ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Chemistry Bench
Chemistry Bench
Place materials in this to transmute chemical substances with extreme efficiency!
Item slots
100 / 60
Decay time
Stack size
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat gfi chembench 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_ChemBench.PrimalItemStructure_ChemBench'" 1 0 0
Required level
Engram points
65 EP
Crafting XP
132 XP
Crafting time
Used to craft
ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile Ingredients (Mobile)
Resources breakdown [Expand]
500 × Metal Ingot Metal Ingot
1000 × Metal Metal
100 × Sparkpowder Sparkpowder
50 × Stone Stone
100 × Flint Flint
250 × Crystal Crystal
Total Base Ingredients

The Chemistry Bench is an advanced crafting station that functions as an upgrade to the Mortar and Pestle Mortar and Pestle, capable of efficiently making refined batches of goods far quicker than its primitive-tier counterpart.


As the industrial upgrade to the Mortar and Pestle, it is capable of producing refined recipes in bulk, at 2/3 the normal cost.

Since the Chemistry Bench consumes 4 times the materials in a single use, and produces 6 times the materials, and it is 2 times faster to craft in the Chemistry Bench than the mortar and pestle, the Chemistry Bench produces materials at 12 times the rate of the Mortar and Pestle.

For example, crafting 100 Gunpowder Gunpowder in a Mortar and Pestle will require 100 Charcoal and 100 Sparkpowder, and take exactly 1 minute and 40 seconds to craft. In the Chemistry Bench, 100 Charcoal and Sparkpowder will craft 150 Gunpowder, in 12.5 seconds.

Due to its heightened functionality, it requires both a connection to an active power grid and a supply of Gasoline Gasoline to operate.


Name Ingredients Craft Amount Crafting XP
Narcotic Narcotic 20 × Narcoberry or Ascerbic Mushroom Narcoberry or Ascerbic Mushroom

4 × Spoiled Meat Spoiled Meat

6 × Narcotic Narcotic 8.0
Sparkpowder Sparkpowder 4 × Stone Stone

8 × Flint Flint

12 × Sparkpowder Sparkpowder 0.24
Gunpowder Gunpowder 4 × Sparkpowder Sparkpowder

4 × Charcoal Charcoal

6 × Gunpowder Gunpowder 0.2
Cementing Paste Cementing Paste 16 × Chitin or Keratin Chitin or Keratin

32 × Stone Stone

6 × Cementing Paste Cementing Paste 4.8
Stimulant Stimulant 20 × Stimberry Stimberry

8 × Sparkpowder Sparkpowder

6 × Stimulant Stimulant 0.2
Bug Repellant Bug Repellant 24 × Pelt Pelt

8 × Narcotic Narcotic

16 × Citronal Citronal

16 × Rockarrot Rockarrot

6 × Bug Repellant Bug Repellant 4.0
Lesser Antidote Lesser Antidote 40 × Rare Flower Rare Flower

40 × Rare Mushroom Rare Mushroom

12 × Leech Blood or Horns Leech Blood or Horns

4 × Narcotic Narcotic

6 × Lesser Antidote Lesser Antidote 4.0
Absorbent Substrate Absorbent Substrate 8 × Black Pearl Black Pearl

8 × Sap Sap

8 × Oil Oil

6 × Absorbent Substrate Absorbent Substrate 2.24
DLC: Scorched Earth
Clay (Scorched Earth) Clay 8 × Sand (Scorched Earth) Sand

4 × Cactus Sap (Scorched Earth) Cactus Sap

12 × Clay (Scorched Earth) Clay 0.2
Propellant (Scorched Earth) Propellant 4 × Sulfur (Scorched Earth) Sulfur

4 × Cactus Sap (Scorched Earth) Cactus Sap

4 × Oil Oil

6 × Propellant (Scorched Earth) Propellant 4.0
Flamethrower Ammo (Scorched Earth) Flamethrower Ammo 40 × Propellant (Scorched Earth) Propellant

40 × Gasoline Gasoline

6 × Flamethrower Ammo (Scorched Earth) Flamethrower Ammo 2.4
Preserving Salt (Scorched Earth) Preserving Salt 8 × Raw Salt (Scorched Earth) Raw Salt

4 × Sulfur (Scorched Earth) Sulfur

12 × Preserving Salt (Scorched Earth) Preserving Salt 0.24
DLC: Aberration
Gasoline (Gas-Crafted) (Aberration) Gasoline (Gas-Crafted) 20 × Green Gem (Aberration) Green Gem

20 × Congealed Gas Ball (Aberration) Congealed Gas Ball

5 × Gasoline Gasoline 4.0
DLC: Genesis: Part 2
Mutagel Mutagel 4 × Mutagen Mutagen 408 × Mutagel Mutagel
Mutagen Mutagen 800 × Mutagel Mutagel 6 × Mutagen Mutagen


  • The Chemistry Bench is treated as a wooden structure and can not be damaged by hands, stone weapons, or non-explosive ranged attacks.
  • The following aggressive creatures can not damage the Chemistry Bench:

Painting and Color Regions

X mark

The Chemistry Bench is not currently paint-able, however this object may be re-mapped to include paint regions in a future update.

For more information on Paint Regions and how to use them, please view the Blue Coloring Dye, Paintbrush Paintbrush, or Spray Painter Spray Painter pages.

