ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
C4 Charge
C4 Charge
This advanced explosive can annihilate structures.
Ammo for
Explosive damage
6899 (2 meter radius)
Stack size
100 / 50
Single use
Found in Supply Crate
Spawn Command
cheat giveitemnum 43 1 0 0
cheat gfi C4 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Test/PrimalItemC4Ammo.PrimalItemC4Ammo'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
12 EP
Crafting XP
145 XP
Crafting time
Purchased in
200 × Charges (Mobile) Charges (ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile)


The C4 Charge is one of the explosives in ARK: Survival Evolved. It sticks to whatever it is thrown at, including creatures and players, and can only be thrown/used with the C4 Remote Detonator C4 Remote Detonator. It cannot stick to platforms or anything built on platforms (this includes the raft as it is considered a platform) but you can place the c4 near the raft (floor or other structure) and the explosive radius can damage the structures.


The charge deals 1500 damage to a creature without a saddle.

List of explosive damage versus various materials as of Patch 257:

Weapon/Structure Thatch Wood Stone Metal Tek
C4 Charge C4 Charge * 11813 * 3544 788
Grenade Grenade 788 788 1838 237 53
Improvised Explosive Device Improvised Explosive Device (pair) * 7875 ** ** **
Rocket Propelled Grenade Rocket Propelled Grenade * 7350 * 2205 596
Tek Rifle Tek Rifle 1260 536 294 29 185
Tek Grenade Tek Grenade 2625 1115 612 59 385
Cannon Cannon * * 3446 355 40

* The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material
** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone, metal, or Tek structures.


List of explosive damage versus various materials on ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile:

Weapon/Structure Thatch Wood Stone Metal
C4 Charge C4 Charge * 10238 11944 1280
Grenade Grenade 788 788 1838 237
Improvised Explosive Device Improvised Explosive Device (pair) * 7875 ** **
Rocket Propelled Grenade Rocket Propelled Grenade * * * 1969

* The damage is greater than the health-points of structures of that material
** IEDs are currently just about impossible to place on stone or metal.


  • A maximum of 50 C4 Charges can be placed at any given time. When more than 50 charges are placed, any additional charges will cause the oldest to disappear.
  • Metal doors can be destroyed with exactly 2 C4 Charges. Maximum damage is achieved by placing and detonating one charge at a time.
  • It is possible to attach C4s to dinos. You could make dive bombers by attaching C4 to Dimorphs and whistle "Attack This Target". This was nerfed in v255.0, any flyer with C4 attached now move extremely slowly.
  • PC Patch v289.100 disabled placing C4 on platform saddles.
  • C4 Can be activated with the remote in a Distance of 50 Foundations Long.
  • It is most efficient to craft 60 C4 charges in a fabricator at one time, using one gasoline and consuming 3600 gunpowder, 600 crystal, 300 cementing paste, 3000 fiber, 300 hide, 300 polymer and 300 electronics. This will fill 68 of the fabricator's 70 inventory slots.
  • Take note that punching a placed C4 charge is a way to detonate it for that off chance someone manages to get the remote out of your hands. However, on ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile, it cannot be detonated by punching it.
  • C4 is the most efficient way to destroy structures in pvp considering its high damage and explosion radius. However this also makes it quite dangerous to detonate while in confined spaces.
  • C4 does not damage beehives.


Patch Changes
315.2 Fixed a bug which allowed you to blow up 2 pieces of C4 without consuming them.
316.18 C4 will no longer float when attached to dinos that have been cryo'd.
329.21 Fixed a bug which prevented being able to place C4 with Gamepad.
329.27 Prevented C4 from being attached to the Canoe Canoe.