This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Lost Island |
This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia. |
The Depths of Kortez is a region in the Lost Island DLC.
Very Common[]
- Ammonite
- Ankylosaurus
- Argentavis
- Carbonemys
- Cnidaria
- Coelacanth
- Dilophosaur
- Dimorphodon
- Dodo
- Electrophorus
- Eurypterid
- Gallimimus
- Hyaenodon
- Ichthyornis
- Kentrosaurus
- Lystrosaurus
- Maewing
- Meganeura
- Microraptor
- Morellatops
- Pachyrhinosaurus
- Pteranodon
- R-Equus
- Raptor
- Sabertooth
- Stegosaurus
- Titanomyrma Drone
- Trilobite
- Anglerfish
- Compy
- Dung Beetle
- Ichthyosaurus
- Manta
- Megalodon
- Pachy
- Parasaur
- Phiomia
- Sinomacrops
- Titanoboa
- Achatina
- Carnotaurus
- Equus
- Moschops
- Paraceratherium
- Pegomastax
- Pelagornis
- Plesiosaur
- Rex
- Terror Bird
- Triceratops
Very Uncommon[]
- Alpha Raptor
- Basilosaurus
- Dunkleosteus
- Leedsichthys
- Mosasaurus
- Procoptodon
- R-Megatherium
- Tek Parasaur
- Tek Raptor
Very Rare[]
- Alpha Carnotaurus
- Alpha Leedsichthys
- Alpha Megalodon
- Alpha Mosasaur
- Alpha T-Rex
- Alpha Tusoteuthis
- Liopleurodon
- Megalosaurus
- Tek Rex
- Tusoteuthis
From Local Creatures[]
- Absorbent Substrate
- Allosaurus Brain
- Alpha Carnotaurus Arm
- Alpha Leedsichthys Blubber
- Alpha Megalodon Fin
- Alpha Mosasaur Tooth
- Alpha Raptor Claw
- Alpha Rex Trophy
- Alpha Tusoteuthis Eye
- Alpha Tyrannosaur Tooth
- Ammonite Bile
- AnglerGel
- Argentavis Talon
- Basilosaurus Blubber
- Bio Toxin
- Black Pearls
- Cementing Paste
- Chitin
- Electronics
- Element Dust
- Fishing Rod
- Hide
- Keratin
- Megalodon Tooth
- Oil
- Oil (Tusoteuthis)
- Organic Polymer
- Pelt
- Raw Fish Meat
- Raw Meat
- Raw Mutton
- Raw Prime Fish Meat
- Raw Prime Meat
- Sauropod Vertebra
- Scrap Metal
- Silica Pearls
- Titanoboa Venom
- Tusoteuthis Tentacle
- Tyrannosaurus Arm