ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg)
Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg)Kibble (Mobile)
This pet food recipe has been carefully designed to give balanced nutrition to almost any creature native to the island. Includes the best protein, plant fibers to help with digestion and egg to bind the mix. Humans have difficulty digesting this.
Consumable (values pertain to Humans)
Kibble type
Spoils in
Stack size
Decomposes in
Added in
Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/PrimalItemConsumable_Kibble_KaproEgg.PrimalItemConsumable_Kibble_KaproEgg'" 1 0 0
ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile Ingredients (Mobile)
Resources breakdown [Expand]
3 × Fiber Fiber
1 × Water Water
Total Base Ingredients
2 × Stone Stone
1 × Kaprosuchus Egg Kaprosuchus Egg
3 × Fiber Fiber
1 × Oil Oil
3 × Flint Flint
1 × Savoroot Savoroot
2 × Mejoberry Mejoberry
1 × Water Water
1 × Raw Prime Meat Raw Prime Meat
Purchase yields
3 pieces
Purchased in
50 × Mixes (Mobile) Mixes (ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile)


Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg) is a Regular Kibble Regular Kibble in ARK: Survival Evolved.


The main use of this Kibble Kibble is to feed it to a creature that you are taming. Kibble has a higher taming effect than other food like Berries Berries or Meat Meat, meaning the taming meter will rise faster, while also dropping the Taming Effectiveness less, resulting in more extra levels when the taming process is finished. This Kibble is no longer craftable by any means on PC and Console; however, it can still be crafted in the Cooking Pot Cooking Pot or Industrial Cooker Industrial Cooker on ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile. Alternatively, it can be crafted in the TEK Kibble Processor (Mobile) TEK Kibble Processor using any amount of Kibble Kibble equal to a value of 5.

Currently, this Kibble is used to forcefully tame Anglerfish Anglerfish, Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus, Baryonyx Baryonyx, Beelzebufo Beelzebufo, Carbonemys Carbonemys, Carnotaurus Carnotaurus, Dimetrodon Dimetrodon, Doedicurus Doedicurus, Ichthyornis Ichthyornis, Kaprosuchus Kaprosuchus, Kentrosaurus Kentrosaurus, Lymantria Lymantria, Pelagornis Pelagornis, Pteranodon Pteranodon, Pulmonoscorpius Pulmonoscorpius, Purlovia Purlovia, Sabertooth Sabertooth, Sarco Sarco, Stegosaurus Stegosaurus, Terror Bird Terror Bird, Thorny Dragon Thorny Dragon, and Velonasaur Velonasaur and to passively tame Diplodocus Diplodocus, Equus Equus, and Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus on PC and Console.

For other creatures, this Kibble will be valued less than regular Meat Meat and Berries Berries (only 66% of their effectiveness) and thus is not advised to be used for those.

See Taming Taming for more info about the taming process.

Super Kibble (Mobile)[]

Disambig Main article: Super Kibble (Mobile) Super Kibble (ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile)

Logo Mobile This section is about a feature exclusively available on Mobile

Super Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg) (Mobile) Super Kibble (Kaprosuchus Egg) is a type of Kibble (Mobile) Kibble exclusive to ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile.

These Kibble (Mobile) Kibbles can be crafted in a Cooking Pot Cooking Pot or in an Industrial Cooker Industrial Cooker by substituting the normal Kaprosuchus Egg Kaprosuchus Egg with a Super Fertilized Kaprosuchus Egg (Mobile) Super Fertilized Kaprosuchus Egg. They can be used to tame Creatures faster and with greater Taming Taming effectiveness.
