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This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia.
Spawn Commandcheat gfi vessel 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Structures/DesertFurnitureSet/Vessel/PrimalItemStructure_Vessel.PrimalItemStructure_Vessel'" 1 0 0
Resources breakdown [Expand]
The Vessel is a structure in the Scorched Earth-DLC of ARK: Survival Evolved.
The Vessel is a container for Preserving Salt. It increases the spoiling time for Preserving Salt by a factor of 50
v · d · eStructures |
| Primitive |
Crafting | | | Production | | | Irrigation |
Metal Irrigation Pipe ( Flexible, Inclined, Intake, Intersection, Straight, Tap, Vertical) • Stone Irrigation Pipe ( Flexible, Inclined, Intake, Intersection, Straight, Vertical, Tap) • Water Reservoir ( Metal) | | Storage | | | Furniture | | | Weaponry | | | Elevator | | | Vehicles | |
| | Industrial |
Crafting | | | Production | | | Power | | | Storage | | | Furniture | | | Weaponry | | | Elevator | | | Vehicles | |
| | Tek |
Crafting | | | Production | | | Power | | | Storage | | | Furniture | | | Weaponry | | | Vehicles | |
| | Other |