ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Jun 2, 2015
Xbox One 729.0
Dec 16, 2015
PS 501.0
Dec 6, 2016
Logo Mobile 1.0
May 24, 2018
Nintendo Switch 599.0
Nov 30, 2018
Epic Games 311.74
Jun 11, 2020
Stadia 678.15
Sep 1, 2021
Spawn Command
cheat summon Phiomia_Character_BP_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Phiomia/Phiomia_Character_BP.Phiomia_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Variant Phiomia (Gauntlet2)
cheat summon Phiomia_Character_BP_STA_C
cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis2/Missions/ModularMission/Gauntlet2/STA/Dinos/Phiomia_Character_BP_STA.Phiomia_Character_BP_STA'" 500 0 0 35
Taming Method
Preferred Kibble
Preferred Food
Phiomia Saddle Phiomia Saddle (Level ?)
Gestation Time
9h 55m 14.285s
Baby Time
4h 52m 23.86s
Juvenile Time
19h 29m 35.438s
Adolescent Time
1d 21m 59.298s
Total Maturation Time
2d 43m 58.596s
Breeding Interval
18h - 2d

The Phiomia (Fee-o-me-ah) is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Basic Info[]


This section is intended to be an exact copy of what the survivor Helena Walker, the author of the dossiers, has written. There may be some discrepancies between this text and the in-game creature.


Phiomia ignavus


Late Eocene - Early Oligocene






Phiomia ignavus is another of the Island's generally docile herd animals. They are small enough that almost any predator can bring them down but large enough to provide plenty of meat. Were it not for the protection of the herd and their instinct to run from any predator, these would almost certainly be hunted to extinction. Phiomia's tusks and trunk make it especially suited to scavenging plantlife from the ground. It uses its tusks to dig up loose plantlife, then uses its stubby trunk to scoop the foliage into its mouth. Adult Phiomia often dig up food for their young, and watching a baby Phiomia attempt to use its trunk can be quite amusing.


While it is completely possible to ride a Phiomia around, they are a meager choice. They work very well, however, as pack-mules. If you feed the Phiomia a stimberry, it serves as a laxative in the creature's digestive system. Knowing this, tribal communities often keep a herd of these as livestock to produce mass quantities of fertilizer.


Phiomia will run away from the player when attacked. Without any increases in the player's movement speed stat, he/she will be easily outpaced until the creature thinks it's safe and stops running. When chasing a Phiomia, it is best to be near rocks or below cliffs, as Phiomia will run into these barriers and be cornered.

These creature have an extremely fast metabolism; any food in their inventory will disappear very quickly, and combined with their inability to gather berries, feeding them can pose a challenge to low level players who ordinarily collect food by hand. It is recommended not to tame a Phiomia until a player has first tamed a berry gathering animal such as a Moschops.


A pig-like elephant relative. It mainly comes in black, greys, and muddy brown or red colors with spots along parts of its upper body, and it has tusks with a trunk that looks stunted. It can be best described as a very bulky tapir with tusks.

Color Scheme and Regions[]

This section displays the Phiomia's natural colors and regions. For demonstration, the regions below are colored red over an albino Phiomia. The colored squares shown underneath each region's description are the colors that the Phiomia will randomly spawn with to provide an overall range of its natural color scheme. Hover your cursor over a color to display its name and ID.

This information can be used to alter the Phiomia's regions by entering cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ColorID> in the cheat console. For instance, cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6 would color the Phiomia's "body" magenta.

Phiomia PaintRegion0
Region 0:
X mark

Region 1 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark

Region 2 is not used
for this Creature.

X mark

Region 3 is not used
for this Creature.

Phiomia PaintRegion4
Region 4:
Spots 1
Phiomia PaintRegion5
Region 5:
Spots 2


Base Stats and Growth[]

Attribute Base Value Level Increase Taming Bonus
Wild Tamed Additive Multiplicative
Health Health 300 +60 +5.4% 0.07
Stamina Stamina 300 +30 +10%
Oxygen Oxygen 150 +15 +10%
Food Food 3000 +300 +10% 15%
Weight Weight 200 +4 +4%
Melee Damage Melee Damage 10 +0.5 +1.7% 14% 17.6%
Movement Speed Movement Speed 100% N/A +1% 35%
Torpidity Torpidity 240 +14.4 N/A 0.5
Base Speed Sprinting Speed Stamina
Wild Tamed1 Tamed2 Wild Tamed1 Tamed2
Walking 150 ? ? 915.75 555 749.25 20
Swimming 300 ? ? ? ? ? ?
  • 1These are the base speeds of the creature at 100% Movement Speed.
  • 2These are the speeds of the creature tamed and non-imprinted.
  • For a comparison of the speeds of all creatures, see Base Creature Speeds.
Attack Values
Melee Stamina Cost Attack Range Description
Base Minimum Activation Using the Left Mousebutton (PC), R2 Button (PS), RT Button (Xbox One), the Phiomia attacks the target.
0 280 0 0
Attack Type Damage Projectile Values Torpor Values Status Effect: Stamina Status Effect: Torpidity
Life Impulse Radius Base Mult Duration Damage Mult Amount Duration Damage Mult Amount
Melee 10

Wild Stats Level-up

Type in values of a wild creature to see on which stats it's emphasized. Green values on a high-level creature are very good for breeding. If you have already tamed your creature you can try to recover the breeding stats with an external tool.[1]


The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives: Apps

Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed.


For general info about domesticating a wild creature see Taming.

KO Strategy[]

Once a Phiomia is attacked, it'll flee with haste, but it will often run into rocks, cornering itself for you. It is highly recommended that you craft a Bola and throw it at the Phiomia before you attack it. The bola will prevent it from fleeing, giving you time to knock it out. Phiomia are relatively easy to tame, and you can easily knock them out with your fists or by using a slingshot to the head. If you have access to better knockout methods, such as the crossbow with tranq arrows, then you will easily knock it out with just a few headshots.

Taming Food[]

Phiomia Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 2 0 0 0 0:00:22
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 20 0 0 0 0:02:40
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 20 0 0 0 0:02:40
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 20 0 0 0 0:02:40
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 20 0 0 0 0:05:20
Mejoberry Mejoberry 27 0 0 0 0:02:42
Berries Berries 40 0 0 0 0:02:40
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 24; Slingshot Hits × 10; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 3; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 2; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:13:20
Phiomia Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 5 0 0 0 0:00:54
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 47 0 0 0 0:06:16
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 47 0 0 0 0:06:16
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 47 0 0 0 0:06:16
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 47 0 0 0 0:12:32
Mejoberry Mejoberry 63 0 0 0 0:06:18
Berries Berries 94 0 0 0 0:06:16
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 66; Slingshot Hits × 27; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 8; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 5; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 0.5 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:21:59
Phiomia Level 60 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 8 0 0 0 0:01:26
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 75 0 0 0 0:10:00
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 75 0 0 0 0:10:00
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 75 0 0 0 0:10:00
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 75 0 0 0 0:20:00
Mejoberry Mejoberry 100 0 0 0 0:10:00
Berries Berries 150 0 0 0 0:10:00
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 109; Slingshot Hits × 45; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 13; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 7; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3
Torpidity-depletion: 0.66 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:27:55
Phiomia Level 90 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 11 0 0 0 0:01:58
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 104 0 0 0 0:13:52
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 104 0 0 0 0:13:52
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 104 0 0 0 0:13:52
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 104 0 0 0 0:27:44
Mejoberry Mejoberry 138 0 0 0 0:13:48
Berries Berries 207 0 0 0 0:13:48
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 153; Slingshot Hits × 63; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 17; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 10; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 7; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 4
Torpidity-depletion: 0.79 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:32:14
Phiomia Level 120 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 14 0 0 0 0:02:30
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 132 0 0 0 0:17:36
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 132 0 0 0 0:17:36
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 132 0 0 0 0:17:36
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 132 0 0 0 0:35:12
Mejoberry Mejoberry 175 0 0 0 0:17:30
Berries Berries 263 0 0 0 0:17:32
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 196; Slingshot Hits × 80; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 22; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 13; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 9; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 5
Torpidity-depletion: 0.92 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:35:37
Phiomia Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Basic Kibble Basic Kibble 16 0 0 0 0:02:51
Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) Fresh Barley (Primitive Plus) 160 0 0 0 0:21:20
Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) Fresh Wheat (Primitive Plus) 160 0 0 0 0:21:20
Soybean (Primitive Plus) Soybean (Primitive Plus) 160 0 0 0 0:21:20
Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) Dried Wheat (Primitive Plus) 160 25 6 3 0:42:40
Mejoberry Mejoberry 213 0 0 0 0:21:18
Berries Berries 319 0 0 0 0:21:16
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 239; Slingshot Hits × 98; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 27; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 16; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 11; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 6
Torpidity-depletion: 1.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:38:24

Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 1 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 30 0 0 0 0:03:00
Berries Berries 45 0 0 0 0:03:00
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 10 0 0 0 0:01:00
Berries Berries 15 0 0 0 0:01:00
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 1 0 0 0 0:00:06
Berries Berries 2 0 0 0 0:00:08
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 1 0 0 0 0:00:06
Berries Berries 1 0 0 0 0:00:04
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 24; Slingshot Hits × 10; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 3; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 2; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 1; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 1
Torpidity-depletion: 0.3 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:13:20
Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 30 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 72 0 0 0 0:07:12
Berries Berries 108 0 0 0 0:07:12
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 24 0 0 0 0:02:24
Berries Berries 36 0 0 0 0:02:24
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 3 0 0 0 0:00:18
Berries Berries 4 0 0 0 0:00:16
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 1 0 0 0 0:00:06
Berries Berries 1 0 0 0 0:00:04
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 66; Slingshot Hits × 27; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 8; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 5; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 4; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 3; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 2
Torpidity-depletion: 0.5 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:21:59
Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 75 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 136 0 0 0 0:13:36
Berries Berries 204 0 0 0 0:13:36
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 46 0 0 0 0:04:36
Berries Berries 68 0 0 0 0:04:32
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 5 0 0 0 0:00:30
Berries Berries 7 0 0 0 0:00:28
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 1 0 0 0 0:00:06
Berries Berries 1 0 0 0 0:00:04
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 131; Slingshot Hits × 54; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 15; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 9; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 8; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 6; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 6; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 3
Torpidity-depletion: 0.72 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:30:13
Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 150 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 243 0 0 0 0:24:18
Berries Berries 365 0 0 0 0:24:20
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 81 0 0 0 0:08:06
Berries Berries 122 0 0 0 0:08:08
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 9 0 0 0 0:00:54
Berries Berries 13 0 0 0 0:00:52
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 1 0 0 0 0:00:06
Berries Berries 1 0 0 0 0:00:04
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 239; Slingshot Hits × 98; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 27; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 16; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 14; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 10; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 11; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 6
Torpidity-depletion: 1.04 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:38:24
Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 300 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 458 0 0 0 0:45:48
Berries Berries 686 0 0 0 0:45:44
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 153 0 0 0 0:15:18
Berries Berries 229 0 0 0 0:15:16
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 16 0 0 0 0:01:36
Berries Berries 23 0 0 0 0:01:32
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 2 0 0 0 0:00:12
Berries Berries 2 0 0 0 0:00:08
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 455; Slingshot Hits × 186; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 51; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 29; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 26; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 19; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 21; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 11
Torpidity-depletion: 1.59 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:47:50
Soothing Balm Phiomia Level 450 Narcoberry Narcotic Bio Toxin Time
Values without Soothing Balm Mejoberry Mejoberry 672 122 30 15 1:07:12
Berries Berries 1008 122 30 15 1:07:12
Minor Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 224 0 0 0 0:22:24
Berries Berries 336 0 0 0 0:22:24
Regular Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 23 0 0 0 0:02:18
Berries Berries 34 0 0 0 0:02:16
Major Soothing Balm (Mobile) Mejoberry Mejoberry 2 0 0 0 0:00:12
Berries Berries 3 0 0 0 0:00:12
KO: Wooden Club Hits × 671; Slingshot Hits × 274; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Bow × 75; Tranquilizer Arrows with a Crossbow × 43; Toxicant Arrows with a Bow × 38; Toxicant Arrows with a Compound Bow × 28; Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 31; Shocking Tranquilizer Dart Shots × 16
Torpidity-depletion: 2.08 / s, Time until all torpidity is depleted: 00:53:47

Note that the values are for optimal cases, always bring extra supplies!
For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator.

Ingredients for Basic Kibble Basic Kibble: 10 × Amarberry Amarberry, 1 × Cooked Meat, Cooked Fish Meat, or Cooked Meat Jerky Cooked Meat, Cooked Fish Meat, or Cooked Meat Jerky, 1 × Extra Small Egg Extra Small Egg, 5 × Fiber Fiber, 5 × Mejoberry Mejoberry, 10 × Tintoberry Tintoberry, 1 × Water Water


This section describes how to fight against the Phiomia.


Phiomias are incapable of fighting back, so any confrontation is strictly one-sided. The Phiomia employs great speed in the battle, able to get away from most players that have a mount. If trapped, ambushed or bitten by powerful mounts, their demise is all but certain.


If the player stands facing diagonally into their shoulder, they should move forward and keep hitting. Moving into their shoulder seems to lock them in place moving opposite you. Use a pick, axe or sword as the pike or spears knock it back, which loses the advantage. Otherwise, try to kill it before it puts distance in between you and it. Another option is using the terrain: Urge it that way so that it will run right to a wall which can`t be climbed. That will work with any skittish dino that can`t fly.


It is recommended to start with a violent flurry of stabs with either a sword, pike or spear. If it persists to survive, kill it from afar with ranged weaponry.


The Phiomia itself cannot harm the players, but beware of other animals. A running Phiomia can sometimes be the only signal that a large animal is running in your direction. Take note of these occurrences especially around areas known to harbor deadly animals. Severely bloodied Phiomias likely suffered run-ins with big animals like a Rex.


The Phiomia cannot fight back or harm the player in any way. As long as it is the only animal around, killing it is extremely easy.



  • Travel:
  • Transport:
  • ATV: While it takes a while to level up enough to be viable, during the early game it can be a method of transport. If all points are put into movement speed, it does become decently quick. As a bonus it has a decent swim speed, equal to that of a player with no points in speed. Get a high level and it'll be able to maintain this speed for a while, with decent weight as well.(Level Speed exclusively)
  • Cargo: While they can't carry as much as some later-game mounts, they make good pack animals for early players (Level Health and Weight).
  • Fertilizer: A Phiomia produces more Medium Animal Feces Medium Animal Feces than other domesticated creatures. This makes them ideal animals to have when trying to maximize fertilizer production. Feed them Stimberry Stimberries and they will produce a very high amount of feces [2] (Level up food)
  • Torpor Tank: Having a high torpor for something their size, they can serve as a tank in the early-game for taking on either the tranquilizing dinos of the swamp, or for distracting a scorpion or spider while the owner takes care of the threat. (Level up Health).

In Primitive Plus[]


Resource Efficiency
Thatch Thatch ★★★☆☆
Wood Wood ★★☆☆☆


For information pertaining specifically to the real-world Phiomia, see the relevant Wikipedia article.

  • Phiomias are unable to gather Berries Berries.
  • Phiomia are an early member of the group Proboscidae, which contains modern elephants. The exact purpose of their tusk arrangement is uncertain, but they possibly used them to scoop up food or scrape bark from trees.
  • Although the dossier indicates the Phiomia of being used as a farm animal for meat, though this use was never really implemented (excluding Primitive Plus) other than its use of Feces Feces. Alternatively, the Ovis Ovis actually works mechanically as a farm animal much better, giving Wool Wool and Raw Mutton Raw Mutton.
  • Despite being a type of Proboscidean (a group that includes elephants, mammoths, and relatives), the Phiomia is often refered by players as a "Pig".
  • Despite being an early-game weak creature, the phiomia has an incredibly long maturation time when raised from a baby, taking longer than even the majority of late-game creatures.
    • As of v312.65 however, the Phiomia maturation time has been dramatically lowered.
  • Real Phiomia were a social animal that lived in herds, Ark's Phiomia can be found alone most of the time but on occasion they can be seen together.
  • The Phiomia is one of the original creatures that existed in ARK when it was first released to the public in alpha.


Patch Changes
180.0 Added a unique model for the Phiomia Saddle Phiomia Saddle
188.1 Phiomias can now poop, as intended
252.7 Herbivores buffed to have a 55% explosion resistance and a 65% fire resistance
252.8 Herbivore explosion resistance reduced from 55% to 40%
312.65 Reduced Phiomia maturation time. Now matches the Ovis Ovis


