Founding: This tribe was founded on PvP-Hardcore-OfficialServer385. The group was founded from surviving members of a previous clan and a lone wolf.
A New Beginning: When the Hard reset occured on all the servers minus each players levels, we knew the race was on to establish themselves and secure a cave. We found South 1 cave. The initial rush was to get to wood structures. It had to be locked down from being able to be broken into. Because the levels weren't wiped, this only took a few moments. While scavenging for resources they came across another survivor with 3 tamed dilos at a resource drop. He was heavily RPing, and might have been seeking to attack us. He turned around for a moment and we took off. He later referred to us in a public chat as "3 f*gs in a cave" to which we briefly named ourselves. He was never seen again.
Removal of Threats: As our group grew, we watched public chat. Several groups tended to boast about their tamed dinosaurs, while others came to the server stating how they were going to wipe this "easy server." We knew we had to remove them, but needed to scout around. TankeZone's tribe was found in the South East cave. They were a group of 4. His group had a complex base which included several dinos behind a wooden spike wall and the entrance was blocked with metal. It also had a piping system from the ocean to an area for extracting water safely from inside the wall. We devoted several hours gathering resources and taming dinos for the attack. When night befell the server, we took several dinos to their base, along with plenty of weapons. After breaking a spike wall down along with the wooden wall behind it, we disposed of their dinos one by one using various methods. Drowning them, shooting them with arrows, and letting some dinos eat them, as they were hungry from the journey. Next we breached their doorway and found them sleeping behind the front door. Surprised that they would all be sleeping and not have a watch over the base was incredible. After disarming them and dragging their unconscious bodies outside, we rummaged through their base. Nothing too extravagant was found. All talk. Killing them while unconscious wasn't a solution because at the time, dying in such a cowardly way would only result in them keeping their levels and respawning on the beach. We chose to leave them in wooden prisons separate from each other.
With the taste of fresh blood in our mouths, we couldn't let the news get out before we strike another threat. Come the Crimson Kings. They harbored a gentleman by the name of Alice. His blatant bragging and profound use of slanderous/racist comments doomed them. Over public chat they mentioned the North frequently, we decided to hunt down their locations. We took two T-rexs and traveled quickly through the forest. We stumbled upon Alice's base while he was taming a ptero and a stego. The rush was swift and used a two pronged approach. He in vain jumped on his trike to battle. His dying words were, "GET OFF THE SERVER, YOU F*CK*NG HACKERS." The rest of the team was disposed of similarly to the previous tribe.
Plans and Agendas: After removing the two largest groups from the server, it was understood that any allies of these may be looking to remove us. We needed a back up plan. We decided to secure ourselves in another cave. South 2 was chosen. One of our members had also decided to split off and use his own resources for his own personal projects. He took the small island south east of South 1 Cave. He had another agenda though; to see if there were any aggressive tribes out there. He built an elaborate base with a stone wall covering much of the northern side of the island. His plan worked. Only a few days after, tempting eyes caught sight of our prize. He was raided, many metal lost and various other resources.
A Slip in Morals: Tiny was a good guy, but he was growing. We justified his ruination by this. It was quick and silent. His fate was the cage.
The Hunt, The Kill: We knew to steal that much material from us, one would have to be fairly close. We looked to the west. A couple tribes were found. Jibs and Te'Ryn. They seemed to be allies as they were fairly close to each other and talked a lot over the public chat. After scouting out their bases, we determined it couldn't be them. Their sites didn't scream power, nor dinos to do such a task. It didn't feel right. It couldn't be them. We looked to the east. The South East island found. A massive stone structure. A large building placed in the water. Several large dinos including spinos and sarcos. Scaling up the cliff side with a large ladder and lookout tower. These guys, Pingu Tribe, had to be the ones. We investigated their base by breaking in. Each member was protected by stone rooms, but their flaw...wooden roofs to these rooms. Easily broken into at this point. After looking in their chests, it was like they were scaling for a massive battle. Their fate was death. Goodbye Pingu.
Jibs' End: Throughout the day, Jibs was particularly boastful. He also was picking on anyone who had thatch houses near his, as they were a perceived threat. One of our members mentioned that it's unlikely that they were a threat. He denied this and took those who were new to the server out to the ocean via bird. He death sentenced them, and we death sentenced him. Again, 2 trexs and a ptero. We used the ptero to scout his base. Lots of dinos. We attacked his dinos with the ptero, and ran them mostly off the cliff. He noticed and asked, "Hey, whats up?" We then rushed his base with the rexs. He proceeded to, instead of defending, to call for help over chat and stated he was being raided. An interesting tactic. Te'Ryn responded by stating, "Bad luck dude." His death was quick and must have spent the majority of his time taming dinos as the loot was only of basic resources.
New Friends, New Enemies: A new tribe formed up on the southern stone beach. The Laughing Men. They seemed to be a very funny tribe. Always cracking jokes in public chat and keeping things light. We spoke to them briefly and decided they would be good company to keep. After scouting around on the east, we found several survivors on raptors running around the Ptoria Base. We engaged them in conversation but they seemed very cautious and ready to strike as their weapons were drawn and aimed in our direction. They were known as the Beach Tribe. As time passed, we caught word of them threatening our friends in the south. It was time for their removal. We found their base next to Tiny's. Two trexs, an argentis, and a ptero with scoped rifles and grenades were to be their end. As we approached their base, they were exiting. Spotting us enclosing, they went back into their base and shut the door. Breaking through their roof, grenades were lobbed into the hole. Their screams can still be heard as the explosions ripped through everything living. It appeared as one of their members were away from the slaughter as he came walking up the hill unsure what was going on. We briefly spoke to him. You could hear the shaking in his voice as he was either scared of his fate or anger of what had happened. He left and we followed at a distance. He went to Te'Ryn calling for help. Knowing that they were now allies, we engaged the remaining members, and left him for last. Searching through Te'Ryn's base found he too was preparing for war. We spared him his life, but made sure he was no longer a threat. It was shortly there after when he and his girlfriend let the entire server know about his feelings for the island than for her.
Spelunking Scares: A member of our tribe needed help so two members went to rescue him. One rescuer nearly died when falling off a wall, his raptor valiantly fought off several snakes and spiders, but was overwhelmed. Upon it's death the rider clipped through the wall and fell into water down below. He knew his time was short to find a solution as he was very much underwater, very cold, and his stamina for swimming was burning quickly. Having fallen through the earth before, he knew he could clip back through the wall and find a surface to stand on. He did, and his fellow adventurers began their journey to save him. The area where he rested was not quite in the cave, and his food consisted of about 30 berries. He decided he had to get to an area he could be found. Leaving his location he swam to the next wall to clip through. It looked promising, but his heart sunk when he was greeted by 12 piranhas. Thankfully his pike and flak armor could take the brunt of the fight. Disposing of several of them in a few seconds, it seemed as though he might just make it, then he took damage from behind. A sarco, with 4 friends. Stamina nearly out, and less than a quarter health, he had to swim to find safety. There was a pillar. Climbing up, he ate half the berries to help get any health back he could while he prayed his friends would arrive soon. It appeared the sarcos were busy fighting the remaining piranha and eating the dead ones. That was short lived when they turned back to the tribe member. Knocking him off the pillar, he had to swim to the next spot, which was a ramp. The sarcos chased him up it, but he hid in some metal nodes until his friends arrived and made it safely back home.
The Crimson Kings Slip: T.Pickles notified a member of our tribe that a member of his tribe has attacked our cave in the north east. That member got stuck and clipped through the wall and died. T.Pickles felt terrible and wanted us to help him get his dino back. After spending a better part of the day trying to retrieve it, he gave up. We have now a permanent guard in our north east base behind our metal door. A trex.