ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

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Epic Games 311.74
6月 11, 2020
admincheat summon camelsaurus_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Camelsaurus/camelsaurus_Character_BP.camelsaurus_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Morellatops (Gauntlet2)
admincheat summon camelsaurus_Character_BP_STA_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/camelsaurus_Character_BP_STA.camelsaurus_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Morellatops EggMorellatops Egg
22 - 28 °C / 72 - 82 °F
2時間 29分 59.28秒
3時間 5分 11.111秒
12時間 20分 44.444秒
15時間 25分 55.555秒
1日 6時間 51分 51.109秒
18時間 - 2日

Common             Rare
  テイム不可   洞窟

モレラトプスは、CamelsaurusまたはCamelというニックネームでも知られており、拡張パックScorched Earthの固有の生物のひとつであり、RagnarokExtinctionCrystal Islesのマップにも存在します。

基本情報[ | ]

調査書[ | ]



Morellatops dromedarius


Early Cretaceous








サバイバーたちが、モレラトプスを傷付けずにコブの中にある水を利用する方法を発見したとき、このおとなしい生物は砂漠にはなくてはならない荷物運搬動物になりました。たくさん荷物を運べるだけでなく、あらゆる旅でサバイバーたちの生死を左右する、大量の水も持ち運ぶことができるのです。 モレラトプスは自衛という点ではあまり多くの武器を持っていないので、戦いに連れていくのは1頭までにしたほうがいいでしょう。しかし、時々、モレラトプスを井戸に連れていくことさえ忘れなければ、なくてはならない仲間になるはずです。

行動[ | ]

The Morellatops is a passive creature, but with at least one other its kin around they become defensive. A pack of Morellatops - if provoked - attacks until all members but one are dead, the last survivor will try to retreat. If alone, any Morellatops will attempt to flee, though it will attack if cornered. Despite its large stature, many carnivores predate on Morellatops, making it a stable food source in the ecosystem.

外観[ | ]

The Morellatops appears to have the hump of the Iguanodontid: Morelladon, and the head of a Ceratopsian dinosaur. It has ridges of protofeathers going down its sides, and also has bony lumps placed throughout the body. It is rather large, walking on 4 hoofed feet and has a beak for cutting plant material. Note that the Morellatops is not a real dinosaur.

配色と領域[ | ]


この情報を使用して、チートコンソールにcheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID>と入力することにより、モレラトプスのRegionを変更できます。たとえば、cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6はモレラトプスの"body"がmagenta色になります。

Morellatops PaintRegion0
Region 0:
Morellatops PaintRegion1
Region 1:
X mark

Region 2はこの生物には

Morellatops PaintRegion3
Region 3:
Morellatops PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Furred Stripes
Morellatops PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Underside and Legs

ドロップ[ | ]

基本ステータスと成長[ | ]

能力値 基準値 レベルアップ テイムボーナス
野性生物 テイム生物 Additive Multiplicative
体力体力 400 +80 +5.4% 0.07
スタミナスタミナ 220 +22 +10%
酸素量酸素量 150 +15 +10%
食料食料 6000 +600 +10%
重量重量 440 +8.8 +4%
近接攻撃力近接攻撃力 32 +1.6 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
移動速度移動速度 100% N/A +1% 96.4%
気絶値気絶値 315 +18.9 該当なし 0.5
移動 基本速度 全力疾走の速度 スタミナ
野生生物 テイム生物 野生生物 テイム生物
歩行 250 ? 1250 567 20
水泳 265 ? ? ? ?
  • これらは、100%の移動速度での生物の基本速度です。
  • すべての生物の速度の比較については、生物の基本速度をご覧ください。
Melee スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation Using the Left Mousebutton (PC), R2 Button (PS), RT Button (Xbox One), the Morellatops attacks the target.
0 500 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 32
Melee II スタミナ消費量 攻撃範囲 説明
基本 最小 Activation
0 500 0 0
攻撃タイプ ダメージ 発射物の値 気絶値の数値 状態効果: スタミナ 状態効果: 気絶値
寿命 Impulse 半径 基本 Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult 持続時間 Damage Mult
Melee 32




stat-calculatorはモバイルビューでは機能しません。代替方法についてはこちらをご覧ください: Apps


戦闘[ | ]

全般[ | ]

Typically a cowardly creature, but will quickly come to the aid of its kind when one is attacked. Try to find lone creatures to kill, as they rarely fight back. Un-trapped Morellatops will generally flee from an attacker.

戦略[ | ]

If there are more than one, climb up on a rock or a ledge and shoot them from above. If there is only one it will run away so chase after it while shooting or hope that it gets stuck so you can melee it/get headshots. Try guiding a Morellatops in the direction you want by attacking it in the direction you're facing, preferable against a wall, in between rocks, or into a human-made trap (structure.)

武器[ | ]

Ranged weapons suggested but spears work too. If using PikePikes or SpearSpears and the target is trapped, time your attacks so you avoid getting hit from the creatures defensive attacks; or try to have another player distract the Morellatops while the other player Pikes it.

危険[ | ]

Beware if there are 2 or more, or if one is trapped: They will attack and quickly kill any low level player. If you are chasing one, watch out for carnivores or cliffs which it may lead you to. Their attack hits hard and has the added advantage of knockback; be wary of attacking one if you're elevated, because this will toss you a great distance resulting in fall damage (and at the mercy of any local creatures [or players] if you survive).

弱点[ | ]

Due to their size, they easily get trapped by clusters of rocks which often slows them down or effectively traps them. Lone Morellatops rarely defend themselves, but a trapped Morellatops will fight back.

テイム方法[ | ]


気絶テイムの戦略[ | ]

As the Morellatops is a rather large creature and often lives in herds, it is usually a good idea to separate them to ensure little retaliation. Back it up against a rock wall to prevent escape, and shoot it in the head for the most torpor. BoomerangBoomerangs recommended for knocking it out, especially in early game. Survivors who have reached mid-game or higher with bows or a rifle will find the Morellatops much easier to knock out.

テイム食料[ | ]

Morellatops Level 1 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 2 0 0 0 0:01:36
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 20 0 0 0 0:12:00
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 20 0 0 0 0:12:00
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 20 0 0 0 0:12:00
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 20 14 3 2 0:24:00
メジョベリー メジョベリー 27 0 0 0 0:12:09
Berries Berries 40 0 0 0 0:12:00
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 32, パチンコ × 13, 弓で麻酔矢 × 4, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 2, 麻酔弾 × 2, 強力麻酔弾 × 1
気絶値の減少値: 0.3 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:17:30
Morellatops Level 30 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 5 0 0 0 0:04:00
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 47 0 0 0 0:28:12
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 47 0 0 0 0:28:12
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 47 0 0 0 0:28:12
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 47 92 19 10 0:56:24
メジョベリー メジョベリー 63 0 0 0 0:28:21
Berries Berries 94 0 0 0 0:28:12
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 87, パチンコ × 36, 弓で麻酔矢 × 10, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 6, 麻酔弾 × 4, 強力麻酔弾 × 2
気絶値の減少値: 0.5 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:28:51
Morellatops Level 60 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 8 0 0 0 0:06:24
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 75 35 8 4 0:45:00
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 75 35 8 4 0:45:00
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 75 35 8 4 0:45:00
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 75 221 47 24 1:30:00
メジョベリー メジョベリー 100 35 8 4 0:45:00
Berries Berries 150 35 8 4 0:45:00
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 144, パチンコ × 59, 弓で麻酔矢 × 16, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 10, 麻酔弾 × 7, 強力麻酔弾 × 4
気絶値の減少値: 0.66 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:36:39
Morellatops Level 90 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 11 0 0 0 0:08:48
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 104 97 21 11 1:02:24
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 104 97 21 11 1:02:24
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 104 97 21 11 1:02:24
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 104 395 85 43 2:04:48
メジョベリー メジョベリー 138 95 21 11 1:02:06
Berries Berries 207 95 21 11 1:02:06
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 200, パチンコ × 82, 弓で麻酔矢 × 23, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 13, 麻酔弾 × 10, 強力麻酔弾 × 5
気絶値の減少値: 0.79 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:42:18
Morellatops Level 120 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 14 0 0 0 0:11:12
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 132 174 38 19 1:19:12
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 132 174 38 19 1:19:12
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 132 174 38 19 1:19:12
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 132 598 130 65 2:38:24
メジョベリー メジョベリー 175 172 38 19 1:18:45
Berries Berries 263 173 38 19 1:18:54
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 257, パチンコ × 105, 弓で麻酔矢 × 29, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 17, 麻酔弾 × 12, 強力麻酔弾 × 6
気絶値の減少値: 0.92 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:46:45
Morellatops Level 150 ナルコベリー 麻酔薬 バイオトキシン 時間
Simple Kibble Simple Kibble 16 0 0 0 0:12:48
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley Primitive Plus Icon 160 268 59 30 1:36:00
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 160 268 59 30 1:36:00
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean Primitive Plus Icon 160 268 59 30 1:36:00
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat Primitive Plus Icon 160 830 183 92 3:12:00
メジョベリー メジョベリー 213 267 59 30 1:35:51
Berries Berries 319 266 59 30 1:35:42
気絶するまで: 木の棍棒 × 314, パチンコ × 128, 弓で麻酔矢 × 35, クロスボウで麻酔矢 × 20, 麻酔弾 × 15, 強力麻酔弾 × 8
気絶値の減少値: 1.04 / 秒, 気絶状態から回復する時間: 00:50:24

レベルに応じて必要な資源を計算するには、外部のTaming calculatorをご利用ください。

キブル(簡易)キブル(簡易)の材料: Cooked Fish MeatCooked Fish Meat × 1、Small EggSmall Egg × 1、繊維繊維 × 5、MejoberryMejoberry × 5、RockarrotRockarrot × 2、WaterWater × 1

推奨の食料[ | ]

実用性[ | ]

役割[ | ]

  • Water Tank: Morellatops has the unique ability to store 750 units of WaterWater, allowing a survivor to have a mobile water tank. Water can be put inside into storage by collecting cacti using the Morellatops, or by drinking from water sources, such as from a Water Well (Scorched Earth)Water Well Scorched Earth Icon or a water hole. They can fill up containers such as WaterskinWater Skins or other water holding containers by placing them in the dino's inventory and clicking "remote use item."
  • Desert Pack Animal and Traveler: With the ability to hold Water in its large hump, fairly impressive WeightWeight, larger size, good Movement SpeedMovement Speed, great knock back, and herbivorous diet makes the Morellatops an easy to manage creature that can be quite valuable to a survivor. Thus, they can be used as an efficient method for carrying goods across long distances, so long as they have guard animals, and can make a great choice for nomadic survivors. Their speed and moderate endurance can also make them great early-game travelers and even makes them great for survivors who choose to live nomadically.
  • Berry Gatherer: The Morellatops is a fairly easy tame to get, requiring only berries, and with an easy to craft saddle. An excellent starter or early game mount, it will allow you to get berries to feed your other dinos or for crafting NarcoticNarcotics, and tranqs to aid in taming more advanced creatures. It also gives you a mobile water source, and harvests Cactus SapCactus Sap very well for your Adobe structures.
  • Thatch and Wood Gatherer: The Morellatops is a decent gatherer of ThatchThatch from living trees, dead trees, and petrified cacti. It can also be used as a pack animal or an assisting helper to the Thorny DragonThorny Dragon for WoodWood-gathering runs, as sources in The Desert can be few and far between, and Wood is a fairly heavy resource that thanks to its good weight can carry a substantial amount.
  • Bush Master: Fast learning survivors will quickly notice Scorched Earth has several variants of normal bushes in addition to the usual lineup. Tree bushes, cactus bushes, and purple flower bushes all have something extremely valuable to offer. Using a Morellatops, you can get a decent enough harvest of Wood from the tree bushes, cactus bushes of course for Cactus Sap, and the purple flower bushes that can give you good quantities of SilkSilk, Rare MushroomRare Mushrooms and Rare FlowerRare Flowers for mind wipe tonics, taming LystrosaurusLystros, Desert Cloth Armor (Scorched Earth)Desert Cloth clothing, etc. Combining this with the easiness of taming a Morellatops, a saddle that can be crafted at level 11, large size, good speed and weight, and ability to store water in its hump; this makes it a crucial creature to any survivor learning to master Scorched Earth.
  • Fast Herbivore Mount: Morellatops is one of the faster herbivores on Scorched Earth, though it is slower than the likes of GallimimusGallimimus, EquusEquus, IguanodonIguanodon, and ProcoptodonProcoptodon. However, the Movement SpeedMovement Speed that it does have is pretty good. In fact, it is quite surprising given its size, and though it is not quite as agile as other fast mounts in the game, it more than makes up for this with good health and great carry capacity.
  • All-Purpose Warhorse: Morellatops has good speed, HealthHealth, knockback, and carrying capacity. Because of this, it makes a great "Jack-of-All trades" mount. Compared to other herbivores, it isn't the best in any of the aforementioned categories, though it excels at being a generalist. It functions somewhat like a superior TrikeTrike due to its comparable damage on its attacks (though the Morellatops has better health, speed, knock back distance, and carrying capacity).

収集可能なアイテム[ | ]

資源 効率
Berries Berries ★★★★☆
Cactus Sap (Scorched Earth) Cactus Sap Scorched Earth Icon ★★★★☆
Thatch Thatch ★★★☆☆
Wood Wood ★☆☆☆☆

スポットライト[ | ]

備考/トリビア[ | ]

  • Players can acquire water from its sail-back hump when needed.
  • Morellatops isn't actually a real dinosaur, but was invented by the game's developers. The dossier says it is a combination of Morelladon, an iguanodontian; and Ceratops, a ceratopsian, which are not closely related. This combination also forms its generic name.
  • Its specific name, dromedarius, refers to its resemblance to a Camel, specifically the Dromedary (one-humped)Camel, which they share the same species name.
    • This is also referenced as its spawn code name is Camelsaurus.
    • Like a camel, the Morellatops walks in a manner in which the legs on one side will go forward after the legs on the other side, giving it a sway in its walking and running.
  • Morellatops cannot fit through a Dinosaur GatewayDinosaur Gateway when there is a gate installed, however it can pass through when there is no gate and just the frame, similar to the Woolly RhinoWoolly Rhino.
  • This is the third hybrid creature to be introduced (the first being the TriceratopsTriceratops and the second being the DodoRexDodoRex.)
  • Despite its large size, the Morellatops drops Small Animal FecesSmall Animal Feces. This is likely a result of an efficient digestive system and an adaptation for conserving water, resulting in a small amount of of waste being expelled from the animal.
  • The Morellatops is one of the earliest creatures available in the early stages of the game to have an available saddle engram, with the Morellatops SaddleMorellatops Saddle being able to be crafted at level 11.
  • Even though Morellatops are based on the Camel and they store water in their humps, this is a common misconception about true camels. In real life, camels use their humps to store large quantities of fat as a reservoir of nourishment when the animal needs it. As for water, Camels actual store water throughout their entire body thanks to large stretchy, oval shaped blood vessels. This means that a camel can drink large amounts in one sitting without bursting it blood vessels and causing an aneurysm, keep that amount of water stored in its blood, and be able to survive under bad dehydration.
    • Noting that this is how a camel stores its water, it can then be wondered as to why the Morellatops has water or moist flesh stored in its hump. It can be observed, however, that the Morellatops' hump is notably larger and spans across its entire back, perhaps acting as a large reservoir of liquid water inside this large hump.

変更履歴[ | ]

Patch 変更点
246.0 Scorched Earth Expansion Release MorellatopsMorellatops is added to the game
246.7 Fixed Morellatops drinking activation messing with Tribe Ride/ Tribe Order Rank values
246.71 Fixed Morellatops not spawning
264.52 Fixed issue where Morellatops would slide around when walking and eating

ギャラリー[ | ]

参照資料[ | ]
