Server Name
OC Official Server 84
Dino Ownership
Tribe Owned
Dino Taming
Tribe Taming
Structure Ownership
Tribe Owned
Locks and Pincodes
Tribe Locks & Pincodes
Dothraki is an ARK Tribe led by Tushar_95 on OC Official Server 84.
We are a clan that has come together to create an experience unlike any other.
About Tribe[]
Our tribe was formed by a wild hunter named Tushar on his journey through the wild when he built a small shack for himself. He later met a forager named xXEvilXx and they came together to make the Dothraki into what they are today.
How to Join[]
Steam: Tushar_95 Email:
Tribe Island Location[]
Southern Islets. Exact coords only given to members.