Released - March 25th, 2019
- Ascendant Creature Unlock available in single player store for unlimited tame stats!
- Equus statue, Direwolf Rug & Manticore Helmet skin available in store
- Direwolves, Procoptodons & Chalicotheriums can wear helmets
- Tidy Save added to reduce save size for players with cloud storage limitations
- Griffin leveling & creature recolor available via God Console
- Revived creatures maintain spayed/neutered status
- Increased Griffin base weight 25%
- C4 decays after 15 minutes in PvX & PvXc game modes
- Removed Griffin level up prevention in God Console
- Unclaimed creatures can no longer mate
- Photo Mode Reporting disabled on Unofficial Servers
- Wild Raptors can no longer be carried in PvE & PvX game modes
- Unofficial Server Transfers now have a 7 day cooldown before being able to transfer back to the server you left
- Infinite weight exploit fixed with chairs, benches and turrets
- Dodo Skin Rug now re-sizes based on the size of the Dodo Implant
- Creature Implants no longer grant Potent Dust when ground. Ancient Amber now grants additional Potent Dust when ground.