ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
The Center DLC This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: The Center
Steam Xbox One PS Epic Games Stadia This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia.
Northern Ice Cave
North Ice Cave Room2a
Cave in the Northern Snow Biome of The Center.
Interior Map

TheCenter Northern IceCave

The Center Topographic Map
18.7° Lat, 29.7° Lon
Artifact of the Clever
Artifact of the Clever
19.2° Lat, 24.2° Lon
Artifact of the Devourer
Artifact of the Devourer
24.0° Lat, 26.1° Lon

This cold cave features a rather lengthy underwater area at the entrance that must be traversed in order to reach the cave proper. It is extremely difficult to make the swim without a full set of SCUBA. Once inside the water, there are two main passageways leading to each artifact.

Note: Do NOT attempt to get the Artifact of the Clever without bringing Grappling Hooks. You will be trapped in the cave.

The Artifact of the Devourer is found down the higher of the two submerged passages (it is wider with no stalactites at the opening itself). After a lengthy swim, you will surface at a large cavern with high ceilings and ruined columns. Advanced through this cave up either of two staircases to reach the artifact.

The Artifact of the Clever is found down the lower of the two submerged passages (it has more stalactites around the opening, which is easy to miss). At the end of a long swim, you will come to a large room surrounded by ancient columns. A tunnel leads away from the room that branches into an upper and lower path. The upper path loops back to the large room with the columns, while the lower path takes you to a sheer drop-off. You must Parachute or Grapple down the hole to reach the Artifact. Do NOT take any mounts down the drop-off as they WILL be trapped. Follow the cave to the large artifact room while avoiding the water. After you retrieve the artifact, double back to the drop-off. You will need to climb back out from the way you came with your Grappling Hooks.


  • Extreme Cold
  • Dangerous Heights
  • Risk of drowning
  • Entrapment

Recommended Equipment[]

Tips / Notes[]

  • Watch your step; as soon as you enter the cave, there is a ridge with a high drop to the left of the cave.
  • There is a drop-off inside the cave (on the way to the Artifact of the Clever) where you won't be able to walk mounts out of. Should you take mounts down, you will either have to build a ramp, use a cryopod, or leave them there.
  • Although ground mounts are unable to be taken down the sheer drop on the way to the Artifact of the Clever, flying mounts are still able to get back and forth without any trouble.
  • The same drop-off will require you to use a Grappling Hook or build a very tall structure to exit the cave with the artifact.
  • Players will encounter nothing other than some resources, Artifact and 2 potential loot crates after the drop-down as no creature will spawn beyond this point.
  • Castoroides makes an excellent animal to bring into the cave, as it can traverse the land portions but also make the underwater passages without drowning. Be sure to bring Sweet Vegetable Cakes and plenty of berries or other food for the beaver. If you bring metal ingots and fiber you'll also be able to repair your fur armor as you go using the saddle (hides and pelts can be harvested in the cave).


Compatible Tamed Creatures[]


  • Any creature with an Oxygen Oxygen stat (except for Castoroides) has a very high chance of drowning during the underwater portion. (Shoulder-mounts will not drown as long as they remain on your shoulder.)
  • Any creature (excluding shoulder-mounts) taken into the 'descent' on the way to the Artifact of the Clever will be trapped unless you are able to build an Elevator or large ramp (Requires AllowCaveBuildingPvE for PvE servers.)

This table is incomplete.
You can help us by adding the tamed creatures you know can enter the cave. If the creature can't enter, please exclude it.

Accessibility Ratings:

  • Excellent: Full-Cave Access (Entrance-to-Artifact)
  • Limited: Can Access Portions of the Cave Safely
  • Not Recommended: Can Get Stuck/Unable to Leave Cave
Creature Accessibility Rideable Notes
Allosaurus Allosaurus Limited Yes
Ankylosaurus Ankylosaurus Limited Yes
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Argentavis Argentavis Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Arthropluera Arthropluera Limited Yes
Baryonyx Baryonyx Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Beelzebufo Beelzebufo Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Carbonemys Carbonemys Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Carno Carno Limited Yes
Castoroides Castoroides Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Chalicotherium Chalicotherium Limited Yes
Compy Compy Limited No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole pack.
Daeodon Daeodon Limited Yes
Dilophosaur Dilophosaur Limited No
Dimetrodon Dimetrodon Limited No
Dimorphodon Dimorphodon Limited No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
Diplocaulus Diplocaulus Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Dire Bear Dire Bear Limited Yes
Direwolf Direwolf Limited Yes
Dodo Dodo Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Doedicurus Doedicurus Limited Yes
Dung Beetle Dung Beetle Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Equus Equus Limited Yes
Gallimimus Gallimimus Limited Yes
Gigantopithecus Gigantopithecus Limited Yes
Ichthyornis Ichthyornis Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Iguanodon Iguanodon Limited Yes
Jerboa Jerboa Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Kairuku Kairuku Excellent No
  •  No chance of drowning. 
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Kaprosuchus Kaprosuchus Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Kentrosaurus Kentrosaurus Limited No
Lymantria Lymantria Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Lystrosaurus Lystrosaurus Limited No
Mammoth Mammoth Limited Yes
Mantis Mantis Limited Yes
Megaloceros Megaloceros Limited Yes
Megalosaurus Megalosaurus Limited Yes
Mesopithecus Mesopithecus Limited No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
Microraptor Microraptor Limited No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Morellatops Morellatops Limited Yes
Onyc Onyc Limited No
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels.
Oviraptor Oviraptor Limited No
Ovis Ovis Limited Yes
Pachy Pachy Limited Yes
Pachyrhinosaurus Pachyrhinosaurus Limited Yes
Parasaur Parasaur Limited Yes
Pelagornis Pelagornis Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Phiomia Phiomia Limited Yes
Procoptodon Procoptodon Limited Yes
Pteranodon Pteranodon Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Purlovia Purlovia Limited No
Quetzal Quetzal Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Raptor Raptor Limited Yes
Rex Rex Limited Yes
  •  Cannot pass underwater tunnels.
Sabertooth Sabertooth Limited Yes
Sarco Sarco Excellent Yes
  •  No chance of drowning.
Scorpion Scorpion Limited Yes
Spider Spider Limited Yes
Spino Spino Limited Yes
  •  Low chance of drowning. 
  •  Wild creatures here will not attack unless attacked first.  
  •  Can not fit into tunnel leading to Artifact of the Clever however can access the Artifact of the Devourer
Stego Stego Limited Yes
Tapejara Tapejara Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Terror Bird Terror Bird Limited Yes
Therizinosaur Therizinosaur Limited Yes
Thorny Dragon Thorny Dragon Limited Yes
Thylacoleo Thylacoleo Excellent Yes
  •  High base oxygen and a fast swimmer with excellent maneuverability.  
  •  Please note it is NOT ABLE to climb back out of the descent to the Clever. v257.54 Tested, was able to climb out but tricky.
Trike Trike Limited Yes
Troodon Troodon Limited No
Vulture Vulture Limited No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
Woolly Rhino Woolly Rhino Limited Yes
Wyvern Wyvern Limited Unofficial/
  •  Cannot enter underwater tunnels. 
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.


