Spawn Command
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/BaseBPs/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockHairstyle_Head_Romantic.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockHairstyle_Head_Romantic'" 1 0 0
The Romantic Head Hair Style is a Hairstyle that can be accessed via Scissors once it is unlocked.
This skin can be unlocked by completing the Map Maker Achievement.
Map Maker Uncover more than 80% of the Mini-Map. |
- Prior to 258.0 and the current Achievements, this item was exclusively craftable during the ARK Valentine's Day Event. It was craftable in a Cooking Pot with 5 × Box o' Chocolates. Box o' Chocolates were obtained by mating tamed creatures.