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This section describes how to fight against the Dung Beetle.
This section describes how to fight against the Dung Beetle.
The Dung Beetle is not a dangerous animal, but one should always consider that it is not defenseless! Just be attentive to your surroundings as there are other creatures far more dangerous where the dung beetle resides.
The Dung Beetle is not a dangerous animal, but one should always consider that it is not defenseless! Just be attentive to your surroundings as there are other creatures far more dangerous where the dung beetle resides.
To tame, slowly approach the dung beetle from behind and stand right next to it and start feeding it feces. Once fed, just go into your inventory and keep getting feces. It should not get aggressive. A [[Phiomia]] poop farm is recommended or have some large feces ready when you plan on going for one. If taming in a cave, be sure the area is clear of other more dangerous creatures that might disturb your tame before starting. After taming, you can pick it up and carry it. You can fly or ride other dinosaurs while carrying it, but cannot carry the Dung Beetle while a tamed creature is on your shoulder.
To tame, slowly approach the dung beetle from behind and stand right next to it and start feeding it feces. Once fed, just go into your inventory and keep getting feces. It should not get aggressive. A [[Phiomia]] poop farm is recommended or have some large feces ready when you plan on going for one. If taming in a cave, be sure the area is clear of other more dangerous creatures that might disturb your tame before starting. After taming, you can pick it up and carry it. You can fly or ride other dinosaurs while carrying it, but cannot carry the Dung Beetle while a tamed creature is on your shoulder.

Версия от 10:22, 15 июня 2021

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Эти значения могут отличаться от того, что вы видите в игре или в другом месте. Но это то, что говорится в досье.
Scarabidae gigas
Временной период
Steam 232.0
январь 15, 2016
Xbox One 731.0
февраль 12, 2016
Logo Mobile
Nintendo Switch
Epic Games
Комманда призыва
admincheat summon DungBeetle_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/DungBeetle/DungBeetle_Character_BP.DungBeetle_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Aberrant Dung Beetle
admincheat summon DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/DungBeetle/DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant.DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 500 0 0 35
Опыт за убийство
8 XP
Места Обитания
no MAP specified

Скарабей является одним из Существ в ARK: Survival Evolved.

Основная информация


В этом разделе представлен точный перевод текста досье, написанного первопроходцем Хеленой. Здесь могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и положением в игре.


What magic created the Scarabidae gigas, I cannot say. What I can say is that this creature is a perfect symbiont for advanced human tribes.

Coprophagic, it eats mostly useless waste (feces). It metabolizes this waste into a more refined waste product, along with an oily byproduct. The oily byproduct is chemically the same as the oil found in the oceans around the island. Somehow, Scarabidae converts feces into oil. If that wasn't reason enough to worship the Scarabidae, the refined waste product is almost identical to fertilizer from a compost bin.


Scarabidae makes me think humans have been on the island for a long time. Why else would a creature evolve to be such a perfect pet? Most tribes jealously protect their Scarabidae, whom are handily tamed with the skilled use of some well-handled feces. These wondrous little organic biofactories are truly a sustainable, green, eco-friendly source of resources for living off the land. Oil becomes gas, which is generator fuel. Fertilizer means crops, which is human fuel. The Scarabidae can power all aspects of island life!

~ Хелена


The Scarabidae gigas is a passive creature. It will spend its days happily roaming the island's many caves or the volcano area of Ragnarok.

Внешний вид

A dung beetle of enormous size, Scarabidae gigas is a vital component of the island's strange ecology. They are most often found in the deep caves, feeding on massive quantities of bat guano and, in turn, being hunted by other giant invertebrates that prowl the dark passages and walls. What dung they don't eat is buried in the soil, fertilizing it and ensuring the regrowth of plants. By means not fully understood, their digestive tracts can convert animal waste into both an oil-like substance and a type of fertilizer.

Цветовая схема и регионы

В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Скарабей имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Скарабей "shell" в фиолетовый.

Dung Beetle PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
Dung Beetle PaintRegion1
Регион 1:
X mark

Регион 2 не используется
у этого существа.

Dung Beetle PaintRegion3
Регион 3:
Palps and Leg Patterning
Dung Beetle PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Shell Patterning
Dung Beetle PaintRegion5
Регион 5:


  • Raw Meat Raw Meat
  • Chitin Chitin

Базовая статистика и рост

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу Бонус Приручения
Дикий Прирученный1 Прибавка Мульт
Здоровье Здоровье 200 +40 +2.7% 0.07
Выносливость Выносливость 100 +10 +10%
Кислород Кислород 150 +15 +10%
Еда Еда 900 +90 +10%
Вес Вес 5 +0.1 +8%
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 52 +0.25 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3 +1%
Оглушение Оглушение 200 +12 Н/Д4 0.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Дикий Прирученный
Ходьба 52 260 260 5
Плавание 200 Н/Д Н/Д Н/Д

Повышения характеристик дикого существа

Введите значения дикого существа, чтобы увидеть, в какую характеристику оно ушло. Зеленые значения на существе высокого уровня очень хороши для выведения. Если вы уже приручили свое существо, вы можете попытаться восстановить статистику с помощью внешнего инструмента.[1]


Калькулятор характеристик не работает в мобильной версии, смотрите здесь альтернативы: Приложения

Обратите внимание, что после приручения существо получает бонусы на некоторые характеристики в зависимости от эффективности приручения. Это затрудняет получение уровней на прирученном существе, поэтому этот инструмент только для диких, но дает первое представление, насколько хорошо распределены характеристики.


Dung Beetle Уровень 1 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 2 05:00 0:05:00
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 2 03:20 0:03:20
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 3 05:00 0:10:00
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 4 01:06 0:03:20
Human Feces Human Feces 4 00:53 0:02:40
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 16 01:04 0:16:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 40 00:30 0:20:00
Dung Beetle Уровень 30 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 3 03:45 0:07:30
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 4 02:13 0:06:40
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 6 04:00 0:20:00
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 8 00:57 0:06:40
Human Feces Human Feces 10 00:44 0:06:40
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 40 01:01 0:40:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 100 00:30 0:50:00
Dung Beetle Уровень 60 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 5 03:07 0:12:30
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 7 01:56 0:11:40
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 10 03:42 0:33:20
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 13 00:54 0:10:50
Human Feces Human Feces 17 00:42 0:11:20
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 65 01:00 1:05:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 163 00:30 1:21:30
Dung Beetle Уровень 90 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 6 03:00 0:15:00
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 9 01:52 0:15:00
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 14 03:35 0:46:40
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 18 00:52 0:15:00
Human Feces Human Feces 23 00:41 0:15:20
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 90 01:00 1:30:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 225 00:30 1:52:30
Dung Beetle Уровень 120 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 8 02:51 0:20:00
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 12 01:49 0:20:00
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 18 03:31 1:00:00
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 23 00:52 0:19:10
Human Feces Human Feces 29 00:41 0:19:20
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 115 01:00 1:55:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 288 00:30 2:24:00
Dung Beetle Уровень 150 Интервал Время
Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 10 02:46 0:25:00
Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 14 01:47 0:23:20
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 21 03:30 1:10:00
Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces 28 00:51 0:23:20
Human Feces Human Feces 35 00:41 0:23:20
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо 140 01:00 2:20:00
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 350 00:30 2:55:00

Обратите внимание, что значения указаны для оптимальных случаев, всегда приносите с собой еду для приручения с запасом!
Чтобы подсчитать количество необходимых ресурсов в зависимости от уровня существа, попробуйте внешний калькулятор приручения.

Стратегия Приручения

Скарабеи (Dung Beetles) находятся в пещерах и приручаются ненасильственно. Их также могут поднять Арегнтавис (Argentavis) и Кетцалькоатль (Quetzal).

Когда вы выбираете Скарабея для приручения - имейте ввиду, что независимо от уровня он будет производить ровно столько же нефти, сколько и любой другой, независимо от уровня. Единственная разница - вес, который он сможет носить и как много Фекалий (Feces) положить в его инвентарь.

While it is possible to tame anywhere, these beetles appear most frequently near water sources (past the first cluster of snakes in Central cave for example) it is advised to draw them closer to the cave entrance for safety. Positioning your Sabertooth at a choke point to prevent other players from interfering with your tame is advised on PvP. When not aggravated, the beetle will remain stationary making it easy to tame. Time lost by aggravating the beetle varies up to 3 to 5 minutes, which is added to the feeding interval time. As of Sept 20 2016 the Beetle's pathing is still a bit buggy: Luring a tamed Beetle from a cave can be done by lowering its follow distance to the player and by punching the Beetle around awkward obstacles. Keep in mind, this strategy might knock the Beetle unconscious, or even kill the Beetle if the player is too reckless; as such, getting them out of caves can be tedious. There is also a bug which can occur once aggravated where the beetle will no longer reliably accept feeding and will eventually die of hunger. But you no longer have to do that as of patch 241.0, Dung Beetles can be carried out by the player after taming, leaving it quite easy to retrieve them.

Bug Repellant appears to have no effect.

Alternatively, you can lure it outside of the cave and pick it up with an Argentavis or Quetzal and relocate it to a taming pen near or at your base for easy taming. That way, you'll know where it is and it will be protected from (most) other creatures during the taming process.

You can safely drag one out of the water area in the North East Cave with the use of a Grappling Hook.

On The Center, Dung Beetles can occasionally be found at the bottom of the entry pit of the East Lava Cave, meaning a player can fly down with a suitable mount and be out with the beetle in seconds. It can then easily be dropped anywhere the player likes to tame.

Предпочитаемая еда

  1. Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces
  2. Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces
  3. Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces
  4. Human Feces Human Feces
  5. Spoiled Meat Spoiled Meat
  • Они будут есть мясо и корм, но рейтинг приручения меньше чем от человеческих фекалий, поэтому не рекомендуется.
  • Spoiled meat works but is very inefficient
  • Massive Animal Feces cannot be used for taming, it does not recognize it as a food.
  • When on wander, they will eat a person's body.
  • After taming, keeping feces in the beetle will not be enough to keep its food up. Provide the beetle with meat through a feeding trough or directly in its inventory to keep it fed.


This section describes how to fight against the Dung Beetle.


The Dung Beetle is not a dangerous animal, but one should always consider that it is not defenseless! Just be attentive to your surroundings as there are other creatures far more dangerous where the dung beetle resides.


To tame, slowly approach the dung beetle from behind and stand right next to it and start feeding it feces. Once fed, just go into your inventory and keep getting feces. It should not get aggressive. A Phiomia poop farm is recommended or have some large feces ready when you plan on going for one. If taming in a cave, be sure the area is clear of other more dangerous creatures that might disturb your tame before starting. After taming, you can pick it up and carry it. You can fly or ride other dinosaurs while carrying it, but cannot carry the Dung Beetle while a tamed creature is on your shoulder.

For killing, any weapon will do, as they are relatively weak and fragile. Ranged weapons are not practical, as even a stone pick can kill one quickly.


Any weapon will do, but ranged weapons are not practical. But to be more efficient time-wise and not to be surprised by an Onyc or Pulmonoscorpius that could potentially sneak up on you it is recommended to use a pike or sword.


Beware other animals in the cave. A big fight can usually rile up all of the cave's inhabitants, including the beetle. While the player may be swinging away with a pike at nearby Onyc, a beetle can attack, possibly leading to death on either hand. Beware, as the beetle does a surprising amount of knock-back. Stay away from the lava or spike pits in caves that contain them, as to avoid an embarrassing and untimely death via a disgruntled Dung Beetle.


The dung beetles weakness lies in its frailty and is not a practical fighter because of its speed, attack damage, and health; this creature is not really meant for battling, it is prized more for its fertilizer and good looks. On PVP servers, make sure to keep them well protected, as they can be killed in a raid quickly.



The Dung Beetle can convert feces placed in its inventory into Fertilizer and Oil. 'Wandering' must be enabled for conversion to occur so be sure to place the beetle within a pen where it can wander freely without fear of it escaping. It will not collect feces; these have to be placed manually in the bug. Due to the low starting Weight, it is recommended to level up this stat in order to place more feces in its inventory, and due to low health, it is advisable to house these in an enclosed or otherwise protected area. 2 high wooden railings is sufficient to prevent escape.

It is also possible to keep your Beetle on wander in a Wooden Cage and feed it through the closed door. Just aim for the head and access the inventory.

Weight Converts From Fertilizer Fertilizer Oil Oil
0.1 Human Feces Human Feces 1 1
0.3 Small Animal Feces Small Animal Feces x 2 1 1
1.5 Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces 2 2
4.0 Large Animal Feces Large Animal Feces 3 3
35.0 Massive Animal Feces Massive Animal Feces 16 7

Conversion of feces into fertilizer takes 15 minutes per conversion. However, it can convert one batch of each type of feces concurrently. For example, if you place 1 Human Feces, 2 Small Animal Feces, 1 Medium and 1 Large, you will have 7 fertilizer and 7 oil after 15 minutes (not 60 minutes). Production of same size feces is otherwise queued. For example, if you place 4 Small Feces, 1 Medium, and 1 Large, you will have 6 Fertilizer and 6 oil after 15 minutes, and an additional 1 Fertilizer and 1 oil after a further 15 minutes (30 minutes total). As of patch 243.0, with the introduction of the Titanosaur, if you have a Dung Beetle with a Weight stat greater than 35.0 it can convert a single Massive Animal Feces into 16 bags of Fertilizer and 7 Oil.

Snow Owl Pellet (Extinction) Snow Owl Pellet Extinction Icon does not get converted into Fertilizer and oil.

Level weight exclusively, no other stat has any effect on the Fertilizer production.

Make sure they are not overburdened, as if they can not move while on wander then they will not produce. In some cases, they might refuse to wander when on ceilings and certain other structures. This can be fixed by bringing them down to ground level. Dung Beetles do not seem to stop producing Fertilizer Fertilizer when kept in a Wooden Cage Wooden Cage, even if they are encumbered with Feces Feces.


Additional Notes

  • Since v241.0, the best way to move them is to pick them up in your hands and toss them, but you can't hold a tool or weapons while doing so.
  • Survivors can still ride tamed creatures while also carrying the Dung Beetle in their hands. Beware, when crossing water, the Dung Beetle will fall from the player’s hands.
  • Before v261.0 the Dung Beetle was an aggressive creature.


Для информации, относящейся конкретно к реальному миру Скарабей, см. соответствующую статью на Wikipedia

  • This dossier was revealed on 08/05/2015 [2]
  • The dung beetle's genus Scarabidae actually refers to the group that dung beetles belong in, the scarab beetles.
  • At one point in the dung beetle dossier, the author refers them as worthy of being worshiped. Presumably this is a reference to how the Ancient Egyptians considered them to be sacred.
  • Real Dung Beetles lay their eggs in the dung they roll around, however Ark's Dung Beetles do not.
  • Dung Beetles do not produce feces.
  • Real world Dung Beetles only eat dung/feces, however Ark's Dung Beetles have adapted to eating soiled rotten meat as well.
  • Perhaps the closest real-world counterpart in terms of coloration and overall body shape/features is Phanaeus vindex, commonly known as the Rainbow Scarab. The only notable difference is the much more distinctive horns sported by the in-game beetles.
  • The in-game Dung Beetle is not shown as having any gender, however they can be assumed to be male—in most species of Dung Beetle (including Phanaeus vindex), only the males grow horns.


