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Aberration DLC Extinction DLC Genesis Part 1 DLC Genesis Part 2 DLC Эта статья посвящена существу, предмету или особенности, эксклюзивному в DLC: Aberration, Extinction, Genesis: Часть 1, Genesis: Часть 2
Эти значения могут отличаться от того, что вы видите в игре или в другом месте. Но это то, что говорится в досье.
Временной период
Комманда призыва
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_C
admincheat SpawnDino Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male' 500 0 0 35
Вариант Подземный Король Жнец
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Chupa'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Элементный Король Жнец
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Minion_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Minion.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Minion'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Поверхностный Король Жнец
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Прирученный Король Жнец
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Королева Жнецов
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Female_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Female.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Female'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Поражённый Король Жнец
admincheat summon Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_Corrupt_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_Corrupt.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_Corrupt'" 500 0 0 35

1 Взрослые не могут быть приручены, но дети могут быть "рождены" игроком, заражённым от Королева Жнецов Королевы.
3 Единственный способ "размножения" был бы через оплодотворение от королевы, но размножение технически невозможно из-за гендерной механики Жнеца.

Опыт за убийство
0 XP
Период "Детеныш"
7ч 42м 57с
Период "Юнец"
1д 6ч 51м 50с
Период "Юный"
1д 14ч 34м 47с
Общее время роста
3д 5ч 9м 34с

Жнец - одно из существ, добавляемых DLC Aberration в ARK: Survival Evolved.

Базовая Информация[]


В этом разделе представлен точный перевод текста досье, написанного первопроходцем Хеленой. Здесь могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и положением в игре.


В родных, глубочайших пещерах, Жнецы возвышаются над всеми, будучи ужасными сверххищниками. Помимо сокрушительных для добычи клыков и когтей, Жнец может зарыться в землю, чтобы устроить засаду и стрелять кислотными выделениями из их хвостов.

Но самая ужасная их особенность- размножение. Необычный хвост у Жнеца-королевы является репродуктивным органом, но только при прокалывании человеческих выживших. После оплодотворения, выживший несет в себе молодого жнеца, пока он не пробьет грудную клетку. Ужасающее зрелище.


Если Королева-Жнец внедрила в вас эмбрион, я настоятельно рекомендую выжившему избавиться от него с помощью радиации. Однако, ходят слухи, что человек может заклеймить новорожденного, если он владеет Феромонной железой Жнеца.

Это привело некоторых сумасшедших выживших к мечте верховой езды на спине Жнеца, для чего нужно попытаться увидеть период беременности до конца, но это чрезвычайно опасно, не говоря уже об отвращении

~ Хелена


Жнец очень агрессивен и может быть найден в различных областях, включая поверхность, биолюминесценцию и области элементов.

  • Поверхностные Короли Жнецов распространены на самой поверхности, выходящей из подполья. Альфа Поверхностный Король Жнец Альфа Поверхностный Король Жнец чаще появляется на поверхности.
  • Подземные Короли Жнецов появляются рядом с Альфа Безымянный Безымянным. Если битва с Безымянными затянется, будьте готовы к появлению Жнеца.
  • Обычные Короли Жнецов могут быть найдены в элементальном регионе. Их так же можно найти вблизи границы между биолюминесцентной областью и элементальной областью.
  • Элементальные Короли Жнецов появляются только на Арена Роквелла и ведут себя так же, как и обычные Короли Жнецов.
  • Королев Жнецов можно найти только в элементальном регионе.

Жнецы на поверхности будут следовать за Вами до конца карты, если только она не превратится в день, когда они исчезнут.

Даже будучи зародышем, Жнец по-прежнему будет агрессивен по отношению ко всем и будет красть вещи у умерших выживших.

Внешний Вид[]

These regions represent the color scheme of a Reaper King. Reaper Queen never spawns with any other color, unlike Reaper Kings. However, each queen has their own color region stored inside, which will affect Baby Reaper King's color appearance when it is born. It may be worth mentioning that while Reaper Kings can spawn in with many region colors, only a few colors can appear legitimately due to the Queen's limited color region spawning.


В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Жнец имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Жнец "middle region" в фиолетовый.

Reaper PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
Middle Region
X mark

Регион 1 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 2 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 3 не используется
у этого существа.

Reaper PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Reaper PaintRegion5
Регион 5:
Outer Region

These regions represent the color scheme of a Reaper King. Reaper Queen never spawns with any other color, unlike Reaper Kings. However, each queen has their own color region stored inside, which will affect Baby Reaper King's color appearance when it is born.


В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Жнец имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Жнец "middle region" в фиолетовый.

Elemental Reaper King PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
Middle Region
X mark

Регион 1 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 2 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 3 не используется
у этого существа.

Elemental Reaper King PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Elemental Reaper King PaintRegion5
Регион 5:
Outer Region

Reaper pregnant pink glow

Pink aura seen when the Reaper Queen is ready to impregnate the player.


Базовые Характеристики и Повышения[]

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 2000 +400
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 3000 +300
Вес Вес 415 +8.3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 852 +4.25
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 466 1467.8999 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 2500 +500
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 3000 +300
Вес Вес 415 +8.3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 852 +4.25
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 466 2049.8174 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу Бонус Приручения
Дикий Прирученный1 Прибавка Мульт
Здоровье Здоровье 45000 +234 +2.7% -38500
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48 +10%
Кислород Кислород 150 +15 +10%
Еда Еда 3000 +300 +10%
Вес Вес 415 +8.3 +4%
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 752 +3.75 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3 +1%
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5 Н/Д4 0.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Дикий Прирученный
Ходьба 466 1782.4501 1584.4 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д Н/Д Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 42500 +8500
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 3000 +300
Вес Вес 415 +8.3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 1802 +9
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 932 4099.6348 ?
Плавание 600 Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 1250 +250
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 3000 +300
Вес Вес 415 +8.3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 902 +4.5
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 466 1467.8999 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 45000 +234
Выносливость Выносливость 480 +48
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 3000 +300
Вес Вес 415 +8.3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 105 / 12 +5.25 / +0.05
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 900 3240 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д


Настоятельно рекомендуется использовать защитный костюм, GPS и Скального Дрейка, т.к. область залита радиацией и/или агрессивными существами.

Чтобы бороться с любыми формами Жнеца, используйте что-нибудь с заряженным светом. Плод растения Z, заряженные фонами или домашние питомцы - всё это хороши для ослабления Жнеца. Как только они будут на месте - используйте мощное оружие, чтобы добить их.


Поверхностных Королей Жнецов можно найти случайно на поверхности, в то время как Подземных Королей Жнецов вызывают мутировавшие Альфа Безымянные. Королев Жнецов можно найти в районе расплавленного элемента.

Королеву Жнецов можно отличить от Короля Жнецов не только тем, что она имеет один цвет и выглядит больше, чем Король, но так же имеет отличительную луковицу на кончике её хвоста.


Король Жнецов[]

Из-за своей естественной регенерации и брони при отсутствии света, Жнецы любого вида будут иметь приоритет, когда они появляются. Использование существ, сфокусированных на Жнеце, обладающих высоким уроном и ударом по области, минимизирует потери здоровья, вызванные Безымянными. Избегайте слишком частых ударов, используйте щиты, т.к. броня ломается очень быстро.

Воспользуйтесь деревьями, камнями или прочими структурами, чтобы Жнец застрял, тогда его убийство не вызовет никаких затруднений. Но помните про его удар хвостом, который наносит большой урон и сильно откидывает всех вокруг.

Королева Жнецов[]

Чтобы убить Королеву, рекомендуется использовать стаю Мегалозавров (или сильных Опустошителей), либо Скальный Дрейк с высокими показателями здоровья и урона, поскольку Королева обладает здоровьем, практически совпадающим со здоровьем Альфа-Хищника, так же учитывая тот фактор, что хвост Королевы выпускает отравленные шипы, а не коконы. Обычно появляются Королевы по 2 штуки, но изредка можно встретить более 3-х Королев.

Мегалозавры высокого уровня могут легко убить Королеву (8000-10000 очков здоровья и 500 урона вполне достаточно, чтобы убить Королев не высокого уровня). Увеличивайте свои шансы на выживания, используя сёдла высокого качества. Но остерегайтесь Пурловий. Если они собьют Вас во время боя - Вы гарантированно погибните.

Если у Вас есть Король Жнецов, то можно его использовать вместо Мегалозавра. Однако, Вы не сможете использовать свет, чтобы убить Королеву, ибо этот свет так же ослабляет Вас.

Самый просто способ оплодотвориться - слезть и залезть обратно на своё существ и повторять это действие с интервалом в 10 секунд, пока она не решится взять Вас. Оплодотворение может происходить только когда Королева окружена розовой аурой, что происходит только тогда, когда она почти мертва (<1000 здоровья).

Поражённый Король Жнецов[]

Поражённый Король-Жнец Поражённый Король-Жнец, в отличие от оригиналов, не обладает ни естественной защитой, ни быстрой регенерацией и по сути является более слабым вариантом Поражённый Гиганотозавр Поражённый Гиганотозавр. В отличие от Короля Жнецов, Поражённый Король Жнецов всегда находится на поверхности и имеет меньший диапазон агрессии, не смотря на то, что он поражён. Однако, не смотря на это, лучше не шутить с ним, так как предыдущие опасности всё ещё остаются активными, из-за чего Жнец сохранил способности выпускать из хвоста коконы и совершать круговой удар хвостом.


Всегда имейте заряженный источник света (существо или фонарь), когда сражаетесь с Жнецом. Если ловушка не используется, используйте существо с высоким уровнем здоровья. Так же следите за обрывами. Технически, можно использовать любое оружие дальнего боя, но, скорее всего оно будет не достаточно мощным, чтобы противостоять Жнецу.

Приготовьте несколько десятков стимуляторов, если это необходимо, дабы убрать причинённое Королевой оглушение.


Both Reaper Kings and Corrupted Reaper Kings shoots cocoons in the form of acid shrapnel from their tail, significantly slowing down the affected target's speed and drops flyers flying upwards, preventing them from flying long as the debuff exists. While the effect cannot be stacked, it will still hinder any form of escape in such event.

Reaper Queen shoots narcotic/tranquilizing spikes from its tail, inflicting torpidity at its struck target. If the dino does not have decent torpidity, it will get knocked out by the torpidity.

Tail Swings from any Reapers has a huge knockback, sending dinos and survivors far away from its original spot aside from doing hefty damage. This can be fatal if fighting it near Element Water within Molten Element Region. While Reapers are buoyant, they cannot use any other attack while floating other than bite. Some creatures are impervious (if not unaffected) by its knockback, like Rock Drake Rock Drake.

Both Reaper King (not corrupted) and Reaper Queen regenerate their health at an incredibly fast rate (slower during daytime). This can be negated by inflicting Charged effect on them through the above methods.

Reaper Queens can impregnate another player as a last ditch effort to escape from death (at very low health), sending them at 1HP if successful. This can be denoted by a pink pheromone gas (like alpha) emitting out of herself while not within charge light.

Even after death, they leave behind Burning Acid, so its best advised not to get too close when harvesting their remains.


Reapers, much like the Nameless, are weakened by charge light. Be sure to bring a lantern pet or charge weaponry, if you plan to venture into their territory. Tamed Reaper Kings are not exempted from the debuff, but Corrupted Reaper Kings are not affected by charge light and does not possess natural protection and fast health regeneration, rendering the use of charge light useless.

Reapers cannot use any other attack nor jump while they are floating on any liquid surface.

Reapers do not wear saddle much like Wyvern Wyvern, which makes they rely on their natural armor as additional protection. Reapers imprinted to the rider will still gain damage resistance rider bonus.



Wild Reapers cannot be tamed, and domesticated Reapers cannot be bred. In order to obtain a tamed Reaper, a player must be impregnated by a Reaper Queen Reaper Queen, which are always wild (tamed Reapers are always born as Kings), and imprint on the baby. In order to do this, you must first locate a Queen which, unlike the widespread Kings, can only be found in the deeper, radioactive areas of the map; requiring hazard suit gear to reach them. Once found, the Queen must be weakened by a chargelight source so that she can be damaged, and battled to the edge of death, below 2,000 health points (using a Magnifying Glass, players can check her health, but this comes with safety risks). Once she is sufficiently bloodied, she will start emitting a glowing pheromone cloud of reddish pink gas to signify she is ready to impregnate a survivor, but she will only do so if left unaffected by chargelight. If the cloud does not start appearing around her after the chargelight is turned off; turn it back on, damage her lightly once or twice, turn the light off, and wait a few moments. Repeat this process as necessary until the cloud appears. Once she begins to glow, she is ready to perform the impregnation attack, where she grabs a survivor with the end of her tail, and impales them; leaving the victim with broken bones and at the edge of their health, but alive and carrying a Reaper embryo. If mounted, it is sometimes required for a player to dismount before she will target them and perform the impregnation strike, during which she will pull you off your tame if you remounted. Be wary when doing this, as she often performs her standard attacks a few times before the impregnation strike, including the tail swipe which can be lethal due to the knockback. Bring a riot shield and have your back to a wall before walking up to her, but don't worry about the shield blocking the impregnation attack, as it cannot be blocked by a shield. Once she has successfully impregnated a survivor, she will bury into the ground and despawn. Very rarely, she may attack once or twice after impregnation and before burrowing away, so keep that shield up immediately after she drops you. If you happen to be killed by the vengeful Queen after receiving your embryo, your death will not kill the gestating Reaper, so long as your hazard gear remained intact and you were not exposed to radiation. In the case that this happens, it is a good idea to keep a Rock Drake and a spare hazard suit located at your respawn point, for quick means of returning to your area of death and retrieving your lost items.

Once impregnated, the gestation period begins, during which the growing embryo will absorb all experience earned by the player; earning the baby a higher base level dependent on the experience gained (up to 75 levels higher than the level of the Queen who impregnated you). Once the gestation period ends, a time period of about 12 real-life hours on normal settings, the baby Reaper will violently burst from the player's chest, resulting in a claimable infant, but leaving the player as badly wounded as the Queen's impregnation strike does. Once born, a Reaper Pheromone Gland is needed to safely interact with and imprint on the young King while it is in the baby stage of its life cycle. While in its larval state, the infant Reaper is highly aggressive; wandering around, ignoring whistle commands and attacking any living creature without the effects of the pheromone gland. It will sometimes even attack and kill the player who birthed before it is claimed, so building a pen to contain it while in its infancy is required. For your own safety, it is a good idea to build a platform above this pen and face it once the Reaper is ready to be born; allowing it to shoot out and fall into the pit where it cannot reach you, giving you a few brief moments to heal up before running down to claim it. Be sure to bring plenty of raw meat with you to put in its inventory after claiming it, as it won't eat from a food trough until it grows into a juvenile.

Once the baby reaches a certain point of growth, the insect-like larva will bury itself into the ground; remaining submerged for a short period of time. It will then claw its way up from the ground and emerge, having shed it infantile shape and assumed the form identical to that of the larger adults. In order for the baby to complete this action, it must have access to the ground for it to bury itself; so be sure that the inside of your containment pen lacks any floor foundations, or any other obstacles that prevent access to the open ground. Once the baby reaches juvenile age, it will no longer lash out at anything without the pheromone buff, and can be safely removed from the pen as it will now obey whistle commands. Once your first Reaper has reached adult age, even though they cannot be bred, a Cloning Chamber is a viable option for producing more Kings, although cloned Kings will not receive the benefits of imprint bonuses.

Impregnation strategies[]

When attempting an impregnation, regardless of strategy, always bring either Stimberries or Stimulant to fight the narcotic effects of the Queen's ranged barb attack, and a source of chargelight to weaken her.

Tanking With Mounts[]

For this strategy, you need a mount that's tough enough to take down a Queen. High level tames with stats in health, damage, and stamina are recommended for a prolonged engagement; higher quality saddles that provide hefty armor bonuses also makes the process even easier. For most tames, stimberries or stimulant are needed to avoid being knocked unconscious by the Queen's narcotic barbs. While fighting the Queen, most mounts should fight her with their back to a wall or from an uphill position, to avoid being pushed into a lethal fall or element water from her tail attacks. Following the above descriptions, when the pheromone cloud appears and she is ready to impregnate you, dismount with a riot shield raised and your back facing a wall, and wait for her to grab you with her tail. Be sure your mount is set to passive so that it doesn't attack and kill her while she's implanting the embryo.

Rock Drake[]

Provided the right conditions are met, a Rock Drake can prove the most valuable asset you have for obtaining Reaper pregnancies. While Drakes have many abilities that work to their benefit when hunting Queens, there are a couple downsides to consider. The average, lower level Drake is not always strong enough to take on a Queen alone, meaning that in most cases it is best to go pack hunting with your tribemates while using Drakes. A high level Drake however, hatched from a maxed out egg and fully imprinted, with high damage and health stats is more than enough to take down a Queen alone. The second problem is that Drakes, even with high damage stats, attack more slowly and deal less damage over time than the other heavyweights used against Queens; making the quality of the saddle you use, and the armor it provides, much more vital to surviving the longer fight, so bring the best you have. So long as those two problems are handled appropriately, you are free to take advantage of the full benefits a Drake provides for Reaper-hunting. Being the best form of travel in the Aberrant Ark, a Rock Drake can get you in, out and through Reaper territory safely and quickly. If the Drake finds itself in danger of losing the battle, they are by far the best at escaping; able to glide away to safety if things go south. Unlike the other carnivores used to hunt Reapers though, if a fight does start to go poorly for the Drake, Nameless venom can be used as a powerful healing food on the Drake to turn a pitch battle in its favor; with each dose of venom healing 100 points of health. Building up a stockpile of venom before the fight can literally be lifesaving, and can allow for longer hunting expeditions against stronger Queens.

Their mobility also makes it far easier to seek out and find higher level Queens for stronger embryos; the emerged Queen's level can quickly be checked in first person or with a spyglass, then quickly glide away if her level is not desired, without having to kill and wade through multiple Queens on foot until you find the one you want. Drakes are also able to detect any nearby Reapers; as the feathered frills on their heads raise up when one is close, making it easier to tell when one is nearby. Unlike most other large mounts, a Magnifying Glass can be used on a Drake's back to check the Queen's health during battle. Lastly, Rock Drakes are the only mount immune to the knockback of a Reaper's tailsweep; almost completely eliminating the chance of being killed by fall damage or getting knocked into element water. This comes with a second advantage, as Reaper Queens only use their narcotic barb attack when their target is out of bite range. Almost every other mount has to deal with the effects of her barbs, but so long as a Drake is continuously walked into the Queen during the fight, the entire battle can take course without having to use stimulants to keep your Drake conscious. If the Drake does indeed need a dose of stimulant; Drakes lose torpidity at an extremely fast rate, making them very cost effective to keep awake, even a small handful of simple stimberries can quickly deplete a nearly-full torpor bar.


A well-bred, high leveled, fully imprinted Spinosaur is one of the best mounts for obtaining Reaper pregnancies, and killing Queens for glands. For starters, Spinos are one of the few creatures that can push a Reaper Queen around; simply walking into her and slashing with the claw attacks makes it possible, with some effort, to shove her into a location of your choosing, provided you avoid being knocked too far back from the tail sweep. When shoved away by her tail sweep, most tames need to reposition themselves to face the Queen again; as she tends to flank you with her speed while running back towards your mount, and the knockback of her attacks coming from behind only adds to the difficulty. Spinos solve this problem easily, as they can turn and face any direction while in their two-legged stance, without actually having to walk in order to do it. When it comes to availability, Spinos are easier to tame and can be bred for higher stats, unlike most other Queen-killing mounts, although their favorite taming foods; raw prime fish and Argentavis kibble, can be somewhat difficult to acquire in the Aberrant Ark. Like most Queen-killers, Spinos will have to deal with the narcotic effects of the Queen's barbs, but for their size they are capable of losing torpor at a decent rate. When it comes to healing between or after battles, Spinos may be beaten by Rock Drakes with Nameless Venom, but they come in at a close second with their hydrated buff; which provides a large boost to their healing rate. Combining the hydration buff with the passive healing from a wild Plant Species Z, then force-feeding raw meat, provides a means of quickly getting the Spino back into the fray. If the fight goes poorly and you need to flee, Spinosaurs are among the fastest large carnivores, and certainly have the potential to outrun a Reaper Queen. Strategically, while it may lightly damage your Spino during the chase, a very short and quick dip into the shallow shorelines of the many pools of element water will apply the hydrated buff; granting a short term, but significant increase to movement speed, allowing the Spino to make a much easier getaway.

Reaper King[]

If you have previously managed to raise a Reaper King and fully (or mostly) imprinted it on you, it is one of the best options at obtaining further Reaper pregnancies. With one of the best health and damage pools in the Aberrant Ark, Reaper Kings can easily hold their own with a Queen. Kings however do not benefit from the armor of a saddle, and still need chargelight to damage the Queen. The chargelight in turn will weaken your King as well; negating his natural armor along with hers, but his heavy health pool more than makes up for it. With this in consideration, he will actually lose a higher percentage of his health than other mounts like Spinos or Drakes, and so will need to spend more time healing between battles with Queens. During the fight, Queens can still knock back Kings with their tail sweep, but Kings can also do the same to Queens with theirs; allowing you to throw unwanted, lower level Queens off cliffs or into pits of element water while you seek out stronger Queens for Impregnation. If a King does get knocked back off a cliff, they take very little fall damage compared to other mounts. If they happen to get knocked into a pit of element water, Kings have a unique advantage to surviving this; they are incredibly buoyant, and cannot sink into water no matter how far the fall distance; keeping you and your charge light pet safe from harm in most cases. Reaper kings can survive the element water for a period of time, but will eventually die from exposure to it, giving you a window of time to find a spot to crawl out and potentially climb back up out of the pit. If there is no means of escape from the water for your Reaper, its buoyancy in the very least gives you a chance to escape with the use of climbing picks, potentially still saving you and your charge light pet at the cost of its own life. If the fight goes poorly and the King needs to escape, it might be slightly slower than a Spino, but he has several abilities that work to his advantage when he needs to get away. His acid shrapnel tail attack acts like a source of chain bolas; severely reducing the speed of anything it hits for roughly ten seconds. This allows you to pelt a Queen once with the acid, then make a run for it. If the King doesn't have the stamina for a long sprint, he can leap vast distances and cover large amounts of ground in a single jump; essentially allowing you to hop your way to safety up cliffs or across chasms, with minimal stamina drain.


Long considered one of the more troublesome tames in ARK, the Megalosaurus now gets a chance to shine in Aberration. Unlike their counterparts located in other maps, Aberrant Megalosaurus stay awake around the clock while in their native Ark; allowing them to be used with much greater potential. When it comes to the task Queen-hunting, with stats comparative to that of Spinosaurs, Megalosaurus are more than capable of handling the task, but they have some downsides to consider along with their benefits. The biggest concern is the environment they have to traverse in order to get to the Queens; nearly everything located within the element regions of the map are hostile to Megalosaurus; meaning your tame will have to wade through many different creatures before coming across a Queen. While it can handle these swarms with varying ease, the greatest danger doesn't come so much from the attacks against your Megalosaurus, than from wild creatures attacking you; Aberrant Purlovia pose a serious threat, as they can and will knock you off your Megalosaurus if you are not careful. The resulting stun from this attack can be lethal, as the surrounding wildlife takes the opportunity to kill you, or destroy your hazard gear while you are dismounted; putting a swift end to your expedition. Larger mounts, in comparison, have much less to worry about as the majority of wildlife will opt to leave them alone. Though in terms of availability; Aberrant Megalosaurus are far easier to tame compared to other Queen-killers, more so than Spinos, as their second favorite taming food, raw mutton, is relatively abundant on the map. Once a Queen is located however, this is where the Megalosaurus gets a chance to excel. Although much smaller than her, the Megalosaurus makes for an extremely scrappy and lethal opponent.

Possessing a low drag weight makes them even more vulnerable to the knockback of a Queen's tail sweep, but this is where their small size comes to their advantage. Megalosaurus are able to run between the legs of Reaper Queens, and with their significantly short turn radius, they can to do something very few Queen-Killers can achieve; outflank a Queen. This makes it possible to circle around behind her, attacking her from the rear while avoiding the damage of a full frontal assault. She will still use her tail sweep while you do this however, but the knockback from it is less severe from behind than if she hit you with it from the front, and can even be completely negated if standing directly beneath her while she uses it. This does not mean caution should be thrown to the wind however, as the standard strategy to fight her near walls, rather than near pools of element water and sheer cliffs, is still advised. The Megalosaurus' agility does come with a second bonus though; as most mounts will inevitably get hit by the Queen's narcotic barbs after a tail sweep, the Megalosaurus is small and fast enough to completely avoid the barbs with a sharp turn as she fires them, allowing you to battle her without the standard precaution of bringing any stimulants, provided you put in the effort to dodge. When it comes to their healing prowess, Megalosaurus are standard; requiring the usual amount of time to patch themselves up, compared to the speedier healing of a venom-fed Rock Drake or hydrated Spino. While the Megalosaurus makes for a very effective Queen-killer, if they end up having to flee from the fight, this is where they can run into some trouble. Their small size, and slower speed compared to that of the other fighters, makes it far easier for the Queen to pursue. Be mindful of your environment if you have to flee and use the landscape to your advantage to throw her off you; the Megalosaurus' smaller size and agility allows it to duck and weave between obstacles, whereas the Queen either gets trapped, slowed down, or is forced to circle around these hazards.


As a Queen-killer, a Basilisk is a viable option, but far from the best. One of its greatest handicaps is the fact that, unlike much of the native wildlife, Basilisks are vulnerable to radiation damage; so they will either have to be fed Mushroom Brew to stave off its effects, or you will have to lure a Queen to your Basilisk waiting outside of the irradiated zones. While it sports considerably impressive stats, Its wide turn radius makes it very vulnerable to being flanked by the Queen, so turning simply to face and bite her can prove to be a challenge. When it comes to availability; Basilisks are notoriously difficult to tame, as they require Rock Drake eggs to feed, and more than a little patience during the passive-tame process. The Basilisk does however have one large advantage over all other options: its immunity to torpor. While a Basilisk can be pushed around horribly during a fight with a Queen, it never has to worry about getting knocked out by her barbs. Combine that with a high health pool and decent damage stats, and a Basilisk can hold its own against a Queen. If a Basilisk needs to escape the fight if things don't work out in its favor, it has speed to its advantage, but its wide turn radius can present a problem while running from the very agile Queen.


An alternative way, albeit costly in time and resources (building materials, extra hazard suits and shields, weaponry and ammunition), to become impregnated is to construct a trap and a safe place to shoot from, if you lack strong enough tames for mount-based tanking. This method however is not always reliable, as the impregnation strike can be interrupted by structures if she grabs you from inside the trap; resulting in a failed attempt, wasted time, and lost resources as you fall out of her tail and she buries away anyway without implanting an embryo.

For this method, building a 2x2 room out of stone or better with windows and a door to get in and out, or just crafting a few walls to hide behind when required is vital. This room should be built just out of range of her bite attacks from the trap, and ideally be enclosed to protect from other creatures as well. If you ventured down into the caverns using a mount, constructing a closed pen (completely shut off from the outside, not a crack left open) to keep it safe from the Reaper's attacks is of utmost importance. Being stranded in the deep caves without a mount to aid in your escape after impregnation can be very unpleasant, but it is not absolutely necessary. Being killed will not destroy the gestating Reaper inside you after impregnation, but it will reset its growth timer. Dying in the deep caves to escape does come with risks though, as your Hazard Suit can be destroyed as you take damage, which will kill the baby. If you do find yourself trapped in the area without a convenient method of escape, collecting from the small pale-white bulbous ground plants in the area will yield Organic Polymer, which a survivor can consume to instantly kill themselves without damaging their hazard suit, and thus avoid risking the gestating Reaper.

For the trap, you will need a few small Stone Dinosaur Gateways, placed in a rough horseshoe shape similar to the kind of traps used to tame a Giganotosaurus. Once the trap is built, leave one side open for the Queen to enter, and proceed to wander the area in an attempt to lure her out. Beware of Aberrant Purlovia, which can often be found in the same areas the Queens are in, and can leap out of the ground and stun you, potentially while a Queen is surfacing to chase you. Once you've found a Queen, let her chase you into the mouth of the trap. Once inside, quickly place the last dinosaur gate behind her in the opening to close it off and lock her in. This can be done with relative safety from the back of a mount, or on foot with a shield raised to block. While closing the trap, beware of her sweeping tail attack, which can knock you very far back and possibly into element water, resulting in your death. This tail sweep can be countered by building stone fencing two walls high around the area of your gate trap, but be sure your fencing doesn't block off the entrance to the trap. Once the Queen is locked in place, hide behind the walls of your safe room when she attacks. Once she stops, throw a Plant Species Z Fruit at her, or have a chargelight pet with high enough range stats to reach her, and proceed to shoot her with a powerful weapon, such as a Pump-Action Shotgun Pump-Action Shotgun.

Once the Queen has very low health, turn off your chargelight source and wait for a few moments, you will know she is ready to impregnate you when you see the reddish pink pheromone cloud around her torso. If the cloud does not appear, turn the chargelight back on and take a few more shots, then turn the light back off to see if it appears; repeat this process until the cloud can be seen. If she is trying to flee as you walk up to her with your shield, wait for a few moments for her health to regenerate slightly, and she will resume attacking. If her pheromone cloud disappears as she resumes attacking, return to your shooting room and damage her a little more, then approach again. It may take a few tries, but she will eventually grab and impregnate you.


The baby takes 12 real-time hours for gestation to be completed. During this time, the survivors cannot earn full XP, as the baby will absorb half XP obtained from killing dinosaurs, with the exception of crafting, which it will gain no XP from. Once the period ends, the baby forcefully 'ejects' from the survivor, which then will try to run away. If the survivor does not have the effect from a Reaper Pheromone Gland Reaper Pheromone Gland, which can be harvested from a dead Reaper Queen, it will eventually become hostile like a wild Reaper King and targets anyone. (It is possible to give birth to it within a very small room.)

While the survivor is impregnated, the following things should be taken into consideration:

  • Death by Radiation, or getting Radiation Sickness will kill the baby inside the player. Since survivors can only be impregnated within the radiation of the Element Region (as that's the only location Queens spawn), it is recommended to have multiple Hazard Suits on standby if the current one is nearly broken.
  • Death by other means will not kill the baby inside the survivor.
  • The character's belly will start to distort as time passes. It will revert to normal after the birth.
  • Killing Reaper Queens will provide a lot of XP for the baby and will ensure a good stockpile of pheromone glands. A single kill from a max level Reaper Queen, along with server boost and Broth of Enlightenment Broth of Enlightenment (totaling of 4x Experience multiplier) will suffice for a max extra level Reaper King.
  • Transferring to other servers or ascending will remove the effect permanently (kill the baby inside) until the players gets a new impregnation.

There are ways to ensure the Reaper Embryo does not decay upon a single touch of radiation. One of possible way is to eat Organic Polymer should the survivor find themselves at peril in radiation zone, mainly through aggressive dinosaurs like Purlovia before the hazard suit break. Another method is to set the trap outside of the radiation zone, and lure the Reaper Queen into the trap. That way, even if the Hazard Suit breaks, as long as the survivor is not inside, it will remain safe.

When the baby is nearly ready to emerge, survivors should put themself in a safe, enclosed area at least two walls high and away from other survivors and tames. An "airlock"-like system may be useful in case the baby tries to leave the room with you. About half a minute before it emerges, consume the pheromone gland. Once it emerges, imprint on it immediately, feed it quickly, and keep it enclosed. As with all babies, keep a close eye on its food, as it will starve quickly and sometimes won't eat by itself even if it has food. Ensure that there is nothing around the survivor, as any hits the Reaper King baby deals will reduce its food by 400.

To feed it the easy way, take 2 or 3 troughs full of meat in your inventory, and after birth and claim, let the baby kill you. It will drop ALL your inventory, regardless of weight, and you'll be able to let it be alone for all the baby stage. It's a game mechanic, like with Wyvern, Basilisk or an enraged Giganotosaurus, when your own tame does kill you, it will always drop your inventory. The king is not an exception, even when at it’s baby stage.


Reaper babies will be hostile to any players not under the buff given from consuming a Reaper Pheromone Gland Reaper Pheromone Gland, including the player who imprinted on the baby. However, if the player does not imprint the offspring in time, even if they have the buff, they will still get attacked by the baby.

The baby will ignore any whistle commands and will not respond to any behavior changes until it reaches the juvenile stage due to its lack of eyes and ears. It is advised to keep it in a box during the baby stage, as they move fast and can easily get away.

A claimed baby's inventory can be accessed even after the pheromone buff has worn off, but it will attack the player while doing so. Using good armor can make this negligible and reduce the number of pheromone glands required. However, using this method will drain the baby's food 400 points per hit, so is an ineffective method. Moreover, while its targeting someone or something, it may not even eat meats that is in its inventory either.

Once the baby reaches juvenile, pheromone glands are no longer needed as it will be able to see and hear, and can eat from a trough.

Post-birth stats[]

The amount of XP the baby absorbs during the pregnancy will alter its stats once it's fully grown, much like taming efficiency in other creatures. The maximum amount of XP the offspring can receive is 52,500 before it stops absorbing. The number in parentheses indicates how many levels it has gained, up to a max of 75. The level of the offspring and its stats are dependent of the level of the Reaper Queen that impregnated the player as well as the consumed XP.

For example: A level 125 Queen + 52,500 absorbed XP (75 levels) = Level 200 baby Reaper.

Prior to update 275.0 giving Imprint was not possible due to a bug where the baby would ask to be fed with the Kibble (Glowtail Egg) Kibble (Glowtail Egg), Kibble (Featherlight Egg) Kibble (Featherlight Egg), Kibble (Baryonyx Egg) Kibble (Baryonyx Egg) and Kibble (Rock Drake Egg) Kibble (Rock Drake Egg).


The Reaper is perhaps one of the strongest mounts available, because of the unique mechanics on leveling a gestating reaper, along with imprinting and its massive health pool, it can quickly become a contender even with the Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus. The highest level of a wild Reaper Queen (150), along with maximum XP siphoned and stored during gestation (75), brings the highest total birth level of a Reaper King to 225, making the fully leveled Reaper King a whopping 296 in level. The drawback however is that Reapers cannot be bred and acquire mutations, or destroy stone structures as the Giganotosaurus can. The Giganotosaurus also gains armor ratings from saddles, whereas Reapers do not. The Reapers do however have a higher damage resistance when unaffected by charge light, acting as a natural armor.

Acquiring a new Reaper is also considerably more difficult than a Giganotosaurus, as the latter can be bred, while the former always has to be obtained through finding a wild queen for impregnation: making establishing a stable level base of tamed kings impossible, as wild queens always vary in level. The Reaper can make up for these shortcomings though, as they possess an even wider range of abilities compared to the Giganotosaurus: Reapers can jump considerable distances and heights with minimal fall damage, are able to bury themselves and hide from sight, have a range of attacks with different effects, and more. Reapers have a very short turn radius, are faster than most other large predators, and can sprint long distances with low stamina drain: making them far more agile than the Giganotosaurus. The Reaper however is far more buoyant than the Giga: it cannot submerge in water, but still drains stamina at a slow rate while floating. While this has its uses, it leaves the Reaper very vulnerable while afloat, as it cannot dive to escape aggressors attacking from above.


  • Combat Specialist: The Reaper can be utilized in a variety of different roles for combat: either as a tank (level up mainly Health), an armor shredder (level up mainly Physical Damage), or as a crowd cleaner (level up Health and Physical Damage). Much like Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus however, because of its buoyancy, it is of little use in sea-based combat.
  • Travel Mount: Like most large predators, the majority of wildlife will opt to leave a tamed Reaper alone, making travel considerably safer atop a Reaper's back. In its native Ark, the only creatures that will attack a tamed Reaper are Nameless Nameless, Karkinos Karkinos, Rock Drake Rock Drake and other Reapers. Spino Spinos and Dire Bear Dire Bears will attack occasionally, but only if you get very close. For its size, the Reaper is faster and can sprint farther than most other large predators, allowing for quicker travel. Coupled with its jumping prowess, it can clear terrain most other creatures find hard to navigate.
    • Radiation Explorer: While it cannot navigate the irradiated zones in Aberration with quite the ease as a Rock Drake, it is perhaps the second best choice for doing so, and certainly a contender for the safest means of traveling these zones. Most creatures will leave the Reaper alone, and it can jump up high cliffs and across chasms. Perhaps the best part of using a Reaper to explore the irradiated zones though, is that if they fall into the elemental water, they do not sink: severely reducing the chance that you or your charge light mount will be killed by the element water. Reapers, while they still take damage from the water, can survive exposure in it for a considerable length of time.
  • Ambush: With their ability to burrow and hide from sight, a single Reaper or even groups can lay in wait for staged ambushes, similar to Purlovia Purlovia and Basilisks. Likewise, the rubble created by the buried Reaper cannot be seen by enemy players, increasing the chances they go undetected. Despite being unable to stun enemies while emerging like the Purlovia, a pack of Reaper Kings clawing out of the ground is a good means of causing panic, and with their acid shrapnel attack to slow down enemies, escape can be difficult. Rock Drake Rock Drake ridden by players can detect nearby Reaper Kings, buried or not, that are not owned by them or their tribe, but do not have the ability to find exactly where they are hidden. If buried in other maps, Direwolf Direwolf can sniff out their presence.
  • Hidden Vault: Not only good for ambushes, Reapers make for an excellent means of storing valuables while buried. If buried, they cannot be seen by enemy players, with the only means of detecting them being a tamed Rock Drake, although the Drake cannot find their exact location. Provided the Reaper is not set to Aggressive, the only means for enemies to force it out of hiding are explosives or fire, just like Basilisks and Purlovia. The Reaper is, however, very capable of defending itself if flushed out of hiding; making it not only an effective vault, but a guardian for your valuables as well.
  • Tame Assist: Although tamed Reaper Kings cannot inflict torpor like wild Queens, their acid shrapnel attack, while it deals almost no damage, is capable of slowing down anything, regardless of size, to a crawling pace for roughly ten seconds; effectively making Reapers a source of limitless bolas with pin-point accuracy. This attack also forces flying creatures like Featherlight Featherlights to land; knocking them out of the sky and grounding them for a limited time (if transferred across ARKs, the Reaper's acid spray can even shoot Wyvern Wyverns to the ground). Once a creature has been hit with the acid shrapnel, they are slowed to the point that it makes them easy targets for tribemates, or the dismounted rider, to be shot with a few tranq darts or arrows. Once the effect wears off, the target can be hit again and the process repeated. This is especially useful for the mobile taming of Karkinos Karkinos, when paired with a second tribemate that has a Paracer Paracer with a platform saddle and catapult turret. If you'd rather have the Reaper do the aiming, the rider can dismount and stand on the Reaper's head while using whistle commands; directing the Reaper to attack distant targets always results in it using its acid shrapnel attack as it pursues the targeted creature, and the Reaper itself is highly accurate when using this attack on its own. Once the target has been hit, the dismounted rider can whistle for the Reaper to change course and not follow up with melee hits, allowing the rider to devote all their time to shooting tranquilizer and reloading the weapon.


Ресурс Эффективность
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо ★★★☆☆



  • The torn dossier for this creature was first revealed in Community Crunch 105 on September 30, 2017.[1] Unlike the other torn dossiers, this one has blood sprinkled over it.
  • Reaper does not possess gender unlike most other creatures, but instead will show as a genderless Reaper Queen (for female Reaper) and genderless Reaper King (for male Reaper).
    • This is similar to the Iceworm Male Iceworm Male and Iceworm Queen Iceworm Queen, both of which are also marked as 'genderless' despite the name. Unlike the Reaper however, they are not tamable by any means.
  • Reaper, Phoenix Phoenix and Nameless Nameless are currently the only species that do not possess a Scientific name aside from Bosses.
  • Its blood coloration, appearance, and reproductive cycle appear to be based off the Xenomorphs from the Alien franchise. Their file name is also "Xenomorph".
  • Reaper Kings does not provide experience when killed, but Reaper Queens provides a lot.
  • Reapers are the 12th dino that does not require a saddle to ride on, others being DodoRex DodoRex, Phoenix Phoenix, Ovis Ovis, Diplocaulus Diplocaulus, Griffin Griffin, Anglerfish Anglerfish, Direwolf Direwolf, Equus Equus, Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus, Liopleurodon Liopleurodon and Wyvern Wyvern.
    • They are also the only dino whose baby offspring will attack, rather than running away on combat.
  • They are one of three dinos that can only be tamed by imprinting on them at birth, the others being Wyvern Wyvern and Rock Drake Rock Drake.
    • Much like Rock Drake, tamed Reaper Kings from birth have varying color spawn in their mid section color region, easily identifying a tamed from other wild Reaper King.
  • Tamed Reapers are buoyant in water and cannot dive below the surface, making the oxygen stat useless for them.
  • Unlike Nameless, Reapers aren't afraid of charge light, but are still weakened by it.
    • This effect carries over to Tamed Reapers too, weakening their resistance.
  • It is possible to become impregnated with a Reaper offspring without the use of a trap, although using this strategy is much more difficult.
  • Reaper Queens that are ready to impregnate a player will still perform the animation to grab the player even if they're mounted on a tame, but it will not grab them, you can use this to your advantage, allowing your tame to tank the Reaper Queen's heavy hits, and dismount once it begins the animation.
  • One of the easiest and undoubtedly safest ways to gain XP for a gestating Reaper is to run down the Fertile Chambers rivers and waterways with a large fast-hitting mount, such as a Spinosaur, killing all Coelacanth's and Piranha's in sight.
  • Baby Reaper Kings do not have eyes (or ear hole), preventing them from telling who's who or listening to whistle until they reached Juvenile.
  • Rock Drake Rock Drake tamed by the tribe will not furl their feathers at Tamed Reaper Kings belonging to the same tribe as them. They will however, still have their head feather reacting to other tribe's tamed Reaper King.
  • Reapers are the few creatures that plays death animation upon deaths, Compy Compy, DodoRex DodoRex and Deathworm Deathworm also play Death Animation as well.
  • Reaper Queen's animation FPS is 20% faster than Reaper King.
  • Reapers actually seem to possess opposable thumbs, as one clawed finger points and curls in the opposite direction than the others on each hand.
  • Tamed Reapers recieve torpor damage, their wild counterpart don't.
  • The Surface Reaper King Surface Reaper King and the Alpha Surface Reaper King Alpha Surface Reaper King do not need to be summoned by nameless, this allows over 50 Surface Reaper Kings to gang up on you and your mount. Also if it is day the Alpha Reaper will bury out then instantly bury underground, they will do this until nightfall.
  • You can actually get impregnated while riding a mount if a friend baits the reaper into performing the grab attack. If it hits you, it will pull you off your mount. To trigger this while solo you have to un-mount and let her target you instead of your mount. Be wary, since this is somewhat hard to pull off.
    • Alternatively while in a mount that lets you shoot or attack, attack the queen yourself with any weapon like a shotgun or a spear. When it is ready to impregnate anyone, be patient as you continue to shoot at it (without killing it) whilst have the light turned off until it tries to grab you.
  • Before you get impregnated, make sure you clear out the nearby threats, because after the Reaper Queen impregnated you, it will drastically decrease your health and leave you injured, if you didn't clean all the threats nearby, after the Queen impregnated you you will be as good as dead!
  • The Reaper king is able to Jump, unlike the Reaper Queen whom if force-tamed will burrow into the ground. However, the AI is able to jump.
    • A Reaper King is capable of jumping over 15 walls high and 40 foundations in length, measured and tested as of 280.115.
      • This means that the Reaper King is able to jump over Behemoth gates, which are only 12 walls high.
  • Reaper King, despite having vast number of available colors for region, are limited from birth due to Reaper Queen's limited color for its Region. This may be a bug.
  • The Reaper King/Queen cannot be spawned on non-aberration maps with console commands as they simply won't appear. The one exception is the tamed Reaper King variation (xenomorph_character_bp_male_tamed_c)
    • This seems to have been a bug, as spawning Reaper Queens works on other maps. Tested as of 280.115 on The Center
  • If she is lured into a trap with a foundation bottom (use at least stone foundations) she will be unable to dig away and disappear. You can exploit this to get the whole tribe impregnated from the same Queen. However, bear in mind that it may not always impregnate survivors if this method is used.
  • As of Aberration release, Reaper has the highest number of variants out of all other dinosaur/creatures, only beaten by Wyvern Wyvern with its event variants.
  • Reaper is the only creature that plays a death animation first and then turns into a ragdoll upon death.
  • Prior to a hidden update, even after it became full-grown adult, Reaper King was only claimable by the birth-giver. However, even after the update, baby Reaper King are still only claimable by the birth-giver until it reaches adulthood.
  • The Corrupted Reaper King Corrupted Reaper King only spawns in Extinction and is the only Reaper there. It is untamable like all other Corrupted Creatures.
  • Unlike the normal Reaper King, Corrupted Reaper King Corrupted Reaper Kings do not possess armor.
    • In exchange, Corrupted Reaper King Corrupted Reaper Kings have a similar health scaling to that of Corrupted Giganotosaurus Corrupted Giganotosaurus. Their base health starts at 18500, and they gain very low amounts per point into health at higher levels.
  • The Corrupted Reaper King Corrupted Reaper King has a purple projectile while its regular counterpart has a green projectile. This is most likely due to corruption changing its effect completely.
  • Tamed Reaper Kings never spawn in the wild unless triggered by admin spawn. This is tied in some of the other vehicle, and Mek Mek.
  • This, along with Royal Griffin Royal Griffin makes it the only other babies that requires special care.


  • If a Baby Reaper King gets too close to a survivor or dino without Reaper Pheromone Gland Reaper Pheromone Gland applied and had recently killed a creature or player with food in it, it sometimes refuses to eat, causing itself to starve to death. This can be remedied by going in again and force feed them whilst under the effects of Pheromone Gland.
    • A temporary solution would be to ensure no one or no dino are close within its aggro range, preferably with a larger box. If it is already aggro'd, apply the gland and force-feed the Reaper to make it eat as usual again.
  • Sometimes a recently deceased Reaper Queen's carcass will move through the map.
  • Reaper Queen (force)tamed through console commands shoots acid shrapnel projectile instead of tranquilizing spikes with the secondary attack button on PC, but fires the tranquilizing spikes with the Reload key. The trajectory seems to be stuck at a near perfect straight up trajectory regardless where the user is aiming.
  • While Reaper King has variant amount of possible color possible which is only easily noticeable upon reaching Juvenile, it is currently only limiting to the color Region 0 of 5 colors, with both Region 4 and 5 restricted to one color when there are more than one possible color. As listed below:
    • Region 0: Dino Darker Grey (35), Blue (2), Dragonfire (44), Bigfoot0 (37), WyvernPurple0 (49)
    • Region 4: Bigfoot4 (38)
    • Region 5: Dino Darker Grey (35)
  • Reaper King Baby left in statis for too long when transitioning to Juvenile will "bury" in air, as it cannot render the original body while it is in statis. Using creatures like Karkinos Karkinos and aiming properly can grab it while its at a certain maturation.
  • When reclaiming Reaper King, its name reverts back to its original name, and automatically wanders as if it was a baby, requiring manually disabling wander.


