ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki

Everything on the Genesis Page should be based around Genesis Part 1 for the time being[]

Due to us knowing next to nothing about Genesis Part 2 i think It'll make it more easier to just align everything with what we know as for all we know Genesis Part 2 will share very little similarities with Genesis Part 1 and we could even get a entirely new map (or multiple maps again like in Genesis Part 1) with new creatures.

Personally even though they are both bought through the season pass i think they should have their own separate pages as if Genesis Part 2 does in fact have a new map (or multiple) then it'll be very confusing to adjust the page when we have 2 different Expansions with separate locations and creatures on a single page making the page feel very scattered and unorganized.

Wild Bosses roaming around Genesis?[]

In the trailer it was shown that there was a megapithecus fighting a giga and in the end of extinction it showed every creature being released. Plus there's evidence by Rockwell escaping as well as the fact it's fighting a giga and gigas cant go into arenas so does that mean there will be bosses roaming the map that we can fight for rewards?

I imagine if yes they probably will only be gamma difficulty and they probably won't spawn in minions so that their not too overpowered, plus the megapithecus in the trailer wasn't spawning in minions.

We'll probably get broodmothers too and at a push maybe dragons and manticores roaming the map as well, tell me what you think. Scribelord24 (talk) 15:28, 8 October 2019 (UTC)

Also I think they will possibly be temporary tames like the Titanosaur, Ice Titan, Forest Titan and Desert Titan but have the permanent option for single player and probably one tamed at a time like the Titans. Scribelord24 (talk) 16:34, 8 October 2019 (UTC)

About the delay[]

A big oof, but an expected one at that. Just wasn't prepared to see a delay so soon... 16:56, 22 October 2019 (UTC)

Confirmed Mantis sighting on genesis?[]

Creature section for Genesis includes Mantis spawn, but Mantis page itself doesn't show any spawn maps for Genesis 23:54, 4 March 2020 (UTC)Mews