ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
Mod Primal Fear This article is about content exclusive to the mod Primal Fear.
This content is only available if the mod is installed on a server or on single player.

Primal Fear Settings[]

All values given below are default values. Everything except ToxicDmgMultiplierTorpAmount CANNOT be set to 0, or else it reverts to the default amount

For these settings to work it must have the header:

Argument Effect
CelestialPowerStaminaDrop=501 How fast the stamina drops when using the celestial power-up ability (per second)
CelestialPowerTorporAdd=1000 How fast torpor increases when stamina is empty on celestials when using their power-up ability (per second)
ToxicDmgMultiplierTorpAmount=0 Additional Torpor that can be added to Toxics. The higher the number, the more torpor
ToxicTorpSpeedToAdd=.01 How long it takes for the extra added torpor to fully apply to creature. The lower the number, the faster it applies all torpor. The higher the number, the longer it builds up to max torpor per hit (in seconds)
CausticAOEDamage=250 The damage the caustic cloud does per interval to all creatures who are inside
CausticAOEDamageInterval=1 The interval time for damage to be applied to all creatures inside a caustic cloud (in seconds)
AlphaReaperKingPheromoneInterval=1200 The amount of time it takes for 1 Reaper King Pheromone to be created by an Alpha (in seconds)
ApexReaperKingPheromoneInterval=900 The amount of time it takes for 1 Reaper King Pheromone to be created by an Apex (in seconds)
PegasusEvolutionKillsRequired=250 Amount of kills required before a pegasus can evolve
StonePrimalForgeSpeedMultiplier=5 X times faster than the normal stone forge
AdvancedPrimalForgeSpeedMultiplier=10 X times faster than the normal industrial forge
DebugPegasusKills=0 turning this on will simply display a string at the top left corner every time you kill something. This string will display the required amount of kills set in the kills required config to ensure its working
PreventKamikazeDodoSpawn=false set to true to prevent Kamikaze dodos from spawning
CorruptItemQuantity=1 Default amount of items every time the interval is reached.
CorruptItemInterval=3600 Default interval (in seconds)
CorruptOutgoingDamageMultiplier=5 In Vanilla, Corrupted dinos do less damage overall, but destroy structures. I add this stat to bring their damage up, making them more powerful than non-corrupted version. (Default shown)
CorruptIncomingDamageMultiplier=.5 Corrupted dinos take less damage. Change this multiple to change how much damage they take.(Default shown)
CelestialBladeDamageMultiplier=1 This can increase or decrease the max base damage of the celestial blade. Cannot be 0
DemonicBladePowerUpMaxMultiplier=100 Change this to change what the final damage multiplier of the demonic blade can be once fully charged.
DemonicBladeMaxPowerUpTimeBeforeOverload=60 Change this to change the amount time before demonic blade overloads.
DemonicBladePowerUpOverloadDamage=5000000 Change this to change the amount of damage the demonic blade does when it overloads and explodes.
PrimalSmithySpeedMultiplier=5 Change this to change the crafting speed of the Primal Smithy.
PrimalTekBenchSpeedMultiplier=1 Change this to change the crafting speed of the Primal Tek Bench.
PrimalTekTurretDamageMultiplier=20 Change this to adjust the damage multiplier on the Primal Turrets.
PreventUnknownSubstanceUsage=false Change this to True to prevent the usage of Unknown Substance.
ClubTorchOfDestructionDamageMultiplier=500 Change this to adjust the damage the Club Torch of Destruction does.
ClubTorchOfDestructionPreventDamagingMetal=false Change this to True to prevent the ability of the Club Torch of Destruction to destroy structures.
CelestialArgentSpineDamageMultiplier=1 Change this from 0.001 to 5 to adjust the damage output by the Celestial Argentavis spine attack.
AllowDemonicBreeding=true Set to true to enable Demonic creatures to breed.
AllowCelestialBreeding=true Set to true to enable Celestial creatures to breed.
AllowChaosBreeding=true Set to true to enable Chaos creatures to breed.
AllowSpiritBreeding=true Set to true to enable Spirit creatures to breed.
SpiritProjAOEDamage=4500 Changing this changes the amount of damage that the Spirit creatures projectile AOE does.
SpiritProjAOEDamageInterval=0.25 Changing this alters how often the AOE goes off.
SpiritGuardianProjAOEDamage=35000 Changing this changes the amount of damage that the Spirit Guardians projectile does.
SpiritGuardianProjAOEDamageInterval=0.125 Changing this changes the amount of time that the ChaosGuardians projectile AOE goes off.
ChaosGuardianAOEDamage=35000 Changing this alters how often the Chaos Guardians passive AOE goes off.
ChaosGuardianAOEDamageInterval=0.0125 Changing this alters how often the passive AOE goes off.
ChaosAOEDamage=4500 Changing this changes the amount of damage that the Chaos creatures passive AOE does.
ChaosAOEDamageInterval=0.25 Changing this alters how often the AOE goes off.
ChaosDisablePassiveDamage=false Disables the chaos passive damage buff.
DemonicDisablePassiveDamage=false Disables the demonic passive damage buff that happens when powered up.
PlayerDefenseBuffDamageAllowed=0.0 Configure the rider protection buff. Default is 0.0, meaning the rider takes 0 damage. This can be any number. 0.1 is 10% damage, 1.0 is 100%, and you can go higher if you wish.

Primal Fear Boss Expansion[]

These settings are only if you have the Primal Fear Boss Expansion installed on your server or single player game.

For these settings to work it must have the header:

Argument Effect
PercentToTame=.2 The require health percentage for a boss to become tameable. Cannot be set to 0. If you wish to essentially disable it, make it .00000001 or something absurdly small. .2 = 20% health
AllowBossBreeding=false Enable this to allow boss breeding

Primal Fear Aberration Expansion[]

These settings are only if you have the Primal Fear Aberration Expansion installed on your server or single player game.

For these settings to work it must have the header:


Argument Effect
ReaperKingPheromoneInterval=1800 The amount of time it takes for 1 Reaper King Pheromone to be created by a PF Vanilla Reaper (in seconds. min 60)
AlphaReaperKingPheromoneInterval=1200 The amount of time it takes for 1 Reaper King Pheromone to be created by a PF Alpha Reaper (in seconds. min 60)
ApexReaperKingPheromoneInterval=900 The amount of time it takes for 1 Reaper King Pheromone to be created by a PF Apex Reaper (in seconds. min 60)
GlowPetRiderDismountBuffDeactivationTime=30 The amount of time the player has until the buff from riding your glowpet wears off (in seconds)

Primal Fear Noxious Creatures[]

These settings are only if you have the Primal Fear Noxious Expansion installed on your server or single player game.

For these settings to work it must have the header:

Argument Effect
WeightMultiplier=3 The multiplier this stat has on the vanilla stats
StamMultiplier=3 The multiplier this stat has on the vanilla stats
HealthMultiplier=3 The multiplier this stat has on the vanilla stats
DamageMultiplier=3 The multiplier this stat has on the vanilla stats
TorpMultiplier=3 The multiplier this stat has on the vanilla stats
ToxicDmgMultiplierTorpAmount=0 How much extra torpor should be added per hit for every noxious creature