ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki
ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki


What are we?[]

We are a friendly tribe on OfficialServer14. Our goal is to gain enough status and influence in the server to keep it fun for everyone else. Currently we are well on our way to achieving this goal. I encourage everyone in the tribe to use voice chat as a primary means of communication within the tribe and our medium of communication is TeamSpeak3 which we own our own server.

All members are expected to be able to be self-reliant and not be given handouts. Of course we are willing to help and assist whenever possible but we are not here to hold hands and spoil new players. It is because of this, we try not to accept players under level 15 (exceptions do apply). There is a main base for members to store dinos and supplies, but newcomers may build their own base where they like as long as it doesn't intrude on other tribes' territory or impede valuable resources from spawning.


  • Be friendly: It's as simple as that. Don't be obnoxious to those undeserving. Have patience with a degree.
  • Don't Raid Unless Provoked: We have all been new players that have cherished our little 2x2 thatch house we made. Thus we do not raid anybody unless we are given cause to. Here are some examples that are acceptable to start a raid.
    1. Small bases impeding resource spawns. Try to notify the owner and if no response is given after 2 days, demolish it.
    2. Unprovoked attack. If you are attacked and killed without reason and that person's tribe (if in one) does not respond to you, that person becomes KOS and their base is fair game.
    3. Allied conflict. We have allies that share our same perspective and goals. If they become endangered it is our duty to help defend them and retaliate if needed.
  • Work for the Tribe: The cliche, "There is no I in Team." sums it up pretty well. You only get what you put in. If you haven't been helping gather resources and tame dinos or haven't been participating in voice or chat then don't expect anyone to assist you with anything you need help with.
  • Be Active: Once we gain a few more members, there will be one week grace period before an individual becomes deemed "Inactive". After that one week, that person will be kicked from the tribe. Advanced notice with an estimated return date will exempt that person until a week after the return date.
  • Have Fun!: This may all sound daunting and super serious but all in all, this is a game. There will be some "grindy" moments but I guarantee there will be more fun times. There are some group events in the works to change up some of the monotony.

Tribe Creations[]


The co-leader F1r3 has his very own youtube channel showcasing some adventures throughout our tribes creation and expansion.

F1r3's YouTube Channel

Here are some of his videos that he's made so far.
