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Scorched Earth DLC This article is about content exclusive to the DLC: Scorched Earth
Steam Xbox One PS Epic Games Stadia This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia.
Old Tunnels
The Old Tunnels Catacomb ScE
Cave in the central canyons of the Scorched Earth map.
Interior Map

The Old Tunnels (Scorched Earth) Cavemap

Scorched Earth Topographic Map
58.6° Lat, 47.7° Lon
Artifact of the Gatekeeper
Artifact of the Gatekeeper
58.2° Lat, 43.4° Lon

The Old Tunnels is a Cave in the central canyons of the Scorched Earth map.

The Artifact of the Gatekeeper Artifact of the Gatekeeper and a Scorched Spike Skin Scorched Spike Skin can be found in the artifact crate.


  • Extreme Heat
  • Dangerous Heights

Recommended Equipment[]


  • Partway inside, the cave requires you to crawl to continue. Therefore, most creatures cannot enter or leave the inner portions of the cave.
  • Be prepared to possibly encounter a rare Rubble Golem Rubble Golem (a variant of the Rock Elemental Rock Elemental). Extreme caution should be taken around them, and conflict is best avoided on-foot.
  • A Phoenix Phoenix is an excellent mount for this cave. It's small enough to enter and exit, it's a living torch, and its fireball attack can be used to temporarily light up a section ahead of you like a flare, though it can only be used on unofficial/singleplayer.
  • If a Megalania Megalania is tamed past the small hole before the artifact room it can't leave normally, you must use wall-climbing in an awkward angle to climb out.
  • Using a large amount of Raptors can easily clear out the dangers of the cave after you have reached the artifact, but be aware of the possible Rubble Golem. Near the end of the cave, where the artifact is, there are some jumps and a narrow bit of rock that acts as a path. At this point, it is best that you leave all but one, strong raptor near the part where it gets narrow and take the artifact and go. Be careful not to fall, it's a long drop that brings you to resources such as Metal and Sulfur. If you do not have access to a strong raptor, or any raptor at all, bring grappling hooks as it is most likely that the jumps are impossible on foot (requires further testing). It is recommended that you do use a strong raptor - or any other strong jumping mount - as there maybe more creatures spawning near the artifact. If you do decide to bring a using very large amounts of Raptors, there is no need to bring anything more than basic gear.
  • This may be a bug, but when you encounter the gold picture of 7 figures and an obliesk, rarely a loot crate may spawn directly next to it. Due to the strange physics and where you cannot go into the picture, do not be bothered to take the loot crate. It is impossible (encountered on Xbox, version 805.3(ish)).
  • Creatures may spawn in small numbers when you enter the cave. Upon reaching the artifact chamber and going back through the small entrance to the chamber, the creatures will spawn more frequently then before. Do not be tricked by this, and bring tames such as Raptors to swarm opponents.


Compatible Tamed Creatures[]

This table is incomplete.
You can help us by adding the tamed creatures you know can enter the cave. If the creature can't enter, please exclude it.

Accessibility Ratings:

  • Excellent: Full-Cave Access (Entrance-to-Artifact)
  • Limited: Can Access Portions of the Cave Safely
  • Not Recommended: Can Get Stuck/Unable to Leave Cave
Creature Accessibility Rideable Notes
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Argentavis Argentavis Limited Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Carnotaurus Carnotaurus Limited Yes
Compy Compy Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole pack.
Daeodon Daeodon Excellent Yes
Dimorphodon Dimorphodon Excellent No
  •  Can keep one on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
Direwolf Direwolf Excellent Yes
Doedicurus Doedicurus Limited Yes
Dodo Dodo Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Dung Beetle Dung Beetle Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Ichthyornis Ichthyornis Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Hesperornis Hesperornis Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player or bring a whole flock.
Hyaenodon Hyaenodon Excellent No
Jerboa Jerboa Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Kairuku Kairuku Excellent No
  •  Can be carried in and out by player.
Lymantria Lymantria Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Mantis Mantis Limited Yes
Megalania Megalania Limited Yes
Mesopithecus Mesopithecus Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole troop.
Microraptor Microraptor Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole flock.
Otter Otter Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
Pachyrhinosaurus Pachyrhinosaurus Limited Yes
Parasaur Parasaur Limited Yes
  •  Can ride inside but only up to the small entrance leading to the big room.
Pegomastax Pegomastax Excellent No
  •  Can be carried on shoulder.
Phoenix Phoenix Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Pteranodon Pteranodon Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Raptor Raptor Excellent Yes
Sabertooth Sabertooth Excellent Yes
Tapejara Tapejara Excellent Unofficial/
  •  Official Servers: Cannot mount in cave. 
  •  Unofficial/Single-Player: Requires server setting -ForceAllowCaveFlyers to mount.
Terror Bird Terror Bird Excellent Yes
Thorny Dragon Thorny Dragon Limited Yes
Thylacoleo Thylacoleo Limited Yes
Troodon Troodon Excellent No
Vulture Vulture Excellent No
  •  Can keep on shoulder or bring a whole flock.


