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Northern East Badlands
Northern East Badlands (Scorched Earth)

The Northern East Badlands is a region in Scorched Earth.


The Northern East Badlands is an area covered in low amounts of vegetation, almost no water, an abundant supply of metal nodes, and large dinosaur fossils scattered about quite frequently. In addition, the Badlands are the sole source of oil veins, making it a sought-after locale for industrial applications. One could build their home in the Northern East Badlands, however it is incredibly dangerous and not exactly recommended. Due to it having the only sources of oil veins, the Northern East Badlands is a perfect location to build industrial complexes.

The Northern East Badlands are elevated above the Low Desert, and surround the Green Obelisk, with one of the Oasis beneath it. Without a fast and easy way to travel up and downhill, one will have to navigate their way around the rocky terrain. To the west are the Canyons, and to the east are the Dunes.






From local creatures[]

