ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
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Dino Party Hat Skin
Dino Party Hat Skin
You can use this to skin the appearance of a Saddle. Make your mount look festive!
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Armor/Leather/PrimalItemSkin_DinoPartyHat.PrimalItemSkin_DinoPartyHat'" 1 0 0
Crafting XP
4 XP
Crafting time
Crafted in

The Dino Party Hat Skin was an event item for the ARK: Awesome Anniversary event. During the event, it could be obtained by blowing out the candles on a Birthday Cake Birthday Cake.

The Dino Party Hat Skin can be applied to any saddle in your inventory. If a creature is equipped with that saddle, it will wear a Party Hat.

This skin can only be unlocked by completing the Veteran Paleontologist Achievement, after which it will be available in your inventory whenever you respawn.

Achievement Veteran Paleontologist
Xbox One
Epic Games
Veteran Paleontologist

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