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Альфа Тираннозавр
Альфа Тираннозавр
Alpha Rex Image.jpgAlpha Rex Image
Alpha Rex Image
Steam 193.0
август 5, 2015
Xbox One 729.0
декабрь 16, 2015
PS 501.0
дек 6, 2016
Logo Mobile 1.0
май 24, 2018
Nintendo Switch599.0
ноябрь 30, 2018
Epic Games 311.74
июнь 11, 2020
Комманда призыва
admincheat summon MegaRex_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/MegaRex_Character_BP.MegaRex_Character_BP' 500 0 0 35
Опыт за убийство
3540 XP
  • Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
  • Alpha Rex Trophy Alpha Rex Trophy
  • Trike Bone Helmet Skin Trike Bone Helmet Skin
Шанс спец. лута

Альфа Тираннозавр это один из Альфа хищников в ARK: Survival Evolved.

Основная информация[]

The Alpha T-Rex is a bigger, stronger version of a Rex which rarely spawns towards the inland areas of the island. In addition to their own strength, they also buff the damage and resistance of any nearby wild carnivores. They pose a significant threat to any players who aren't fully prepared to encounter one. Alpha Predators cannot be knocked out. The best way to kill one of these beasts is by using a strong Quetzalcoatlus Quetzalcoatlus or Argentavis Argentavis with points put into Health, Melee Damage, and Stamina. Use Raw Meat Raw Meat to heal them in the battle. You can also use a Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus.

Defeating an Alpha T-Rex grants a large amount of XP and gives all nearby players a Trike Bone Helmet Skin Trike Bone Helmet Skin. They also frequently drop recipes, high-quality weapons and armor, and various other items.
Alpha T-Rexes do not drop normal Raw Meat Raw Meat when harvested. Instead, they give very large quantities of Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat.


The Alpha T-Rex is, much like the normal Rex Rex, aggressive to anything around it. They move extremely fast and do large amounts of damage. This makes fleeing from one difficult, so it is not advisable to get into a fight with one unless you're prepared to see the battle through.
They can easily destroy non-metal buildings, so it is not advisable to hide from or fight one from inside your base if it is not built to withstand one.



Relative size

The Alpha T-Rex is about 1.5x the size of a normal Rex with a more limited color palette, but with bright red added (mostly Black/White/Red combinations). They also have a glowing red aura surrounding them, making them easier to differentiate from their normal counterparts.

Color Scheme and Regions[]

В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Альфа Тираннозавр имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Альфа Тираннозавр "body" в фиолетовый.

Alpha T-Rex PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
Alpha T-Rex PaintRegion1
Регион 1:
X mark

Регион 2 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 3 не используется
у этого существа.

Alpha T-Rex PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Alpha T-Rex PaintRegion5
Регион 5:


  • Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat
  • Hide Hide
Guaranteed Special Loot
  • Trike Bone Helmet Skin Trike Bone Helmet Skin
  • Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
  • Alpha Rex Trophy Alpha Rex Trophy

Base Stats and Growth[]

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу Бонус Приручения
Дикий Прирученный1 Прибавка Мульт
Здоровье Здоровье 17500 +3500 +Ошибка выражения: неопознанное слово «n»%
Выносливость Выносливость 420 +42 +0%
Кислород Кислород N/A ? ?
Еда Еда 3000 +300 +0%
Вес Вес 500 +10 +0%
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 1702 +8.5 +0%
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3 +0%
Оглушение Оглушение 1550 +93 Н/Д4

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Дикий Прирученный
Ходьба 1510 2159.2998 ? ?
Плавание 600 Н/Д Н/Д Н/Д


This section describes how to fight against the Alpha T-Rex.


The Alpha T-Rex is one of the most powerful creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, though not nearly as powerful as the Titanosaur Titanosaur or a wild Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus. Should you have a Giganotosaurus, do not ride it while fighting the Alpha T-Rex, as the Giganotosaurus will become enraged and throw you off, where you will have to escape an enraged Giganotosaurus and an Alpha T-Rex at the same time. Unless a Giganotosaurus is available to take it down, the player and their tribe members will have to concoct a game plan to take it down. This usually involves flying mounts, masses of tamed animals and cooperation amongst players. When done correctly, the attack on an Alpha T-Rex can be one of the most thrilling things to do in the game.


It is completely up to the tribe members or player on how they approach the task of killing an Alpha T-Rex. Teams have been able to use complicated systems to kill them, while others have gunned them down in a barrage of gunfire. The choice on how to do it is the player's, but you can find some suggestions below.

Lead the Alpha T-Rex to a large body of water where you have an aquatic mount (preferably a Megalodon Megalodon) then lead the Alpha T-Rex into the deeper parts of the water and use the aquatic mount to kill it. If encountered by the shore, lead the Alpha T-Rex to the open waters with a Wooden Raft (craftable at Level 15) plus one other player to antagonize it. Then ride the waves until it is submerged and thus very slow. With an aquatic mount, the Alpha T-Rex can be taken down easily. Try to get the Alpha T-Rex stuck behind a stone and shoot it from a safe distance. Bring a friend in the talons of an Argentavis and have him shoot from a safe distance above the Rex.

In an upfront battle, the only dinosaurs that stand a good chance against an Alpha T-Rex are the Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus or a very damage-oriented, imprint-boosted Tyrannosaurus Tyrannosaurus. If you have a Giganotosaurus (with or without a saddle) and a Spyglass, you can order your Giganotosaurus to attack the Alpha T-Rex. Several Gigas can slay the alpha in seconds. However, something to keep in mind is that while a Giga has stronger base stats than an Alpha T-Rex, an Alpha T-Rex gains much bigger boosts per leveling than a Giga. So be cautious even when fighting with a battle oriented Giga when facing a very high-level Alpha T-Rex one-on-one as the difference might mean it could close the gap on or even exceed the Giganotosaurus' initial advantage.

Another strategy is to find a large rock, preferably larger than your average Rex, and either take down the Alpha T-Rex using multiple players wielding Crossbow Crossbows or place foundations and build a turret or two upon them. Note- Make sure the rock is big enough so that the Alpha T-Rex can't reach you.

A player with a Argentavis Argentavis is also able to take down an Alpha T-Rex when carefully attacking it from behind, but this strategy takes some time, as the Alpha T-Rex has a sizeable amount of Health.

A second tactic which only works on The Center, involves carrying a small herbivore such as a Dodo Dodo, Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus, or Phiomia Phiomia in the claws of an Argentavis and lure the Alpha T-Rex into a lava stream where it will slowly lose its enormous health pool. When you see its health dropping low, just pull it on to safe ground and finish it off with the Argentavis. This strategy just requires some patience, and you should have an eye out for his injuries so he won't die in the lava, otherwise you will lose all the loot and XP. Also, be careful not to fly too close to the lava, as this would kill you in seconds and you would probably lose your flyer too.

A third, far more dangerous tactic is possible because the Alpha T-Rex's attack range is, like the Rex, still shorter than the attack range of a Spinosaurus Spinosaurus. While not advised, a Spinosaurus can hold off an Alpha T-Rex by "juggling" it until backup arrives in an emergency. With care, a powerful Spinosaurus can kill a low-level Alpha T-Rex, though it is not nearly as safe as other methods.

A fourth tactic includes making good use of an armored platform saddle. Tribemates manning siege weaponry such as a Ballista Turret or Minigun Turret, using a high-level Brontosaurus Brontosaurus, can stand a good chance against a lone Alpha T-Rex. Have the driver make good use of the Brontosaurus' reach to juggle the Alpha T-Rex back while the gunners unload on it. This is not recommended with the Paraceratherium Paraceratherium with a platform set up as the Paraceratherium lacks the Brontosaurus' reach to keep the Alpha T-Rex at bay, and while faster than the Brontosaurus, isn't quick enough to outrun the Alpha T-Rex to kite it.

You can also use a high level Pteranodon Pteranodon (wild Level 140-150) with its roll (c). For example, a level 10 Alpha T-Rex takes about 7 minutes with a Pteranodon with 45 level-ups in damage. It is advised to look for a high position to regenerate Stamina and kill all dinosaurs in the Alpha's range to avoid its fast health regeneration.

Another tactic is using a strong Woolly Rhino Woolly Rhino's charge. A strong charge may be able to kill one in 1-4 attacks.

Another easy strategy is to use a pack of Allosaurus Allosaurus. Let the alpha Allosaurus use it's gore attack to slow the Alpha T-Rex down so it can be continuously attacked before reaching your tames.

A well organized strike of dinos consisting of a few tanks, such as high level turtles, as well as a group of rexes can take down the alpha quickly. A single rex 70 levels + can often take an alpha rex by itself (ridden), but you should still be careful.

A high level tamed Reaper king is a potent enough mount that a 100% imprint, 30k hp, 600 melee beast can demolish an alpha 150 rex and suffer at most, 7k damage. Their natural armor, heavy hitting, fast hp regen and imprinted damage resistance make them a prime creature for taking out nearly any land dino that isn't a wild giga. In addition, they will harvest copious amounts of raw prime meat, and after a brief 10 minute break can jump back in to dealing with overspawned alpha predators.


Use mounts, or ranged weapons. Any physical confrontation is almost always certain death.


  • Do NOT fight the Alpha T-Rex if you are not well prepared! It will kill you and your whole Tribe within seconds.
  • The Alpha T-Rex is very fast and has a large amount of damage.
  • The Alpha T-Rex is able to destroy any non-metal structures.
  • The footsteps of the Alpha T-Rex can kill you even if Dino Damage is turned off.


  • It's one of the most powerful creatures on land, but in the water it's pretty slow, making it more vulnerable to fast water-mounts.
  • Around 20 Spear Bolt Spear Bolts shot with a Ballista Turret (aim for the head) will do the trick for a level one Alpha T-Rex, higher levels may need a substantial amount more.


  • Released in patch 193.0
  • Other Alphas include the Alpha Raptor Alpha Raptor, the Alpha Carnotaurus Alpha Carnotaurus, Alpha Mosasaur Alpha Mosasaur and the Alpha Tusoteuthis Alpha Tusoteuthis.
  • Becomes a Skeletal Rex Skeletal Rex during ARK: Fear Evolved.
  • The damage and resistance buff that it gives to nearby carnivores can be seen as an arrow pointing up, with a "+" sign inside of the arrow.
  • Force taming using console commands may result in a game crash. This may have been fixed, as the game does not seem to crash in 279.22.
  • Force tamed Alpha T-Rex can roar, but a wild one won't do so.

