The Aiel
Rhuarc / Turok
Server Name
Official Server 344
Dino Ownership
Personal Taming
Dino Taming
Tribe Taming
Structure Ownership
Personally Owned, Tribe Snap, Admin Demolish
Locks and Pincodes
Tribe Locks & Pincodes
The Aiel is an ARK Tribe led by mdh2 on Official Server 344.
Small IRL friend group. We focus on building a base, taming, and getting more land for us.
Current members are IRL friends, but always looking for more. Looking to add anyone willing to contribute to the tribe. Goals include survival, expansion of the base, taming dinos for personal / tribe use, and end-game. The Aiel are willing to help anyone proven a worthy ally.
How to Join[]
BrokenArrow 12 (Rhuarc) / Zoncker (Turok)
Tribe Island Location[]
South Island