ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

The ARK: Survival Evolved dedicated server has a wide variety of configuration options that control its behavior and adjust many aspects of the game. These are options that can only be set at server startup.

Most options can be specified on the command line when launching the server or in the server's configuration files. Options that must be specified on the command line are noted below.

Command Line


The server is currently launched via the command line using the following syntax to specify runtime options:

<executable> <map_name>?listen[?<option>=<value>][?<option>=<value>]...[?<option>=<value>] -UseBattleye [<Argument>]

Following the <executable> name, options are specified as a single string with each option separated by a question mark (?). Most options require a value argument. Refer to the option reference below for more details.

When an option is not specified, its default value is used automatically.


To launch a server that:

  1. shows each player a crosshair
  2. shows each player their position on the map
  3. allows players to view themselves in third person
  4. enforces a minimum distance between player structures built by different players and tribes
  5. enables BattlEye

On a Linux host:

./ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=True?MapPlayerLocation=True?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?TheMaxStructuresInRange=100 -UseBattlEye

On a Windows host:

start ShooterGameServer.exe "TheIsland?listen?ServerCrosshair=True?AllowThirdPersonPlayer=True?MapPlayerLocation=True?TheMaxStructuresInRange=100" -UseBattlEye

On Windows, quotation marks (") are used to ensure the command shell does not attempt to interpret any options itself.

Map names

Map Name for dedicated servers
The Island TheIsland
The Center TheCenter
Scorched Earth ScorchedEarth_P
Ragnarok Ragnarok
Aberration Aberration_P
Extinction Extinction
Valguero Valguero_P
Genesis: Part 1 Genesis
Crystal Isles CrystalIsles
Genesis: Part 2 Gen2
Lost Island LostIsland
Fjordur Fjordur

For modded maps check their Workshop pages or contact the author for the exact name.

Command line arguments

These options may be only specified on the command line. For the syntax see above. Options starting with a ? (question mark) are appended directly one after another, options starting with a - (dash) have to be noted separately.

For Single Player: Right click in your Steam client on the game's name in the Library, choose Properties, tab General, button "Set Launch Options...", enter the options. But some options won't work this way, especially these starting with a ? (question mark). Try to put them into the section [ServerSettings] of the GameUserSettings.ini (for the location of this file see Configuration Files).

Argument Platform Effect
-allcores ? ?
-UseDynamicConfig all enables the use of the dynamic config, if you dont provide a customdynamicconfigurl the server will use the default dynamic config for that platform (the one used on official server)
NOTE: Unless you force an immediate update using the ForceUpdateDynamicConfig command, it takes about 15 minutes for the config to take effect after the file has been changed. When you want to "undo" the config you should be changing it back to whatever your default is.
Introduced in patch 307.2
?customdynamicconfigurl="<link>" all direct link to config file e.g.: ;
currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, EggHatchSpeedMultiplier, BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier, CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier, MatingSpeedMultiplier, BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier, BabyImprintAmountMultiplier, CustomRecipeEffectivenessMultiplier, TributeItemExpirationSeconds, TributeDinoExpirationSeconds, EnableFullDump, GUseServerNetSpeedCheck, bUseAlarmNotifications, HexagonRewardMultiplier and NPCReplacements.
Introduced in patch 307.2
?CustomLiveTuningUrl="<link>" PC direct link to the LiveTuning file e.g.: ; currently only allows to change the values of DecayDestructionPeriod & DecayDestructionPeriodMultiplier for any items in the game, for more information on how to use this system check out the official announcement:
-allowansel ? Activates NVIDIA Ansel support, in single player. When connecting to a server, this will cause most lights (lamps) to no longer function, even when powered and lit.
Introduced in patch 246.0
?AllowAnyoneBabyImprintCuddle=true Use this if you want ANYONE to be able to "take care" of a Baby Dino (cuddle etc.), not just whomever Imprinted on it.
?AllowCrateSpawnsOnTopOfStructures=true Servers can now allow from-the-air Supply Crates to appear on top of Structures, rather than being prevented by Structures.
?AllowFlyerCarryPvE=true Flyers on PvE can carry wild dinos.
?AllowFlyingStaminaRecovery=false Set to true if flyers should recover stamina when player is standing on instead riding.
?AllowMultipleAttachedC4=false Set to true to allow to attach more than one C4 per dino.
?AutoDestroyDecayedDinos=true Auto-destroy claimable decayed dinos on load, rather than have them remain around as Claimable.
Introduced in patch 255.0
-automanagedmods All Automatic MOD download/installation/updating.
Introduced in patch 244.3
bAppendItemSets=false Set to true to add item sets to supply crates, rather than overriding all their items. See ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems
Introduced in patch 273.7
bAppendPreventIncreasingMinMaxItemSets=false Set to true to dynamically increase the amount of items dropped. See ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems
Introduced in patch 273.7
?ClampItemSpoilingTimes=true Will clamp all spoiling times to the items' maximum spoiling times. Could potentially cause issues with Mods that alter spoiling time.
Introduced in patch 254.944
?ClampItemStats=true Enable/Disable stats clamping for items. See ItemStatClamps for more info.
Introduced in patch 255.0
-ClearOldItems All Official PvP servers one-time Clearance of all old unequipped items (with the exception of blueprints, eatables, notes, and quest items), to ensure fairness after Item Duplication bug exploit. Server admins can enforce this once if they run with this command argument (will only work ONCE' on pre-update save games)
Introduced in patch 178.0
-culture=?? All You can directly override the language by using this commandline. List of currently supported language codes: ca, cs, da, de, en, es, eu, fi, fr, hu, it, ja, ka, ko, nl, pl, pt_BR, ru, sv, th, tr, zh, zh-Hans-CN, zh-TW
-d3d10 Windows Only The game is forced to use DX10 instead of DX11 by sm4. This will reduce the graphics engine to a lesser version, reducing some graphics, but raising the framerate.
?DestroyUnconnectedWaterPipes=true All After two days real-time the pipes will auto-destroy if unconnected to any non-pipe (directly or indirectly) and no allied player is nearby.
?DisableImprintDinoBuff=true Use this to disable the Dino Imprinting-Player Stat Bonus, if you don't like it (where whomever specifically imprinted on the Dino, and Raised it to have an Imprinting Quality, gets extra Damage/Resistance buff)
-EnableIdlePlayerKick All Cause characters that have not moved or interacted within the KickIdlePlayersPeriod to be kicked.
?EnableExtraStructurePreventionVolumes=true All Use this to completely disable building in specific resource-rich areas, in particular setup on TheIsland around the major mountains.
?ExtinctionEventTimeInterval=2592000 All Use this to enable extinction for 30 days. The number is the time in seconds.
?FastDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true Will decay unsnapped foundations/pillars at 5x speed.
Introduced in patch 245.987
-ForceAllowCaveFlyers All Force Flyer dinos to be allowed into caves (Flyers able to go into caves by default on custom maps)
?ForceFlyerExplosives=true All Flyer (except Quetzal and Wyvern can't fly with C4 attached to it. Set this parameter to true to let them still fly.
Introduced in patch 252.83
-ForceRespawnDinos All Launch with this command to destroy all wild creatures on a startup. (this will only destroy wild creatures that are NOT currently being tamed)
Introduced in patch 216.0
-gameplaylogging All Survival of the Fittest servers can launch with this commandline option to output a dated log file to \Saved folder, which will contain a timestamped kill & winners log listing steam id, steam name, character name, etc. Handy for automatic Tournament records…
-insecure Windows Only Disable Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC) system.
-lowmemory All Launch options that reduces graphics and audio effects to save about 800 MB RAM, likely enabling 4GB RAM players to get past infinite-loading screens
-MapModID=######### All Dedicated servers can now optionally load custom maps via ModID diectly, rather than having to specify the map name directly, using this syntax (where the MapModID is the Steam Workshop FileID of your custom map, and the GameModIds are the Id’s of the stacked mods you wish to use, in order)
Introduced in patch 193.0
?MaxPersonalTamedDinos=Number Activates a per-tribe dino tame limit. (500 on official servers)
Introduced in patch 255.0
?MinimumDinoReuploadInterval=xxxx All Number of seconds cooldown between allowed Dino re-uploads (defaults to 0, set to 43200 on Official Servers which is 12 hours).
-noantispeedhack All Anti speedhack detection is now enabled by default — to disable it, use this server commandline
Introduced in patch 218.5
-NoBattlEye Run server without BattleEye
-NoBiomeWalls Eliminates the upcoming-Biome-change area wall effects as introduced in an unversioned addition of v241.5.
Introduced in patch 242.7
-nocombineclientmoves All Server player-move-physics optimization is now enabled by default (improves perf) — to disable it, use this server commandline
Introduced in patch 218.5
-nofishloot All disable non-meat Fish Loot when using Fishing Rod
Introduced in patch 245.9
-noninlinesaveload All Fixed a savegame corruption case with large savegames: this is experimental, so try with this command, if you have any saves that don’t load. We’ll formally roll this loader change out in a subsequent patch after we’re 100% certain it has no side effects.
-nomansky All Lots of detailed sky features are disabled, such as clouds and starry night sky. This decreases all of those but you can still have them. You still obtain the stars, the sun, and the moon. This just helps you remove the sparkling stars that make you sightless at night
-nomemorybias Reduced client game memory usage by about 600 MB system and 600 MB GPU RAM! (all meshes now stream LOD's dynamically). This could potentially have a small runtime performance impact, so to use the old method (more RAM usage but no potential performance loss), launch with -nomemorybias
?NonPermanentDiseases=true This will make Diseases not permanent (you will then lose them if you respawn).
-oldsaveformat Defaulted to using "new save format", which is approximately 4x faster and 50% smaller. If you want to use the old save format, launch with -oldsaveformat.
?OnlyAutoDestroyCoreStructures=true You can launch an autodestroy enabled server with this opion to prevent any non-core/non-foundation structures from autodestroying (however they'll still get autodestroyed if a floor that they're on gets autodestroyed, of course). Official PvE Servers use this option.
Introduced in patch 245.989
?OnlyDecayUnsnappedCoreStructures=true If set, only unsnapped core structures will decay. Useful for eliminating lone pillar/foundation spam on PvP Servers.
Introduced in patch 245.986
?OverrideOfficialDifficulty=5.0 Allows you to override the default server difficulty level of 4 with 5 to match the new official server difficulty level.
Introduced in patch 247.95
?OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=true Use this override if you want turret or spike structures to be buildable and functional on platform saddles.
Introduced in patch 242.0, changed in patch 247.999
?OxygenSwimSpeedStatMultiplier=1.0 Use this to set how swim speed is multiplied by level spent in oxygen. The value was reduced by 80% in 256.0.
Introduced in patch 256.3
?PreventDiseases=true This will completely disable Diseases on the server. (thus far just 'Swamp Fever').
Prevent Cross-ARK Data Transfer
Introduced in patch 246.0
-PreventHibernation In both Single Player and Non-Dedicated Servers creatures in inactive zones are in hibernation instead of in stasis. Use this option to prevent hibernation at the cost of performance and memory usage.
Introduced in patch 259.0
?PreventOfflinePvP=true Use this to enable the offline raiding prevention option.
?PreventOfflinePvPInterval=900 That would be a 15 min wait before a tribe/players dinos/structures become invulnerable/inactive after they log off. (if Tribe, requires ALL Tribe members logged off!)
?PreventSpawnAnimations=false Setting to true lets player characters (re)spawn without the wake up animation.
Introduced in patch 261.0
?PvEAllowStructuresAtSupplyDrops=false Set to true to allow building near supply drop points in PvE mode.
Introduced in patch 247.999
?PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier=1.0 Dino PvE Auto-Claim time multiplier
Introduced in patch 241.4
?PvPDinoDecay=true Set to true to prevent dinosaurs from decaying while the Offline Raiding Prevention is active.
?PvPStructureDecay=true Set to true to prevent structure from decaying while the Offline Raiding Prevention is active.
Introduced in patch 206.0
?RCONEnabled=True Enables RCON, needs ?RCONPort=32330 and ?ServerAdminPassword=123 to work
Introduced in patch 185.0
?RCONPort=32330 specifies the connection port for the RCON is needed for RCOn to work, you need to manually enable the specified port, any not used port can be used
Introduced in patch 185.0
?ShowFloatingDamageText=true Use this to enable RPG-style popup text stat mode.
-server ? ?
?ServerAdminPassword=passwort If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server. Also used to log in via RCON.
-servergamelog All Enable Server Admin Logs (including RCON support) use RCON command “getgamelog” to print 100 entries at a time also outputs to dated file in in “\Logs”, adjust max length of RCON buffer with commandline: “?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600”
Introduced in patch 224.0
-ServerRCONOutputTribeLogs Allows tribe chat to be displayed in rcon, in addition to global chat.
-sm4 Windows Only The game is forced to use Shader Model 4 instead of the Shader Model 5 as usual. Well, there is no much difference, the game still looks and feels the same, but you can obtain better performance (Windows only?) (reported to increase frames but changes the game lighting)
-StasisKeepControllers AI Controllers to once again be destroyed on Stasis, too much memory overhead to keeping them around on large maps. For servers with a lot of RAM, they can now optionally gain performance by running with this to keep the AI's in memory.
-StructureDestructionTag=DestroySwampSnowStructures All One-Time Auto-Structure Demolish on Swamp and Snow Zones: To do this, which you can only execute once after updating to v216, run your server or game with this commandline
?TheMaxStructuresInRange=10500 new value for maximum allowed structures on a server. replaced NewMaxStructuresInRange
Introduced in patch 252.1
?TribeLogDestroyedEnemyStructures=true By default enemy structure destruction (for the victim tribe) is not displayed in the tribe Logs, set this to true to enable it.
Introduced in patch 247.93
-USEALLAVAILABLECORES All All of your CPU cores will be used, if all of them are not being utilized after using this launch option, then try to disable it!
-usecache All ~70% faster loading speed option. Choose “Experiment Fast Load Cache” launch option (use add “-usecache” to your launch commandline manually). After the first & second times that you start the game & load will be still be slow, but the third time onwards will be fast. This may be deprecated, as of 188.2 as it was added, by default, for the PrimalData. It was also supposed to be added to all maps, but has never been clarified as to if this occurred.
?UseOptimizedHarvestingHealth=true "optimized" server with high HarvestAmountMultiplier (but less rare items).
?bRawSockets ? Direct UDP socket connections rather than Steam P2P, for significantly increased server network performance. Need to manually open ports 7777 & 7778 if you do so in order for your server to accept connections.
Introduced in patch 213.0, disabled since v311.78
-nonetthreading option for bRawSockets servers to only utilize a single thread for networking (useful to improve performance for machines with more servers than cpu cores, on Linux in particular)
Introduced in patch 271.15 seems to be deprecated with patch 271.17
-forcenetthreading Defaulted dedicated server ?bRawSockets mode to not use threaded networking, seemed to generally be a net performance loss in our analysis. Use this to forcefully enable it.
Disabled since v311.78
-vday All Activate Valentine’s Day Event (2x Mateboost Range, 3x Mating Speed/Mating Recovery, 3x Baby/Egg Maturation Speed, 1/3rd Baby Food Consumption).

Possibly deprecated; use -ActiveEvent=vday instead.

-webalarm All Activate Web alarms when important things happen to a tribe, such as Tripwire Alarms going off and Babies being born. See Web Notifications for details.
Introduced in patch 243.0
-exclusivejoin All Activate a whitelist only mode on the server that only lets players join if added to the allow list. Not to be confused with "Admin Whitelisting" which uses "AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt" to allow players to cheat. This option uses "PlayersJoinNoCheckList.txt" to allow people to join but not give them cheats. If the file does not exist in your Linux/Win64 Binaries folder, create it and add the Steam64 IDs of the players you wish to be allowed to join your server. Path; "\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\" "/ShooterGame/Binaries/Linux/".

You will need to restart your server, if you add new lines to the file while it is running. You can however use "Cheat AllowPlayerToJoinNoCheck 12345678901234567" in game, to add a new player to the whitelist. This method will also save to the file, so you don't need to reboot the server.

-ActiveEvent=<eventname> PC enables a specified event
Only one can be specified and active at a time
EasterAllows for the Easter Event to be activated
ArkaeologyAllows for the Arkaeology Event to be activated.
ExtinctionChroniclesAllows for the Extinction Chronicles Event to be activated.
WinterWonderlandAllows for Winter Wonderland 2020 Event to be activated.
vdayAllows for Love Evolved to be activated.
SummerAllows for Summer Bash 2020 Event to be activated.
FearEvolvedAllows for ARK: Fear Evolved 4 to be activated.
TurkeyTrialAllows for ARK: Turkey Trial 4 to be activated.
birthdayAllows for ARK: 5th Anniversary to be activated.
NoneDisables active event.

It is possible that some events will only work partially or not at all.

?GameModIds=ModID1,ModID2 PC Specifies the order and which mods are loaded, ModIDs need to be comma-separated
Introduced in patch 190.0
?MaxTamedDinos=4000 Sets the maximum number of tamed Dinos on a Server, this is a global cap.
Introduced in patch 191.0
?SpectatorPassword=mypassword To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. Then any client can use these console commands: requestspectator <password> and stopspectating. See patch 191.0 for more information and hotkeys.
?AllowCaveBuildingPVE=true If set to True, allows building in caves when PvE mode is also enabled.
Introduced in patch 194.0, seems to have been removed from the command-line options before patch 241.5.
?AdminLogging=true logs all admin commands to ingame chat
Introduced in patch 206.0
?ForceAllStructureLocking=true enabling this will default lock all structures
Introduced in patch 222.0
?AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier=1.0 Server Option to allow Auto-Destroying Structures after sufficient "no nearby Tribe" time has passed (defined as a multiplier of the Allow Claim period). Useful for servers to clear off abandoned structures automatically over time if they wish
Introduced in patch 222.0
?RCONServerGameLogBuffer=600 determines how many lines of gamelogs are send over RCON
Introduced in patch 224.0
?PreventTribeAlliances=true Enabling this will prevent tribes from creating Alliances
Introduced in patch 243.0
AllowRaidDinoFeeding=true To allow your Server's Titanosaurs to be permanently tamed (namely allow them to be Fed)
However, note that TheIsland currently only spawns 3 Titanosaurs whatsoever, so 3 Tamed ones would ultimately block any more Wild ones from spawning.
Introduced in patch 243.0
?AllowHitMarkers=false Use this to disable optional hitmarkers for ranged attacks
Introduced in patch 245.0
?ServerCrosshair=false Use this to disable the Crosshair on your Server
Introduced in patch 245.0
?PreventMateBoost=true Option to disable Dino Mate Boost
Introduced in patch 247.0
?ServerAutoForceRespawnWildDinosInterval Force Respawn of Wild Dinos on Server Restart. Enabled by default on official servers, this will force weekly respawns of dinos on all servers to prevent certain dino types (like the Basilo and Spino) from becoming depopulated on long running servers.
NOTE in some cases this may not work more than once
Introduced in patch 265.0
?PersonalTamedDinosSaddleStructureCost=19 determines the amount of dinoslots a platform saddle will use towards the tribe dino limit
Introduced in patch 265.0
-structurememopts PC enables structure memory optimizations
NOTE avoid using it when running structure-related mods (until they get updated) as it can break the snappoints of these mod structures
Introduced in patch 295.108
-nodinos PC prevents wild dinos from being spawned
NOTE you need to wipe dinos (cheat destroywilddinos) after adding this on a not fresh server
-noundermeshchecking PC Will turn off the anti meshing system entirely
Introduced in patch 304.445
-noundermeshkilling PC Will turn off the anti meshing player kills (but still allow teleporting)
Introduced in patch 304.445
-AutoDestroyStructures PC Enables auto destruction of old structures.
Timer can be adjusted with AutoDestroyOldStructuresMultiplier
-crossplay PC enables Crossplay (between EPIC and Steam) on Dedicated Server
Introduced in patch 311.74
-epiconly PC enables Epic Game Store only players to connect to the Dedicated Server
Introduced in patch 311.74
-UseVivox PC enables Vivox on Steam only servers
default for EPIC servers can be enabled for Steam server
Introduced in patch 311.74
-PublicIPForEpic=<IPAddress> PC this is the public IP that EGS clients will attempt to connect to, if this command line is missing and -Multihome is specified, then EGS clients will attempt to connect to the Multihome IP; Note that if you're using Multihome and specify a non-public IP address, then players will not be able to connect to your server using EGS. Make sure to set a public IP address (e.g WAN or external)
-high PC runs game (ARK:SE) as a high-priority process
-noaafonts PC removes fonts anitalising
?IgnoreLimitMaxStructuresInRangeTypeFlag=false PC Removes the limit of 150
-UseStructureStasisGrid PC enables the structure stasis grid to improve server performance on large bases with lots of players, more info can be found here:
Introduced in patch 314.5
-NewYearEvent PC enables the New Year Event; it will automaticly start at Midnight EST and Noon EST on the 1st of January 2021, unless specificly specified with the following 2 options
Introduced in patch 320.38
?NewYear1UTC=<epoch time> PC You can use to get your appropriate timestamp. Please keep in mind that this event cannot be run before Midnight EST on the 1st of January 2021, so if you wish to change your time it would have to be set after that.
Introduced in patch 320.38
?NewYear2UTC=<epoch time> PC You can use to get your appropriate timestamp. Please keep in mind that this event cannot be run before Midnight EST on the 1st of January 2021, so if you wish to change your time it would have to be set after that.
Introduced in patch 320.38
-UseItemDupeCheck PC Enables additional dupe protection (Note: this could have an impact on mods, so use with caution)
Introduced in patch 333.13

Configuration Files

Most options can also be specified in the games configuration files. The location of the configuration files varies by platform

Platform Configuration File Location
Linux GameUserSettings.ini ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
Linux Game.ini ShooterGame/Saved/Config/LinuxServer/
Windows GameUserSettings.ini ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/
Windows Game.ini ShooterGame/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/

The GameUserSettings.ini file contains options for both the game client and the game server. Options for the game client are not used by the server. Server options are specified in the section labeled [ServerSettings], which is usually located at the bottom of the file.

The Game.ini file is used for more advanced modifications, such as changing engram points or XP rewarded per level, disabling specific content, or rebalancing depending on player tastes.

For all supported platforms, options are listed one per line using the same basic syntax:


All options in the configuration file require a value. If an option is not listed in the configuration file, its default value is used automatically.

To configure a game server with the same configuration as shown in Command Line Syntax above:


With these options in the configuration file, the server can be launched with a much shorter command line. For Linux:

./ShooterGameServer TheIsland?listen

For Windows:

start ShooterGameServer.exe "TheIsland?listen"


To easily create this file, you can use this ini-Generator.

Option Value Type Default Effect
listen N/A None (command line only) Listen for (and accept) player connections from other systems
Note: This option is mandatory for multiplayer servers.
MaxTributeDinos integer 20 Slots for uploaded creatures
Note: Some player claimed maximum 273 to be safe cap and more will corrupt profile/cluster and lead to loose of all storaged creatures but it need to be checked
MaxTributeItems integer 50 Slots for uploaded items and resources
Note: Some player claimed maximum 154 to be safe cap and more will corrupt profile/cluster and lead to loose of all storaged items and resources but it need to be checked
alwaysNotifyPlayerJoined boolean False Players will always get notified if someone joins the server
alwaysNotifyPlayerLeft boolean False Players will always get notified if someone leaves the server
allowThirdPersonPlayer boolean False Enables 3rd Person view
globalVoiceChat boolean False Voice chat turns global
ShowMapPlayerLocation boolean False Show each player their own precise position when they view their map
noTributeDownloads boolean False Disables downloading characters from other servers
proximityChat boolean False Only players near each other can see their chat messages
serverPVE boolean False Disables PvP, enables PvE
serverHardcore boolean False Enables hardcore mode (player characters revert to level 1 upon death)
serverForceNoHud boolean False HUD always disabled
DisableStructureDecayPvE boolean False Disable the gradual (7 days) decay of player structures
Introduced in patch 173.0
DisableDinoDecayPvE boolean False Disable the gradual (7 days) decay of dinosaur ownership. Without this set to true, every dinosaur can be claimed by any player.
Introduced in patch 206.0
AllowFlyerCarryPvE boolean False Permit flying dinosaurs to pick up other dinosaurs and players when mounted by a player in PvE
Introduced in patch 173.0 but changed from bAllowFlyerCarryPVE to AllowFlyerCarryPVE
TheMaxStructuresInRange integer 10500 Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range.
Introduced in patch 252.1 replacing the old value NewMaxStructuresInRange
bAllowPlatformSaddleMultiFloors boolean False Set to true to allow multiple platform floors.
Introduced in patch 260.0
MaxPlayers integer 70 Specifies the maximum number of players that can play on the server simultaneously. Must be placed under [/script/engine.gamesession] in GameUserSettings.ini to function when not used in the command line.
DifficultyOffset float 0.2 Specifies the difficulty level.
ServerPassword string None If specified, players must provide this password to join the server.
ServerAdminPassword string None If specified, players must provide this password (via the in-game console) to gain access to administrator commands on the server.
SpectatorPassword string None To use non-admin spectator, the server must specify a spectator password. Then any client can use these console commands: requestspectator <password> and stopspectating. See patch 191.0 for more information and hotkeys.
DayCycleSpeedScale float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK, controlling how often day changes to night and night changes to day. The default value 1 provides the same cycle speed as the singleplayer experience (and the official public servers). Values lower than 1 slow down the cycle; higher values accelerate it. Base time when value is 1 appears to be 1 minute real time equals approx. 28 minutes game time. Thus, for an approximate 24 hour day/night cycle in game, use .035 for the value.
NightTimeSpeedScale float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during night time. This value determines the length of each night, relative to the length of each day (as specified by DayTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each night.
DayTimeSpeedScale float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the passage of time in the ARK during the day. This value determines the length of each day, relative to the length of each night (as specified by NightTimeSpeedScale. Lowering this value increases the length of each day.
DinoDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the damage dinosaurs deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.
PlayerDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the damage players deal with their attacks. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.
StructureDamageMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the damage structures deal with their attacks (i.e. spiked walls). The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values increase damage. Lower values decrease it.
PlayerResistanceMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage players receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a player taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in taking double normal damage.
DinoResistanceMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage dinosaurs receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a dino taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a dino taking double normal damage.
StructureResistanceMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the resistance to damage structures receive when attacked. The default value 1 provides normal damage. Higher values decrease resistance, increasing damage per attack. Lower values increase it, reducing damage per attack. A value of 0.5 results in a structure taking half damage while a value of 2.0 would result in a structure taking double normal damage.
XPMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the experience received by players, tribes and dinosaurs for various actions. The default value 1 provides the same amounts of experience as in the singleplayer experience (and official public servers). Higher values increase XP amounts awarded for various actions; lower values decrease it.
In 313.5 an additional hardcoded multiplier of 4 was activated.
PvEStructureDecayPeriodMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the decay rate of player structures in PvE mode. The specific effect(s) of this option and its range of valid values are unknown as of this writing.[1]
PvEStructureDecayDestructionPeriod 0 Specifies the time required for player structures to decay in PvE mode. The specific effect(s) of this option and its range of valid values are unknown as of this writing.[1]
PvEDinoDecayPeriodMultiplier float 1.0 ... Introduced in patch 206.0
TamingSpeedMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur taming speed. Higher values make taming faster.
HarvestAmountMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for yields from all harvesting activities (chopping down trees, picking berries, carving carcasses, mining rocks, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of materials harvested with each strike.
HarvestHealthMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the "health" of items that can be harvested (trees, rocks, carcasses, etc.). Higher values increase the amount of damage (i.e. "number of strikes") such objects can withstand before being destroyed, which results in higher overall harvest yields.
MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit integer Changes the maximum number of platformed-creatures/rafts allowed on the ARK (a potential performance cost)
Example: MaxPlatformSaddleStructureLimit=10 would only allow 10 platform saddles / rafts across the entire ark
Introduced in patch 212.1
PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier float 1.0 Higher number increases (on a percentage scale) max number of items place-able on saddles and rafts
Example: PerPlatformMaxStructuresMultiplier=1.5
Introduced in patch 211.0
MaxGateFrameOnSaddles integer 0 Defines the maximum amount of gateways allowed on platform saddles.
Example: MaxGateFrameOnSaddles=2
Would prevent players from placing more than 2 gateways on their platform saddles. This setting is not retroactive, meaning existing builds won't be affected. Set to 0 to not impose any limits.
Official PVP servers have it set to 2.
Introduced in patch 312.65
ResourcesRespawnPeriodMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for the respawn rate for resource nodes (trees, rocks, bushes, etc.). Lower values cause nodes to respawn more frequently.
PlayerCharacterWaterDrainMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' water consumption. Higher values increase water consumption (player characters get thirsty faster).
PlayerCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (player characters get hungry faster).
PlayerCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (player characters get tired faster).
PlayerCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for player characters' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (player characters heal faster).
DinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs' food consumption. Higher values increase food consumption (dinosaurs get hungry faster). It also affects the taming-times.
DinoCharacterStaminaDrainMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs' stamina consumption. Higher values increase stamina consumption (dinosaurs get tired faster).
DinoCharacterHealthRecoveryMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaurs' health recovery. Higher values increase the recovery rate (dinosaurs heal faster).
DinoCountMultiplier float 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor for dinosaur spawns. Higher values increase the number of dinosaurs spawned throughout the ARK.
AllowCaveBuildingPvE boolean False If set to True, allows building in caves when PvE mode is also enabled.
Introduced in patch 194.0
AllowCaveBuildingPvP boolean False If set to True, allows building in caves when PvP mode is also enabled.
Introduced in patch 326.13
BanListURL URL "" Use the official global ban list, or point to any online ban list that you want. Must be enclosed in double quotes. Before 279.233 the URL was
Introduced in patch 201.0
PvPStructureDecay boolean false Turns off structure decay on PvP servers.
TributeItemExpirationSeconds integer 86400 Set the expiration timer for uploaded items.
TributeDinoExpirationSeconds integer 86400 Set the expiration timer for uploaded dinos.
TributeCharacterExpirationSeconds integer 86400 Set the expiration timer for uploaded survivors.
AutoSavePeriodMinutes float 15.0 Set interval for automatic saves. Setting this to 0 will cause constant saving, You can however set it to 9000000 to effectively disable it.
NPCNetworkStasisRangeScalePercentEnd float
CrossARKAllowForeignDinoDownloads boolean false if set to true, you will be able to tribute download non-native creatures on the Aberration map
Introduced in patch 275.0
DisablePvEGamma boolean false Prevents use of console command "gamma" in PvE mode
Introduced in patch 207.0
EnablePvPGamma boolean false Allow use of console command "gamma" in PvP mode
Introduced in patch 174.3
TribeNameChangeCooldown integer 15 Cooldown, in minutes, in between tribe name changes
Introduced in patch 278.0
AllowHideDamageSourceFromLogs boolean false Allows the hiding of damage sources in tribe logs.
Introduced in patch 278.0
RandomSupplyCratePoints boolean false If true, supply drops are in random locations. NOTE: This setting is known to cause artifacts becoming inaccesable on [Ragnarok] if active
Introduced in patch 278.0
DisableWeatherFog boolean false If true, disables fog.
Introduced in patch 278.0
ActiveMods integer ModID Specifies the order and which mods are loaded, ModIDs need to be comma seperated and in one line
Introduced in patch 190.0
AdminLogging boolean true logs all admin commands to ingame chat
Introduced in patch 206.0
ClampResourceHarvestDamage boolean false Limit the damage caused by a dino to a resource for harvesting.
Introduced in patch 182.0
ItemStackSizeMultiplier float 1.0 allow increasing or decreasing global item stack size, this means all default stacksizes will be multiplied by the value given
Introduced in patch 291.100
PlatformSaddleBuildAreaBoundsMultiplier float 1.0 increasing the number allows structures being placed further away from the platform
bForceCanRideFliers boolean false allows flyers to be used on maps where they normally are disabled NOTE: if you set it to false it will disable flyers on any map
AllowTekSuitPowersInGenesis boolean false enable or disable TEK suit powers in Genesis Part 1
EnableCryoSicknessPVE boolean true? Enable/Disable Cryopod cooldown timer when deploying a creature. If false, deployed creatures do not experience cryosickness.
Introduced in patch 307.56
EnableCryopodNerf boolean false Enable/Disable Cryosickness when deploying a creature. The following settings need to be set also: CryopodNerfDamageMult & CryopodNerfDuration.
If true, there is no Cryopod cooldown timer, and creatures do not become unconscious.
Introduced in patch 309.53
CryopodNerfDuration integer 10 Amount of time, in seconds, Cryosickness lasts after deploying a creature from a Cryopod. If EnableCryoSicknessPVE is enabled, it will override this line.
Introduced in patch 309.53
CryopodNerfDamageMult float 0.01 Reduces the amount of damage delt by the creature after it is deployed from the cryopod, as a percentage of total damage output, and for the length of time set by CryopodNerfDuration. CryopodNerfDuration needs a valid value.
CryopodNerfDamageMult=0.01 means 99% of the damage is removed
Introduced in patch 309.53
CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent float 0.25 Increases the amount of damage taken by the creature after it is deployed from the cryopod, as a percentage of total damage received, and for the length of time set by CryopodNerfDuration.
CryopodNerfIncomingDamageMultPercent=0.25 means a realeased tame takes 25% more damage while the debuff lasts
Introduced in patch 310.11
AllowSharedConnections boolean false AllowSharedConnections=False means family sharing is disabled
Introduced in patch 312.73
CustomDynamicConfigUrl string None direct link to config file e.g.: ;
currently only the following options are supported to be adjusted dynamically: TamingSpeedMultiplier, HarvestAmountMultiplier, XPMultiplier, MatingIntervalMultiplier, BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier, EggHatchSpeedMultiplier, BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier, CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier, MatingSpeedMultiplier, BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier, BabyImprintAmountMultiplier, CustomRecipeEffectivenessMultiplier, TributeItemExpirationSeconds, TributeDinoExpirationSeconds, EnableFullDump, GUseServerNetSpeedCheck, bUseAlarmNotifications, HexagonRewardMultiplier and NPCReplacements.
Introduced in patch 307.2
MaxTamedDinos integer 4000 Sets the maximum number of tamed Dinos on a Server, this is a global cap.
Introduced in patch 191.0
NewMaxStructuresInRange integer 6000 Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range.
Introduced in patch 188.0 and deprecated with patch 252.1 by TheMaxStructuresInRange
MaxStructuresInRange integer 1300? Specifies the maximum number of structures that can be constructed within a certain (currently hard-coded) range.
Introduced in patch 173.0 and deprecated with patch 188.0 by NewMaxStructuresInRange


The following options are only available when playing the DLC Ragnarok.

They need to be set in the [Ragnarok] section (if you dont have one you can create it at the bottom) of the GameUserSettings.ini file.

NOTE: You don't need to use these settings. The game will use the default values if these settings aren't specified.

Option Value Type Default Effect
AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns boolean false false = one unicorn on the map at a time, true = one wild and unlimited tamed Unicorns on the map.
*This setting currently does not seem to work properly
UnicornSpawnInterval integer 24 How long the game should wait before spawning a new Unicorn if the wild one is killed (or tamed, if AllowMultipleTamedUnicorns is enabled). This value sets the minimum amount of time (in hours), and the maximum is equal to 2x this value.
VolcanoIntensity float 1 The lower the value, the more intense the volcano's eruption will be. Recommended to leave at 1. The minimum value is 0.25, and for multiplayer games, it should not go below 0.5. Very high numbers will basically disable the flaming rocks flung out of the volcano.
VolcanoInterval integer 0 0 = 5000 (min) - 15000 (max) seconds between instances of the volcano becoming active. Any number above 0 acts as a multiplier, with a minimum value of .1
EnableVolcano boolean true false = disabled (the volcano will not become active), true = enabled

ARK: Homestead specific

Option Value Type Default Effect
AlwaysAllowStructurePickup boolean false if true disables the timer on the quick-pickup system
StructurePickupTimeAfterPlacement float 30.0 amount of time in seconds after placement that quick pickup is available
AllowIntegratedSPlusStructures boolean true if false disables all of the new S+ structures (intended mainly for letting unofficials that want to keep using the S+ mod version to keep using that without a ton of extra duplicate structures)
StructurePickupHoldDuration float 0.5 used to specify the quick-pickup hold duration
use 0 to disable and have instant pickup


The following options can only be set in the [/script/shootergame.shootergamemode] section of Game.ini, located in the same folder as GameUserSettings.ini (see above for the location for each platform). Specifying them on the command line will have no effect.

Option Arguments Effects and Example
ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString="<Class Name>",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=<n>, bIgnoreMultiplier=<value>))
Class Name string Class Name of the item that will be overriden to new stacksize
n integer new stacksize of the specified item
value boolean if false, that means that the real stack size is ItemStackSizeMultiplier * MaxItemQuantity for that item

if true, it uses MaxItemQuantity directly and ignores the multiplier

allow manually overriding item stack size on a per-item basis


ConfigOverrideItemMaxQuantity=(ItemClassString="PrimalItemAmmo_ArrowTranq_C",Quantity=(MaxItemQuantity=543, bIgnoreMultiplier=true))

this will make the Tranqarrows stack to 543 items per stack


value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false

Set to true to allow more than one usage of Mindwipe Tonic without 24 hours cooldown.


value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false

If true, any Engram not explicitly specified in the OverrideEngramEntries or OverrideNamedEngramEntries list will be hidden. All Items and Blueprints based on hidden Engrams will be removed.
Introduced in patch 187.0


n integer Level to configure
points integer Points needed to reach level
Configure the total number of levels available to players and dinosaurs and the experience points required to reach each level.

This directive can be specified twice in the configuration file. The first time it appears, the values provided will configure player levels. The second time it appears, the values provided will configure dinosaur levels.

Because of this, each time the directive is used, it must list all of the levels players (or dinosaurs) can reach on the server. One ExperiencePointsForLevel argument must appear for each desired level. Values for <n> must be sequential, starting from zero. Keep in mind that the last 75 levels are used for ascension, meaning that you have to put 75 extra levels in your configuration file.

The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed on a single line.


The first example specifies 50 player levels and 15 ascension levels. The second example (when placed in the configuration file after the first example) specifies 35 dinosaur levels.

OverridePlayerLevelEngramPoints=<points> points = integer Configure the number of engram points granted to players for each level gained.

This option must be repeated for each player level configured on the server; if there are 65 player levels available, this option should appear in the configuration file 65 times. The first appearance of the option configures engram points for reaching level 1. The next one configures engram points for level 2, and so on all the way to the 65th appearance, which configures engram points for level 65.

GlobalSpoilingTimeMultiplier=<value> value = float
Default = 1.0
Scales the spoiling time of perishables globally. Higher values prolong the time. (Note: As of patch 196.0 there is still a bug whereby items moved to the player's inventory have their spoilage times reset to normal (value 1.0) despite what this value is set at. It seems that as of 248.5 this has been fixed.)
Introduced in patch 189.0
GlobalItemDecompositionTimeMultiplier=<value> value = float
Default = 1.0
Scales the decomposition time of dropped items, loot bags etc. globally. Higher values prolong the time.
Introduced in patch 189.0
GlobalCorpseDecompositionTimeMultiplier=<value> value = float
Default = 1.0
Scales the decomposition time of corpses, (player and dinosaur), globally. Higher values prolong the time.
Introduced in patch 189.0
classname string Class Name of resource,
see Item IDs
value float Default = 1.0
Scales on a per-resource type basis, the amount of resources harvested. Higher values increase the amount per swing/attack. E.g.:

will provide 2x the amount harvested when harvesting thatch from a tree. Resource classnames can be found at Item IDs. Functions in the same way as the global setting HarvestAmountMultiplier but for only the type of resource named on this line. Additional lines can be added with other resource types, such as Wood, Stone etc.
Introduced in patch 189.0



value = integer
Default = N/A
Overrides the Max XP cap of players & dinosaur characters, respectively, by exact specified amount.
Introduced in patch 189.0
PreventDinoTameClassNames="<classname>" classname = string Prevents taming of specific dinosaurs via classname. E.g. PreventDinoTameClassNames="Argent_Character_BP_C"

Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.
Introduced in patch 194.0

PreventTransferForClassName="<classname>" classname = string Prevents transfer of specific dinosaurs via classname. E.g. PreventTransferForClassName="Argent_Character_BP_C"Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.
Introduced in patch 326.13


classname = string

multiplier = float Default 1.0

Multiplies damage dealt of specific dinosaurs via classname. Higher values increase the damage dealt.

Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.

The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed on a single line. Multiple DinoClassDamageMultipliers and TamedDinoClassDamageMultipliers entries can be specified in the file, but ClassName values should not be repeated across multiple entries.



Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.

Introduced in patch 194.0



classname = string

multiplier = float Default 1.0

Multiplies resistance of specific dinosaurs via classname. Higher values decrease the damage received.

Dino classnames can be found on the Creature IDs page.

The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed on a single line. Multiple DinoClassResistanceMultipliers and TamedDinoClassResistanceMultipliers entries can be specified in the file, but ClassName values should not be repeated across multiple entries.



Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.

Introduced in patch 194.0



Value = float Default = 1.0 Allow resources to regrow closer or farther away from players & structures. Values higher than 1 increase the distance around players and structures where resources are not allowed to grow back. Values between 0 and 1 will reduce it.

Introduced in patch 196.0



boolean boolean (true/false) Default = N/A
value1 float Default = 300
value2 float Default = 2
value3 float Default = 60
PvP servers have an optional +1 minute additional respawn (<value3>) that doubles (<value2>) each time if you are killed by a team within 5 minutes (<value1>) of your previous death to that team (timer indicated on Spawn UI). Is enabled in pvp by default, and on all the official pvp servers. Helps prevent PvO ammo-wasting of auto turrets by repeatedly throwing sacrificial players at them.

bIncreasePvPRespawnInterval must be set to True for these options to be activated.

Introduced in patch 196.0



boolean1 Boolean (true/false) Default = N/A
boolean2 boolean (true/false) Default = N/A
value 0 to 86400 Default = N/A
value 0 to 86400 Default = N/A
Allow switching from PvE to PvP mode at pre-specified in-game times OR a pre-specified real-world (server-side) times! For more detailed information regarding using system time vs. in-game time, please see patch notes 196.0.

bAutoPvETimer must be set to True for these options to be activated.

Introduced in patch 196.0

bPvEDisableFriendlyFire=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
Prevent-Friendly-Fire (among tribesmates/tribesdinos/tribesstructures) option for PvE servers
Introduced in patch 202.0
bDisableFriendlyFire=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default =false
Prevent-Friendly-Fire (among tribesmates/tribesdinos/tribesstructures) option for PvP servers
Introduced in patch 228.4
bFlyerPlatformAllowUnalignedDinoBasing=<boolean> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
Quetz platforms will not allow any non-allied dino to base on them when they are flying. If you want your server to allow non-allied dinos to be able to stand on the Quetz platforms set this to true.
Introduced in patch 218.3
bUseCorpseLocator Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
If set to true, you will see a green light beam at the location of your death
MatingIntervalMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (on a percentage scale) interval between which dinosaurs can mate
Example: MatingIntervalMultiplier=0.5 would allow dinosaurs to mate 50% sooner

Introduced in patch 219.0

MatingSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float

Default = 1.0

Higher number increases (by percentage) speed at which dinosaurs mate with each other

Example: MatingSpeedMultiplier=2.0 would cause dinosaurs to complete mating in half the normal time

Introduced in patch ??? (this var is undocumented in patch notes)

EggHatchSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number decreases (by percentage) time needed for fertilized egg to hatch

Introduced in patch 219.0

BabyMatureSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number decreases (by percentage) time needed for baby dino to mature

Introduced in patch 219.0

BabyFoodConsumptionSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Lower number decreases (by percentage) the speed that baby dinos eat their food

Introduced in patch 222.3

CropGrowthSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) speed of crop growth
Introduced in patch 218.0
LayEggIntervalMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) time between eggs spawning / being laid
Introduced in patch 218.0
PoopIntervalMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number decreases (by percentage) how frequently you can poop
Introduced in patch 218.0
CropDecaySpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number decrease (by percentage) speed of crop decay in plots
Introduced in patch 218.0
HairGrowthSpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increase speed of hair growth.

Introduced in patch 254.0

StructureDamageRepairCooldown=<value> Value= integer
Default = 180
Option for cooldown period on structure repair from the last time damaged. Set to 180 seconds by default, 0 to disable it

Introduced in patch 222.0

bPvEAllowTribeWar=<value> Value = boolean
Default = True
False disables capability for Tribes to officially declare war on each other for mutually-agreed-upon period of time

Introduced in patch 223.0

bPvEAllowTribeWarCancel=<value> Value = boolean
Default = False
True allows cancellation of an agreed-upon war before it has actually started

Introduced in patch 223.0

bPassiveDefensesDamageRiderlessDinos=<value> Value = boolean
Default = False
True allow spike walls to damage wild/riderless Dinos

Introduced in patch 224.0

CustomRecipeEffectivenessMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) the effectiveness of a custom recipe

Introduced in patch 226.0

CustomRecipeSkillMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) the effect of the players crafting speed level that is used as a base for the formula in creating a custom recipe

Introduced in patch 226.0

DinoHarvestingDamageMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 3.2
Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Dino. The higher number, the faster you collect

Introduced in patch 231.1

PlayerHarvestingDamageMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done to a harvestable item/entity by a Player. The higher number, the faster you collect

Introduced in patch 231.1

DinoTurretDamageMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Higher number increases (by percentage) the damage done by Turrets towards a Dino

Introduced in patch 231.4

bDisableLootCrates=<value> Value = boolean
Default = False
True prevent spawning of Loot crates (artifact creates will still spawn)

Introduced in patch 231.7

SupplyCrateLootQualityMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Range= 1 to 5
Increases the quality of items that have a quality in the supply crates. The quality also depends on the Difficulty Offset.

Introduced in patch 260.0

FishingLootQualityMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Range= 1 to 5
Increases the quality of items that have a quality when fishing.

Introduced in patch 260.0

KickIdlePlayersPeriod=<value> Value = integer
Default = 3600
Time after which characters that have not moved or interacted will be kicked (if -EnableIdlePlayerKick as command line parameter is set).

Introduced in patch 241.5

TribeSlotReuseCooldown=<value> Value = float
Default = 0
Set this to a number > 0 to act as a timer. Locks a tribe slot for the value in seconds, so a value of 3600 would mean that if someone leaves the tribe, their place cannot be taken by another player (or rejoin) for 1 hour. Used on Official Small Tribes Servers.

Introduced in patch 280.114

MaxNumberOfPlayersInTribe=<value> Value = float
Default = 0
Set this to a number > 0 to act as a limit. 1 Player Tribes effectively disables Tribes

Introduced in patch 242.0

BabyImprintingStatScaleMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
How much of an effect on stats the Imprinting Quality has. Set it to 0 to effectively disable the system.

Introduced in patch 242.0

BabyImprintAmountMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
Multiplier applied to the percentage each imprints provide. For example, if an imprint usually give 10%, setting this multiplier to 0.5 means they would now give 5% each. While setting it to 2.0 means they would now give 20% each, etc.
This multiplier is global, meaning it will affect the imprinting progression of every species.
Introduced in patch 312.35
BabyCuddleIntervalMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
How often Babies wanna cuddle. More often means you'll need to cuddle with them more frequently to gain Imprinting Quality.

Introduced in patch 242.0

BabyCuddleGracePeriodMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how long after delaying cuddling with the Baby before Imprinting Quality starts to decrease.

Introduced in patch 242.0

BabyCuddleLoseImprintQualitySpeedMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how fast Imprinting Qualitiy decreases after the grace period if you haven't yet cuddled with the Baby.

Introduced in patch 242.0

ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts See section ConfigOverrideItemCraftingCosts for an example.

Currently doesn't change repair cost and demolish refund of edited structures. Results in potential exploit for lowered crafting costs and may make structures unrepairable.

Note: if using stack mods, refer to the mod new resources instead of vanilla ones (i.e.: PrimalItemResource_Electronics_Child_C instead of PrimalItemResource_Electronics_C)

Introduced in patch 242.0

ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems See section ConfigOverrideSupplyCrateItems for an example

Introduced in patch 242.0

ExcludeItemIndices=<value> Value = one Item ID Exclude an item from supply crates. You can have multiple lines of this option.
MaxTribeLogs=<value> Value = integer
Default = 100
How many Tribe logs are displayed for each tribe.

Introduced in patch 224.0

PvPZoneStructureDamageMultiplier=<value> Value = float
Default = 6.0
Specifies the scaling factor for damage structures take within caves.
The lower the value, the less damage the structure takes (i.e. setting to 1.0 will make structure built in or near a cave receive the same amount of damage as those built on the surface).
Introduced in patch 187.0
bDisableDinoRiding=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
bDisableDinoTaming=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
bDisableStructurePlacementCollision=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
If 'true' allows for structures to clip into the terrain.
bAllowCustomRecipes=<value> Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
Introduced in patch 224.0
bAutoUnlockAllEngrams=<value> Value = boolean(true/false)
Default = false
unlocks all Engrams available. -Ignores OverrideEngramEntries and OverrideNamedEngramEntries entries.

introduced in patch 273.62

index text Engram Classname
value integer Level you need
to gain to unlock
the Engram automatically
automatically unlocks the specified Engram when reaching the level specified

this example unlocks the Tek Teleporter with level 0:


introduced in patch 273.62

bHardLimitTurretsInRange Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
Introduced in patch 278.0
bShowCreativeMode Value = boolean (true/false)
Default = false
Enables creative mode.

Introduced in patch 278.0

PreventOfflinePvPConnectionInvincibleInterval Value = float
Default = 5.0
Introduced in patch 278.0
TamedDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how fast tame dinos consume food.

Introduced in patch 278.0

WildDinoCharacterFoodDrainMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how fast wild dinos consume food.

Introduced in patch 278.0

WildDinoTorporDrainMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how fast wild dinos lose torpor.

Introduced in patch 278.0

PassiveTameIntervalMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how often you get tame requests for passive tame dinos.

Introduced in patch 278.0

TamedDinoTorporDrainMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier on how fast tamed dinos lose torpor.

Introduced in patch 278.0

KillXPMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for a kill
Introduced in patch 243.0
HarvestXPMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for harvesting
Introduced in patch 243.0
CraftXPMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for crafting
Introduced in patch 243.0
GenericXPMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for generic XP (automatic over time)
Introduced in patch 243.0
SpecialXPMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to scale the amount of XP earned for SpecialEvents
Introduced in patch 243.0
Value = ModID specify a manual list of extra Steam Workshop Mods/Maps/TC ID's to download/install/update in your Game.ini via (with the commandline(-automanagedmods) as normal to actually use them in-game)
Introduced in patch 244.3
FastDecayInterval Value =integer
Default = 43200
Enable this option for a fixed constant decay period for "Fast Decay" structures (such as pillars or lone foundations). Value is in seconds.
MaxAlliancesPerTribe Value = integer
Default = N/A
Define the maximum alliances a tribe can form or be part of.
MaxTribesPerAlliance Value = integer
Default = N/A
Define the maximum of tribes in an alliance.
bUseTameLimitForStructuresOnly Value = boolean if true will make Tame Units only be applied and used for Platforms with Structures and Rafts effectively disabling Tame Units for Dinos without Platform Structures
UseCorpseLifeSpanMultiplier Value = float modifies corpse AND dropped box lifespan
Introduced in patch 275.0
FuelConsumptionIntervalMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
Define the interval of fuel consumption.

Introduced in patch 264.0

GlobalPoweredBatteryDurabilityDecreasePerSecond Value = float
Default = 3
Introduced in patch 275.0
DestroyTamesOverLevelClamp Value = integer
Default = 0
Tames that exceed that level will be deleted on server start. Official servers have it set to 449.

Introduced in patch 255.0

LimitNonPlayerDroppedItemsRange Value = integer
Default = 0
Limit the number of droppeditems in an area (together with LimitNonPlayerDroppedItemsCount). Official servers have it set to 1600

Introduced in patch 302.4

LimitNonPlayerDroppedItemsCount Value = integer
Default = 0
Limit the number of droppeditems in an area(together with LimitNonPlayerDroppedItemsRange). Official servers have it set to 600

Introduced in patch 302.4

MaxFallSpeedMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
Defines the falling speed multiplier at which players starts taking fall damage. The falling speed is based on the time players spent in the air while having a negated Z axis velocity meaning that the higher this setting is, the longer players can fall without taking fall damage. For example, having it set to 0.1 means players will no longer survive a regular jump while having it set very high such as to 100.0 means players will survive a fall from the sky limit, etc. This setting doesn't affect the gravity scale of the players so there won't be any physics difference to the character movements.

Introduced in patch 279.224

bIgnoreStructuresPreventionVolumes Value = boolean
Default = true
Enable building in Mission Volumes on Genesis Part 1
bGenesisUseStructuresPreventionVolumes Value = boolean
Default = true
Disable building in mission areas on Genesis Part 1 if set to true
bAllowFlyerSpeedLeveling Value = boolean
Default = false
Specifies whether flyer creatures can have their Movement Speed leveled up.
Introduced in patch 321.1
CraftingSkillBonusMultiplier Value = float
Default = 1.0
A multiplier to modify the bonus received from upgrading the Crafting Skill.

Introduced in patch 259.32


Option Value Type Default Effect
bDisableDefaultMapItemSets boolean false Disable Genesis 2 Tek Suit on Spawn.

Introduced in patch 329.7

bDisableGenesisMissions boolean false Disables missions on Genesis
bDisableWorldBuffs boolean false Disables world effects from Missions (Genesis: Part 2) altogether.
Introduced in patch 329.51
bEnableWorldBuffScaling boolean false Makes world effects from Missions (Genesis: Part 2) scale from server settings, rather than add/subtract a flat amount to the value at runtime.
Introduced in patch 329.25
WorldBuffScalingEfficacy float 1 Makes world effects from Missions (Genesis: Part 2) scaling more or less effective when setting bEnableWorldBuffScaling=true. 1 would be default, 0.5 would be 50% less effective, 100 would be 100x more effective.
Introduced in patch 329.51
MutagenLevelBoost[stat ID] integer 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0 Number of levels Mutagen Mutagen adds to tames with wild ancestry.
Introduced in patch 329.51
Stat IDs
0 Health Health
1 Stamina Stamina / Charge Capacity Charge Capacity
2 Torpidity Torpidity
3 Oxygen Oxygen / Charge Regeneration Charge Regeneration
4 Food Food
5 Water Water
6 Temperature
7 Weight Weight
8 Melee Damage Melee Damage / Charge Emission Range Charge Emission Range
9 Movement Speed Movement Speed / Maewing Maewing's Nursing Effectiveness
10 Fortitude Fortitude
11 Crafting Speed Crafting Speed
MutagenLevelBoostBred[stat ID] integer 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 Analogical to MutagenLevelBoost, but for bred dinos.
Introduced in patch 329.51

Turret Limit related



override boolean if true enable the Limit
range integer determines the area in which turrets are added towards the limit, the value is UE4 units
turrets integer determines the maximum number of turrets that are allowed in the area

Limits the maximum allowed automated turrets (including Plant Species X) in a certain range.
Introduced in patch 274.0

Engram Entries



index||integer||Index of the engram

class_name integer Class name of the engram
hidden false If true, hide the engram in the players' Engrams panel
cost integer Engram points needed to learn engram
level integer Minimum level needed to learn engram
remove_prereq false Remove the need of prerequisite engrams to learn this engram.


Configure the status and requirements for learning an engram. For OverrideEngramEntries the EngramIndex argument is always required, for OverrideNamedEngramEntries the EngramClassName argument is always required; the rest are optional, but at least one must be provided in order for the option to have any effect. The option may be repeated in Game.ini once for each engram to be configured.

The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed entirely on a single line. Multiple OverrideEngramEntries and OverrideNamedEngramEntries entries can be specified in the file, but EngramIndex and EngramClassName values should not be repeated across multiple entries.

For the Engram Index and Engram Class Name see Engram classnames.


OverrideEngramEntries=(EngramIndex=0, EngramHidden=false)
OverrideEngramEntries=(EngramIndex=1, EngramHidden=false, EngramPointsCost=3, EngramLevelRequirement=3, RemoveEngramPreReq=true)
OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntry_Campfire_C",  EngramHidden=false)
OverrideNamedEngramEntries=(EngramClassName="EngramEntry_StoneHatchet_C", EngramHidden=false, EngramPointsCost=3, EngramLevelRequirement=3, RemoveEngramPreReq=true)

Creature Spawn related




spawn_class string Spawn Group Container Class Name, see Spawn entries
spawn_name string Spawn Name
factor float Weight Factor for this spawn
entity_id string Entity ID of the dinosaur or creature to be added, see Creature IDs
percentage float Sets the maximum allowed dinosaurs or creatures for this instance

Allows specified dinosaurs/creatures to spawn in specified locations directly through the spawners limited to what is specified.


Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.

Adding 1 Giganotosaurus to the beach spawn area:

 NPCSpawnEntries=((AnEntryName="GigaSpawner", EntryWeight=1000.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Gigant_Character_BP_C"))),
 NPCSpawnLimits=((NPCClassString="Gigant_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.01))

Adding a pack of two Dodos and a Rex to the Herbivore Island:

   (AnEntryName="Dodos (2)", EntryWeight=1.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Dodo_Character_BP_C","Dodo_Character_BP_C")),
   (AnEntryName="Rex (1)", EntryWeight=0.5, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Rex_Character_BP_C"))
   (NPCClassString="Dodo_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5),
   (NPCClassString="Rex_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.01)

Introduced in Patch 248.0




spawn_class string Spawn Class String, see Spawn entries
entity_id string Entity ID of the dino or creature to be removed, see Creature IDs

Completely removes specified dinosaurs/creatures from specified locations. More than one dinosaur/creature can be specified.

You cannot reference the same Spawn Entry in multiple lines and have them all take effect, even if the Entity ID or Spawn Class referenced is different between each line. If removing multiple dinosaurs/creatures from the same Spawn Entry, use one line to do so.

Example: Removing Trike and Pteros from the Beach.


Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.

Introduced in Patch 248.0




spawn_class string Spawn Class String, see Spawn entries
spawn_name string Spawn Name
factor float Weight Factor for this spawn
entity_id string Entity ID of the dino or creature to override other spawns, see Creature IDs
percentage float Sets the maximum allowed dinos or creatures for this instance

Overrides all dinosaurs/creatures within a specified area with specified dinos, allows for areas to be dedicated for the spawning of specific dinosaurs/creatures. Does not prevent wanderers from entering said location.

For example: If you want only Rexes and Carnos to spawn in the Mountain Region

  (AnEntryName="CarnoSpawner", EntryWeight=1.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Carno_Character_BP_C")),
  (AnEntryName="RexSpawner", EntryWeight=1.0, NPCsToSpawnStrings=("Rex_Character_BP_C"))
  (NPCClassString="Carno_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5),
  (NPCClassString="Rex_Character_BP_C", MaxPercentageOfDesiredNumToAllow=0.5)

Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.

Introduced in Patch 248.0




tag string Dinosaur type to adjust, see Creature IDs (column Name Tags)
factor float Weight factor for this type
override false If true, use the specified SpawnLimitPercentage
limit float Maximum percentage (among all spawns) for this type

Customizes the spawning rate for a given dinosaur type (at all dinosaur spawn points). Types with a larger SpawnWeightMultiplier are selected more often when spawning new dinosaurs than types with lower multipliers. When OverrideSpawnLimitPercentage is specified (and true), the type will never be spawned more than SpawnLimitPercentage * 100 percent of the time, regardless of multiplier. For example, a SpawnLimitPercentage of 0.25 specifies that the type will be selected for spawning no more than 25% of the time.

The examples provided here are split into multiple lines for space considerations. In the configuration file, an entry must be placed entirely on a single line. Multiple DinoSpawnWeightMultipliers entries can be specified in the file, but DinoNameTag values should not be repeated across multiple entries.


Line breaks and spaces are here for better readability of the example. Keep it as one line in your configuration file.


NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="<classname>", ToClassName="<classname>")


classname string Spawn Class String, see Creature IDs (column Entity ID)

This can be used to disable specific Alpha Creatures, replace the spawns of a particular NPC (NPC=Non-player character, i.e. a dino) with that of a different NPC, or completely disable any specific NPC spawn.

NPCReplacements=(FromClassName="MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C", ToClassName="Dodo_Character_BP_C")

Dynamic Config:

As of 319.14, NPC replacements can be defined through the dynamic config. However, the syntax is slightly different. Rather than having multiple entries each defining a single replacement, it must be a single entry mapping all of them. For example (note the extra brackets):

NPCReplacements=((FromClassName="MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C", ToClassName="Dodo_Character_BP_C"))

Any additional replacements must be mapped inside that set separated by a comma like so:

NPCReplacements=((FromClassName="MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C", ToClassName="Dodo_Character_BP_C"), (FromClassName="Coel_Character_BP_C", ToClassName="Piranha_Character_BP_C"))

Introduced in patch 196.0




attribute integer

0: Health
1: Stamina / Charge Capacity
2: Torpidity
3: Oxygen / Charge Regeneration
4: Food
5: Water
6: Temperature
7: Weight
8: MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range
9: SpeedMultiplier
10: TemperatureFortitude
11: CraftingSpeedMultiplier

multiplier float Default = 1.0, see table below for the default value

Changes the base stats of a player by multipling with the default value. Meaning the start stats of a new spawned character.

Introduced in patch 254.6

Default values:

Attribute default output
0 Health 1.0 100.0
1 Stamina 1.0 100.0
2 Torpidity 1.0 200.0 (you still become unconscious at 50 regardless of total amount)
3 Oxygen 1.0 100.0
4 Food 1.0 100.0
5 Water 1.0 100.0
6 Temperature 0.0 0.0 (Unused stat)
7 Weight 1.0 100.0
8 MeleeDamageMultiplier 0.0 100% (Base cannot be increased)
9 SpeedMultiplier 0.0 100% (Base cannot be increased)
10 TemperatureFortitude 0.0 0 (Base cannot be increased)
11 CraftingSpeedMultiplier 0.0 100% (Base cannot be increased)




type text

no type given: Multiplier applied for each tamed level-up point
_Add: Multiplier immediately added for tamed dino
_Affinity: Multiplier applied dependant on affinity

attribute integer

0: Health
1: Stamina / Charge Capacity
2: Torpidity
3: Oxygen / Charge Regeneration
4: Food
5: Water
6: Temperature
7: Weight
8: MeleeDamageMultiplier / Charge Emission Range
9: SpeedMultiplier
10: TemperatureFortitude
11: CraftingSpeedMultiplier

multiplier float Default = 1.0 or see table below

Allows changing the amount of stats gained for each level.
E.g.: PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player[7]=2.0 would mean that weight-increase per level is 2x as much as default for players.
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_Player changes the amount for players.
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoTamed changes the amount for tamed dinos.
PerLevelStatsMultiplier_DinoWild changes the amount for wild dinos.
To nearly disable gaining stats use 0.01 because setting the value to 0 makes it default to 1.0

Examples for different types effecting Health of a tamed dino:


Introduced in patch 202.0

Default Values:

Attribute Wild Tamed Tamed_Add Tamed_Affinity
0 Health 1 0.2 0.14 0.44
1 Stamina 1 1 1 1
2 Torpidity 1 1 1 1
3 Oxygen 1 1 1 1
4 Food 1 1 1 1
7 Weight 1 1 1 1
8 Damage 1 0.17 0.14 0.44
9 Speed 1 1 1 1

If bUseSingleplayerSettings=true then the following multipliers are applied additionally to the configured (or default) values.

Attribute Tamed Tamed_Add Tamed_Affinity
0 Health × 2.125 × 3.571 × 2.273
8 Damage × 2.353 × 3.571 × 2.273



That's an example of how to make the Hatchet require 1 thatch and 2 stone arrows to craft. And to make the torch require 3 raw meat and 2 cooked meat to craft (because ya know, Meat Torches are the best torches!)

Every Item Class String can be found in the Dev Kit.



That's an example of how to completely override the items contained in the regular Level 3 supply crate, to contain just some stone and thatch for example.

Since v273.7 the SupplyCrateClassString also takes a part of the class name. E.g. "SupplyCrate" will override all supply crates. You can also set bAppendItemSets=true to add item sets to supply crates, rather than totally overriding all their items. And you can set bAppendPreventIncreasingMinMaxItemSets=true to dynamically increase the amount of items dropped by however many additional itemsets you add (only applies when bAppendItemSets=true).

All of the Item class strings and Supply Crate names can, of course, be found in the ARK Dev Kit and on page Beacon IDs!

Tutorial: Modify loot crate contents (v242)


NOTE: The command line argument ClampItemStats need to be set to true for the clamping to be enabled on your server. See Command Line Syntax.



attribute integer

0: Generic Quality
1: Armor
2: Max Durability
3: Weapon Damage Percent
4: Weapon Clip Ammo
5: Hypothermal Insulation
6: Weight
7: Hyperthermal Insulation

value integer The algorithm used appears to be the following:

<Initial Value Constant> + ((<ItemStatClamps[<attribute>]> * <State Modifier Scale>) * (<Randomizer Range Multiplier> * <Initial Value Constant>))

Each items have their own specific data which can be found in the Dev Kit.

For example, here are the values needed to have the same clamping as official servers for Armor and Weapon Damage Percent:


This would clamp Saddles to 124.0 armor (74.5 for the 'tank' creatures such as Doedicurus, Rock Elemental, etc.), Flak Armor pieces to 496.0 armor, Longneck Rifle to 298.0% damage, etc.

WARNING: This will permanently change the stats of any existing items so make sure to backup your current save before modifying and playing with the clamping values.

Administrator Whitelisting

Players can be whitelisted as administrators on the server via their SteamID. These players can use cheat commands on the server automatically, as if they had authenticated themselves via the enablecheats command (described below).

To whitelist administrators, create the file ShooterGame/Saved/AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt. In the file, list each player's SteamID, one per line.

SteamIDs for all connected players can be listed in-game via the cheat ListPlayers command. Players can be kicked from the server (using their SteamIDs) via the cheat KickPlayer command. Refer to the following section for details.

Note: When this method is used, it is not necessary to specify a server administrator password. A password can still be specified, and can be used by players not on the whitelist to gain administrator privileges, but the server will function without it and will still automatically grant privileges to whitelisted administrators.

Cross-ARK Data Transfer

How Cross-ARK Data Transfer works [2]

1. For Officials, you can 'upload' Survivors from TheIsland or TheCenter via the "ARK Tribute" option available at any Supply Crate or Tribute Terminal. You can then 'download' these Survivors onto an Official ScorchedEarth Server of that same game mode. Currently only Survivors are allowed to travel TO ScorchedEarth (they can not have any items on them), in order to keep it balanced for the time being. However, FROM ScorchedEarth you can transfer Survivors, Items, and Dinos, which you can then download (via the ARK Tribute) onto TheIsland or TheCenter. So indeed you can bring all ScorchedEarth Items, Dinos, and Survivors (and thus Scorched Earth Engrams) onto TheIsland or TheCenter to extend your capabilities there. When transferring a Survivor between ARKs using this method, Tribes should be retained. However Alliances will not be retained, and will need to be re-setup on the other side.

2. For Unofficial Servers, if they wish to allow dynamic Cross-ARK Travel, they will need to run two Servers on the same box from the same directory, and then you can launch with the following commandlines:

ShooterGameServer.exe ScorchedEarth_P?SessionName=MySession1?AltSaveDirectoryName=Save1 -NoTransferFromFiltering -clusterid=mycluster123
ShooterGameServer.exe TheIsland?SessionName=MySession2?AltSaveDirectoryName=Save2  -NoTransferFromFiltering  -clusterid=mycluster123

(the clusterid must be the same between the servers!)
(to avoid saves from clashing each server should use distinct values for: ?AltSaveDirectoryName=<SaveFolderName>)

you also have options like:


247.85 added the ability to specify a common cross-server storage location that functions between multiple servers running on the same machine by adding the following launch parameter to each server:


3. Meanwhile, in singleplayer, you can just use the "ARK Tribute" option and then go back to the main menu and host on the other map, and download your data accordingly.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Drake (23 June 2015). "Extended Game Options: How to Configure your Custom ARK server". Server Hosting & Advertisement. Steam Community :: ARK: Survival Evolved. Retrieved 19 July 2015.