Ice Titan
- Advanced Bullet
- Advanced Rifle Bullet
- Advanced Sniper Bullet
- Assault Rifle
- Cannon Shell
- Compound Bow
- Element
- Fabricated Pistol
- Fabricated Sniper Rifle
- Flak Boots
- Flak Chestpiece
- Flak Gauntlets
- Flak Helmet
- Flak Leggings
- Fur Boots
- Fur Cap
- Fur Chestpiece
- Fur Gauntlets
- Fur Leggings
- Ghillie Boots
- Ghillie Chestpiece
- Ghillie Gauntlets
- Ghillie Leggings
- Ghillie Mask
- Longneck Rifle
- M.D.S.M.
- M.R.L.M.
- M.S.C.M.
- Pump-Action Shotgun
- Riot Boots
- Riot Chestpiece
- Riot Gauntlets
- Riot Helmet
- Riot Leggings
- Rocket Pod
- Rocket Propelled Grenade
- Simple Pistol
- Simple Shotgun Ammo
- Sword
- TEK Chestpiece
- Tek Boots
- Tek Gauntlets
- Tek Helmet
- Tek Leggings
- Tek Railgun
- Tek Rifle
- Tek Sword
- Quality range: 100% - 100%
- The crate contains of at least 12 and at most 18 of the following tier sets.
- Items Common
The tier set "Items Common" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.
- Items
- The item entry "Items" contains at least 1 and at most 2 of the following items.
- Assault Rifle
- Compound Bow
- Fabricated Pistol
- Fabricated Sniper Rifle
- Flak Boots
- Flak Chestpiece
- Flak Gauntlets
- Flak Helmet
- Flak Leggings
- Fur Boots
- Fur Cap
- Fur Chestpiece
- Fur Gauntlets
- Fur Leggings
- Ghillie Boots
- Ghillie Chestpiece
- Ghillie Gauntlets
- Ghillie Leggings
- Ghillie Mask
- Longneck Rifle
- Pump-Action Shotgun
- Riot Boots
- Riot Chestpiece
- Riot Gauntlets
- Riot Helmet
- Riot Leggings
- Simple Pistol
- Sword
- with quality 180% - 360%
- Items Rare
The tier set "Items Rare" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.
- The item entry "" contains at least 1 and at most 2 of the following items.
- with quality 180% - 360%
- Very Rare
The tier set "Very Rare" contains exactly 1 of the following item entries.
- Ammo
The tier set "Ammo" contains at least 10 and at most 20 of the following item entries.
- Element - Chance 40%
- The item entry "Element" contains at least 1 and at most 3 of the following items.