Released - November 19th, 2019
- Initiation of Turkey Trial 3:
- Increased rates to 2X Breeding (mating interval, egg hatch speed, and maturation)
- Increased rates to 2X Player XP
- Increased rates to 2X Harvesting
- Added event-themed wild dino spawns
- Added randomly spawning turkeys on all official maps
- Modified the existing environment (trees) to be event themed
- Added new items:
- Pilgrim Hat (cosmetic)
- Bonnet Hat (cosmetic)
- Turkey Hat (cosmetic)
- Turkey Leg club skin (cosmetic)
- Pitchfork Pike Skin (cosmetic)
- Thanksgiving-inspired Dino Colorization Candy
- 3 sets of Event-themed underwear (tops and bottoms)
- Added new emotes:
- Belly Emote
- Hungry Emote
- Food Coma Emote
- Added prior event skins:
- Chieftain Hat
- Added prior event creatures:
- DodoRex (Temporary tame)
- Turkeys
- Added prior event items:
- DodoRex Tribute
- Wishbone
- Wild Event Colors:
- Light Orange
- Light Red
- Dark Red
- Dino Light Red
- Dino Light Orange
- Dino Dark Red
- Yellow
- Dino Albino
- DragonFire
- DragonBase1
- DragonBase0
- Light Yellow
- Brown
- Dino Albino
- NearBlack
- Light Brown
- Dino Darker Grey