This article is about the mod Super Structures. This content is only available by installing the mod on a server or on single player. |
Super Stuctures is a building mod for ARK: Survival Evolved, forked from the July 19th, 2019 version of Structures Plus and is actively maintained by Legendarsreign. The goal of the mod is to maintain everything from its previous state and continue to develop, patch bugs, and improve upon it by adding new features and structures in addition to what the mod originally had.
Building Parts[]
- SS Rope Ladder
- SS Sloped Thatch Roof
- SS Sloped Thatch Wall Left
- SS Sloped Thatch Wall Right
- SS Thatch Ceiling
- SS Thatch Door
- SS Thatch Doorframe
- SS Thatch Foundation
- SS Thatch Wall
- SS Dynamic Gate
- SS Dynamic Gateway
- SS Dynamic Wood Pillar
- SS Large Wood Pillar
- SS Large Wood Wall
- SS Medium Wood Pillar
- SS Ocean Wood Foundation
- SS Sloped Wood Roof
- SS Sloped Wood Wall Left
- SS Sloped Wood Wall Right
- SS Small Wood Pillar
- SS Wood Catwalk
- SS Wood Ceiling
- SS Wood Door
- SS Wood Doorframe
- SS Wood Double Door
- SS Wood Double Doorframe
- SS Wood Fence Foundation
- SS Wood Fence Support
- SS Wood Foundation
- SS Wood Gate
- SS Wood Gateway
- SS Wood Hatchframe
- SS Wood Ladder
- SS Wood Railing
- SS Wood Ramp
- SS Wood Trapdoor
- SS Wood Triangle Ceiling
- SS Wood Triangle Foundation
- SS Wood Triangle Roof
- SS Wood Wall
- SS Wood Window
- SS Wood Window Wall
- SS Wooden Spike Wall
- SS Wooden Staircase
- SS XL Wood Wall
- SS Behemoth Reinforced Trapdoor
- SS Behemoth Sloped Stone Hatchframe
- SS Behemoth Stone Hatchframe
- SS Dynamic Stone Pillar
- SS Large Reinforced Trapdoor
- SS Large Sloped Stone Hatchframe
- SS Large Stone Hatchframe
- SS Large Stone Pillar
- SS Large Stone Wall
- SS Medium Stone Pillar
- SS Reinforced Behemoth Gate
- SS Reinforced Door
- SS Reinforced Double Door
- SS Reinforced Gate
- SS Reinforced Trapdoor
- SS Reinforced Window
- SS Sloped Stone Roof
- SS Sloped Stone Wall Left
- SS Sloped Stone Wall Right
- SS Small Stone Pillar
- SS Stone Behemoth Gateway
- SS Stone Ceiling
- SS Stone Doorframe
- SS Stone Double Doorframe
- SS Stone Fence Foundation
- SS Stone Fence Support
- SS Stone Foundation
- SS Stone Gateway
- SS Stone Hatchframe
- SS Stone Pipe - Flexible
- SS Stone Pipe - Inclined
- SS Stone Pipe - Intake
- SS Stone Pipe - Intersection
- SS Stone Pipe - Straight
- SS Stone Pipe - Tap
- SS Stone Pipe - Vertical
- SS Stone Railing
- SS Stone Ramp
- SS Stone Staircase
- SS Stone Triangle Ceiling
- SS Stone Triangle Foundation
- SS Stone Triangle Roof
- SS Stone Wall
- SS Stone Window Wall
- SS XL Stone Wall
- SS Adobe Ceiling
- SS Adobe Door
- SS Adobe Doorframe
- SS Adobe Double Door
- SS Adobe Double Doorframe
- SS Adobe Fence Foundation
- SS Adobe Fence Support
- SS Adobe Foundation
- SS Adobe Gate
- SS Adobe Gateway
- SS Adobe Hatchframe
- SS Adobe Ladder
- SS Adobe Railing
- SS Adobe Ramp
- SS Adobe Staircase
- SS Adobe Trapdoor
- SS Adobe Triangle Ceiling
- SS Adobe Triangle Foundation
- SS Adobe Triangle Roof
- SS Adobe Wall
- SS Adobe Window
- SS Adobe Window Wall
- SS Behemoth Adobe Gate
- SS Behemoth Adobe Hatchframe
- SS Behemoth Adobe Trapdoor
- SS Behemoth Sloped Adobe Hatchframe
- SS Dynamic Adobe Pillar
- SS Large Adobe Hatchframe
- SS Large Adobe Pillar
- SS Large Adobe Trapdoor
- SS Large Adobe Wall
- SS Large Sloped Adobe Hatchframe
- SS Medium Adobe Pillar
- SS Sloped Adobe Roof
- SS Sloped Adobe Wall Left
- SS Sloped Adobe Wall Right
- SS Small Adobe Pillar
- SS XL Adobe Wall
- SS Greenhouse Ceiling
- SS Greenhouse Door
- SS Greenhouse Doorframe
- SS Greenhouse Double Door
- SS Greenhouse Double Doorframe
- SS Greenhouse Triangle Ceiling
- SS Greenhouse Triangle Roof
- SS Greenhouse Wall
- SS Greenhouse Window
- SS Sloped Greenhouse Roof
- SS Sloped Greenhouse Wall Left
- SS Sloped Greenhouse Wall Right
- SS Behemoth Metal Hatchframe
- SS Behemoth Metal Trapdoor
- SS Behemoth Sloped Metal Hatchframe
- SS Diagonal Electrical Cable
- SS Dynamic Metal Pillar
- SS Electrical Cable Intersection
- SS Flexible Electrical Cable
- SS Large Metal Hatchframe
- SS Large Metal Pillar
- SS Large Metal Trapdoor
- SS Large Metal Wall
- SS Large Sloped Metal Hatchframe
- SS Medium Metal Pillar
- SS Metal Behemoth Gate
- SS Metal Behemoth Gateway
- SS Metal Catwalk
- SS Metal Ceiling
- SS Metal Door
- SS Metal Doorframe
- SS Metal Double Door
- SS Metal Double Doorframe
- SS Metal Fence Foundation
- SS Metal Fence Support
- SS Metal Foundation
- SS Metal Gate
- SS Metal Gateway
- SS Metal Hatchframe
- SS Metal Ladder
- SS Metal Pipe - Flexible
- SS Metal Pipe - Inclined
- SS Metal Pipe - Intake
- SS Metal Pipe - Intersection
- SS Metal Pipe - Straight
- SS Metal Pipe - Tap
- SS Metal Pipe - Vertical
- SS Metal Railing
- SS Metal Ramp
- SS Metal Spike Wall
- SS Metal Staircase
- SS Metal Trapdoor
- SS Metal Triangle Ceiling
- SS Metal Triangle Foundation
- SS Metal Triangle Roof
- SS Metal Wall
- SS Metal Window
- SS Metal Window Wall
- SS Ocean Metal Foundation
- SS Sloped Metal Roof
- SS Sloped Metal Wall Left
- SS Sloped Metal Wall Right
- SS Small Metal Pillar
- SS Straight Electrical Cable
- SS Vertical Electrical Cable
- SS XL Metal Wall
- SS Behemoth Glass Trapdoor
- SS Glass Behemoth Gate
- SS Glass Catwalk
- SS Glass Ceiling
- SS Glass Door
- SS Glass Doorframe
- SS Glass Double Door
- SS Glass Double Doorframe
- SS Glass Foundation
- SS Glass Gate
- SS Glass Half Wall
- SS Glass Hatchframe
- SS Glass Ramp
- SS Glass Staircase
- SS Glass Trapdoor
- SS Glass Triangle Ceiling
- SS Glass Triangle Foundation
- SS Glass Triangle Roof
- SS Glass Wall
- SS Glass Window
- SS Large Glass Trapdoor
- SS Large Glass Wall
- SS Sloped Glass Roof
- SS Sloped Glass Wall Left
- SS Sloped Glass Wall Right
- SS XL Glass Wall
- SS Behemoth Sloped Tek Hatchframe
- SS Behemoth Tek Gate
- SS Behemoth Tek Gateway
- SS Behemoth Tek Hatchframe
- SS Behemoth Tek Trapdoor
- SS Dynamic Tek Pillar
- SS Forcefield Wall
- SS Large Forcefield Wall
- SS Large Sloped Tek Hatchframe
- SS Large Tek Hatchframe
- SS Large Tek Pillar
- SS Large Tek Trapdoor
- SS Large Tek Wall
- SS Medium Tek Pillar
- SS Moonpool Trapdoor
- SS Sloped Tek Roof
- SS Sloped Tek Wall Left
- SS Sloped Tek Wall Right
- SS Sloped Vacuum Compartment
- SS Small Tek Pillar
- SS Tek Bridge
- SS Tek Catwalk
- SS Tek Ceiling
- SS Tek Door
- SS Tek Doorframe
- SS Tek Double Door
- SS Tek Double Doorframe
- SS Tek Elevator
- SS Tek Fence Foundation
- SS Tek Fence Support
- SS Tek Foundation
- SS Tek Gate
- SS Tek Gateway
- SS Tek Hatchframe
- SS Tek Ladder
- SS Tek Railing
- SS Tek Ramp
- SS Tek Trapdoor
- SS Tek Triangle Ceiling
- SS Tek Triangle Foundation
- SS Tek Triangle Roof
- SS Tek Wall
- SS Tek Window
- SS Tek Windowframe
- SS Triangle Tek Elevator
- SS Vacuum Compartment
- SS Vacuum Compartment Door
- SS Vacuum Moonpool
- SS XL Forcefield Wall
- SS XL Tek Wall
Tek Glass[]
Internal Piping/Wiring[]
- SS Internal Piping - Pillar
- SS Internal Piping - Square
- SS Internal Piping - Triangle
- SS Internal Piping - Wall
- SS Internal Wiring - Pillar
- SS Internal Wiring - Square
- SS Internal Wiring - Triangle
- SS Internal Wiring - Wall
Additional Structures/Items[]
- SS Auto Crafter
- SS Beer Barrel
- SS Campfire
- SS Chemistry Bench
- SS Cooking Pot
- SS Crafting Station
- SS Dyeria
- SS Fabricator
- SS Industrial Cooker
- SS Industrial Forge
- SS Industrial Grill
- SS Industrial Grinder
- SS Laboratory
- SS Mortar and Pestle
- SS Refining Forge
- SS Smithy
- SS Tek Cooking Pot
- SS Tek Forge
- SS Tek Replicator
- SS Tek Stove
- SS Auto Turret
- SS Ballista Turret
- SS Cannon Turret
- SS Flame Turret
- SS Heavy Auto Turret
- SS Laser Turret
- SS Minigun Turret
- SS Rocket Turret
- SS Tranq Turret
- SS Tek Turret
Crop Plots[]
- SS Large Crop Plot
- SS Medium Crop Plot
- SS Small Crop Plot
- SS Seamless Crop Square
- SS Seamless Crop Triangle
- SS Tek Crop Plot
- File:Mod Super Structures SS Tek Triangle Crop Plot.png SS Tek Triangle Crop Plot
- SS Bookshelf
- SS Cryofridge
- SS Dedicated Storage
- SS Large Storage Box
- SS Metal Storage Box
- SS Preserving Bin
- SS Refrigerator
- SS Storage Box
- SS Tek Refrigerator
- SS Tek Storage
- SS Vault
- SS Elevator Call Button
- SS Large Elevator Platform
- SS Medium Elevator Platform
- SS Small Elevator Platform
- SS Small Elevator Track
- SS Air Conditioner
- SS Ammo Box
- SS Animal Tender
- SS Artifact Pedestal
- SS Blueprint Maker
- SS Bunk Bed
- SS Charge Injector
- SS Charge Station
- SS Cloning Chamber
- SS Compost Bin
- SS Converter
- SS Crystal Cracker
- SS Dedicated Storage Intake
- File:Mod Super Structures SS Dino Uplink.png SS Dino Uplink
- SS Domesticated Bee Hive
- SS Drone Terminal
- SS Egg Incubator
- SS Electrical Generator
- SS Electrical Outlet
- SS Element Catalyzer
- SS Farmer
- SS Feeding Trough
- SS Gacha Gavager
- SS Gardener
- SS Hatchery
- SS Hitching Post
- SS Hover Skiff
- SS Incinerator
- SS Item Collector
- SS Item Translocator
- SS Large Taxidermy Base
- SS Loadout Mannequin
- SS Mannequin
- SS Medium Taxidermy Base
- SS Metal Spike Wall
- SS Metal Water Tank
- SS Multi Lamp
- SS Mutator
- SS Nanny
- File:Mod Super Structures SS Noglin Nullifier.png SS Noglin Nullifier
- SS Planetary Shield
- SS Pressure Plate
- SS Repair Station
- SS Sheep Herder
- SS Shield Post
- SS Simple Bed
- SS Small Taxidermy Base
- SS Standing Torch
- SS Stone Fireplace
- SS Tek Gas Collector
- SS Tek Generator
- SS Tek Hitching Post
- SS Tek Jump Pad
- SS Tek Leash
- SS Tek Light
- SS Tek Sensor
- SS Tek Shield Generator
- SS Tek Sleeping Pod
- SS Tek Transmitter
- SS Tek Trough
- SS Teleporter
- SS Tree Sap Tap
- SS Trophy Wall Mount
- SS Vessel
- SS Vivarium
- SS Wall Torch
- SS Water Tank
- SS Wind Turbine
- SS Command Gun
- SS Demo Gun
- SS Construction Tool
- SS Euthanasia Gun
- SS Inventory Assistant
- File:Mod Super Structures SS Light Setter.png SS Light Setter
- File:Mod Super Structures SS Model Selector.png SS Model Selector
- SS Personal Teleporter
- SS Pillarator
- SS Remote
- SS Repair Gun
- SS Spray Painter
- SS Transfer Gun
- SS Transfer Tool
- SS Transparency Cycler
- SS Turret Configurator
- SS Underwater Tool
- SS Visibility Tool
General Information[]
This mod is compatible/works with the following vanilla configuration settings:
(SS Gateways respect this setting)LimitTurretsNum
(SS Turrets respect this setting)LimitTurretsRange
(SS Turrets respect this setting)
It is unknown whether -UseStructureStasisGrid
will work correctly with this mod. Use at your own risk.
Please see the Server Configuration Page for more information on these settings.
Integrated Resource Pulling[]
This tool adds 3 additional buttons and one number input box to the UI of everything with an inventory. It is very useful for moving large quantities of items around i.e. grabbing metal from an Anklyo into an Industrial Forge.
These tools will only grab resources from boxes, creatures, and crafting stations that are not in use.
Additional Information
- By default, there is a 1 second cooldown on Resource Pulling.
- Resource pulling respects "Tribe Activation Rank"
- You can add an * to a structure or dino name to prevent pulling from it
- Structures cannot be pulled from while they are crafting
INI Options
The UI that displays resources uses a default list of available options, however it can be modified using the below INI options.
Place these INI options at the bottom of your gameusersettings.ini (For servers, it has to be on the server) You must include the [SuperStructures] header. You only need to include this if you wish to override the defaults, and you only need to include entries that are different.
Name | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
PullResourceAdditions | This allows you to add any resource you wish to the pull resource / dedicated storage list. It is a comma separated list of nearly the entire spawn code. | Any resource | |
PullResourceRemovals | This allows you to remove items from the default resource pull / dedicated storage list. It is a comma separated list of nearly the entire spawn code. | Any resource | |
DisableResourcePulling | Disables the resource pull functionality. | true/false | false |
ResourcePullRangeInFoundations | Sets the distance crafting stations can pull from. | 1-100 | 25 |
ResourceTransferCooldown | Changes the time delay between pulls (affects the pull UI & the transfer tool) | 0.1-120 | 1 |
This would add Pelt and Ankylo Egg to the resource pull list (this can be any mod or vanilla item):
This would remove Pelt and Chitin from the resource pull list (this list can only contain items that are on the default list):
Important note: Adding items or removing them from the lists above affects the Integrated Resource Pulling, SS Dedicated Storage , SS Inventory Assistant resource lists, and the SS Dedicated Storage Intake /SS Dino Uplink blacklist resource selection lists.
Tool Radial Menu[]
Place these INI options at the bottom of your gameusersettings.ini (For servers, it has to be on the server) You must include the [SuperStructures] header. You only need to include this if you wish to override the defaults, and you only need to include entries that are different.
Name | Description | Possible Values | Default Value |
RadialToolBlacklist | Allows you to disable some or all of the tools in the radial menu. Comma separated list. | RemoveAllTools OR Command Tool,Euthanasia Gun,Pillarator,Remote,Demo Gun,Light Setter,Model Selector,Repair Gun,Transfer Gun,Transparency Cycler,Turret Configurator,Underwater Tool,Visibility Tool,Construction Tool |
This mod has limited support for additional languages including German, French, Russian, Czech, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, & Dutch.
Currently Translated:
- Radial Tool Menu
- All Tools/Guns
- SS Dedicated Storage Set Resource UI
- Pull UI
- Egg Incubator Stat Settings UI
- Hatchery Auto Send UI
- All SS production stations (e.g. Preserving Bin, Forge or Cooker) show all available recipes as blueprints within the station. These blueprints can be selected and used in conjunction with the resource grabbing tool to easily produce food using resources from multiple nearby containers.
- Note that for SS Preserving Bins in particular that the recipe blueprint does not automatically pull the additional Sparkpowder required to power the station.
Modified Building[]
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| ||
| ||
Structures Plus (S+) vs Super Structures (SS)[]
Important Differences[]
- SS has added support for additional languages such as German, French, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Simplified Chinese, & Dutch.
- Decay Destruction multipliers have all been equalized on SS Structures
- Many building pieces in SS still bear the same file names as their Homestead counterparts. Server Owners & Players were previously able to migrate from S+ (July 19th, 2019 version) to SS without losing their structures before the May 18th, 2020 S+ update, but the Homestead Conversion Issue still exists.
- Platforms Plus & Snappy Saddles have been integrated into S+, while SS has not integrated these mods.
- Structure Pickup is enabled by default in Super Structures, while it is disabled by default in Structures Plus.
- Super Structures has an INI option to enable/disable damaged structure pickup. (It is enabled by default). This is not the case in S+ and there is no configurable option to do so (as S+ relies on vanilla config pickup options and there is no vanilla config pickup option to do so)
- There are various configurable INI options that are not the same across the mods or have been renamed.
- The tools listed both exist in S+/SS. Super Structures tools such as the SS Visibility Tool or SS Demo Gun are separate tools (items) that be obtained via the Tool Radial Menu (with the exception of a few tools), while S+ has combined these tools into the S+ Omni Tool & S+ Multi-Tool .
Unique Items in Super Structures[]
Updated Models in Super Structures[]
The SS Item Collector was given a brand new model.