.9 29.9
Note Note #2 Helena 56.9 36.4
Note Note #3 Helena 58.5 48.7 Camp Omega
Note Note #4 Helena 53.2 55.3 Sanctuary
Note Note #5 Helena 63.1 42.3
Note Note #6 Helena 66.6 55.6
Note Note #7 Helena 61.4 69
Note Note #8 Helena 55 79.3
Note Note #9 Helena 47.8 75.2 Wasteland
Note Note #10 Helena 31.2 59.6
Note Note #11 Helena 27.2 53.7
Note Note #12 Helena 19.7 60.8
Note Note #13 Helena 25 46
Note Note #14 Helena 41.4 43.7
Note Note #15 Helena 43.7 33.5
Note Note #16 Helena 50.8 21.5
Note Note #17 Helena 40.9 15.6
Note Note #18 Helena 32.9 24.2
Note Note #19 Helena 19.3 17.7
Note Note #20 Helena 27.8 12.6
Note Note #21 Helena 11.3 8.6
Note Note #22 Helena 15.3 11.8
Note Note #23 Helena 14.8 18.2
Note Note #24 Helena 16.8 23.8
Note Note #25 Helena 8.3 29.9
Note Note #26 Helena 11.9 39.1 The Underforest
Note Note #27 Helena 8.6 43.3 Forest Cave
Note Note #28 Helena 7.1 48.3 Forest Cave
Note Note #29 Helena 10.5 47.6 Forest Cave
Note Note #30 Helena 12.6 44.9 Forest Cave
Note Note #1 Mei Yin 26.8 53
Note Note #2 Mei Yin 38.5 29.5
Note Note #3 Mei Yin 47.2 22.5
Note Note #4 Mei Yin 47.8 12.2
Note Note #5 Mei Yin 73.2 42.6
Note Note #6 Mei Yin 70.6 53.7
Note Note #7 Mei Yin 58.7 73.5
Note Note #8 Mei Yin 43.1 90.8
Note Note #9 Mei Yin 31.9 81.7
Note Note #10 Mei Yin 26.5 71.1
Note Note #11 Mei Yin 19.6 77.8
Note Note #12 Mei Yin 17.2 86.3
Note Note #13 Mei Yin 10.1 72.3
Note Note #14 Mei Yin 22.2 65.8
Note Note #15 Mei Yin 20.6 61.7
Note Note #16 Mei Yin 18.3 78.5 Ice Cave
Note Note #17 Mei Yin 10.7 64.5
Note Note #18 Mei Yin 27.3 61
Note Note #19 Mei Yin 32.1 30.6
Note Note #20 Mei Yin 31 27
Note Note #21 Mei Yin 27.6 22.2
Note Note #22 Mei Yin 20.6 13.1
Note Note #23 Mei Yin 29.5 15.8
Note Note #24 Mei Yin 20.5 29.4
Note Note #25 Mei Yin 10.5 32.6
Note Note #26 Mei Yin 8.7 47.2 Forest Cave
Note Note #27 Mei Yin 13.3 45.5 Forest Cave
Note Note #28 Mei Yin 18.4 15.3
Note Note #29 Mei Yin 13.2 28.4
Note Note #30 Mei Yin 15.6 17.5
Log Log #1 Diana 90.3 68.8
Log Log #2 Diana 78.1 79.9
Log Log #3 Diana 66.6 80.3
Log Log #4 Diana 49.2 67.9
Log Log #5 Diana 46.4 61.4
Log Log #6 Diana 45.1 53.1
Log Log #7 Diana 54.9 32.8
Log Log #8 Diana 41.4 26.8
Log Log #9 Diana 28.2 20.7 Wasteland
Log Log #10 Diana 25 23 Crater Forest
Log Log #11 Diana 31.2 23.6 Lowlands Runoff
Log Log #12 Diana 30.4 37.6
Log Log #13 Diana 23.9 44.5
Log Log #14 Diana 30.8 47.3
Log Log #15 Diana 35.7 62.2
Log Log #16 Diana 43.9 72
Log Log #17 Diana 38.4 88.9
Log Log #18 Diana 33.7 82.1
Log Log #19 Diana 21.2 62.9
Log Log #20 Diana 16.3 51.6
Log Log #21 Diana 22.2 38.7
Log Log #22 Diana 10.5 29.5
Log Log #23 Diana 14.1 41 Forbidden Zone
Log Log #24 Diana 7.9 41.7 Forbidden Zone
Log Log #25 Diana 1 43.5
Log Log #26 Diana -2.4 55.8
Log Log #27 Diana 5.6 57.8
Log Log #28 Diana 1.9 38.1 Forest Cave
Log Log #29 Diana 8.4 44.6 Forbidden Zone
Log Log #30 Diana 3.1 48.8 Forbidden Zone
The One Who Waits #1 The One Who Waits 49.2 71.7
The One Who Waits #2 The One Who Waits 46.7 55.3
The One Who Waits #3 The One Who Waits 56.1 56.4
The One Who Waits #4 The One Who Waits 55.3 49.7
The One Who Waits #5 The One Who Waits 48.7 42.6
The One Who Waits #6 The One Who Waits 46.4 35
The One Who Waits #7 The One Who Waits 41.4 43.8
The One Who Waits #8 The One Who Waits 9.7 47 Forest Cave
The One Who Waits #9 The One Who Waits 12.4 48.8 Forest Cave
The One Who Waits #10 The One Who Waits 16.1 51 Forest Cave
The One Who Waits #11 The One Who Waits 23.5 18.7
The One Who Waits #12 The One Who Waits 21.1 86.6
The One Who Waits #13 The One Who Waits 6.8 85.1 Ice Cave
The One Who Waits #14 The One Who Waits 94.1 83.8
The One Who Waits #15 The One Who Waits 97.1 89.9
The One Who Waits #16 The One Who Waits 66.1 17.5
The One Who Waits #17 The One Who Waits 46.6 10.6
The One Who Waits #18 The One Who Waits 38.9 13
The One Who Waits #19 The One Who Waits 19.2 13.2
The One Who Waits #20 The One Who Waits 22.9 22.5
The One Who Waits #21 The One Who Waits 17.5 79.1
The One Who Waits #22 The One Who Waits 61.1 89.6
The One Who Waits #23 The One Who Waits 62.8 43.8 Wasteland
The One Who Waits #24 The One Who Waits 46.9 62
The One Who Waits #25 The One Who Waits 44 52.7
The One Who Waits #26 The One Who Waits 47.4 48.7
The One Who Waits #27 The One Who Waits 45.9 35.9
The One Who Waits #28 The One Who Waits 54.3 30.6
The One Who Waits #29 The One Who Waits 50.6 40.6
The One Who Waits #30 The One Who Waits 49.8 65.7
Log Log #1 Santiago 59 68.4
Log Log #2 Santiago 59.4 48.4
Log Log #3 Santiago 57.3 27
Log Log #4 Santiago 56 50.2
Log Log #5 Santiago 58.6 53.7
Log Log #6 Santiago 56.5 36.2
Log Log #7 Santiago 59.3 40.7
Log Log #8 Santiago 52.8 42.9
Log Log #9 Santiago 56.5 43.8 Sanctuary Parkway
Log Log #10 Santiago 54.5 53.7
Log Log #11 Santiago 53.9 61
Log Log #12 Santiago 51.6 74.7
Log Log #13 Santiago 59.7 69.6
Log Log #14 Santiago 65.8 62.5
Log Log #15 Santiago 75.7 50.2
Log Log #16 Santiago 83.9 37.5
Log Log #17 Santiago 71.8 31.6 Sulfur Fields
Log Log #18 Santiago 75.7 19.2
Log Log #19 Santiago 58.8 32.7
Log Log #20 Santiago 49 31.7
Log Log #21 Santiago 45.2 35.9
Log Log #22 Santiago 42.7 42.3
Log Log #23 Santiago 50.6 35.3
Log Log #24 Santiago 43.8 39.6
Log Log #25 Santiago 50.6 62.6
Log Log #26 Santiago 47 60.7
Log Log #27 Santiago 47.2 57.5
Log Log #28 Santiago 36.4 50.8
Log Log #29 Santiago 40.6 39
Log Log #30 Santiago 49.5 33.2
Discovery Discovery #12 HLN-A 27.8 16.0 Wasteland
Discovery Discovery #13 HLN-A 13.3 57.5 Forbidden Zone
Discovery Discovery #14 HLN-A 53.4 76.5 The Trench
Discovery Discovery #15 HLN-A 84.8 16.1 The Sweeping Spires

Genesis: Part 1[]

種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #1 HLN-A 69.9 77.0
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #2 HLN-A 57.4 84.8
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #3 HLN-A 74.5 76.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #4 HLN-A 70.2 76.6
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #5 HLN-A 60.2 59.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Bog #6 HLN-A 84.2 74.8
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #1 HLN-A 47.1 14.1
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #2 HLN-A 22.3 31.3
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #3 HLN-A 21.6 26.0
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #4 HLN-A 30.2 35.4
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #5 HLN-A 32.3 37.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #6 HLN-A 26.5 19.3
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #7 HLN-A 34.2 26.8
Glitch Discovery Biome Moon #8 HLN-A 46.4 21.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #1 HLN-A 18.9 47.4
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #2 HLN-A 20.7 55.0
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #3 HLN-A 18.4 56.4
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #4 HLN-A 25.9 58.0
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #5 HLN-A 31.4 56.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Ocean #6 HLN-A 35.9 45.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #1 HLN-A 64.1 37.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #2 HLN-A 79.9 34.9
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #3 HLN-A 74.7 30.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #4 HLN-A 77.0 21.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #5 HLN-A 67.5 25.8
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #6 HLN-A 62.7 30.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #7 HLN-A 70.8 28.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #8 HLN-A 73.7 25.2
Glitch Discovery Biome Snow #9 HLN-A 78.6 16.4
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #1 HLN-A 44.6 85.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #2 HLN-A 26.9 77.2
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #3 HLN-A 47.5 66.8
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #4 HLN-A 35.7 77.5
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #5 HLN-A 27.9 66.7
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #6 HLN-A 25.3 77.3
Glitch Discovery Biome Volcanic #7 HLN-A 12.4 76.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 17.1 71.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 17.3 87.9
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 18.4 37.4
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 18.9 51.8
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 21.4 14.5
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 23.1 51.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 28.3 74.0
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 28.5 80.6
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 30.7 56.2
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 31.8 57.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 32.2 46.2
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 32.2 48.5
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 34.3 32.1
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 36.4 49.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 36.7 72.4
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 37.3 24.5
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 37.3 86.2
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 39.1 47.1
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 40.2 56.3
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 41.6 75.9
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 43.4 35.2
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 48.4 73.6
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 48.8 18.0
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 49.7 29.2
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 50.9 13.9
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 61.3 37.5
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 61.4 33.0
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 66.5 85.0
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 68.1 59.8
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 70.9 75.1
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 71.1 76.8
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 71.2 19.5
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 73.5 76.9
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 73.7 83.7
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 75.3 75.8
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 75.7 53.1
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 76.4 28.1
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 80.6 26.7
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 82.3 21.4
Glitch Discovery Story HLN-A 82.6 42.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #1 HLN-A 83.5 60.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #2 HLN-A 72.6 70.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #3 HLN-A 67.2 78.2
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #4 HLN-A 66.2 67.5
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #5 HLN-A 32.7 59.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #6 HLN-A 33.1 51.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #7 HLN-A 28.8 60.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #8 HLN-A 33.3 51.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #9 HLN-A 75.5 46.2
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #10 HLN-A 70.1 31.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #11 HLN-A 73.3 27.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #12 HLN-A 66.2 21.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #13 HLN-A 24.3 13.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #14 HLN-A 40.8 38.2
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #15 HLN-A 32.8 32.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #16 HLN-A 12.4 38.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #17 HLN-A 43.3 80.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #18 HLN-A 43.6 76.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #19 HLN-A 21.8 69.2
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #20 HLN-A 28.2 80.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #21 HLN-A 38.5 24.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #22 HLN-A 50.5 27.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #23 HLN-A 23.6 25.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #24 HLN-A 26.4 32.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #25 HLN-A 27.0 27.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #26 HLN-A 31.9 14.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #27 HLN-A 33.9 19.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #28 HLN-A 47.4 23.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #29 HLN-A 50.8 31.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #30 HLN-A 67.8 72.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #31 HLN-A 66.4 75.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #32 HLN-A 64.2 74.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #33 HLN-A 71.6 75.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #34 HLN-A 72.5 76.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #35 HLN-A 59.8 61.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #36 HLN-A 73.1 84.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #37 HLN-A 63.8 76.5
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #38 HLN-A 57.7 61.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #39 HLN-A 42.8 73.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #40 HLN-A 33.1 66.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #41 HLN-A 35.1 86.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #42 HLN-A 19.8 72.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #43 HLN-A 21.2 85.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #44 HLN-A 40.8 73.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #45 HLN-A 42.3 67.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #46 HLN-A 30.9 81.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #47 HLN-A 13.7 87.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #48 HLN-A 29.2 48.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #49 HLN-A 34.3 45.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #50 HLN-A 26.7 51.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #51 HLN-A 23.8 48.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #52 HLN-A 21.8 50.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #53 HLN-A 21.0 51.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #54 HLN-A 20.2 50.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #55 HLN-A 15.9 47.5
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #56 HLN-A 35.1 54.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #57 HLN-A 22.2 69.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #58 HLN-A 15.4 74.5
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #59 HLN-A 82.2 18.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #60 HLN-A 86.2 15.3
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #61 HLN-A 85.5 30.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #62 HLN-A 57.2 69.2
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #63 HLN-A 61.5 74.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #64 HLN-A 71.9 69.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #65 HLN-A 79.4 72.6
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #66 HLN-A 34.5 51.0
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #67 HLN-A 28.8 47.8
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #68 HLN-A 40.9 12.7
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #69 HLN-A 68.0 21.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #70 HLN-A 73.1 30.9
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #71 HLN-A 70.6 33.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #72 HLN-A 85.0 37.1
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #73 HLN-A 72.5 43.4
Glitch Discovery Tidbit #74 HLN-A 67.2 32.8

Genesis: Part 2[]

種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 1 Gabriel 58.4 75.8
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 2 Gabriel 48.5 68.8
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 3 Gabriel 48.0 78.6
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 4 Gabriel 45.0 82.7
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 5 Gabriel 44.8 89.2
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 6 Gabriel 48.8 89.7
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 7 Gabriel 32.2 93.6
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 8 Gabriel 24.0 75.5
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 9 Gabriel 23.5 91.3
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 10 Gabriel 34.5 70.1
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 11 Gabriel 30.5 61.4
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 12 Gabriel 67.0 67.1
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 13 Gabriel 40.9 76.9
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 14 Gabriel 72.2 65.4
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 15 Gabriel 35.0 42.3
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 16 Gabriel 55.0 41.9
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 17 Gabriel 46.3 46.5
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 18 Gabriel 72.3 40.3
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 19 Gabriel 74.4 35.9
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 20 Gabriel 67.2 30.9
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 21 Gabriel 23.7 43.6
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 22 Gabriel 33.6 29.1
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 23 Gabriel 23.7 9.3
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 24 Gabriel 21.3 21.2
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 25 Gabriel 25.0 35.0
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 26 Gabriel 51.9 17.2
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 27 Gabriel 64.6 22.9
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 28 Gabriel 73.2 14.1
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 29 Gabriel 48.1 27.4
Note Explorer Note Gabriel 30 Gabriel 57.5 27.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 2 HLN-A 41.8 77.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 2 HLN-A 40.7 70.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 2 HLN-A 41.8 62.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 3 HLN-A 45.7 75.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 3 HLN-A 45.7 76.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 3 HLN-A 46.0 75.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 75.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 77.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 77.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.0 76.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 75.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 85.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 87.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 87.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.0 86.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 85.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 61.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 50.5 63.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 63.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.0 62.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 4 HLN-A 49.4 61.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 78.9 75.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 79.9 74.4
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 78.4 70.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 75.6 76.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 74.1 72.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 77.1 70.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 5 HLN-A 74.9 72.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 59.5 79.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 60.1 80.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 61.2 78.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 59.6 79.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 61.1 78.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 6 HLN-A 60.1 80.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 7 HLN-A 32.4 80.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 7 HLN-A 28.9 80.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 8 HLN-A 49.1 76.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 8 HLN-A 49.1 62.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 8 HLN-A 49.1 86.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 9 HLN-A 59.8 82.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 9 HLN-A 60.2 81.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 9 HLN-A 60.8 83.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 10 HLN-A 33.7 87.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 10 HLN-A 32.4 88.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 10 HLN-A 33.6 87.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 10 HLN-A 34.3 87.3
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 11 HLN-A 50.6 53.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 11 HLN-A 46.5 53.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 11 HLN-A 73.2 53.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 11 HLN-A 23.8 53.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 12 HLN-A 46.9 42.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 12 HLN-A 50.6 41.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 13 HLN-A 41.1 15.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 14 HLN-A 57.9 36.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 14 HLN-A 57.9 36.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 14 HLN-A 59.1 36.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 15 HLN-A 51.5 37.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 15 HLN-A 52.8 37.5
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 62.7 11.4
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 62.4 10.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 62.4 10.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 62.3 9.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 60.0 11.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 56.2 13.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 59.6 30.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 62.1 41.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 40.1 11.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 16 HLN-A 41.4 8.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 17 HLN-A 55.7 28.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 17 HLN-A 55.7 26.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 17 HLN-A 55.7 27.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 18 HLN-A 58.3 28.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 18 HLN-A 58.3 27.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 18 HLN-A 58.4 27.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 19 HLN-A 60.8 28.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 19 HLN-A 61.2 26.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 20 HLN-A 62.9 25.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 21 HLN-A 61.4 24.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 21 HLN-A 61.0 25.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 21 HLN-A 61.0 27.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 22 HLN-A 47.5 27.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 22 HLN-A 46.6 27.5
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 22 HLN-A 49.5 26.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 23 HLN-A 57.6 27.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 23 HLN-A 56.9 28.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 23 HLN-A 56.3 27.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 23 HLN-A 56.9 27.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 24 HLN-A 59.6 29.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 24 HLN-A 60.3 28.5
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 24 HLN-A 60.4 27.4
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 25 HLN-A 61.2 26.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 25 HLN-A 61.9 28.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 26 HLN-A 64.5 28.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 26 HLN-A 62.0 29.0
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 27 HLN-A 62.1 26.5
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 27 HLN-A 63.0 27.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 28 HLN-A 64.2 25.6
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.5 79.9
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.6 86.7
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.5 90.5
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.5 65.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.5 76.2
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 29 HLN-A 46.6 62.1
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 60.8 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 54.1 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 43.4 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 36.8 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 34.8 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 69.4 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 62.8 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 30 HLN-A 28.2 42.8
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 31 HLN-A Rockwell Prime's Submap
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 32 HLN-A Rockwell Prime's Submap
Voice line Explorer Note HLN-A 33 HLN-A Rockwell Prime's Submap
Note Explorer Note Nida 1 Nida 48.0 60.4
Note Explorer Note Nida 2 Nida 79.8 91.7
Note Explorer Note Nida 3 Nida 17.6 71.2
Note Explorer Note Nida 4 Nida 36.8 60.3
Note Explorer Note Nida 5 Nida 56.8 91.0
Note Explorer Note Nida 6 Nida 27.6 85.3
Note Explorer Note Nida 7 Nida 33.5 79.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 8 Nida 69.8 60.3
Note Explorer Note Nida 9 Nida 65.5 76.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 10 Nida 30.1 80.0
Note Explorer Note Nida 11 Nida 37.8 85.7
Note Explorer Note Nida 12 Nida 55.1 66.4
Note Explorer Note Nida 13 Nida 73.5 58.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 14 Nida 46.1 59.8
Note Explorer Note Nida 15 Nida 37.3 57.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 16 Nida 23.6 60.3
Note Explorer Note Nida 17 Nida 63.4 61.0
Note Explorer Note Nida 18 Nida 65.4 82.0
Note Explorer Note Nida 19 Nida 77.3 64.5
Note Explorer Note Nida 20 Nida 38.0 66.3
Note Explorer Note Nida 21 Nida 16.7 89.5
Note Explorer Note Nida 22 Nida 43.1 70.0
Note Explorer Note Nida 23 Nida 63.8 42.6
Note Explorer Note Nida 24 Nida 59.3 57.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 25 Nida 52.2 61.5
Note Explorer Note Nida 26 Nida 44.5 62.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 27 Nida 55.0 80.9
Note Explorer Note Nida 28 Nida 69.4 83.1
Note Explorer Note Nida 29 Nida 28.2 63.9
Note Explorer Note Nida 30 Nida 35.9 71.9
Note Explorer Note Santiago 1 Santiago 44.3 10.1
Note Explorer Note Santiago 2 Santiago 49.0 10.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 3 Santiago 60.0 7.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 4 Santiago 68.9 9.6
Note Explorer Note Santiago 5 Santiago 77.0 6.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 6 Santiago 63.9 20.7
Note Explorer Note Santiago 7 Santiago 66.2 25.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 8 Santiago 78.9 20.2
Note Explorer Note Santiago 9 Santiago 80.8 31.2
Note Explorer Note Santiago 10 Santiago 57.2 30.5
Note Explorer Note Santiago 11 Santiago 54.5 40.6
Note Explorer Note Santiago 12 Santiago 45.1 37.0
Note Explorer Note Santiago 13 Santiago 44.7 42.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 14 Santiago 45.1 20.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 15 Santiago 18.1 39.5
Note Explorer Note Santiago 16 Santiago 20.5 31.3
Note Explorer Note Santiago 17 Santiago 28.3 32.0
Note Explorer Note Santiago 18 Santiago 32.2 19.7
Note Explorer Note Santiago 19 Santiago 22.1 26.6
Note Explorer Note Santiago 20 Santiago 19.0 12.1
Note Explorer Note Santiago 21 Santiago 24.0 14.9
Note Explorer Note Santiago 22 Santiago 28.5 22.7
Note Explorer Note Santiago 23 Santiago 30.5 12.4
Note Explorer Note Santiago 24 Santiago 38.0 10.5
Note Explorer Note Santiago 25 Santiago 36.1 17.0
Note Explorer Note Santiago 26 Santiago 39.3 22.0
Note Explorer Note Santiago 27 Santiago 39.9 30.4
Note Explorer Note Santiago 28 Santiago 50.2 24.0
Note Explorer Note Santiago 29 Santiago 56.0 19.5
Note Explorer Note Santiago 30 Santiago 65.9 14.7


Most Explorer Notes are on the same location as on PC, the ones that are not are listed here.

種類 Topic 著者 Lat Lon 場所
調査書 AllosaurusAllosaurus Helena 61.4 39.3 Swamp Cave
調査書 AnkylosaurusAnkylosaurus Helena 15.2 26.8
調査書 BrontosaurusBrontosaurus Helena 31.2 17.7
調査書 CarnotaurusCarnotaurus Helena 32.9 40.4
調査書 ChalicotheriumChalicotherium Helena 30.9 28.9
調査書 CompyCompy Helena 40.8 48.2
調査書 CnidariaCnidaria Helena 88.0 51.8 Southern Islets
調査書 DaeodonDaeodon Helena 48.2 21.9
調査書 DoedicurusDoedicurus Helena 46.6 27.6
調査書 DilophosaurDilophosaur Helena ? ? North West Cave
調査書 Dire BearDire Bear Helena 40.0 81.1
調査書 EurypteridEurypterid Helena 43.8 48.0
調査書 GigantopithecusGigantopithecus Helena 26.2 23.8
調査書 JerboaJerboa Helena 70.6 59.4 The Writhing Swamps
調査書 KairukuKairuku Helena 42.2 77.1
調査書 LiopleurodonLiopleurodon Helena 78.0 24.6
調査書 LystrosaurusLystrosaurus Helena 66.7 82.9 Lava Cave
調査書 MammothMammoth Helena 68.5 79.9 Lava Cave
調査書 MantaManta Helena 68.7 83.3 Lava Cave
調査書 MosasaurusMosasaurus Helena 27.1 24.8 Snow Cave
調査書 OviraptorOviraptor Helena 58.6 23.3 Lava Cave
調査書 PegomastaxPegomastax Helena 82.2 61.3 Southern Islets
調査書 QuetzalQuetzal Helena 87.3 23.6
調査書 RexRex Helena 84.4 53.1 Lower South Cave
調査書 Royal GriffinRoyal Griffin Helena 29.7 79.7
調査書 TriceratopsTriceratops Helena 40.4 46.5 Central Cave
調査書 TrilobiteTrilobite Helena 39.6 45.4 Central Cave
調査書 TusoteuthisTusoteuthis Helena 59.7 21.7
Discovery Discovery #1 Helena 77.1 31.6 The Footpaw
Discovery Discovery #2 Helena 76.6 70.7 Southern Islets
Discovery Discovery #3 Helena 61.2 81.5 Southern Islets
Note Note #1 Helena ? ?
Note Note #2 Helena 19.5 19.8 North West Cave
Note Note #3 Helena ? ? North West Cave
Note Note #4 Helena ? ? North West Cave
Discovery Discovery #1 Rockwell 64.1 61.6 The Writhing Swamps
Discovery Discovery #2 Rockwell 20.1 85.9
Record Record #3 Rockwell 54.5 14.5
Discovery Discovery #1 Mei Yin 76.8 77.3 Southern Islets
Discovery Discovery #2 Mei Yin 75 65.6
Note Note #4 Mei Yin 19.3 30.0
Note Note #6 Mei Yin 16.3 29.0
Discovery Discovery #1 Nerva 77.4 16.4 Southern Jungle
Discovery Discovery #2 Nerva 73.8 17.6 Southern Jungle
Discovery Discovery #3 Nerva 62.1 20.4 Southern Jungle























バージョン 248.0 250.0 252.0 253.0 254.0 255.0 256.0 257.0 258.0 259.0 267.0 268.0 275.0 280.114 281.107 282.102 283.101 284.104 285.104 299.26 300.6 303.1 306.41 316.18 319.14 321.1 323.6 325.6 329.5 合計
The Island
調査書 +71 +3 +5 +4 +4 +4 +4 +5 +1 101
ヘレナ +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +8 +3 +1 30
ロックウェル +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +8 +2 +1 29
メイ・イン +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +8 +4 31
ネルヴァ +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +8 +4 30
??? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 5
HLN-A +3 +5 8
Scorched Earth
調査書 +10 +1 11
ヘレナ +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +12 30
ロックウェル +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +12 30
ライア +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +12 30
ダケイヤ +4 +1 +2 +2 +1 +8 +12 30
??? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 5
HLN-A +2 +2 +5 9
調査書 +14 14
ヘレナ +30 30
ロックウェル +30 30
メイ・イン +30 30
ダイアナ +20 20
ラスティ +5 5
エミリア +5 5
ボリス +5 5
トレント +5 5
イマム +5 5
スカイ +1 1
??? +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 5
HLN-A +3 +1 +5 9
調査書 +10 10
ヘレナ +30 30
メイ・イン +30 30
ダイアナ +30 30
サンティアゴ +30 30
待つ者 +30 30
HLN-A +4 +5 9
Genesis: Part 1
HLN-A +150 +5 155
Genesis: Part 2
HLN-A +46 46
サンティアゴ +30 30
ニダ +30 30
ガブリエル +30 30
113 8 19 21 12 60 36 12 66 2 2 1 150 3 3 3 3 3 160 5 5 5 150 5 5 5 5 5 136 1004


  • DevKitによると、開発プロセスの間、ヘレナの名前はかつてエリミシャであり、ネルバの名前はかつてジェリアであった可能性があります。
  • 外見と名前が似ていることから、ヘレナ・ウォーカーはヨーロッパのショー、プリメバルのヘレン・カッターのイースターエッグになる可能性があります。
  • 現在、一時停止モード(少なくともシングルプレイヤーでは)ではノートを開くことができません。その代わりに、インベントリに入って右上のサバイバープロフィールボタンを使用することができます。
  • 死亡またはファストトラベル(寝袋/ベッド)を使用するとXPの倍数がキャンセルされます。
  • XPボーナスは積み重なっていくので、エクスプローラーノートを1つ集めると600秒分のXPが2倍になり、最初の2倍のXPが切れる前に別のエクスプローラーノートを集めると、前回のドシエの残りXP時間に600秒が加算されます。このように、速い飛行生物を手に入れて、titanosaurやアルファに挑戦する前に、素早く連続していくつか集めることで、最高のXP獲得が可能になります。
  • XPが2倍になっても、トライブのメンバーに共有されているXPには影響しません。
  • Raiaタブレットの追加のテキストの一部は、スタジオワイルドカード開発者の名前です。
  • ARK Digest49では、に描かれているラプターに乗っている女性がヘレナであることが確認されました。
  • 280.114とExtinction Chroniclesイベントのリリース以降、不明な作者のエクスプローラーノートがいくつかの場所に現れ、最初の3つはボスアリーナにありました。 メモはExtinction DLCに関連しており、以前のメモとは異なり、メモ自体を投影するSpecimen ImplantSpecimen Implantに似ているように見えるホログラムの形式で提供されていました。
    • 同様に、299.26のGenesis Chroniclesイベントのリリース時に、「元素の乱れ」がいくつかの洞窟で見られ、最初の3つは本島にあります。 ノートはGenesis: Part 1 DLCに関連しており、これまでのすべてのノートとは異なり、Mini-HLNA Skin (Genesis Part 1)Mini-HLNA Skin Genesis Part 1 Iconを備えて近くのノートをトリガーする必要があります。


