This is a category for items crafted in the Tek Replicator.
Pages in category "Crafted in Tek Replicator"
The following 183 pages are in this category, out of 383 total.
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- Radio
- Ravager Saddle (Aberration)
- Refrigerator
- Remote Keypad
- Revival Platform (Mobile)
- Rex Saddle
- Rex Tek Saddle
- Riot Boots
- Riot Chestpiece
- Riot Gauntlets
- Riot Helmet
- Riot Leggings
- Riot Shield
- Rock Drake Saddle (Aberration)
- Rock Drake Tek Saddle (Aberration)
- Rock Golem Saddle (Scorched Earth)
- Rocket Homing Missile (Scorched Earth)
- Rocket Launcher
- Rocket Pod (Extinction)
- Rocket Propelled Grenade
- Rocket Turret
- Roll Rat Saddle (Aberration)
- Sabertooth Saddle
- Scissors
- Scope Attachment
- Scout Remote (Extinction)
- SCUBA Flippers
- SCUBA Leggings
- SCUBA Mask
- SCUBA Tank
- Shocking Tranquilizer Dart
- Shotgun
- Silencer Attachment
- Simple Bullet
- Simple Pistol
- Simple Rifle Ammo
- Simple Shotgun Ammo
- Sloped Greenhouse Roof
- Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left
- Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right
- Sloped Metal Roof
- Sloped Metal Wall Left
- Sloped Metal Wall Right
- Sloped Tek Roof
- Sloped Tek Wall Left
- Sloped Tek Wall Right
- Small Elevator Platform
- Small Wood Elevator Platform (Aberration)
- Snow Owl Saddle (Extinction)
- Spear Bolt
- Spino Saddle
- Spray Painter
- Stone Battlement (Mobile)
- Stone Cliff Platform (Aberration)
- Straight Electrical Cable
- Sword
- Tapejara Saddle
- Tapejara Tek Saddle
- Tek ATV
- Tek Boots
- Tek Bow (Genesis: Part 2)
- Tek Bridge (Extinction)
- Tek Canteen (Genesis: Part 2)
- Tek Catwalk
- Tek Ceiling
- Tek Chestpiece
- Tek Claws (Genesis: Part 1)
- Tek Dedicated Storage
- Tek Dinosaur Gate
- Tek Dinosaur Gateway
- Tek Door
- Tek Doorframe
- Tek Double Door
- Tek Double Doorframe
- Tek Fence Foundation
- Tek Fence Support
- Tek Forcefield
- Tek Foundation
- Tek Gauntlets
- Tek Generator
- Tek Gravity Grenade (Extinction)
- Tek Grenade
- Tek Grenade Launcher (Genesis: Part 1)
- Tek Hatchframe
- Tek Helmet
- Tek Hoversail (Genesis: Part 2)
- TEK Implant Chamber (Mobile)
- Tek Jump Pad (Genesis: Part 1)
- TEK Kibble Processor (Mobile)
- Tek Ladder
- Tek Leggings
- Tek Light (Ragnarok)
- Tek Phase Pistol (Genesis: Part 2)
- Tek Pillar
- Tek Railgun (Aberration)
- Tek Railing
- Tek Ramp
- Tek Rifle
- TEK SCUBA Mask (Mobile)
- Tek Sensor (Genesis: Part 1)
- Tek Shield (Ragnarok)
- Tek Shoulder Cannon (Genesis: Part 1)
- Tek Sleeping Pod (Aberration)
- Tek Staircase
- Tek Stairs
- Tek Surveillance Console (Genesis: Part 2)
- Tek Sword (Ragnarok)
- Tek Teleporter
- Tek Transmitter
- Tek Trapdoor
- Tek Triangle Ceiling
- Tek Triangle Foundation
- Tek Triangle Roof
- Tek Trough
- Tek Turret
- Tek Wall
- Tek Window
- Tek Windowframe
- Therizinosaurus Saddle
- Thorny Dragon Saddle (Scorched Earth)
- Thylacoleo Saddle
- Titanosaur Platform Saddle
- Toilet
- Tranq Spear Bolt
- Tranquilizer Dart
- Transponder Node
- Transponder Tracker
- Tree Sap Tap
- Tropeognathus Saddle
- Tusoteuthis Saddle